protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Home); session = new UserSessionManagement(Application.Context); button1 = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.connect); textview1 = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.TextView1); textview2 = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.textView2); button1.Click += Button1_Click; if (session.checkLogin()) { Finish(); } Dictionary <string, string> user = session.getUserDetails(); string name = user[UserSessionManagement.KEY_NAME]; string email = user[UserSessionManagement.KEY_EMAIL]; MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(";Port=3306;database=yzi38822; User Id=yzi38822;Password=M0kTZX33pyO6;"); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } string query = "SELECT user,password FROM members WHERE user = '******'"; MySqlDataReader reader = new MySqlCommand(query, con).ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { new AlertDialog.Builder(this) .SetMessage("Bienvenue " + (reader["user"].ToString())) .Show(); StartActivity(typeof(Profil)); } else { reader.Close(); } }
public StartConcept() { InitializeComponent(); this.local_program_version.Text = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); SQLiteConnection connection = null; SQLiteDataReader reader = null; try { connection = new SQLiteConnection(this.dbPath); connection.Open(); reader = new SQLiteCommand("select content from version where id=1", connection).ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); this.local_db_version.Text = reader["content"].ToString(); reader.Close(); connection.Close(); } catch (Exception) { this.local_db_version.Text = "取版本号错"; } MySqlConnection connection1 = new MySqlConnection("Database=zyg;Data;User Id=cst;Password=q1w2e3r4t5Y^U&I*O(P);pooling=false;CharSet=utf8;port=3307"); connection1.Open(); MySqlDataReader reader1 = null; try { reader1 = new MySqlCommand("select content from version order by id", connection1).ExecuteReader(); reader1.Read(); this.server_program_version.Text = reader1["content"].ToString(); reader1.Read(); this.server_db_version.Text = reader1["content"].ToString(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("取不到数据库版本号"); } finally { reader1.Close(); connection1.Close(); } }
//Get the student's full name public static string getFullName(string username) { List <string> classlist = new List <string>(); string name = "~N/A"; try { Console.WriteLine("SELECT CONCAT(first_name,' ',last_name) FROM student WHERE login_id = '" + username + "';"); MySqlDataReader reader = new MySqlCommand("SELECT CONCAT(first_name,' ',last_name) as name FROM student WHERE login_id = '" + username + "';", conn).ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { name = reader.GetString("name"); } reader.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } return(name); }
public static void GetFromDB(List <Disciple> DataList, string str) { conn.Open(); MySqlDataReader reader = new MySqlCommand { CommandText = str, Connection = conn }.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { DataList.Add(new Disciple( ((int)reader["DID"]).ToString(), (string)reader["Title"], (string)reader["ZvitForm"], ((int)reader["HoursCount"]).ToString())); } reader.Close(); conn.Close(); }
public static void GetFromDB(List <Res4Storage> DataList, string str) { conn.Open(); MySqlDataReader reader = new MySqlCommand { CommandText = str, Connection = conn }.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { DataList.Add(new Res4Storage( (string)reader["SName"], (string)reader["Surname"], (string)reader["GName"], ((int)reader["Course"]).ToString())); } reader.Close(); conn.Close(); }
static private void genReport(string start, string end) { MySqlConnection connect; MySqlDataReader dataReader; try { connect = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["connectionStr"]); connect.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Connected!"); string sqlQuery = "SELECT order_date,store_name,quantity,list_price,first_name,last_name FROM orders " + "INNER JOIN stores ON stores.store_id = orders.store_id " + "INNER JOIN order_items ON order_items.order_id = orders.order_id " + "INNER JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id " + "WHERE order_date BETWEEN " + "'" + start + "'" + " AND " + "'" + end + "'"; dataReader = new MySqlCommand(sqlQuery, connect).ExecuteReader(); var columns = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < dataReader.FieldCount; i++) { columns.Add(dataReader.GetName(i)); } string colOutput = string.Format("{0,-10}\t|{1,-10}\t| {2,-10} | {3,-10} | {4,-10} | {5,-10}", columns[0], columns[1], columns[2], columns[3], columns[4], columns[5]); Console.WriteLine(colOutput); if (dataReader.HasRows) { while (dataReader.Read()) { string output = string.Format("{0} | {1} | {2} | {3} | {4} | {5}", dataReader.GetString(0), dataReader.GetString(1), dataReader.GetString(2), dataReader.GetString(3), dataReader.GetString(4), dataReader.GetString(5)); Console.WriteLine(output); } } dataReader.Close(); connect.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Conncection Error!"); } }
public void LoadBanedIP(ref object banips) { MySqlConnection connection = DAO.GetConnection(); try { connection.Open(); string cmdText = "SELECT * FROM banned_ip"; MySqlDataReader mySqlDataReader = new MySqlCommand(cmdText, connection).ExecuteReader(); while (mySqlDataReader.Read()) { string @string = mySqlDataReader.GetString("mask"); DateTime dateTime = mySqlDataReader.GetDateTime("time_end"); object[] array; bool[] array2; NewLateBinding.LateCall(banips, null, "Add", array = new object[2] { @string, new BannedIP(@string, dateTime) }, null, null, array2 = new bool[2] { true, false }, IgnoreReturn: true); if (array2[0]) { @string = (string)Conversions.ChangeType(RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(array[0]), typeof(string)); } } mySqlDataReader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(ex); Exception ex2 = ex; log.Error((object)ex2); ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } finally { connection.Close(); } }
public static bool SearchUserByName(string username) { using (MySqlDataReader reader = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM sg_account", Manager.MySqlConnection).ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { if (username == (String)reader["char_name"]) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } reader.Close(); return(false); } }
public static List <Dictionary <string, string> > CheckStockForSupplier(MySqlConnection conn) { List <Dictionary <string, string> > List = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); conn.Open(); string query = "SELECT * FROM Piece"; MySqlDataReader reader = new MySqlCommand(query, conn).ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Dictionary <string, string> component = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "Ref", reader["Ref"].ToString() }, { "Code", reader["Code"].ToString() }, { "Dimensions", reader["Dimensions(cm)"].ToString() }, { "Height", reader["hauteur"].ToString() }, { "Width", reader["largeur"].ToString() }, { "Depth", reader["profondeur"].ToString() }, { "Color", reader["Couleur"].ToString() }, { "CustomerPrice", reader["Prix-Client"].ToString() }, { "Stock", reader["Enstock"].ToString() }, { "StockMin", reader["Stock minimum"].ToString() }, { "SupplierOnePrice", reader["Prix-Fourn 1"].ToString() }, { "SupplierTwoPrice", reader["Prix-Fourn2"].ToString() }, { "SupplierOneDelay", reader["Delai-Fourn 1"].ToString() }, { "SupplierTwoDelay", reader["Delai-Fourn2"].ToString() } }; int inStock = int.Parse(component["Stock"].ToString()); int minStock = int.Parse(component["StockMin"].ToString()); if (inStock < minStock) { List.Add(component); } } reader.Close(); conn.Close(); return(List); }
internal static PlayerData GetPlayerData(string username) { if (IsConnected()) { MySqlDataReader rdr = new MySqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM player_data WHERE name = '{username}'", con).ExecuteReader(); PlayerData p = new PlayerData(); while (rdr.Read()) { = rdr.GetString(0); p.wins = rdr.GetInt32(1); p.kills = rdr.GetInt32(2); p.deaths = rdr.GetInt32(3); p.tasksCompleted = rdr.GetInt32(4); } rdr.Close(); return(p); } return(null); }
public static void GetFromDB(List <Groups> DataList, string str) { conn.Open(); MySqlDataReader reader = new MySqlCommand { CommandText = str, Connection = conn }.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { DataList.Add(new Groups( ((int)reader["GID"]).ToString(), ((int)reader["Starosta"]).ToString(), ((int)reader["FID"]).ToString(), (string)reader["GName"], ((bool)reader["IsTemp"])?"True":"False")); } reader.Close(); conn.Close(); }
public List <string>[] Select(long n, string query) { List <string>[] listArray = new List <string> [n]; int index = 0; while (index < n) { listArray[index] = new List <string>(); index++; } if (this.OpenConnection()) { MySqlDataReader reader = new MySqlCommand(query, this.connection).ExecuteReader(); try { while (reader.Read()) { for (index = 0; index < n; index++) { if (reader.GetString(index).Equals((string)null)) { listArray[index].Add(""); } else { listArray[index].Add(reader.GetString(index)); } } } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Check Again!"); } reader.Close(); this.CloseConnection(); return(listArray); } return(listArray); }
public List <Dictionary <string, object> > custom(string query, string[] _fields = null) { List <Dictionary <string, object> > result = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); MySqlDataReader reader = new MySqlCommand(query, this.con).ExecuteReader(); string[] useFields = this.fields.ToArray(); if (_fields != null) { useFields = _fields; } while (reader.Read()) { Dictionary <string, object> row = new Dictionary <string, object>(); foreach (string field in useFields) { row.Add(field, reader[field]); } result.Add(row); } reader.Close(); return(result); }
public MembersPage() { this.InitializeComponent(); string content = null; string sql = "SELECT * FROM web.xe_documents WHERE document_srl=163"; App.conn.Open(); MySqlDataReader connreader = new MySqlCommand(sql, App.conn).ExecuteReader(); while (connreader.Read()) { content = connreader["content"].ToString(); } content = HtmlTo_String(content); ContentTextBlock.Text = content; connreader.Close(); App.conn.Close(); }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { base.OnNavigatedTo(e); var parameters = e.Parameter as DocumentsInfo; string date = null; string userID = null; docsNum = parameters.docNumber; string sql = "SELECT * FROM web.xe_documents WHERE document_srl=\"" + docsNum + "\""; App.conn.Open(); MySqlDataReader connreader = new MySqlCommand(sql, App.conn).ExecuteReader(); while (connreader.Read()) { title = connreader["title"].ToString(); name = connreader["nick_name"].ToString(); date = connreader["last_update"].ToString().Substring(0, 4) + "." + connreader["last_update"].ToString().Substring(4, 2) + "." + connreader["last_update"].ToString().Substring(6, 2); content = connreader["content"].ToString(); userID = connreader["user_id"].ToString(); } TitleTextBlock.Text = title; NameTextBlock.Text = name; DateTextBlock.Text = date; //content HTML -> string content = HtmlTo_String(content); ContentTextBlock.Text = content; connreader.Close(); App.conn.Close(); if (userID != App.currentUserInfo.currentUserID) { EditButton.IsEnabled = false; DeleteButton.IsEnabled = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Get all movie genres from the database /// </summary> /// <returns>A String list contains all the genres</returns> public List <String> GetGenreStringList() { List <String> list = new List <String>(); MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(connStr); try { conn.Open(); MySqlDataReader reader = new MySqlCommand("SELECT DISTINCT(GENRE) FROM MOVIE", conn).ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { list.Add(reader.GetString("genre")); } reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } conn.Close(); return(list); }
public List <Dictionary <string, object> > SelectAll(string sql) { var allValues = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); lock (Lock) { try { MySqlDataReader dataReader = new MySqlCommand(sql, Connection).ExecuteReader(); DataTable schemaTable = null; while (dataReader.Read()) { allValues.Add(GetValues(dataReader, schemaTable)); } dataReader.Close(); } catch (MySqlException ex) { Log.Warn("MySQL", ex); } } return(allValues); }
/// /// \brief Constructor for the GenConfig page. /// /// \details <b>Details</b> /// This method is the constructor for the GenConfig page. It /// It queries the database for all GenConfig options and then /// displays them in TextBoxes that are in GenConfig.xaml. /// /// \param none - This method has no parameters. /// /// \return <b>void</b> - This method doesn't return anything. /// public GenConfig() { InitializeComponent(); //MySqlCommand displayTheCarrier = new MySqlCommand(genConfigQuery, connectToDatabase).ExecuteReader(); // Open connection to the TMS database and create the query string MySqlConnection connectToDatabase = DAL.OpenDatabaseConnection(DAL.ConnectionString_tms); string genConfigQuery = "SELECT * FROM GenConfigOptions"; // Execute the query MySqlDataReader reader = new MySqlCommand(genConfigQuery, connectToDatabase).ExecuteReader(); try { //Read the information in the database and display in textboxes while (reader.Read()) { var targettingIPAddress = reader.GetString("TargetIPAddress"); var CommPorts = reader.GetString("CommPorts"); //LogFileDirectory.Text = logDirectory; LogFileDirectory.Text = Logger.LogPath_m; TargetingIP.Text = targettingIPAddress; TargetingPort.Text = CommPorts; } } catch (MySqlException configLoad_e) { Logger.Log("An error has occurred while loading General Configuration Options from the TMS database.", configLoad_e.Message); } finally { // Always call Close when done reading. reader.Close(); } }
public void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { { //Загрузка строки подключения if (!File.Exists("connection.txt")) { File.Create("connection.txt"); MetroFramework.MetroMessageBox.Show(this, "Это первый запуск программы, задайте настройки подключения", "Внимание"); return; } else { ConnectionString = File.ReadAllText("connection.txt"); } } try { MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(ConnectionString); conn.Open(); MySqlDataReader reader = new MySqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM manufacturer_warehouses;", conn).ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Storehouse.Items.Add(reader[2].ToString()); } reader.Close(); conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MetroFramework.MetroMessageBox.Show(this, "Невозможно подключится к серверу, обратитесь к администратору", "Ошибка подключения"); } }
// Token: 0x060000E9 RID: 233 RVA: 0x0001695C File Offset: 0x00014B5C public XElement Serialize(Client User) { XElement result2; using (MySqlConnection result = SQL.GetConnection().GetAwaiter().GetResult()) { int num = 0; using (MySqlDataReader mySqlDataReader = new MySqlCommand("SELECT ID FROM clans ORDER BY Points DESC;", result).ExecuteReader()) { if (mySqlDataReader.HasRows) { mySqlDataReader.Read(); try { while (mySqlDataReader.Read()) { num++; if (mySqlDataReader.GetInt64(0) == this.ID) { mySqlDataReader.Close(); break; } } mySqlDataReader.Close(); } catch { } } } this.Points = 0; XElement xelement = new XElement("clan"); try { xelement.Add(new XAttribute("name", this.Name)); xelement.Add(new XAttribute("description", Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(this.Description)))); xelement.Add(new XAttribute("clan_id", this.ID)); xelement.Add(new XAttribute("creation_date", this.CreationTime)); xelement.Add(new XAttribute("leaderboard_position", num)); Client client = ArrayList.OnlineUsers.Find((Client Attribute) => Attribute.Player.Nickname == this.LeaderName); if (client != null) { xelement.Add(new XAttribute("master_badge", client.Player.BannerBadge)); xelement.Add(new XAttribute("master_stripe", client.Player.BannerStripe)); xelement.Add(new XAttribute("master_mark", client.Player.BannerMark)); } else { Player player = new Player { Nickname = this.LeaderName }; player.Clan.ID = this.ID; if (player.Load(false).Result) { xelement.Add(new XAttribute("master_badge", player.BannerBadge)); xelement.Add(new XAttribute("master_stripe", player.BannerStripe)); xelement.Add(new XAttribute("master_mark", player.BannerMark)); } } foreach (XElement content in this.ClanMembers.Elements("clan_member_info")) { xelement.Add(content); } xelement.Add(new XAttribute("clan_points", User.Player.Clan.Points)); User.Player.Clan.ID = this.ID; User.Player.Save(); result2 = xelement; } catch (Exception) { result2 = xelement; } } return(result2); }
private void updateUser() { String surname = textbox_surname.Text; String surname_col = ""; String type = combobox_clienttype.SelectedIndex.ToString(); String type_col = ""; String business_name = textBox_business_name.Text; String business_name_col = ""; String vat_id_1 = textBox_vat_id.Text; String vat_id_1_col = ""; String vat_id_2 = textBox_vat_id_2.Text; String vat_id_2_col = ""; String vat_id_3 = textBox_vat_id_3.Text; String vat_id_3_col = ""; String address_street = textBox_address_route.Text; String address_street_col = ""; String number = textBox_address_number.Text; String number_col = ""; String city = textBox_address_city.Text; String city_col = ""; String region = textBox_address_region.Text; String region_col = ""; String phone = textBox_phone.Text; String phone_col = ""; String mail = textBox_mail_address.Text; String mail_col = ""; if (surname != "") { surname = "\"" + surname + "\""; surname_col = ",`" + Properties.Settings.Default.col_customer_surname + "`="; } if (type != "") { type_col = ",`" + Properties.Settings.Default.col_customer_type + "`="; } if (business_name != "") { business_name = "\"" + business_name + "\""; business_name_col = ",`" + Properties.Settings.Default.col_customer_business_name + "`="; } if (vat_id_1 != "") { vat_id_1 = "\"" + vat_id_1 + "\""; vat_id_1_col = ",`" + Properties.Settings.Default.col_customer_vat_id_1 + "`="; } if (vat_id_2 != "") { vat_id_2 = "\"" + vat_id_2 + "\""; vat_id_2_col = ",`" + Properties.Settings.Default.col_customer_vat_id_2 + "`="; } if (vat_id_3 != "") { vat_id_3 = "\"" + vat_id_3 + "\""; vat_id_3_col = ",`" + Properties.Settings.Default.col_customer_vat_id_3 + "`="; } if (address_street != "") { address_street = "\"" + address_street + "\""; address_street_col = ",`" + Properties.Settings.Default.col_customer_address_street + "`="; } if (number != "") { number = "\"" + number + "\""; number_col = ",`" + Properties.Settings.Default.col_customer_address_number + "`="; } if (city != "") { city = "\"" + city + "\""; city_col = ",`" + Properties.Settings.Default.col_customer_address_city + "`="; } if (region != "") { region = "\"" + region + "\""; region_col = ",`" + Properties.Settings.Default.col_customer_address_region + "`="; } if (phone != "") { phone = "\"" + phone + "\""; phone_col = ",`" + Properties.Settings.Default.col_customer_phone + "`="; } if (mail != "") { mail = "\"" + mail + "\""; mail_col = ",`" + Properties.Settings.Default.col_customer_mail_address + "`="; } string query = "UPDATE `" + Properties.Settings.Default.customers_table_name + "` SET `" + Properties.Settings.Default.col_customer_name + "`=" + '\"' + textbox_name.Text + '\"' + surname_col + surname + type_col + type + business_name_col + business_name + vat_id_1_col + vat_id_1 + vat_id_2_col + vat_id_2 + vat_id_3_col + vat_id_3 + address_street_col + address_street + number_col + number + city_col + city + region_col + region + phone_col + phone + mail_col + mail + " WHERE `" + Properties.Settings.Default.col_customers_customer_id + "`=" + customer_index.ToString(); Debug.WriteLine(query); var reader = new MySqlCommand(query, dBConnection.Connection).ExecuteReader(); reader.Close(); }
private void сдатьНакладнуюToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (InputInvoices.SelectedItems.Count == 0) { return; } if (InputInvoices.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[6].Text.Length > 1) { return; //Если уже сдана } MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(Properties.Resources.MySqlConnectionString); try { connection.Open(); List <string> cells = new List <string>(); { //Получаем свободные складские ячейки MySqlDataReader reader = new MySqlCommand($"SELECT `WarehouseCell`.`ID` FROM `WarehouseCell` WHERE `WarehouseCell`.`ID` NOT IN (SELECT `technique`.`Cell_Id` FROM technique)", connection).ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { cells.Add(reader[0].ToString()); } reader.Close(); } if (cells.Count == 0) { MetroFramework.MetroMessageBox.Show(this, "Нет свободных складских ячеек", "Предупреждение"); connection.Close(); return; } CloseInputInvoice CloseInvoiceForm = new CloseInputInvoice(cells); CloseInvoiceForm.ShowDialog(); if (!CloseInvoiceForm.OK) { return; } { //Обновляем накладную в таблицe new MySqlCommand($"UPDATE Invoices SET `Passed the invoice` = '{FIO}' WHERE Number = {InputInvoices.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[0].Text}", connection).ExecuteNonQuery(); } { //Добавляем в таблицу товаров на складе new MySqlCommand($"INSERT INTO technique VALUES ('{warehouseId}', '{CloseInvoiceForm.metroComboBox1.Text}', '{InputInvoices.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text}', '{InputInvoices.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[2].Text}', '{InputInvoices.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[3].Text}')", connection).ExecuteNonQuery(); } { //Изменяем запись InputInvoices.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[6].Text = FIO; //Добавляем в лист товаров ListViewItem item = TovarsListView.Items.Add(InputInvoices.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text); item.SubItems.Add(CloseInvoiceForm.metroComboBox1.Text); item.SubItems.Add(InputInvoices.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[2].Text); item.SubItems.Add(InputInvoices.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[3].Text); } connection.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MetroFramework.MetroMessageBox.Show(this, $"Ошибка \n{ex.Message}", "Ошибка"); } }
private void WarehouseBrowser_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(Properties.Resources.MySqlConnectionString); conn.Open(); { //Заполнение таблицы товаров MySqlDataReader reader = new MySqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM technique WHERE Warehouse_ID = '{warehouseId}';", conn).ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { ListViewItem item = TovarsListView.Items.Add(reader[2].ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(reader[1].ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(reader[3].ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(reader[4].ToString()); } reader.Close(); } { //Заполнение приходных накладных MySqlDataReader reader = new MySqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM Invoices WHERE Warehouse_ID = '{warehouseId}' AND Type = 'Приходная';", conn).ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { ListViewItem item = InputInvoices.Items.Add(reader[0].ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(reader[2].ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(reader[3].ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(reader[4].ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(reader[5].ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(reader[6].ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(reader[7].ToString()); } reader.Close(); } { //Заполнение расходных накладных MySqlDataReader reader = new MySqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM Invoices WHERE Warehouse_ID = '{warehouseId}' AND Type = 'Расходная';", conn).ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { ListViewItem item = OutputListView.Items.Add(reader[0].ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(reader[2].ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(reader[3].ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(reader[4].ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(reader[5].ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(reader[6].ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(reader[7].ToString()); } reader.Close(); } { //Заполнение таблицы складских ячеек MySqlDataReader reader = new MySqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM WarehouseCell WHERE Warehouse_ID = '{warehouseId}';", conn).ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { ListViewItem item = WarehouseCell.Items.Add(reader[1].ToString()); item.SubItems.Add($"{reader[2].ToString()}-{reader[3].ToString()}-{reader[4].ToString()}-{reader[5].ToString()}-{reader[6].ToString()}"); item.SubItems.Add(reader[2].ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(reader[3].ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(reader[4].ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(reader[5].ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(reader[6].ToString()); } reader.Close(); } { //Заполнение таблицы внутренних переводов MySqlDataReader reader = new MySqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM Transfers WHERE Warehouse_ID = '{warehouseId}';", conn).ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { ListViewItem item = TransferOperations.Items.Add(reader[1].ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(reader[2].ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(reader[3].ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(reader[4].ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(reader[5].ToString()); } reader.Close(); } UpdateCellSize(); conn.Close(); }
private void добавитьПриходнуюНакладнуюToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(Properties.Resources.MySqlConnectionString); List <string> types = new List <string>(); { //Запись в список всех типов техники, которые доступны для этого склада try { connection.Open(); MySqlDataReader reader = new MySqlCommand($"SELECT Name FROM technique_types WHERE Warehouse_ID = '{warehouseId}'", connection).ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { types.Add(reader[0].ToString()); } reader.Close(); connection.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MetroFramework.MetroMessageBox.Show(this, $"{ex.Message}", "Ошибка получения типов"); return; } } AddInputInvoice AddForm = new AddInputInvoice(types); AddForm.ShowDialog(); if (!AddForm.OK) { return; } try { connection.Open(); new MySqlCommand($"INSERT INTO Invoices VALUES (null, '{warehouseId}', '{AddForm.TechniqueComboBox.Text}', '{AddForm.NameTextBox.Text}', {AddForm.CountTextBox.Text}, '{DateTime.Now.ToString()}', '{FIO}', '', 'Приходная') ", connection).ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close(); { ListViewItem item = null; item = InputInvoices.Items.Count == 0 ? InputInvoices.Items.Add("1") : InputInvoices.Items.Add((int.Parse(InputInvoices.Items[InputInvoices.Items.Count - 1].SubItems[0].Text) + 1).ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(AddForm.TechniqueComboBox.Text); item.SubItems.Add(AddForm.NameTextBox.Text); item.SubItems.Add(AddForm.CountTextBox.Text); item.SubItems.Add(DateTime.Now.ToString()); item.SubItems.Add(FIO); item.SubItems.Add(""); } } catch (Exception ex) { MetroFramework.MetroMessageBox.Show(this, $"{ex.Message}", "Ошибка"); } }
private void metroButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Вывести статистику chart1.Series["Количество"].Points.Clear(); DateTime[] diapazon = new DateTime[] { this.metroDateTime1.Value, this.metroDateTime2.Value }; MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(Properties.Resources.MySqlConnectionString); try { conn.Open(); } catch (Exception ex) { MetroFramework.MetroMessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message, "Ошибка"); return; } int Day = 0; MySqlDataReader readbuff = null; switch (metroComboBox1.Text) { case "Количеству приходных накладных": { for (DateTime active = metroDateTime1.Value; active.Month <= metroDateTime2.Value.Month && active.Day <= metroDateTime2.Value.Day; active = active.AddDays(1), Day++) { readbuff = new MySqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM Invoices WHERE Type = 'Приходная' ORDER BY CreateDate", conn).ExecuteReader(); //MessageBox.Show(active.ToString()); int count = 0; while (readbuff.Read()) { if (DateTime.Parse(readbuff[5].ToString()).Year == active.Year && DateTime.Parse(readbuff[5].ToString()).Month == active.Month && DateTime.Parse(readbuff[5].ToString()).Day == active.Day) { count++; } } chart1.Series["Количество"].Points.Add(count, Day); readbuff.Close(); } break; } case "Количеству расходных накладных": { for (DateTime active = metroDateTime1.Value; active.Month <= metroDateTime2.Value.Month && active.Day <= metroDateTime2.Value.Day; active = active.AddDays(1), Day++) { readbuff = new MySqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM Invoices WHERE Type = 'Расходная' ORDER BY CreateDate", conn).ExecuteReader(); int count = 0; while (readbuff.Read()) { if (DateTime.Parse(readbuff[5].ToString()).Year == active.Year && DateTime.Parse(readbuff[5].ToString()).Month == active.Month && DateTime.Parse(readbuff[5].ToString()).Day == active.Day) { count++; } } chart1.Series["Количество"].Points.Add(count, Day); readbuff.Close(); } break; } } conn.Close(); }
private void Btn_AjandekHozzaadas_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Btn_AjandekHozzaadas.Text == "Ajándék hozzáadása") { try { string ajandekNev = TxtBox_AjandekNev.Text; string ajandekUzlet; if (TxtBox_AjandekUzlet.ForeColor == Color.Gray) { ajandekUzlet = null; } else { ajandekUzlet = TxtBox_AjandekUzlet.Text; } string sql = "INSERT INTO ajandek.ajandek(nev,uzlet) VALUES('" + ajandekNev + "','" + ajandekUzlet + "');"; MySqlDataReader reader; reader = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn).ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { } reader.Close(); ajandekListBox.Items.Clear(); AdatBetoltes(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } else { try { string ajandekNev = TxtBox_AjandekNev.Text; string ajandekUzlet; int ajandekID = ((Ajandek)ajandekListBox.SelectedItem).Id; if (TxtBox_AjandekUzlet.ForeColor == Color.Gray) { ajandekUzlet = null; } else { ajandekUzlet = TxtBox_AjandekUzlet.Text; } string sql = "UPDATE ajandek SET nev='" + ajandekNev + "', uzlet='" + ajandekUzlet + "' WHERE id = " + ajandekID + ";"; MySqlDataReader reader; reader = new MySqlCommand(sql, conn).ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { } reader.Close(); ajandekListBox.Items.Clear(); AdatBetoltes(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } TxtBox_AjandekNev.Text = "Ajándék neve"; TxtBox_AjandekNev.ForeColor = Color.Gray; TxtBox_AjandekUzlet.Text = "Üzlet neve"; TxtBox_AjandekUzlet.ForeColor = Color.Gray; }
internal static Dictionary <string, object> Get(int CharacterID) { Dictionary <string, object> CharacterData = new Dictionary <string, object>(); MySqlDataReader ResultReader; ResultReader = new MySqlCommand($"select * FROM usercharacter WHERE UserCharacterID = {CharacterID}") { Connection = Connection }.ExecuteReader(); ResultReader.Read(); CharacterData.Add("CharacterID", ResultReader.GetInt64(0)); CharacterData.Add("Name", ResultReader.GetString(2)); //The 0 here is an Ordinal CharacterData.Add("GuildID", ResultReader.GetInt64(3)); CharacterData.Add("Credits", ResultReader.GetInt64(4)); CharacterData.Add("LastInInstanceID", ResultReader.GetInt16(5)); CharacterData.Add("LastInInstance", ResultReader.GetInt64(6)); CharacterData.Add("PositionX", ResultReader.GetFloat(7)); CharacterData.Add("PositionY", ResultReader.GetFloat(8)); CharacterData.Add("Deleted", ResultReader.GetBoolean(10)); ResultReader.Close(); ResultReader = new MySqlCommand($"select * FROM usercharacterxp WHERE UserCharacterID = {CharacterID}") { Connection = Connection }.ExecuteReader(); ResultReader.Read(); CharacterData.Add("MageXP", ResultReader.GetInt64(1)); CharacterData.Add("HealerXP", ResultReader.GetInt64(2)); CharacterData.Add("AttackerXP", ResultReader.GetInt64(3)); CharacterData.Add("TankXP", ResultReader.GetInt64(4)); CharacterData.Add("WoodcuttingXP", ResultReader.GetInt64(5)); CharacterData.Add("CombatXP", ResultReader.GetInt64(6)); ResultReader.Close(); ResultReader = new MySqlCommand($"select * FROM usercharacteroutfit WHERE CharacterID = {CharacterID} AND IsEquipped = 1") { Connection = Connection }.ExecuteReader(); ResultReader.Read(); CharacterData.Add("HeadIndex", ResultReader.GetInt16(3)); CharacterData.Add("HeadColor", ResultReader.GetString(4)); CharacterData.Add("HairIndex", ResultReader.GetInt16(5)); CharacterData.Add("HairColor", ResultReader.GetString(6)); CharacterData.Add("EyesIndex", ResultReader.GetInt16(7)); CharacterData.Add("EyesColor", ResultReader.GetString(8)); CharacterData.Add("TorsoIndex", ResultReader.GetInt16(9)); CharacterData.Add("TorsoColor", ResultReader.GetString(10)); CharacterData.Add("ArmsIndex", ResultReader.GetInt16(11)); CharacterData.Add("ArmsColor", ResultReader.GetString(12)); CharacterData.Add("HandsIndex", ResultReader.GetInt16(13)); CharacterData.Add("HandsColor", ResultReader.GetString(14)); CharacterData.Add("LegsIndex", ResultReader.GetInt16(15)); CharacterData.Add("LegsColor", ResultReader.GetString(16)); CharacterData.Add("FeetIndex", ResultReader.GetInt16(17)); CharacterData.Add("FeetColor", ResultReader.GetString(18)); ResultReader.Close(); return(CharacterData); }
/// <inheritdoc /> /// <summary> /// Initializes a new DatabaseConnection to the MySQL database specified within the connection /// parameters. This also ensures that a database will be created if none is present. /// </summary> /// <param name="keyWordCache"> /// Cache all existing keywords locally, used by the crawer for faster cheks of existing /// keywords, used for the crawler /// </param> public DatabaseConnection(bool keyWordCache = false) { if (DatabaseConnectionString == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("DatabaseConnectionString must be set before initialising objects"); _generatedKeywordsUncached = new Dictionary<string, Keyword>(); Database.EnsureCreated(); // Check if a fulltext index is given, since entity framework has no support for it // we use the "classic" MySqlConnection if (!_fullTextChecked) { bool fulltextsearch = false; using MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(DatabaseConnectionString); connection.Open(); MySqlDataReader reader = new MySqlCommand("SHOW INDEX FROM SearchIndex;", connection).ExecuteReader(); // Check if the fulltext index exists while (reader.Read()) if (reader.GetString("Key_name") == "SearchIndex" && reader.GetString("Column_name") == "SearchString" && reader.GetString("Index_type") == "FULLTEXT") fulltextsearch = true; reader.Close(); // if the fulltext index was not found add it if (!fulltextsearch) { MySqlCommand commandCreateFulltext = new MySqlCommand( "ALTER TABLE SearchIndex ADD FULLTEXT INDEX SearchIndex (SearchString);", connection); commandCreateFulltext.ExecuteNonQuery(); } connection.Close(); bool fulltextrepo = false; using MySqlConnection connection2 = new MySqlConnection(DatabaseConnectionString); connection2.Open(); MySqlDataReader reader2 = new MySqlCommand("SHOW INDEX FROM GitHubRepositories;", connection2).ExecuteReader(); // Check if the fulltext index exists while (reader2.Read()) if (reader2.GetString("Key_name") == "DescriptionIndex" && reader2.GetString("Column_name") == "Description" && reader2.GetString("Index_type") == "FULLTEXT") fulltextrepo = true; reader2.Close(); // if the fulltext index was not found add it if (!fulltextrepo) { MySqlCommand commandCreateFulltext = new MySqlCommand( "ALTER TABLE GitHubRepositories ADD FULLTEXT INDEX DescriptionIndex (Description);", connection2); commandCreateFulltext.ExecuteNonQuery(); } connection2.Close(); _fullTextChecked = true; } // Generating a local database of keywords because a search for an existing keyword in the DbSet // is extremely slow. if (!keyWordCache) return; foreach (Keyword keyword in Keywords) GeneratedKeywords.Add(keyword.Word, keyword.KeywordId); }
private void hudong_Thread_Timer_Method(object o) { long hudong_maxtime; MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection("Database=zyg;Data;User Id=cst;Password=q1w2e3r4t5Y^U&I*O(P);pooling=false;CharSet=utf8;port=3307"); connection.Open(); MySqlDataReader reader = new MySqlCommand("select max(collectiontime) as time from newsinfo where articletype='2'", connection).ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); hudong_maxtime = reader["time"].ToLong(); reader.Close(); object[] objArray1 = new object[] { "select from_unixtime(collectiontime/1000) as time,title,digest,sourcename from newsinfo where articletype='2' and collectiontime >", hudong_lasttime, " and collectiontime <=", hudong_maxtime, " order by collectiontime" }; reader = new MySqlCommand(string.Concat(objArray1), connection).ExecuteReader(); try { int insertflag = 0; while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.HasRows) { int startIndex = 0; int num2 = 0; string str = ""; string str2 = ""; MyData data = new MyData { time = reader["time"].ToString() }; string str3 = reader["title"].ToString().Replace("\n", ""); if (reader["sourcename"].Equals("深证互动")) { startIndex = str3.IndexOf("问", 0) + 2; num2 = str3.IndexOf("):", 0) + 2; str = str3.Substring(startIndex, (num2 - startIndex) - 1); str2 = str3.Substring(num2, str3.Length - num2); } else if (reader["sourcename"].Equals(" 上证互动")) { startIndex = str3.IndexOf(":", 0) + 1; num2 = str3.IndexOf(")", 0) + 1; str = str3.Substring(startIndex, num2 - startIndex); str2 = str3.Substring(num2, str3.Length - num2); } str.Trim(); str2.Trim(); string[] textArray1 = new string[] { " 问:", str2, Environment.NewLine, " 答:", reader["digest"].ToString() }; data.title = string.Concat(textArray1); data.sourcename = str + "\n" + reader["time"].ToString(); string[] textArray2 = new string[] { str, "\t", reader["time"].ToString(), "\n问:", str2, Environment.NewLine, "\n答:", reader["digest"].ToString() }; string parameter = string.Concat(textArray2); //Thread thread1 = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(new StartMessageBox().CreateCounterWindowThread)); //thread1.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); //thread1.IsBackground = true; //thread1.Start(parameter); //base.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate //{ // NotifyData data1 = new NotifyData(); // data1.Title = "抓妖股实时互动"; // data1.Content = parameter; // NotificationWindow dialog = new NotificationWindow();//new 一个通知 // dialog.Closed += Dialog_Closed; // dialog.TopFrom = GetTopFrom(); // _dialogs.Add(dialog); // dialog.DataContext = data1;//设置通知里要显示的数据 // dialog.Show(); //}, null); Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action) delegate { if (hudong_filter.IsChecked.Value) { insertflag = 0; foreach (string str1 in Regex.Split(hudong_filtertext.Text, ",", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { if (data.title.IndexOf(str1) >= 0) { insertflag += 1; } else { insertflag += 0; } } } else { insertflag = 1; } if (insertflag >= 1) { dataset_hudong.Insert(0, data); new SoundPlayer("ring.wav").Play(); NotifyData data1 = new NotifyData(); data1.Title = "抓妖股实时互动" + insertflag.ToString(); data1.Content = parameter; NotificationWindow dialog = new NotificationWindow();//new 一个通知 dialog.Closed += Dialog_Closed; dialog.TopFrom = GetTopFrom(); _dialogs.Add(dialog); dialog.DataContext = data1;//设置通知里要显示的数据 dialog.Show(); } }, null); } } hudong_lasttime = hudong_maxtime; Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action) delegate() { ListView_hudong.ItemsSource = dataset_hudong; }, null); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("查询失败了!" + reader["title"].ToString().Replace("\n", "")); } finally { reader.Close(); connection.Close(); } }
internal Dictionary <string, List <string> > QueryAllByCustomString(string Columns, string Tables, string Conditions, string GroupBy, string HavingCondions, string OrderBy, int Limit) { Dictionary <string, List <string> > result = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(); #region Construct SQL Phrase StringBuilder sqlCommandStr = new StringBuilder(); sqlCommandStr.Append(string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1}", Columns, Tables)); if (Conditions != null && Conditions != "") { sqlCommandStr.Append(" WHERE " + Conditions); } if (GroupBy != null && GroupBy != "") { sqlCommandStr.Append(" GROUP BY " + GroupBy); } if (HavingCondions != null && HavingCondions != "") { sqlCommandStr.Append(" HAVING " + HavingCondions); } if (OrderBy != null && OrderBy != "") { sqlCommandStr.Append(" ORDER BY " + OrderBy); } if (Limit > 0) { sqlCommandStr.Append(" LIMIT " + Limit); } string SQLString = sqlCommandStr.ToString() + ";"; //Console.Write(SQLString); #endregion #region ExecuteSQLPhrase and get result string[] columnItems = Columns.Split(','); try { mc.Open(); MySqlDataReader reader = new MySqlCommand(SQLString, mc).ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.HasRows) { foreach (var columnItem in columnItems) { if (!result.ContainsKey(columnItem)) { result.Add(columnItem, new List <string>()); } result[columnItem].Add(reader.GetString(columnItem)); } } } reader.Close(); mc.Close(); return(result); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Write(e.Message, 0); try { mc.Close(); }catch {} return(null); } #endregion }