Esempio n. 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            SHA256SecurityProvider securityProvider = new SHA256SecurityProvider();

            using (MySocNetContext dbContext = new MySocNetContext())
                var allUsers = dbContext.Users.ToList();

                foreach (var u in allUsers)
                    u.PasswordSalt = securityProvider.GenerateSalt(128 / 8);
                    u.PasswordHash = securityProvider.ComputeHash("qwerty", u.PasswordSalt);


            Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to quit...");
Esempio n. 2
        static MockContextProvider()
            //all Threads, Messages, Posts, Users and UserRelations
            IQueryable <User>          users;
            IQueryable <ConvThread>    threads;
            IQueryable <Message>       messages;
            IQueryable <Post>          posts;
            IQueryable <UsersRelation> userRelations;

            User u1 = new User()
                Id           = 1,
                FirstName    = "Dave",
                LastName     = "Milligun",
                IsMale       = true,
                Login        = "******",
                PasswordHash = "Dave666",
                AboutSelf    = "hardcore guy",
                CityOfBirth  = "Boston",
                StateOfBirth = "USA",
                CurrentCity  = "Boston",
                CurrentState = "USA",
                DateOfBirth  = new DateTime(1995, 03, 08)
            var  u1Thread = u1.CreateThread("u1 Default Thread", "", "");
            var  post01   = u1.WritePost(u1Thread, $"{u1.FirstName} {u1.LastName} joined MySocNet!");
            var  hcThread = u1.CreateThread("Boston hardcore is..", "It's about Boston. Not LA", "Music");
            var  post1    = u1.WritePost(hcThread, "Hi guyz! Wellcome to me thread!", new DateTime(2015, 01, 01, 15, 00, 00));
            var  post2    = u1.WritePost(hcThread, "Now, I'm going to tell you about Freeze band...", new DateTime(2015, 01, 01, 15, 10, 00));
            User u2       = new User()
                Id           = 2,
                FirstName    = "Steve",
                LastName     = "Milligun",
                IsMale       = true,
                Login        = "******",
                PasswordHash = "Steve777",
                AboutSelf    = "hardcore guy's brother",
                CityOfBirth  = "Boston",
                StateOfBirth = "USA",
                CurrentCity  = "Boston",
                CurrentState = "USA",
                DateOfBirth  = new DateTime(1993, 07, 11)
            var u2Thread = u2.CreateThread("u2 Default Thread", "", "");
            var post02   = u2.WritePost(u1Thread, $"{u2.FirstName} {u2.LastName} joined MySocNet!");
            var ur1      = u2.SubscribeAt(u1);
            var ur2      = u1.SubscribeAt(u2);

            var  post3 = u2.WritePost(hcThread, "Sup, thread! Better listen to Void band!", new DateTime(2015, 01, 06, 12, 13, 00));
            var  msg1  = u2.WriteMessage(u1, "Hi, bro! Let's go to pub!", true);
            var  msg2  = u1.WriteMessage(u2, "Hi! I'm running downstairs now!!!", true);
            User u3    = new User()
                Id           = 3,
                FirstName    = "Andrew",
                LastName     = "Bucket",
                IsMale       = true,
                Login        = "******",
                PasswordHash = "qwerty",
                AboutSelf    = "like surf rock and skateboarding",
                CityOfBirth  = "Omaha",
                StateOfBirth = "USA",
                CurrentCity  = "California",
                CurrentState = "USA",
                DateOfBirth  = new DateTime(1995, 12, 21)
            var u3Thread            = u3.CreateThread("u3 Default Thread", "", "");
            var post03              = u3.WritePost(u1Thread, $"{u3.FirstName} {u3.LastName} joined MySocNet!");
            var skateboardingThread = u3.CreateThread("Skateboarding", "It's more than sport", "Sport");
            var post4 = u3.WritePost(skateboardingThread, "Hi! Wellcome to skate thread!", new DateTime(2016, 10, 11));
            var post5 = u2.WritePost(skateboardingThread, "Wow! So glad to see skateboarding thread here! I'm subscribing now", new DateTime(2016, 10, 12, 11, 22, 00));

            User u4 = new User()
                Id           = 4,
                FirstName    = "Omar",
                LastName     = "Al Naseredi",
                IsMale       = true,
                Login        = "******",
                PasswordHash = "qwerty",
                AboutSelf    = "found of Omar Souleyman and Jeffrey Richter",
                CityOfBirth  = "Al Selooha",
                StateOfBirth = "Egypt",
                CurrentCity  = "California",
                CurrentState = "USA",
                DateOfBirth  = new DateTime(1971, 07, 08)
            var  u4Thread      = u4.CreateThread("u4 Default Thread", "", "");
            var  post04        = u4.WritePost(u1Thread, $"{u4.FirstName} {u4.LastName} joined MySocNet!");
            var  electroThread = u4.CreateThread("Electro music", "Dance!", "Music");
            var  post6         = u4.WritePost(electroThread, "Omar Souleyman is a great electro...", new DateTime(2016, 01, 02));
            User u5            = new User()
                Id           = 5,
                FirstName    = "Иван",
                LastName     = "Ченкин",
                IsMale       = true,
                Login        = "******",
                PasswordHash = "qwerty",
                AboutSelf    = "like russian shanson and vodka",
                CityOfBirth  = "Москва",
                StateOfBirth = "Russia",
                CurrentCity  = "California",
                CurrentState = "USA",
                DateOfBirth  = new DateTime(1985, 08, 08)
            var u5Thread = u5.CreateThread("u5 Default Thread", "", "");
            var post05   = u5.WritePost(u5Thread, $"{u5.FirstName} {u5.LastName} joined MySocNet!");

            var ur3  = u5.SubscribeAt(u1);
            var msg3 = u5.WriteMessage(u1, "Привет! Как дела?", true);
            var msg4 = u1.WriteMessage(u5, "What?");
            var msg5 = u1.WriteMessage(u5, "I don't speak russian");

            var  post7 = u5.WritePost(skateboardingThread, "Listen to Koroziya Metalla! \\m/", new DateTime(2016, 01, 02));
            User u6    = new User()
                Id           = 6,
                FirstName    = "Ann",
                LastName     = "Minaeva",
                IsMale       = false,
                Login        = "******",
                PasswordHash = "qwerty",
                AboutSelf    = "crazy about crust-punk, new school hardcore and post-metal",
                CityOfBirth  = "Kiev",
                StateOfBirth = "Ukraine",
                CurrentCity  = "New York",
                CurrentState = "USA",
                DateOfBirth  = new DateTime(1989, 02, 03)
            var ur4      = u6.SubscribeAt(u5);
            var ur6      = u5.SubscribeAt(u6);
            var msg6     = u5.WriteMessage(u6, "Darova! Vy booryat? Kak ya rad", true);
            var msg7     = u6.WriteMessage(u5, "Bolnoy ooblyudok!");
            var msg8     = u6.WriteMessage(u1, "Hello! Let's be friends!");
            var u6Thread = u6.CreateThread("u6 Default Thread", "", "");
            var post06   = u6.WritePost(u6Thread, $"{u6.FirstName} {u6.LastName} joined MySocNet!");

            User u7 = new User()
                Id           = 7,
                FirstName    = "Alex",
                LastName     = "Maroon",
                IsMale       = false,
                Login        = "******",
                PasswordHash = "qwerty34",
                AboutSelf    = "turbo mosher",
                CityOfBirth  = "Kiev",
                StateOfBirth = "Ukraine",
                CurrentCity  = "New York",
                CurrentState = "USA",
                DateOfBirth  = new DateTime(1989, 02, 03)
            var u7Thread = u7.CreateThread("u7 Default Thread", "", "");
            var post07   = u7.WritePost(u7Thread, $"{u7.FirstName} {u7.LastName} joined MySocNet!");
            var ur7      = u7.SubscribeAt(u1);
            var ur8      = u1.SubscribeAt(u7);
            var ur9      = u7.SubscribeAt(u2);

            var  post8 = u7.WritePost(hcThread, "MOOOOOOOOOOOSH!", new DateTime(2016, 10, 15));
            User u8    = new User()
                Id           = 8,
                FirstName    = "George",
                LastName     = "Miller",
                Login        = "******",
                PasswordHash = "qwerty34",
                AboutSelf    = "came to USA, 'cause it's a cradle of jazz, blues 'n' soul",
                CurrentCity  = "New Orleans",
                CurrentState = "USA",
                DateOfBirth  = new DateTime(1924, 02, 03)
            var  u8Thread     = u8.CreateThread("u8 Default Thread", "", "");
            var  post08       = u8.WritePost(u8Thread, $"{u8.FirstName} {u8.LastName} joined MySocNet!");
            var  oldMuzThread = u8.CreateThread("Blues, Jazz 'n'n Soul", "Old music is cool", "Music");
            var  post9        = u8.WritePost(oldMuzThread, "Bluegrass is genre of music which comes from...", new DateTime(2015, 10, 11));
            var  ur10         = u8.SubscribeAt(u3);
            var  msg9         = u8.WriteMessage(u3, "MOOOOOOOOOOSH", false);
            User u9           = new User()
                Id           = 9,
                FirstName    = "Antonio",
                LastName     = "Pizza",
                IsMale       = true,
                Login        = "******",
                PasswordHash = "qwerty34",
                AboutSelf    = "i like pizza and thrash metal",
                CityOfBirth  = "Genoia",
                StateOfBirth = "Italy",
                CurrentCity  = "LA",
                CurrentState = "USA",
                DateOfBirth  = new DateTime(1989, 02, 03)
            var u9Thread = u9.CreateThread("u9 Default Thread", "", "");
            var post09   = u9.WritePost(u9Thread, $"{u9.FirstName} {u9.LastName} joined MySocNet!");

            var post10 = u9.WritePost(skateboardingThread, "Tony Hawk is my brother!", new DateTime(2017, 09, 01));

            var  ur11 = u9.SubscribeAt(u5);
            var  ur12 = u9.SubscribeAt(u6);
            var  ur13 = u7.SubscribeAt(u9);
            User u10  = new User()
                Id           = 10,
                FirstName    = "Kortney",
                LastName     = "Stza",
                IsMale       = false,
                Login        = "******",
                PasswordHash = "qwerty34",
                AboutSelf    = "i like crack-rocksteady and just crack, i don't like taking shower",
                CityOfBirth  = "Aidaho",
                StateOfBirth = "USA",
                CurrentCity  = "LA",
                CurrentState = "USA",
                DateOfBirth  = new DateTime(1999, 05, 25)
            var u10Thread = u10.CreateThread("u10 Default Thread", "", "");
            var post010   = u10.WritePost(u10Thread, $"{u10.FirstName} {u10.LastName} joined MySocNet!");
            var post11    = u10.WritePost(u10Thread, "I'm drunk good nigth", new DateTime(2017, 10, 11));


            //all Threads, Messages, Posts, Users and UserRelations
            users = new List <User>()
                u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, u6, u7, u8, u9, u10
            messages = new List <Message>()
                msg1, msg2, msg3, msg4, msg5, msg6, msg7, msg8, msg9
            posts = new List <Post>()
                post01, post02, post03, post04, post05, post06, post07, post08, post09, post10, post1, post2, post3, post4, post5, post6, post7, post8, post9
            threads = new List <ConvThread>()
                u1Thread, u2Thread, u3Thread, u4Thread, u5Thread, u6Thread, u7Thread, u8Thread, u9Thread, u10Thread, electroThread, hcThread, oldMuzThread, skateboardingThread
            userRelations = new List <UsersRelation>()
                ur1, ur2, ur3, ur4, ur6, ur7, ur8, ur9, ur10, ur11, ur12, ur13

            // setting stubs for IDbSets

            IDbSet <User>          usersMockSet         = MockRepository.GenerateMock <IDbSet <User>, IQueryable>();
            IDbSet <Message>       messagesMockSet      = MockRepository.GenerateMock <IDbSet <Message>, IQueryable>();
            IDbSet <Post>          postsMockSet         = MockRepository.GenerateMock <IDbSet <Post>, IQueryable>();
            IDbSet <ConvThread>    threadsMockSet       = MockRepository.GenerateMock <IDbSet <ConvThread>, IQueryable>();
            IDbSet <UsersRelation> userRelationsMockSet = MockRepository.GenerateMock <IDbSet <UsersRelation>, IQueryable>();

            usersMockSet.Stub(m => m.Provider).Return(users.Provider);
            usersMockSet.Stub(m => m.Expression).Return(users.Expression);
            usersMockSet.Stub(m => m.ElementType).Return(users.ElementType);
            usersMockSet.Stub(m => m.GetEnumerator()).Return(users.GetEnumerator());

            messagesMockSet.Stub(m => m.Provider).Return(messages.Provider);
            messagesMockSet.Stub(m => m.Expression).Return(messages.Expression);
            messagesMockSet.Stub(m => m.ElementType).Return(messages.ElementType);
            messagesMockSet.Stub(m => m.GetEnumerator()).Return(messages.GetEnumerator());

            postsMockSet.Stub(m => m.Provider).Return(posts.Provider);
            postsMockSet.Stub(m => m.Expression).Return(posts.Expression);
            postsMockSet.Stub(m => m.ElementType).Return(posts.ElementType);
            postsMockSet.Stub(m => m.GetEnumerator()).Return(posts.GetEnumerator());

            threadsMockSet.Stub(m => m.Provider).Return(threads.Provider);
            threadsMockSet.Stub(m => m.Expression).Return(threads.Expression);
            threadsMockSet.Stub(m => m.ElementType).Return(threads.ElementType);
            threadsMockSet.Stub(m => m.GetEnumerator()).Return(threads.GetEnumerator());

            userRelationsMockSet.Stub(m => m.Provider).Return(userRelations.Provider);
            userRelationsMockSet.Stub(m => m.Expression).Return(userRelations.Expression);
            userRelationsMockSet.Stub(m => m.ElementType).Return(userRelations.ElementType);
            userRelationsMockSet.Stub(m => m.GetEnumerator()).Return(userRelations.GetEnumerator());

            // setting stubs for DbContext

            _mockContext = MockRepository.GenerateMock <MySocNetContext>();
            _mockContext.Stub(c => c.Messages).PropertyBehavior();
            _mockContext.Stub(c => c.Posts).PropertyBehavior();
            _mockContext.Stub(c => c.Threads).PropertyBehavior();
            _mockContext.Stub(c => c.UserRelations).PropertyBehavior();
            _mockContext.Stub(c => c.Users).PropertyBehavior();

            _mockContext.Messages      = messagesMockSet;
            _mockContext.Posts         = postsMockSet;
            _mockContext.Threads       = threadsMockSet;
            _mockContext.UserRelations = userRelationsMockSet;
            _mockContext.Users         = usersMockSet;
Esempio n. 3
 public GenericRepository(MySocNetContext dbContext)
     _dbContext = dbContext;