Esempio n. 1
        private void ImportBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
            //check that we've got the relevant data needed
            if (!Data.Columns.Contains("Date") && !Data.Columns.Contains("DateTime"))
                MessageBox.Show("Must have a date column.");

            if ((BarSize)FrequencyComboBox.SelectedItem < BarSize.OneDay && !Data.Columns.Contains("DateTime") && !Data.Columns.Contains("Time"))
                MessageBox.Show("Must have time column at this frequency");

            if (!Data.Columns.Contains("Open") ||
                !Data.Columns.Contains("High") ||
                !Data.Columns.Contains("Low")  ||
                MessageBox.Show("Must have all OHLC columns.");

            //make sure the timezone is set, and get it
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_instrument.Exchange.Timezone))
                MessageBox.Show("Instrument's exchange has no set timezone, can't import.");

            //todo make sure the user has picked the right frequency

            var tzInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(_instrument.Exchange.Timezone);

            //get the multipliers
            decimal priceMultiplier;
            int volumeMultiplier;
            bool parseWorked = decimal.TryParse(PriceMultiplier.Text, out priceMultiplier);
            if (!parseWorked) priceMultiplier = 1;
            parseWorked = int.TryParse(VolumeMultiplier.Text, out volumeMultiplier);
            if (!parseWorked) volumeMultiplier = 1;

            //lines to skip
            int toSkip;
            parseWorked = int.TryParse(StartingLine.Text, out toSkip);
            if(!parseWorked) toSkip = 1;

            //get the frequency
            var frequency = (BarSize)FrequencyComboBox.SelectedItem;

            char[] separator = DelimiterBox.Text.ToCharArray();

            List<OHLCBar> bars = new List<OHLCBar>();

            string[] columns = new string[Data.Columns.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < Data.Columns.Count; i++)
                columns[i] = Data.Columns[i].ColumnName;

            //determining time: if the freq is >= one day, then the time is simply the session end for this day
            Dictionary<int, TimeSpan> sessionEndTimes = new Dictionary<int, TimeSpan>();

            //1 day and up: we can load it all in one go with no trouble, also may require adjustment
            bool periodicSaving = frequency < BarSize.OneDay;
            OHLCBar bar;
            var barsCount = 0;
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(FilePathTextBox.Text))
                string line;
                while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    if (barsCount < toSkip) continue;

                        bar = ParseLine(line.Split(separator), columns, priceMultiplier, volumeMultiplier);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("Importing error: " + ex.Message);

                    //only add the bar if it falls within the specified date range
                    if (bar.DT >= MinDT.Value && bar.DT <= MaxDT.Value)

                    if (periodicSaving && bars.Count > 1000)
                        //convert to exchange timezone
                        ConvertTimeZone(bars, tzInfo);

                        //low frequencies, < 1 day. No adjustment required and inserting data at intervals instead of all at once
                        using (var storage = new MySQLStorage())
                                storage.AddData(bars, _instrument, frequency, OverwriteCheckbox.IsChecked.HasValue && OverwriteCheckbox.IsChecked.Value, false);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message);

            if (bars.Count == 0) return;

            //convert to exchange timezone
            ConvertTimeZone(bars, tzInfo);

            //if only the date column is set, we need to get the session info and generate the closing time ourselves
            if (frequency >= BarSize.OneDay && !Data.Columns.Contains("Time") && !Data.Columns.Contains("DateTime"))
                //get the closing time for every day of the week
                var dotwValues = MyUtils.GetEnumValues<DayOfTheWeek>();

                foreach (DayOfTheWeek d in dotwValues)
                    if (_instrument.Sessions.Any(x => x.ClosingDay == d && x.IsSessionEnd))
                        var endTime = _instrument.Sessions.First(x => x.ClosingDay == d && x.IsSessionEnd).ClosingTime;
                        sessionEndTimes.Add((int)d, endTime);
                        sessionEndTimes.Add((int)d, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0));

                for (int i = 0; i < bars.Count; i++)
                    int dayOfWeek = bars[i].DT.DayOfWeek.ToInt();
                    bars[i].DT = bars[i].DT.Date + sessionEndTimes[dayOfWeek];

            //if there are no dividends/splits, but there IS an adjclose column, use that to adjust data right here
            //if there are divs/splits, adjustment will be done by the local storage
            if (frequency >= BarSize.OneDay && !Data.Columns.Contains("Dividends") && !Data.Columns.Contains("Splits") && Data.Columns.Contains("AdjClose"))
                //if we have an adjusted close to work off of, we just use the ratio to get the OHL
                for (int i = 0; i < bars.Count; i++)
                    if (bars[i].AdjClose == null) continue;

                    decimal ratio = bars[i].AdjClose.Value / bars[i].Close;
                    bars[i].AdjOpen = bars[i].Open * ratio;
                    bars[i].AdjHigh = bars[i].High * ratio;
                    bars[i].AdjLow = bars[i].Low * ratio;

            //sort by date
            if(frequency >= BarSize.OneDay)
                bars.Sort((x, y) => x.DT.CompareTo(y.DT));

            //try to import
            using (var storage = new MySQLStorage())
                        OverwriteCheckbox.IsChecked.HasValue && OverwriteCheckbox.IsChecked.Value,
                        frequency >= BarSize.OneDay);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message);
            MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Imported {0} bars in {1} ms.", barsCount, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds));