private void AddEditTeacherFrm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Init database _db = ((MainFrm)Parent)._db; // For branch combobox _db.SQLCommand = "SELECT * FROM teacher_branch"; _db.Query(); while (_db.Result.Read()) { cmbBrch.Items.Add((string)_db.Result.GetValue(1)); _lstBrch.Add(new Branch { BranchID = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(0), BranchName = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(1) }); } // For Edit mode if (EditMode == true) { _db.SQLCommand = "SELECT * FROM teacher WHERE tech_id='" + TechID + "'"; _db.Query(); if (_db.Result.HasRows) { _db.Result.Read(); txtName.Text = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(1); cmbBrch.Text = LookupBranchName((string)_db.Result.GetValue(2)); txtUsername.Text = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(3); txtPassword.Text = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(4); cmbQuestion.Text = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(7); txtAnswer.Text = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(8); } } }
protected void LoadGvCtAss() { var data = new MySQLDatabase(); var sid = data.Query("GetStudentTableIdByUserId", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@uid", User.Identity.GetUserId() } }, true); var a = sid.First()["id"]; var table = data.Query("GeAllDatesPresentsByTcidSid", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@tcid", ddlSelectCourse.SelectedValue }, { "@sid", a } }, true); gvCtAss.DataSource = table.Select(x => new { Dates = Convert.ToDateTime(x["dateColumn"]).ToString("dd-MM-yy"), Attendance = x["present"] }).ToList(); gvCtAss.DataBind(); }
protected void bindGridView() { MySQLDatabase data = new MySQLDatabase(); var courseName = data.Query("GetAllCourselListByUserId", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@uid", User.Identity.GetUserId() } }, true); var count = from x in courseName let v = data.Query("GetStudentCourseIdByTCID", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@tcid", x["id"] } }, true) select new { Courses = x["prefix"] + " " + x["course_no"] + " " + x["course_tittle"] + " " + x["postfix"] + " (" + x["session"] + ")", Students = v.Count.ToString(), Status = (x["isclosed"].ToString() == "True") ? "Close" : "Open" }; gvCourse.DataSource = count.ToList(); gvCourse.DataBind(); }
protected void gvTakeAttendence_dataBound() { MySQLDatabase data = new MySQLDatabase(); var markIdSId = data.Query("GetMSIdSidByTCId", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@tcid", ddlSelectCourse.SelectedValue } }, true); if (markIdSId != null) { var rep = from x in markIdSId let v = data.Query("GetSidSnameBysid", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@sid", x["studentId"] } }, true) select new { studentid = v[0]["studentId"], name = v[0]["FirstName"] + " " + v[0]["LastName"], markid = x["id"] }; gvTakeAttendence.DataSource = rep.ToList(); gvTakeAttendence.DataBind(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object o, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { ddlAs.Items.Add(new ListItem("Student", "student")); if (User.IsInRole("Admin")) { ddlAs.Items.Add(new ListItem("Teacher", "teacher")); ddlAs.Items.Add(new ListItem("Admin", "admin")); } ddlDesignation.DataSource = db.Query("getAllDesignation", null, true). Select(x => new TextValuePair { Text = x["designation"], Value = x["id"] }).ToList(); ddlDesignation.DataBind(); ddlClass.DataSource = db.Query("getClassByYId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@YId", db.QueryValue("getYearId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@pyear", DateTime.Now.Year } }, true) } }, true).Select(x => new TextValuePair { Text = x["class"], Value = x["classid"] }).ToList(); ddlClass.DataBind(); } }
private void LoadPostsAccordingToDDL() { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); List <Dictionary <string, string> > res = null; if (ddlCatagory.SelectedValue == "All") { res = db.Query("getAllIdTitle", null, true); } else { Dictionary <string, object> dict = new Dictionary <string, object>(1); dict.Add("@ptype", int.Parse(ddlCatagory.SelectedValue)); res = db.Query("getIdTitleByType", dict, true); } PostList.Controls.Clear(); int?postId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["postid"]); foreach (var item in res) { PostListItem post = LoadControl("~/User Control/PostListItem.ascx") as PostListItem; post.Title = item["title"]; post.PostID = Convert.ToInt32(item["id"]); post.Body = item["date"]; if (postId != null && postId == post.PostID) { post.SetActive(); } post.PostClick += delegate { Response.Redirect(Request.Url.AbsolutePath + "?postid=" + item["id"] + "&posttype=" + ddlCatagory.SelectedValue, true); }; PostList.Controls.Add(post); } }
protected void LoadDdlCourse() { var data = new MySQLDatabase(); var sid = data.Query("GetStudentTableIdByUserId", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@uid", User.Identity.GetUserId() } }, true); var a = sid.First()["id"]; var course = data.Query("GetAllCTitleSessionBySID", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@sid", a } }, true); ddlSelectCourse.DataSource = course.Select(x => new { t = x["prefix"] + " " + x["course_no"] + " " + x["course_tittle"] + " " + x["postfix"] + " (" + x["session"] + ")", v = x["id"] }).ToList(); ddlSelectCourse.DataTextField = "t"; ddlSelectCourse.DataValueField = "v"; ddlSelectCourse.DataBind(); }
protected void LoadGvCtAss() { var data = new MySQLDatabase(); var sid = data.Query("GetStudentTableIdByUserId", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@uid", User.Identity.GetUserId() } }, true); var a = sid.First()["id"]; var table = data.Query("GetAllCtAssNameMarkByTcidSid", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@tcid", ddlSelectCourse.SelectedValue }, { "@sid", a } }, true); gvCtAss.DataSource = table.Select(x => new { Name = x["name"], Marks = x["mark"] }).ToList(); gvCtAss.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_LoadComplete(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ViewState["YCSId"] == null) { ReloadYCSId(null, null); } MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); var teacherId = new UserTable <ApplicationUser>(db).GetUserId(User.Identity.Name); #region Load Mark int teacherSubjectId = Convert.ToInt32( db.QueryValue("getTeacherSubjectId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@TUN", User.Identity.Name }, { "@ycsid", ViewState["YCSId"] }, { "@psubjectid", ddlSubject.SelectedValue } }, true)); var res2 = db.Query("getMarkPortionIdByTSId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@TSId", teacherSubjectId } }, true); marks.Controls.Clear(); //ViewState["clicks"] = new List<MarkPortion>(); foreach (var item in res2) { MarkPortion markPortion = LoadControl("~/User Control/MarkPortion.ascx") as MarkPortion; markPortion.PortionName = item["portionname"]; markPortion.MarkPortionId = Convert.ToInt32(item["markportionid"]); var resMark = db.Query("getMarkByMPIdSIdTid", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@MPId", item["markportionid"] }, { "@SId", ddlStudent.SelectedValue }, { "@Tid", ddlTerm.SelectedValue } }, true); if (resMark.Count == 0) { markPortion.Mark = null; markPortion.MarkId = null; } else { markPortion.Mark = Convert.ToInt32(resMark[0]["mark"]); markPortion.MarkId = Convert.ToInt32(resMark[0]["markid"]); } markPortion.SubmitClick += MarkPortion_SubmitClick; //AsyncPostBackTrigger trigger = new AsyncPostBackTrigger() { ControlID = markPortion.ID, EventName = "SubmitClick" }; //up.Triggers.Add(trigger); //(ViewState["clicks"] as List<MarkPortion>).Add(markPortion); marks.Controls.Add(markPortion); } #endregion }
protected void LoadDDLYear(object o, EventArgs e) { ddlYear.DataSource = db.Query("getAllYear", null, true). Select(x => new TextValuePair { Text = x["year"], Value = x["yearid"] }).ToList(); ddlYear.DataBind(); LoadDDLClass(null, null); }
protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var data = new MySQLDatabase(); var value = ddlSearchBy.SelectedValue; if (value == "1") { var books = data.Query("SearchByTitleLanguage", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@name", txtSerach.Text } }, true); gvBooks.DataSource = books.Select(x => new { title = x["title"], price = x["price"], language = x["language"], count = x["COUNT(*)"], category = x["catagoty_name"], author = x["first_name"] + " " + x["last_name"] }).ToList(); gvBooks.DataBind(); } else if (value == "2") { var books = data.Query("SearchByAuthorName", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@author", txtSerach.Text } }, true); gvBooks.DataSource = books.Select(x => new { title = x["title"], price = x["price"], language = x["language"], count = x["COUNT(*)"], category = x["catagoty_name"], author = x["first_name"] + " " + x["last_name"] }).ToList(); gvBooks.DataBind(); } else if (value == "3") { var books = data.Query("SearchByCatagoryName", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "@catagory", txtSerach.Text } }, true); gvBooks.DataSource = books.Select(x => new { title = x["title"], price = x["price"], language = x["language"], count = x["COUNT(*)"], category = x["catagoty_name"], author = x["first_name"] + " " + x["last_name"] }).ToList(); gvBooks.DataBind(); } }
protected void LoadDDLClass(object o, EventArgs e) { ddlClass.DataSource = db.Query("getClassByYId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@yid", yearId } }, true). Select(x => new TextValuePair { Text = x["class"], Value = x["classid"] }).ToList(); ddlClass.DataBind(); LoadDDLSection(null, null); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); var res = db.Query("getAllApplication", null, true); var appid = Request.QueryString["appid"]; foreach (var item in res) { PostListItem post = LoadControl("~/User Control/PostListItem.ascx") as PostListItem; post.PostID = Convert.ToInt32(item["id"]); if (item["id"] == appid) { post.SetActive(); } post.Title = item["title"]; if (item["type"] == "1") { post.Badge = "stu"; post.CssClass += " stu"; } else { post.Badge = "tea"; post.CssClass += " tea"; } post.Body = item["date"]; post.PostClick += delegate { Response.Redirect(Request.Url.AbsolutePath + "?appid=" + post.PostID); }; Applications.Controls.Add(post); } if (appid != null) { var res2 = db.Query("getResponseByAId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@AId", Convert.ToInt32(appid) } }, true); foreach (var item in res2) { PostListItem post = LoadControl("~/User Control/PostListItem.ascx") as PostListItem; post.PostID = Convert.ToInt32(item["id"]); post.Title = item["name"]; post.Body = item["email"]; //post.PostClick += delegate { Response.Redirect; }; post.OnClientClick += "'" + ("Response?resid=" + post.PostID) + "','_blank')"; Responses.Controls.Add(post); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); List <Dictionary <string, string> > res = db.Query("getAllSpeechSummary", null, true); foreach (var item in res) { Tile tile = LoadControl("~/User Control/Tile.ascx") as Tile; tile.PostID = Convert.ToInt32(item["id"]); tile.Title = item["title"]; tile.Detail = item["summary"]; tile.Type = 3; tile.WidthClass = "col-sm-12"; tile.TitleClick += delegate { Response.Redirect("~/Post.aspx?postid=" + tile.PostID + "&posttype=3"); }; speeches.Controls.Add(tile); } if (!IsPostBack) { //TODO Load History from Xml } }
private void LoadDDLTeacher() { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); ddlTeacher.DataSource = db.Query("getAllTeacher", null, true).Select(x => new { Text = x["name"], Value = x["id"] }).ToList(); ddlTeacher.DataBind(); }
private void LoadPost(int?id) { if (id == null) { Server.Transfer("~/Error.html", true); } MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); Dictionary <string, object> dict = new Dictionary <string, object>(1); dict.Add("@pid", id); List <Dictionary <string, string> > res = db.Query("getPostById", dict, true); if (res.Count > 0) { ddlCatagory.SelectedValue = res[0]["type"]; postTitle.Text = res[0]["title"]; postSummary.Text = res[0]["summary"]; postBody.Text = res[0]["body"]; Title = res[0]["title"]; } else { Server.Transfer(Statics.Error); } }
private void ReloadDDLSection(object yearId) { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); ddlSection.DataSource = db.Query( "getSectionByYIdCId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@YId", yearId }, { "@CId", ddlClass.SelectedValue } }, true) .Select(x => new { Text = x["section"], Value = x["sectionid"] }).ToList(); ddlSection.DataBind(); if (ddlSection.Items.Count > 0) { ReloadDDLStudent(yearId); } else { ddlStudent.Items.Clear(); } }
protected void LoadGVTerm(object o, EventArgs e) { if (ddlSection.Items.Count > 0) { gvTerm.Columns[0].Visible = true; //new TermYearClassSectionTable(db).GetTermPercentageByYearClassSection(ddlYear.SelectedValue, ddlClass.SelectedValue, ddlSection.SelectedValue); gvTerm.DataSource = db.Query("getTermByYCSId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@YCSId", new YearClassSectionTable(db).GetYearClassSectionId(ddlYear.SelectedValue, ddlClass.SelectedValue, ddlSection.SelectedValue) } }, true). Select(x => new { Text = x["term"], Value = x["percentage"], Id = x["id"] }).ToList(); } else { gvTerm.Columns[0].Visible = true; gvTerm.DataSource = new DataTable(); } gvTerm.DataBind(); gvTerm.Columns[0].Visible = false; }
static Response getResponseById(int id) { Response response = null; MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); List <Dictionary <string, string> > res = db.Query("getResponseById", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@pid", id } }, true); if (res.Count > 0) { response = new Response() { Id = id, ApplicatoinId = Convert.ToInt32(res[0]["applicationid"]), FirstName = res[0]["firstname"], LastName = res[0]["lastname"], FathersName = res[0]["fathersname"], MothersName = res[0]["mothersname"], Gender = Convert.ToInt32(res[0]["gender"]), BirthDate = DateTime.Parse(res[0]["birthdate"]), Address = res[0]["address"], Email = res[0]["email"], PhoneNumber = res[0]["phoneNumber"], DesignationId = Convert.ToInt32(res[0]["designationId"]), Qualification = res[0]["qualification"], Class = Convert.ToInt32(res[0]["class"]), GaurdianOccupation = res[0]["GaurdianOccupation"], GaurdianOccupationDetail = res[0]["GaurdianOccupationDetail"] }; } return(response); }
protected void btnPush_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsValid) { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); var TUId = Context.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager <ApplicationUserManager>().FindByName(User.Identity.Name).Id; var res1 = db.Query("GetStudentIdByGId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@GId", ddlTo.SelectedValue } }, true); var id = db.QueryValue("addNotification", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@TUId", TUId }, { "@ptitle", txtSubject.Text }, { "@pbody", txtDetail.Text } }, true); foreach (var item in res1) { db.Execute("addStudentNotification", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@SId", item["studentId"] }, { "@NId", id } }, true); } notificatinName.InnerText = txtSubject.Text; groupName.InnerText = ddlTo.SelectedItem.Text; divSuccessful.Visible = true; } }
private void TeacherPopUp_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Init database _db = ((MainFrm)Parent)._db; // Setup datagrid columns dgv.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect; dgv.AllowUserToAddRows = false; dgv.AllowUserToDeleteRows = false; dgv.MultiSelect = false; dgv.ReadOnly = true; dgv.ColumnCount = 3; dgv.Columns[0].HeaderText = "รหัส"; dgv.Columns[0].Visible = false; dgv.Columns[1].HeaderText = "ชื่อ-นามสกุล"; dgv.Columns[1].Width = 125; dgv.Columns[2].HeaderText = "คณะ"; dgv.Columns[2].Width = 200; // Load data _db.SQLCommand = _sqlShowAll; _db.Query(); while (_db.Result.Read()) { if (_db.Result["tech_name"].ToString() == "admin") { continue; } dgv.Rows.Add(_db.Result["tech_id"], _db.Result["tech_name"], _db.Result["tech_brch_name"]); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { divSuccessful.Visible = false; } if (Request.QueryString["appid"] == null || Request.QueryString["type"] == null) { Server.Transfer(Statics.Error404, true); } #region Initialize Application Area MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); Dictionary <string, object> dict = new Dictionary <string, object>(1); dict.Add("@pid", Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["appid"])); List <Dictionary <string, string> > res = db.Query("getApplicationById", dict, true); if (res.Count > 0) { applicationTitle.InnerText = res[0]["title"]; applicationSummary.InnerText = res[0]["summary"]; applicationUrl.HRef = res[0]["noticeUrl"]; setVisibility(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["type"]), Convert.ToInt32(res[0]["idValue"])); } else { Server.Transfer("~/Error.html"); } #endregion }
private void BindDLL() { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); var yearId = db.QueryValue("getYearId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@pyear", DateTime.Now.Year } }, true); var teacherId = Context.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager <ApplicationUserManager>().FindByName(User.Identity.Name).Id; ReloadDDLGroup(); ddlClass.DataSource = db.Query( "getClassByTUIdYId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@TUId", teacherId }, { "@YId", yearId } }, true) .Select(x => new { Text = x["class"], Value = x["classid"] }).ToList(); ddlClass.DataBind(); ReloadDDLSection(teacherId, yearId); }
private void ReloadDDLStudent(object yearId) { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); var YCSId = db.QueryValue("getYearClassSectionId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@pyearid", yearId }, { "@pclassid", ddlClass.SelectedValue }, { "@psectionid", ddlSection.SelectedValue } }, true); ddlStudent.DataSource = db.Query("getStudentByYCSId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@YCSId", YCSId } }, true).Select(x => new { Text = x["student"], Value = x["studentid"] }).ToList(); ddlStudent.DataBind(); //Reload Textboxes according to new ddl selection if (ddlStudent.Items.Count > 0) { ReloadTextBox(Convert.ToInt32(ddlStudent.SelectedValue), (int)YCSId); } else { txtClass.Text = string.Empty; txtSection.Text = string.Empty; txtRoll.Text = string.Empty; } }
//protected void LoadCBL(object o, EventArgs e) { // MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); // var yid = db.QueryValue("getYearId", new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "@pyear", DateTime.Now.Year } }, true); // var ycsId = db.QueryValue("getYearClassSectionId", // new Dictionary<string, object>() { // {"@pyearid", yid }, // {"@pclassid", ddlClass.SelectedValue }, // {"@psectionid", ddlSection.SelectedValue } // }, true); // cblDue.DataSource = db.Query("getStudentByTUNYCSId", // new Dictionary<string, object>() { // {"@TUN", User.Identity.Name}, // {"@YCSId", ycsId }, // {"@pdue", Convert.ToInt32(txtDueGreaterThen.Text.Length==0?"0":txtDueGreaterThen.Text) } // }, true).Select(x => new TextValuePair { // Text = x["student"], // Value = x["studentid"] // }).ToList(); // cblDue.DataBind(); //} private List <TextValuePair> getStudents() { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); var yid = db.QueryValue("getYearId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@pyear", DateTime.Now.Year } }, true); var ycsId = db.QueryValue("getYearClassSectionId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@pyearid", yid }, { "@pclassid", ddlClass.SelectedValue }, { "@psectionid", ddlSection.SelectedValue } }, true); return(db.Query("getStudentByTUNYCSId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@TUN", User.Identity.Name }, { "@YCSId", ycsId } }, true).Select(x => new TextValuePair { Text = x["student"], Value = x["studentid"] }).ToList()); }
protected void LoadCBAdd(object obj, EventArgs e) { //TODO remove students who are already in the group MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); var yearId = db.QueryValue("getYearId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@pyear", DateTime.Now.Year } }, true); var YCSId = db.QueryValue("getYearClassSectionId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@pyearid", yearId }, { "@pclassid", ddlClass.SelectedValue }, { "@psectionid", ddlSection.SelectedValue } }, true); cbAdd.DataSource = db.Query("getStudentByTUNYCSId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@TUN", User.Identity.Name }, { "@YCSId", YCSId } }, true).Select(x => new { Text = x["firstname"] + x["lastname"], Value = x["studentid"] }).ToList(); cbAdd.DataBind(); }
private void LoadStudentClass() { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); var yearId = db.QueryValue("getYearId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@pyear", DateTime.Now.Year } }, true); ddlClass.DataSource = db.Query( "getClassByYId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@YId", yearId } }, true) .Select(x => new { Text = x["class"], Value = x["classid"] }).ToList(); ddlClass.DataBind(); if (ddlClass.Items.Count > 0) { ReloadDDLSection(yearId); } else { ddlSection.Items.Clear(); } }
private void ReloadDDLSection(object yearId) { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); ddlSection.DataSource = db.Query( "getSectionByYIdCId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@YId", yearId }, { "@CId", Convert.ToInt32(ddlClass.SelectedValue) } }, true) .Select(x => new { Text = x["section"], Value = x["sectionid"] }).ToList(); ddlSection.DataBind(); if (ddlSection.Items.Count > 0) { ReloadDDLCanTransact(yearId); } else { ddlTransact.Enabled = false; } hInfo.Visible = false; }
private void LoadDDLDesignation() { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); ddlDesignation.DataSource = db.Query("getAllDesignation", null, true).Select(x => new { Text = x["designation"], Value = x["id"] }).ToList(); ddlDesignation.DataBind(); ChangeDDLDesignationAsDDLTeacher(null, null); }
protected void BindGridView(object o, EventArgs e) { if (ViewState["YCSId"] == null) { ReloadYCSId(null, null); } MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); var teacherId = new UserTable <ApplicationUser>(db).GetUserId(User.Identity.Name); List <Dictionary <string, string> > res2; if (ddlSubject.SelectedValue == "all") { res2 = db.Query("getMarkPortionByYCSId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@YCSId", ViewState["YCSId"] } }, true); } else { res2 = db.Query("getMarkPortionByTSId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@TSId", ddlSubject.SelectedValue } }, true); } var query = from x in res2 let v = db.Query("getMarkByMPIdSIdTid", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@MPId", x["markportionid"] }, { "@SId", ddlStudent.SelectedValue }, { "@Tid", ddlTerm.SelectedValue } }, true) select new { Subject = (v.Count == 0) ? null : v[0]["subject"], PortionName = x["portionname"], MarkPortionId = x["markportionid"], Mark = (v.Count == 0) ? null : v[0]["mark"], MarkId = (v.Count == 0) ? null : v[0]["markid"] }; gvMark.DataSource = query.ToList(); gvMark.DataBind(); }
private void ForgetPasswordFrm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { _db = ((LoginFrm)Parent)._db; _db.SQLCommand = "SELECT tech_question, tech_answer, tech_password FROM teacher WHERE tech_username='******'"; _db.Query(); _db.Result.Read(); txtQuestion.Text = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(0); _answer = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(1); _password = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(2); }
protected void LoadStudent(object o, EventArgs e) { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); var teacherId = Context.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager <ApplicationUserManager>().FindByName(User.Identity.Name).Id; if (ddlSubject.SelectedValue == "all") { ddlStudent.DataSource = db.Query( "getStudentByTUNYCSId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@TUN", User.Identity.Name }, { "@ycsid", ViewState["YCSId"] } }, true).Select(x => new { Text = x["student"], Value = x["studentid"] }).ToList(); ddlStudent.DataTextField = "Text"; ddlStudent.DataValueField = "Value"; ddlStudent.DataBind(); } else { ddlStudent.DataSource = db.Query( "getStudentByTUNYCSIdSId", new Dictionary <string, object>() { { "@TUN", User.Identity.Name }, { "@YCSId", ViewState["YCSId"] }, { "@SId", ddlSubject.SelectedValue } }, true).Select(x => new { Text = x["student"], Value = x["studentid"] }).ToList(); ddlStudent.DataTextField = "Text"; ddlStudent.DataValueField = "Value"; ddlStudent.DataBind(); } //BindGridView(null, null); }
protected void LoadGridview() { var data = new MySQLDatabase(); if (ddlMemberType.SelectedValue == "1") { gvNotApprovedMember.Visible = false; gvApprovedMembers.Visible = true; var members = data.Query("GetAllApprovedMember", new Dictionary <string, object> { }, true); gvApprovedMembers.DataSource = members.Select(x => new { uid = x["Id"], memberNumber = x["member_number"], userName = x["UserName"], email = x["Email"], phone = x["PhoneNumber"], memberType = x["type"], DateRegister = Convert.ToDateTime(x["date_registered"]).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"), }).ToList(); gvApprovedMembers.DataBind(); } else { gvApprovedMembers.Visible = false; gvNotApprovedMember.Visible = true; var members = data.Query("GetAllNotApprovedMemmbers", new Dictionary <string, object> { }, true); gvNotApprovedMember.DataSource = members.Select(x => new { uid = x["Id"], userName = x["UserName"], email = x["Email"], phone = x["PhoneNumber"], memberType = x["type"], DateRegister = Convert.ToDateTime(x["date_registered"]).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"), }).ToList(); gvNotApprovedMember.DataBind(); } }
private void AddEcitRegistrationFrm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Init database _db = ((MainFrm)Parent)._db; // For branch combobox _db.SQLCommand = "SELECT * FROM subject"; _db.Query(); while (_db.Result.Read()) { cmbSubName.Items.Add((string)_db.Result.GetValue(2)); _lstSubject.Add(new Subject { ID = (int)_db.Result.GetValue(0), SubjectID = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(1), SubjectName = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(2) }); } // For Edit mode if (EditMode == true) { // Diable object txtStdID.Enabled = false; cmbYear.Enabled = false; // Retrieve data _db.SQLCommand = "SELECT * FROM registration WHERE reg_id='" + RegID + "'"; _db.Query(); if (_db.Result.HasRows) { _db.Result.Read(); txtSubID.Text = LookupSubjectIDByID((int)_db.Result.GetValue(1)); cmbSubName.Text = LookupSubjectNameByID((int)_db.Result.GetValue(1)); txtStdID.Text = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(2); cmbYear.Text = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(3); // For student name _db.SQLCommand = "SELECT std_name FROM student WHERE std_id='" + txtStdID.Text + "'"; _db.Query(); _db.Result.Read(); txtStdName.Text = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(0); } } }
private void UserSettingFrm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { _db = ((MainFrm)Parent)._db; _db.SQLCommand = "SELECT * FROM teacher WHERE tech_id='" + TechID + "'"; _db.Query(); _db.Result.Read(); txtName.Text = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(1); txtUsername.Text = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(3); txtPassword.Text = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(4); cmbQuestion.Text = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(7); txtAnswer.Text = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(8); }
private void AddEditSubjectFrm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { _db = ((MainFrm)Parent)._db; if (EditMode == true) { _db.SQLCommand = "SELECT * FROM subject WHERE sub_id='" + SubjectID + "'"; _db.Query(); if (_db.Result.HasRows) { _db.Result.Read(); txtSubID.Text = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(1); txtSubName.Text = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(2); } } }
private bool IsForce80Checkin(string tech_id) { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); db.DBServer = _db.DBServer; db.DBUser = _db.DBUser; db.DBPassword = _db.DBPassword; db.DBName = _db.DBName; db.Connect(); db.SQLCommand = "SELECT force_f_checkin FROM score_rating"; db.Query(); bool ret = false; if (db.Result.Read()) { if ((int)db.Result["force_f_checkin"] == 1) { ret = true; } } db.Close(); return ret; }
private void btnGenOPD_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { txtVNOPD.Text = ""; cmbVSDateOPD.Items.Clear(); m_map.Clear(); if (m_db != null && m_db.IsConnect()) { // Get HN from ipt table. m_db.SQLCommand = "SELECT * FROM ovst WHERE hn='" + txtHNOPD.Text + "' ORDER BY vstdate DESC, vsttime DESC;"; if (m_db.Query() == false) { MessageBox.Show("There is no data for hn = " + txtHNOPD.Text + ". Please check."); m_db.Result.Close(); // Clear chkBlankOPD.Enabled = false; dgViewOPD.Rows.Clear(); cmbVSDateOPD.Text = ""; pictureBoxOPD.Image = null; return; } // Fill data in combo box MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); db.DBServer = m_server; db.DBUser = m_username; db.DBPassword = m_password; db.DBName = m_dbName; db.Connect(); db.SQLCommand = "USE " + m_dbName + ";"; db.Query(); db.Result.Close(); string vstdate = null; string vsttime = null; string time = null; string vn = null; string hn = null; string fname = null; string lname = null; while (m_db.Result.Read()) { // Retrieve ovst's information vn = (string)m_db.Result["vn"]; hn = (string)m_db.Result["hn"]; vstdate = ((DateTime)m_db.Result["vstdate"]).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); vsttime = (m_db.Result["vsttime"]).ToString(); // Retrieve patient's information db.SQLCommand = "SELECT * FROM patient WHERE hn='" + hn + "';"; db.Query(); db.Result.Read(); fname = (string)db.Result["fname"]; lname = (string)db.Result["lname"]; db.Result.Close(); // Build timestamp time = vstdate + " " + vsttime; // Add item to combo box cmbVSDateOPD.Items.Add(time); // Add to map m_map.Add(time, new OVST { vn = vn, hn = hn, fname = fname, lname = lname }); } cmbVSDateOPD.SelectedIndex = 0; m_db.Result.Close(); db.Close(); // Disable checkbox if no item to be printed. if (m_map.Count == 0) { chkBlankOPD.Enabled = false; } else { chkBlankOPD.Enabled = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private double GetCheckinScore(string tech_id, string reg_id) { MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); db.DBServer = _db.DBServer; db.DBUser = _db.DBUser; db.DBPassword = _db.DBPassword; db.DBName = _db.DBName; db.Connect(); // Calculate checkin's score, the fomular is (15/10) = (20/x) double checkinScore = 0; // This will calculate later. // Get a number of checkin's dates int countChkDate = 0; db.SQLCommand = "SELECT COUNT(date) FROM checkin_date WHERE tech_id='" + tech_id + "'"; db.Query(); if (db.Result.Read()) { countChkDate = Convert.ToInt16(db.Result.GetValue(0)); } else { countChkDate = 0; } // Get setting checkin score double settingChkinScore = 0; db.SQLCommand = "SELECT checkin FROM score_rating WHERE tech_id='" + tech_id + "'"; db.Query(); if (db.Result.Read()) { settingChkinScore = Convert.ToInt16(db.Result["checkin"]); } else { settingChkinScore = 0; } // Get a number of checkin double countChkNormal = 0; db.SQLCommand = "SELECT COUNT(reg_id) FROM checkin WHERE reg_id='" + reg_id + "' AND status IN ('normal', 'absence')"; db.Query(); if (db.Result.Read()) { countChkNormal = Convert.ToInt16(db.Result.GetValue(0)); } else { countChkNormal = 0; } double countChkLate = 0; db.SQLCommand = "SELECT COUNT(reg_id) FROM checkin WHERE reg_id='" + reg_id + "' AND status='late'"; db.Query(); if (db.Result.Read()) { countChkLate = Convert.ToInt16(db.Result.GetValue(0)) * 0.5; } else { countChkNormal = 0; } db.Close(); // Then calculate the score if (countChkDate != 0) { checkinScore = (settingChkinScore * (countChkNormal + countChkLate)) / countChkDate; } return checkinScore; }
private bool Check80OfCheckin(string tech_id, string reg_id) { // Get Checkin Count. MySQLDatabase db = new MySQLDatabase(); db.DBServer = _db.DBServer; db.DBUser = _db.DBUser; db.DBPassword = _db.DBPassword; db.DBName = _db.DBName; db.Connect(); // Calculate checkin's score, the fomular is (15/10) = (20/x) double checkinScore = 0; // This will calculate later. // Get a number of checkin's dates int countChkDate = 0; db.SQLCommand = "SELECT COUNT(date) FROM checkin_date WHERE tech_id='" + tech_id + "'"; db.Query(); if (db.Result.Read()) { countChkDate = Convert.ToInt16(db.Result.GetValue(0)); } else { countChkDate = 0; } // Get a number of checkins. int countChk = 0; db.SQLCommand = "SELECT COUNT(reg_id) FROM checkin WHERE reg_id='" + reg_id + "'"; db.Query(); if (db.Result.Read()) { countChk = Convert.ToInt16(db.Result.GetValue(0)); } else { countChk = 0; } db.Close(); // Calculate int countNeedCheckin = (80 * countChkDate) / 100; if (countChk >= countNeedCheckin) { return false; } return true; }
private void AddEditStudentFrm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Init Database _db = ((MainFrm)Parent)._db; // Init FP engine _fpEngine = new AxZKFPEngX(); _fpEngine.BeginInit(); _fpEngine.OnEnroll += new IZKFPEngXEvents_OnEnrollEventHandler(_fpEngine_OnEnroll); _fpEngine.OnImageReceived += new IZKFPEngXEvents_OnImageReceivedEventHandler(_fpEngine_OnImageReceived); this.Controls.Add(_fpEngine); if (_fpEngine.InitEngine() != 0) { MessageBox.Show("ไม่สามารถติดต่อเครื่องสแกนลายนิ้วมือได้", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); _fpDeviceConnect = false; } else { _fpDeviceConnect = true; } // For Edit mode if (EditMode == true) { _db.SQLCommand = "SELECT * FROM student WHERE std_id='" + StudentID + "'"; _db.Query(); if (_db.Result.HasRows) { _db.Result.Read(); txtStdID.Text = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(0); txtStdName.Text = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(1); txtStdMajor.Text = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(2); if (_db.Result.GetValue(3) == null) { txtFinger.Text = ""; } else { txtFinger.Text = (string)_db.Result.GetValue(3); } } } }
private void LoadRegisterToDGV(string sqlCmd) { AddColumnForStudentDGV(); // Clear DGV dgvStudent.Rows.Clear(); // Query all teacher. _db.SQLCommand = sqlCmd; _db.Query(); if (_db.Result.HasRows == false) { //MessageBox.Show("ไม่มีรายการที่ต้องการแสดง", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); //return; } // Insert rows to DGV int order = 0; while (_db.Result.Read()) { order++; if ((string)_db.Result.GetValue(2) != "") { dgvStudent.Rows.Add( order.ToString(), _db.Result["std_id"], _db.Result["std_name"], "scaned", _db.Result["reg_id"], LoadImage("finger2.png") ); } else { dgvStudent.Rows.Add( order.ToString(), _db.Result["std_id"], _db.Result["std_name"], "noscan", _db.Result["reg_id"], LoadImage("nofinger2.png") ); } } int tech_id = (int)dgvSubject.CurrentRow.Cells["TechID"].Value; // Load others groups _db.SQLCommand = "SELECT * FROM checkin_date WHERE tech_id='" + tech_id + "' ORDER BY date"; _db.Query(); if (_db.Result.HasRows == true) { while (_db.Result.Read() == true) { // Image column DataGridViewImageColumn imgCol = new DataGridViewImageColumn(); imgCol.HeaderText = _db.Result["date"] as string; imgCol.Width = 70; int idx = dgvStudent.Columns.Add(imgCol); // Status column DataGridViewTextBoxColumn statusCol = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); statusCol.HeaderText = _db.Result["date"] as string; statusCol.Width = 70; statusCol.Visible = false; // Status column int idxStatus = dgvStudent.Columns.Add(statusCol); MySQLDatabase localDB = new MySQLDatabase(); localDB.DBUser = _db.DBUser; localDB.DBPassword = _db.DBPassword; localDB.DBServer = _db.DBServer; localDB.DBName = _db.DBName; localDB.Connect(); foreach (DataGridViewRow item in dgvStudent.Rows) { string regID = Convert.ToString(item.Cells[4].Value); // TechID string hisDate = imgCol.HeaderText; // Must use a new db connection. localDB.SQLCommand = "SELECT * FROM checkin WHERE date='" + hisDate + "' AND reg_id='" + regID + "'"; localDB.Query(); if (localDB.Result.HasRows == true) { localDB.Result.Read(); if (localDB.Result["status"] as string == "normal") { item.Cells[idx].Value = LoadImage("normal.png"); item.Cells[idxStatus].Value = "normal"; } else if (localDB.Result["status"] as string == "absence") { item.Cells[idx].Value = LoadImage("absence.png"); item.Cells[idxStatus].Value = "absence"; } else { item.Cells[idx].Value = LoadImage("late.png"); item.Cells[idxStatus].Value = "late"; } } else { item.Cells[idx].Value = LoadImage("uncheck.png"); item.Cells[idxStatus].Value = "uncheck"; } } localDB.Close(); } } }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.FormClosed +=new FormClosedEventHandler(mainFrm_FormClosed); // Init controls txtHN.Enabled = false; txtFirstName.Enabled = false; txtLastName.Enabled = false; pictureBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize; txtVNOPD.Enabled = false; // Init datagrid view. dgView.AllowUserToAddRows = false; dgView.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect; dgView.MultiSelect = false; dgView.ColumnCount = 1; dgView.Columns[0].HeaderText = "Barcode Label"; dgView.Columns[0].Width = 250; dgViewOPD.AllowUserToAddRows = false; dgViewOPD.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect; dgViewOPD.MultiSelect = false; dgViewOPD.SelectionChanged += new EventHandler(dgViewOPD_SelectionChanged); dgViewOPD.CellContentClick += new DataGridViewCellEventHandler(dgViewOPD_CellContentClick); m_dgvColor = dgViewOPD.BackgroundColor; DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn chkCol = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn(); chkCol.HeaderText = ""; chkCol.Width = 30; dgViewOPD.Columns.Insert(0, chkCol); DataGridViewTextBoxColumn txtCol = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); txtCol.HeaderText = "Barcode Label"; txtCol.Width = 250; dgViewOPD.Columns.Insert(1, txtCol); DataGridViewTextBoxColumn txtCol2 = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); txtCol2.HeaderText = "Hidden"; txtCol2.Width = 50; txtCol2.Visible = false; dgViewOPD.Columns.Insert(2, txtCol2); // Init controls cmbVSDateOPD.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(cmbVSDateOPD_SelectedIndexChanged); chkBlankOPD.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(chkBlankOPD_CheckedChanged); chkBlankOPD.Enabled = false; // Load config LoadFromXML(); // Load previous data before closing form. if (File.Exists("savedata.txt") == true) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("savedata.txt"); string line = sr.ReadLine(); if (line != null) { txtAN.Text = line.Substring(3); } line = sr.ReadLine(); if (line != null) { txtHNOPD.Text = line.Substring(3); } if (txtAN.Text != "") { m_AN = Convert.ToInt32(txtAN.Text); } if (txtHNOPD.Text != "") { m_HNOPD = Convert.ToInt32(txtHNOPD.Text); } sr.Close(); } // Load history printing. ReloadHistory(); if (tabControl.SelectedTab.Name == "tabPageIPD") { txtAN.Select(); } else { txtHNOPD.Select(); } try { // Init database m_db = new MySQLDatabase(); m_db.DBServer = m_server; m_db.DBUser = m_username; m_db.DBPassword = m_password; m_db.DBName = m_dbName; m_db.Connect(); m_db.SQLCommand = "USE " + m_dbName + ";"; m_db.Query(); m_db.Result.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void ScoreRateFrm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Init database _db = ((MainFrm)Parent)._db; // Load current score setting _db.SQLCommand = "SELECT * FROM score_rating WHERE tech_id='" + TeachingID + "'"; _db.Query(); // If the subject has been already set score rating if (_db.Result.Read() == true) { txtA.Text = _db.Result["a"].ToString(); txtBP.Text = _db.Result["bp"].ToString(); txtB.Text = _db.Result["b"].ToString(); txtCP.Text = _db.Result["cp"].ToString(); txtC.Text = _db.Result["c"].ToString(); txtDP.Text = _db.Result["dp"].ToString(); txtD.Text = _db.Result["d"].ToString(); txtF.Text = _db.Result["f"].ToString(); txtMid.Text = _db.Result["mid"].ToString(); txtFinal.Text = _db.Result["final"].ToString(); txtCheckin.Text = _db.Result["checkin"].ToString(); txtScore1.Text = _db.Result["score1"].ToString(); txtScore2.Text = _db.Result["score2"].ToString(); txtScore3.Text = _db.Result["score3"].ToString(); txtScore4.Text = _db.Result["score4"].ToString(); txtScore5.Text = _db.Result["score5"].ToString(); txtScore1Title.Text = _db.Result["score1_title"].ToString(); txtScore2Title.Text = _db.Result["score2_title"].ToString(); txtScore3Title.Text = _db.Result["score3_title"].ToString(); txtScore4Title.Text = _db.Result["score4_title"].ToString(); txtScore5Title.Text = _db.Result["score5_title"].ToString(); txtScoreLab.Text = _db.Result["score_lab"].ToString(); if ((int)_db.Result["force_f_checkin"] == 0) { chkForce.Checked = false; } else { chkForce.Checked = true; } if (LabMode == true) { txtScoreLab.Text = _db.Result["score_lab"].ToString(); } if (_db.Result["score_type"].ToString() == "grade") { cmbType.SelectedIndex = 1; } else { cmbType.SelectedIndex = 0; } _reallyCalcuate = false; btnCalc_Click(null, null); } else { cmbType.SelectedIndex = 1; } if (LabMode == true) { txtScoreLab.Visible = false; labScoreLab.Visible = false; labStar.Visible = false; } _ready = true; // To prevent crash we this flag. }
private double GetLabScore(string stdID) { double labScore = 0.0; MySQLDatabase localDB = new MySQLDatabase(); localDB.DBServer = _db.DBServer; localDB.DBName = _db.DBName; localDB.DBUser = _db.DBUser; localDB.DBPassword = _db.DBPassword; localDB.Connect(); // Get Lab Subject of Lec Subject localDB.SQLCommand = "SELECT * FROM subject WHERE sub_lec='" + dgvSubject.CurrentRow.Cells["SubLec"].Value as string + "' AND sub_lab<>''"; localDB.Query(); while (localDB.Result.Read()) { // STD + Lab + Year Sub ID, look up in registration MySQLDatabase regDB = new MySQLDatabase(); regDB.DBServer = _db.DBServer; regDB.DBName = _db.DBName; regDB.DBUser = _db.DBUser; regDB.DBPassword = _db.DBPassword; regDB.Connect(); regDB.SQLCommand = "SELECT * FROM registration WHERE sub_id='" + (int)localDB.Result["id"] + "' AND std_id='" + stdID + "' AND year='" + dgvSubject.CurrentRow.Cells["SubYear"].Value + "'"; regDB.Query(); while (regDB.Result.Read()) { // REGID look up in score int regid = (int)regDB.Result["reg_id"]; MySQLDatabase scoreDB = new MySQLDatabase(); scoreDB.DBServer = _db.DBServer; scoreDB.DBName = _db.DBName; scoreDB.DBUser = _db.DBUser; scoreDB.DBPassword = _db.DBPassword; scoreDB.Connect(); scoreDB.SQLCommand = "SELECT * FROM score WHERE reg_id='" + regid + "'"; scoreDB.Query(); // A = Sum all score double all_score = 0; if (scoreDB.Result.Read()) { all_score = (int)scoreDB.Result["mid"] + (int)scoreDB.Result["final"] + (int)scoreDB.Result["score1"] + (int)scoreDB.Result["score2"] + (int)scoreDB.Result["score3"] + (int)scoreDB.Result["score4"] + (int)scoreDB.Result["score5"]; // TechID + SubID + Year, look up in teaching MySQLDatabase techingDB = new MySQLDatabase(); techingDB.DBServer = _db.DBServer; techingDB.DBName = _db.DBName; techingDB.DBUser = _db.DBUser; techingDB.DBPassword = _db.DBPassword; techingDB.Connect(); techingDB.SQLCommand = "SELECT * FROM teaching WHERE tech_id='" + TechID + "' AND sub_id='" + localDB.Result["id"].ToString() + "' AND year='" + dgvSubject.CurrentRow.Cells["SubYear"].Value + "'"; techingDB.Query(); techingDB.Result.Read(); all_score += GetCheckinScore(techingDB.Result["id"].ToString(), regid.ToString()); techingDB.Close(); } // B = Get Lab's score from score_rating scoreDB.SQLCommand = "SELECT * FROM score_rating WHERE tech_id='" + dgvSubject.CurrentRow.Cells["TechID"].Value + "'"; scoreDB.Query(); double scoreLab = 0; if (scoreDB.Result.Read()) { scoreLab = (int)scoreDB.Result["score_lab"]; } // Real score = (A * B)/100 labScore = (all_score * scoreLab) / 100; scoreDB.Close(); } regDB.Close(); } localDB.Close(); return labScore; }