Esempio n. 1
    void Start()
        // float value = quaternionTest.Modulus();


         * m = multiply.Multiply(q1, q2);
         * Debug.Log(m.x + ":" + m.y + ":" + m.z + ":" + m.w);

        // Axis to Quaternion

        //m.Axis2Quad(120, new Vector3(-0.5774f, 0.5774f, 0.5774f));
        //Debug.Log(m.x + ":" + m.y + ":" + m.z + ":" + m.w);

        // Quaternion to Axis
        q2a = q2a.Quad2Axis(m);
        //Debug.Log(q2a.x + ":" + q2a.y + ":" + q2a.z + ":" + q2a.w);

        Quaternion angle1 = new Quaternion(3.5f, -10, 5.7f, 1.7f);
        Quaternion angle2 = new Quaternion(9, -5.3f, +4, -6.6f);

        Debug.Log("Ours: " + MyQuat.Angle(q1, q2));
        Debug.Log("Unity: " + Quaternion.Angle(angle1, angle2));
Esempio n. 2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //acceleration & forces
        perd.vel = new MyVec(magnuss.x, -gravity, perd.vel.z);
        velocity = perd.vel;

        magnuss = ((MyVec.Cross(perd.angularV, perd.vel)) * magnussCoef * airDens * crossSectionalArea * radius) * 0.5f;

        drag = (MyVec.Scale(perd.vel, perd.vel) * proportionalCoef * crossSectionalArea * airDens) * -0.5f;

        acc = (magnuss + drag + new MyVec(0, -gravity * mass, 0)) / mass;

        MagnusX = magnuss.x;

        DragX = drag.x;
        DragY = drag.y;
        DragZ = drag.z;

        perd.pos.x += (magnuss.x - drag.x) * Time.deltaTime;

        perd.pos.y -= (gravity - drag.y) * (Time.deltaTime);

        perd.pos.z += (perd.vel.z - drag.z) * Time.deltaTime;

        positions = perd.pos;

        float angle = perd.angularV.magnitude * Time.deltaTime;

        angularD           = perd.angularV;
        rot                = new MyQuat(angularD.x * Mathf.Sin(angle / 2), angularD.y * Mathf.Sin(angle / 2), angularD.z * Mathf.Sin(angle / 2), Mathf.Cos(angle / 2));
        final              = rot * new MyQuat(transform.rotation.x, transform.rotation.y, transform.rotation.z, transform.rotation.w);
        transform.rotation = new Quaternion(final.x, final.y, final.z, final.w);
        transform.position = new Vector3(perd.pos.x, perd.pos.y, perd.pos.z);
Esempio n. 3
    public static MyQuat AngleAxis(float angle, Vec3 axis)
        Vec3 vn = Vec3.Normalize(axis);

        angle = angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

        MyQuat q = new MyQuat(Mathf.Cos(angle / 2), vn.x * Mathf.Sin(angle / 2), vn.y * Mathf.Sin(angle / 2), vn.z * Mathf.Sin(angle / 2));

Esempio n. 4
    public static MyQuat operator *(MyQuat q, MyQuat r)
        MyQuat t = new MyQuat();

        t.w = (r.w * q.w - r.x * q.x - r.y * q.y - r.z * q.z);
        t.x = (r.w * q.x + r.x * q.w - r.y * q.z + r.z * q.y);
        t.y = (r.w * q.y + r.x * q.z + r.y * q.w - r.z * q.x);
        t.z = (r.w * q.z - r.x * q.y + r.y * q.x + r.z * q.w);
Esempio n. 5
    public MyQuat Multiply(MyQuat q, MyQuat r)
        MyQuat t = new MyQuat();

        t.w = (r.w * q.w - r.x * q.x - r.y * q.y - r.z * q.z);
        t.x = (r.w * q.x + r.x * q.w - r.y * q.z + r.z * q.y);
        t.y = (r.w * q.y + r.x * q.z + r.y * q.w - r.z * q.x);
        t.z = (r.w * q.z - r.x * q.y + r.y * q.x + r.z * q.w);
Esempio n. 6
    public static MyQuat Multiply(MyQuat q1, MyQuat q2)
        MyQuat quaternionMultiplied = new MyQuat(0, 0, 0, 0);

        quaternionMultiplied.w = (q2.w * q1.w - q2.x * q1.x - q2.y * q1.y - q2.z * q1.z);
        quaternionMultiplied.x = (q2.w * q1.x + q2.x * q1.w - q2.y * q1.z + q2.z * q1.y);
        quaternionMultiplied.y = (q2.w * q1.y + q2.x * q1.z + q2.y * q1.w - q2.z * q1.x);
        quaternionMultiplied.z = (q2.w * q1.z - q2.x * q1.y + q2.y * q1.x + q2.z * q1.w);

Esempio n. 7
    public MyQuat Quad2Axis(MyQuat q1)
        MyQuat returnQuaternion = new MyQuat();

        returnQuaternion.x = q1.x / Mathf.Sqrt(1 - q1.w * q1.w);
        returnQuaternion.y = q1.y / Mathf.Sqrt(1 - q1.w * q1.w);
        returnQuaternion.z = q1.z / Mathf.Sqrt(1 - q1.w * q1.w);
        returnQuaternion.w = 2 * Mathf.Acos(q1.w) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

Esempio n. 8
    public MyQuat Conjugate()
        MyQuat result = new MyQuat();

        result.x = x * -1;
        result.y = y * -1;
        result.z = z * -1;
        result.w = w;

Esempio n. 9
    public static MyQuat FromAxisAngle(axisAngle axis)
        MyQuat q = new MyQuat();

        q.w = Mathf.Cos(axis.w / 2);
        q.x = axis.x * Mathf.Sin(axis.w / 2);
        q.y = axis.y * Mathf.Sin(axis.w / 2);
        q.z = axis.z * Mathf.Sin(axis.w / 2);

Esempio n. 10
    public MyQuat inverse()
        MyQuat p = new MyQuat();

        p.x = -this.x;
        p.y = -this.y;
        p.z = -this.z;
        p.w = this.w;

Esempio n. 11
    public static float Angle(MyQuat q1, MyQuat q2)

        MyQuat newQuaternion = new MyQuat();

        newQuaternion = MyQuat.Multiply(q1, q2);

        return(2 * Mathf.Acos(newQuaternion.w) * Mathf.Rad2Deg);
Esempio n. 12
    public static MyQuat operator *(MyQuat q, MyQuat p)
        MyQuat m = new MyQuat();

        m.w = (p.w * q.w - p.x * q.x - p.y * q.y - p.z * q.z);
        m.x = (p.w * q.x + p.x * q.w - p.y * q.z + p.z * q.y);
        m.y = (p.w * q.y + p.x * q.z + p.y * q.w - p.z * q.x);
        m.z = (p.w * q.z - p.x * q.y + p.y * q.x + p.z * q.w);

Esempio n. 13
    public MyQuat Inverse()
        MyQuat p = new MyQuat();

        p.x = -x;
        p.y = -y;
        p.z = -z;
        p.w = w;

Esempio n. 14
    public static MyQuat Normalize(MyQuat q)
        MyQuat result    = new MyQuat();
        float  magnitude = Mathf.Sqrt((q.x * q.x) + (q.y * q.y) + (q.z * q.z) + (q.w * q.w));
        float  scale     = 1.0f / magnitude;

        result.x = q.x * scale;
        result.y = q.y * scale;
        result.z = q.z * scale;
        result.w = q.w * scale;

Esempio n. 15
    void Start()
        lineMat = m;

        delta             = 0.033f;
        originalSliderpos = new Vec3(510, 1178, -239);
        //mod2 = Vec3.Mod(originalSliderpos);
        q = new MyQuat(transform.rotation);

        //Esta fet aixi degut a que s han d iniialitzar tots els valors, un per un, de les posicions
        fx = transform.position.x;
        fy = transform.position.y;
        fz = transform.position.z;

        velocity = new Vec3(speed.x, speed.y, speed.z) * 20;
        position = new Vec3(fx, fy, fz);
Esempio n. 16
    public static MyQuat Axis2Quad(float angle, MyVector3 v3)
        MyQuat axisQuat = new MyQuat();

        // RADIANES


        float radianAngle = angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

        axisQuat.x = v3.x * Mathf.Sin(radianAngle / 2);
        axisQuat.y = v3.y * Mathf.Sin(radianAngle / 2);
        axisQuat.z = v3.z * Mathf.Sin(radianAngle / 2);
        axisQuat.w = Mathf.Cos(radianAngle / 2);


Esempio n. 17
    public MyQuat fromAxisAngle(float angle, MyVec axis)
        //angle *= Mathf.Rad2Deg;
        Debug.Log("angle :" + angle);
        MyQuat q = new MyQuat();

        q.w = Mathf.Cos(angle / 2);
        q.x = axis.x * Mathf.Sin(angle / 2);
        q.y = axis.y * Mathf.Sin(angle / 2);
        q.z = axis.z * Mathf.Sin(angle / 2);

        Debug.Log("q.x" + q.x);
        Debug.Log("q.y" + q.y);
        Debug.Log("q.z" + q.z);
        Debug.Log("q.w" + q.w);
Esempio n. 18
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        Time.timeScale = 0.01f;

        magnussCoef        = 0.15f;
        airDens            = 1;
        radius             = 0.5f;
        proportionalCoef   = 0.15f;
        crossSectionalArea = (Mathf.Pow(radius, 2)) * Mathf.PI;

        keys          = GameObject.Find("InputManager").GetComponent <KeyManager>();
        perd.pos      = new MyVec(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z);
        perd.vel      = new MyVec(0, 0, 20) + keys.vent;
        perd.angularV = new MyVec(0, angularY, 0);
        uolo          = new Vector3(perd.angularV.x, perd.angularV.y, perd.angularV.z);
        gravity       = 9.8f * mass;
        //perd.forces = drag + gravity + magnuss;
        move = new MyVec(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z);
        init = new MyQuat(transform.rotation.x, transform.rotation.y, transform.rotation.z, transform.rotation.w);
Esempio n. 19
    //Static Methods
    public static MyQuat AngleAxis(float angle, ref MyVec axis)
        if (axis.sqrMagnitude == 0.0f)

        MyQuat result  = new MyQuat(0, 0, 0, 1);
        float  radians = angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

        radians *= 0.5f;
        axis     = axis * Mathf.Sin(radians);
        result.x = axis.x;
        result.y = axis.y;
        result.z = axis.z;
        result.w = Mathf.Cos(radians);

Esempio n. 20
    void Update()
        // Copy the joints positions to work with
        for (int i = 0; i < joints.Length; i++)
            copy[i] = new MyVec(joints[i].position.x, joints[i].position.y, joints[i].position.z); //Copy the joints
            if (i < joints.Length - 1)
                distances[i] = MyVec.Distance(joints[i + 1].position, joints[i].position); //Calculate the distances

        done = (copy[copy.Length - 1] - new MyVec(target.position.x, target.position.y, target.position.z)).magnitude < treshold_condition;

        if (!done)
            float targetRootDist = MyVec.Distance(copy[0], new MyVec(target.position.x, target.position.y, target.position.z));

            // Update joint positions
            if (targetRootDist > distances.Sum())
                // The target is unreachable
                for (int i = 0; i < copy.Length - 1; i++)
                    float r      = (new MyVec(target.position.x, target.position.y, target.position.z) - copy[i]).magnitude;
                    float lambda = distances[i] / r;
                    copy[i + 1] = copy[i] * (1 - lambda) + new MyVec(target.position.x, target.position.y, target.position.z) * lambda;
                MyVec b    = copy[0];
                float difA = (copy[copy.Length - 1] - new MyVec(target.position.x, target.position.y, target.position.z)).magnitude;

                // The target is reachable
                while (difA > treshold_condition)
                    // STAGE 1: FORWARD REACHING
                    copy[copy.Length - 1] = new MyVec(target.position.x, target.position.y, target.position.z);
                    for (int i = copy.Length - 2; i > 0; i--)
                        float r      = (copy[i + 1] - copy[i]).magnitude;
                        float lambda = distances[i] / r;
                        copy[i] = copy[i + 1] * (1 - lambda) + copy[i] * lambda;

                    // STAGE 2: BACKWARD REACHING
                    copy[0] = b;
                    for (int i = 0; i < copy.Length - 1; i++)
                        float r      = (copy[i + 1] - copy[i]).magnitude;
                        float lambda = distances[i] / r;
                        copy[i + 1] = copy[i] * (1 - lambda) + copy[i + 1] * lambda;

                    difA = (copy[copy.Length - 1] - new MyVec(target.position.x, target.position.y, target.position.z)).magnitude;

            // Update original joint rotations
            for (int i = 0; i < joints.Length - 1; i++)
                MyVec A = new MyVec(joints[i + 1].position - joints[i].position);
                MyVec B = copy[i + 1] - copy[i];

                float cosa = MyVec.Dot(MyVec.Normalize(A), MyVec.Normalize(B));
                float sina = MyVec.Cross(MyVec.Normalize(A), MyVec.Normalize(B)).magnitude;

                float alpha = Mathf.Atan2(sina, cosa) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

                MyVec myAxis = MyVec.Normalize(MyVec.Cross(A, B));
                //Vector3 axis = new Vector3(myAxis.x, myAxis.y, myAxis.z);

                MyQuat myQuat = MyQuat.AngleAxis(alpha, ref myAxis);

                Quaternion quat = new Quaternion(myQuat.x, myQuat.y, myQuat.z, myQuat.w);

                joints[i].rotation = quat * joints[i].rotation;
                //joints[i].rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(alpha, axis) * joints[i].rotation;
                joints[i + 1].position = new Vector3(copy[i + 1].x, copy[i + 1].y, copy[i + 1].z);
                if (i == 2)
                    //  print(joints[i].rotation.z);

                if ((joints[i].rotation.z > 0.5f || joints[i].rotation.z < -0.5f) && i > 0)
                    joints[i].rotation = joints[i - 1].rotation;
                    //joints[i].rotation = new Quaternion(joints[i].rotation.x, joints[i].rotation.y, , joints[i - 1].rotation.w);
Esempio n. 21
    void Update()
        vecTarget = new MyVec(target.position.x, target.position.y, target.position.z);
        copy[0]   = new MyVec(joints[0].transform.position.x, joints[0].transform.position.y, joints[0].transform.position.z);
        // Copy the joints positions to work with
        for (int i = 0; i < joints.Length - 1; i++)
            copy[i + 1]  = new MyVec(joints[i + 1].transform.position.x, joints[i + 1].transform.position.y, joints[i + 1].transform.position.z);
            distances[i] = (joints[i + 1].position - joints[i].position).magnitude;

        done = (copy[copy.Length - 1] - vecTarget).length() < treshold_condition;

        if (!done)
            float targetRootDist = new MyVec().Distance(copy[0], vecTarget);

            // Update joint positions
            if (targetRootDist > distances.Sum())
                // The target is unreachable
                for (int i = 0; i < joints.Length - 1; i++)
                    float r      = new MyVec().Distance(vecTarget, copy[i]);
                    float lambda = distances[i] / r;
                    copy[i + 1] = (1 - lambda) * copy[i] + (lambda * vecTarget);
                // The target is reachable
                MyVec b = new MyVec(copy[0].x, copy[0].y, copy[0].z);
                float r = new MyVec().Distance(copy[copy.Length - 1], vecTarget);
                while (r > treshold_condition)
                    // STAGE 1: FORWARD REACHING
                    copy[copy.Length - 1] = vecTarget;
                    for (int i = copy.Length - 2; i > 0; i--)
                        float l      = new MyVec().Distance(copy[i + 1], copy[i]);
                        float lambda = distances[i] / l;
                        copy[i] = (1 - lambda) * copy[i + 1] + (lambda * copy[i]);

                    // STAGE 2: BACKWARD REACHING
                    copy[0] = b;
                    for (int i = 0; i < copy.Length - 1; i++)
                        float l      = new MyVec().Distance(copy[i + 1], copy[i]);
                        float lambda = distances[i] / l;
                        copy[i + 1] = (1 - lambda) * copy[i] + (lambda * copy[i + 1]);

                    r = new MyVec().Distance(copy[copy.Length - 1], vecTarget);

            // Update original joint rotations
            for (int i = 0; i < joints.Length - 1; i++)
                MyVec temp1 = new MyVec(joints[i + 1].position.x, joints[i + 1].position.y, joints[i + 1].position.z);
                MyVec temp2 = new MyVec(joints[i].position.x, joints[i].position.y, joints[i].position.z);
                MyVec init  = temp1 - temp2;
                MyVec now = copy[i + 1] - copy[i];
                float cos = (new MyVec().dotProduct(init.normalized, now.normalized));
                float sin = new MyVec().crossProduct(init.normalized, now.normalized).length();
                print("cos" + cos);
                print("sin" + sin);
                float angle = Mathf.Atan2(sin, cos);//* Mathf.Rad2Deg;

                MyVec  axis    = new MyVec().crossProduct(init.normalized, now.normalized).normalize();
                MyQuat tempRot = new MyQuat(joints[i].rotation.x, joints[i].rotation.y, joints[i].rotation.z, joints[i].rotation.w);

                *  print(axis.y);
                *  print(axis.z);*/

                if (angle != 0)
                    MyQuat finalRot = new MyQuat().fromAxisAngle(angle, axis.normalized) * tempRot;

                    *  print(finalRot.y);
                    *  print(finalRot.z);
                    *  print(finalRot.w);*/
                    joints[i].rotation = new Quaternion(finalRot.x, finalRot.y, finalRot.z, finalRot.w);
                Vector3 finalPos = new Vector3(copy[i].x, copy[i].y, copy[i].z);
                joints[i].position = finalPos;
Esempio n. 22
    void Update()
        // Copy the joints positions to work with
        copy[0] = new MyVector3(joints[0].position);

        //copy[0] = joints[0].position;

        for (int i = 0; i < joints.Length - 1; i++)
            copy[i + 1]  = new MyVector3(joints[i + 1].position);
            distances[i] = (copy[i + 1] - copy[i]).Module();

            //copy[i + 1] = joints[i + 1].position;
            //distances[i] = (copy[i + 1] - copy[i]).magnitude;

        //done = TODO
        done = (copy[copy.Length - 1] - new MyVector3(target.position)).Module() < tresholdCondition;

        //done = (copy[copy.Length - 1] - target.position).magnitude < tresholdCondition;

        if (!done)
            float targetRootDist = (copy[0] - new MyVector3(target.position)).Module();

            //float targetRootDist = Vector3.Distance(copy[0], target.position);

            // Update joint positions
            if (targetRootDist > distances.Sum())
                // The target is unreachable
                for (int i = 0; i < copy.Length - 1; i++)
                    float r = (new MyVector3(target.position) - copy[i]).Module();

                    //float r = (target.position - copy[i]).magnitude;
                    float lambda = distances[i] / r;

                    copy[i + 1] = (1 - lambda) * copy[i] + (lambda * new MyVector3(target.position));

                    //copy[i + 1] = (1 - lambda) * copy[i] + (lambda * target.position);
                MyVector3 b = copy[0];

                //Vector3 b = copy[0];

                // The target is reachable
                //while (TODO)

                float difference = (copy[copy.Length - 1] - new MyVector3(target.position)).Module();

                //float difference = (copy[copy.Length - 1] - target.position).magnitude;

                while (difference > tresholdCondition) // treshold = tolerance
                    // numIterations++;

                    // STAGE 1: FORWARD REACHING
                    copy[copy.Length - 1] = new MyVector3(target.position);

                    //copy[copy.Length - 1] = target.position;

                    for (int i = copy.Length - 2; i > 0; i--)
                        float r = (copy[i + 1] - copy[i]).Module();

                        //float r = (copy[i + 1] - copy[i]).magnitude;
                        float lambda = distances[i] / r;

                        copy[i] = (1 - lambda) * copy[i + 1] + lambda * copy[i];

                    // STAGE 2: BACKWARD REACHING
                    copy[0] = b;

                    for (int i = 0; i < copy.Length - 1; i++)
                        float r = (copy[i + 1] - copy[i]).Module();

                        //float r = (copy[i + 1] - copy[i]).magnitude;
                        float lambda = distances[i] / r;

                        copy[i + 1] = (1 - lambda) * copy[i] + lambda * copy[i + 1];

                    difference = (copy[copy.Length - 1] - new MyVector3(target.position)).Module();

                    //difference = (copy[copy.Length - 1] - target.position).magnitude;

            // Update original joint rotations
            for (int i = 0; i <= joints.Length - 2; i++)
                // float originalAngle = joints[i].rotation.w;

                MyQuat parentRotation = new MyQuat(joints[i + 1].rotation);
                MyQuat childRotation  = new MyQuat(joints[i].rotation);

                // Rotation
                MyVector3 vectorA = new MyVector3(joints[i + 1].position) - new MyVector3(joints[i].position);
                MyVector3 vectorB = copy[i + 1] - copy[i];

                //Vector3 vectorA = joints[i + 1].position - joints[i].position;
                //Vector3 vectorB = copy[i + 1] - copy[i];

                // float angle = Mathf.Acos(Vector3.Dot(vectorA.normalized, vectorB.normalized)) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
                float cosA = (MyVector3.Dot(vectorA.Normalize(), vectorB.Normalize()));
                float sinA = MyVector3.Cross(vectorA.Normalize(), vectorB.Normalize()).Module();

                //float cosA = (Vector3.Dot(vectorA.normalized, vectorB.normalized));
                //float sinA = Vector3.Cross(vectorA.normalized, vectorB.normalized).magnitude;

                // Atan = Cos | Atan2 = denominador y...
                float angle = Mathf.Atan2(sinA, cosA) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

                MyVector3 axis = MyVector3.Cross(vectorA, vectorB).Normalize();

                //Vector3 axis = Vector3.Cross(vectorA, vectorB).normalized;

                // joints[i].rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, axis) * joints[i].rotation;

                joints[i].rotation = MyQuat.Multiply(MyQuat.Axis2Quad(angle, axis), childRotation).ToUnityQuat();

                //joints[i].rotation = MyQuat.Multiply(MyQuat.Axis2Quad(angle, axis), childRotation).ToUnityQuat();

                childRotation = new MyQuat(joints[i].rotation);

                float angleTest = MyQuat.Angle(parentRotation, childRotation);

                if (Mathf.Abs(angleTest) > maxAngleRotation)
                    joints[i + 1].rotation = joints[i].rotation;

                joints[i + 1].position = new Vector3(copy[i + 1].x, copy[i + 1].y, copy[i + 1].z);

                //joints[i + 1].position = copy[i + 1];
Esempio n. 23
    void Update()
        // 1.Copy the joints positions to work with.
        //Calculate also the distances between joints

        Vec3 tpos = new Vec3(target.position);

        copy[0] = new Vec3(joints[0].position);
        for (int i = 0; i < copy.Length - 1; i++)
            Vec3 temp = new Vec3(joints[i + 1].position);
            copy[i + 1]  = temp;
            distances[i] = Vec3.Distance(copy[i + 1], copy[i]);

        //done = TODO2
        done = Vec3.Mod(copy[copy.Length - 1] - tpos) < treshold_condition;
        if (!done)
            float targetRootDist = Vec3.Distance(copy[0], tpos);

            // Update joint positions
            if (targetRootDist > distances.Sum())
                // The target is unreachable

                for (int i = 0; i < copy.Length - 1; i++)
                    float r      = Vec3.Distance(tpos, copy[i]);
                    float lambda = distances[i] / r;
                    copy[i + 1] = (1 - lambda) * copy[i] + (lambda * tpos);
                float comvulguis = Vec3.Distance(tpos, copy[copy.Length - 1]);
                Vec3  b          = copy[0];

                int iter = 0;
                // The target is reachable
                while (comvulguis > treshold_condition && iter < maxIterations)
                    // STAGE 1: FORWARD REACHING

                    //Debug.Log("FABRIK iteration:" + iter);
                    copy[copy.Length - 1] = tpos;
                    for (int i = copy.Length - 2; i > 0; i--)
                        float r      = Vec3.Distance(copy[i + 1], copy[i]);
                        float lambda = distances[i] / r;
                        copy[i] = (1 - lambda) * copy[i + 1] + (lambda * copy[i]);
                    // STAGE 2: BACKWARD REACHING
                    copy[0] = b;
                    for (int i = 0; i < copy.Length - 1; i++)
                        float r      = Vec3.Distance(copy[i + 1], copy[i]);
                        float lambda = distances[i] / r;
                        copy[i + 1] = (1 - lambda) * copy[i] + (lambda * copy[i + 1]);
                    comvulguis = Vec3.Distance(copy[copy.Length - 1], tpos);

            // Update original joint rotations
            for (int i = 0; i <= joints.Length - 2; i++)
                //without rotations of the different pieces:
                //joints[i + 1].position = copy[i + 1];
                //with rotations of the different pieces:
                Vec3 temp1 = new Vec3(joints[i + 1].position);
                Vec3 temp2 = new Vec3(joints[i].position);

                Vec3 init = temp1 - temp2;
                Vec3 now  = copy[i + 1] - copy[i];

                //float angle = Mathf.Acos(Vector3.Dot(init.normalized, now.normalized))*Mathf.Rad2Deg;
                float cosa = Vec3.Dot(Vec3.Normalize(init), Vec3.Normalize(now));
                float sina = Vec3.Mod(Vec3.Cross(Vec3.Normalize(init), Vec3.Normalize(now)));

                float angle = Mathf.Atan2(sina, cosa) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

                Vec3 axis = Vec3.Normalize(Vec3.Cross(init, now));

                MyQuat temp = new MyQuat(joints[i].rotation);
                MyQuat q    = MyQuat.AngleAxis(angle, axis) * temp;

                Quaternion trueQ = new Quaternion(q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w);
                joints[i].rotation = trueQ;
                Vector3 v = new Vector3(copy[i + 1].x, copy[i + 1].y, copy[i + 1].z);
                joints[i + 1].position = v;