Esempio n. 1
        public void RunProteinAnalysis()
            List <ProteinAnalysis> myAnalysis = new List <ProteinAnalysis>();

            foreach (FastaItem fi in core.MyFastaItems)
                //Get the related peptides
                List <PeptideAnalysis> myPeps = (from pa in MyPeptideAnalyses.AsParallel()
                                                 where fi.Sequence.Contains(PatternTools.pTools.CleanPeptide(pa.Sequence, true))
                                                 select pa).ToList();

                List <string> cleanedPeps = myPeps.Select(a => a.Sequence).Distinct().ToList();
                double        cov         = fi.Coverage(cleanedPeps, true);

                ProteinAnalysis pepAnalysis = new ProteinAnalysis(fi, cov, myPeps);

            MyProteinAnalyses = myAnalysis;
Esempio n. 2
        public void RunPeptideAnalysis(bool normalizeTIC, List <int> acceptableClasses, bool onlyUniquePeptides, int minMS1Count, double minFold)
            NormalizeTIC       = normalizeTIC;
            AcceptableClasses  = acceptableClasses;
            OnlyUniquePeptides = onlyUniquePeptides;
            MinMS1Count        = minMS1Count;
            MinFold            = minFold;

            if (AcceptableClasses.Count != 2)
                throw new Exception("Please input 2 classes for peptide analysis");

            if (normalizeTIC && !wasNormalized)
                wasNormalized = true;
                foreach (QuantPackage2 qp in core.myQuantPkgs)
                    double tic = (from file in qp.MyQuants
                                  from q in file.Value
                                  select q.QuantArea).Sum();

                    foreach (List <Quant> peptide in qp.MyQuants.Values)
                        foreach (Quant quan in peptide)
                            quan.QuantArea /= tic;

            List <string> peptides = (from qp in core.myQuantPkgs
                                      where AcceptableClasses.Contains(qp.ClassLabel)
                                      from peptide in qp.MyQuants
                                      from quan in peptide.Value
                                      select peptide.Key + "::" + quan.Z).OrderBy(a => a).Distinct().ToList();

            //First we will get the scan numbers and then retrieve them from the sepro package

            List <AssociationItem> pairs = core.MyAssociationItems.FindAll(a => AcceptableClasses.Contains(a.Label));

            pairs.Sort((a, b) => a.Label.CompareTo(b.Label));

            //Build the matrix
            Console.WriteLine("Mounting peptide matrix");

            List <int> associations = pairs.Select(a => a.Assosication).Distinct().ToList();


            ConcurrentBag <PeptideAnalysis> myPepAnalysis = new ConcurrentBag <PeptideAnalysis>();
            int counter = 0;

            int ZeroCounter   = 0;
            int PlusCounter   = 0;
            int MinusCounter  = 0;
            int PositiveRatio = 0;
            int NegativeRatio = 0;

            //Parallel.For(0, peptides.Count, y =>
            for (int y = 0; y < peptides.Count; y++)
                string[] cols   = Regex.Split(peptides[y], "::");
                string   pepSeq = cols[0];
                int      z      = int.Parse(cols[1]);

                string[] associationResults = new string[associations.Count];

                int noPtns = core.PeptideProteinDictionary[PatternTools.pTools.CleanPeptide(pepSeq, true)].Count;

                if (onlyUniquePeptides && noPtns == 1 || !onlyUniquePeptides)
                    //var qs = (from qp in core.myQuantPkgs
                    //          where AcceptableClasses.Contains(qp.ClassLabel)
                    //          from peptide in qp.MyQuants.AsParallel()
                    //          from quan in peptide.Value
                    //          where peptide.Key.Equals(pepSeq) && quan.Z == z
                    //          select new { File = qp.FileName, Q = quan }).ToList();

                    for (int x = 0; x < associations.Count; x++)
                        List <AssociationItem> myAss = pairs.FindAll(a => a.Assosication == associations[x]);

                        //List<Quant> q1 = qs.FindAll(a => a.File.Equals(myAss[0].FileName)).Select(b => b.Q).ToList();
                        //List<Quant> q2 = qs.FindAll(a => a.File.Equals(myAss[1].FileName)).Select(b => b.Q).ToList();

                        List <Quant> q1 = (from qp in core.myQuantPkgs
                                           where qp.FileName.Equals(myAss[0].FileName) && AcceptableClasses.Contains(qp.ClassLabel)
                                           from peptide in qp.MyQuants
                                           from quan in peptide.Value
                                           where peptide.Key.Equals(pepSeq) && quan.Z == z
                                           select quan).ToList();

                        List <Quant> q2 = (from qp in core.myQuantPkgs
                                           where qp.FileName.Equals(myAss[1].FileName) && AcceptableClasses.Contains(qp.ClassLabel)
                                           from peptide in qp.MyQuants
                                           from quan in peptide.Value
                                           where peptide.Key.Equals(pepSeq) && quan.Z == z
                                           select quan).ToList();

                        double v1 = -1;
                        double v2 = -1;

                        if (q1.Count > 0)
                            if (q1[0].MyIons.GetLength(1) < minMS1Count)
                                v1 = 0;
                            else if (q1[0].QuantArea > 0)
                                v1 = q1[0].QuantArea;

                        if (q2.Count > 0)
                            if (q2[0].MyIons.GetLength(1) < minMS1Count)
                                v2 = 0;
                            else if (q2[0].QuantArea > 0)
                                v2 = q2[0].QuantArea;

                        if (q1.Count <= 0 && q2.Count <= 0)
                            associationResults[x] = "0";
                        else if (v1 > 0 && v2 > 0)
                            if (((v1 / v2) < minFold) && ((v2 / v1) < minFold))
                                associationResults[x] = "0";
                                double ratio = (v1 / v2);
                                associationResults[x] = ratio.ToString();

                                if (ratio >= 1)
                        else if (v1 > 0 && v2 <= 0)
                            associationResults[x] = "+";
                        else if (v1 <= 0 && v2 > 0)
                            associationResults[x] = "-";
                        else if ((v1 == -1 && v2 == 0) || (v2 == -1 && v1 == 0) || (v1 == 0 && v2 == 0))
                            associationResults[x] = "0";
                            Console.WriteLine("We Shouldn't be here");

                    PeptideAnalysis thisPep = new PeptideAnalysis(pepSeq, z, associationResults);

                    if (noPtns == 1)
                        thisPep.IsUnique = true;
                        thisPep.IsUnique = false;

                    Console.Write("\r{0} / {1}      ", ++counter, peptides.Count);

            MyPeptideAnalyses = myPepAnalysis.ToList();
            MyPeptideAnalyses.Sort((a, b) => a.Sequence.CompareTo(b.Sequence));

            Console.WriteLine("Counter = " + counter);
            Console.WriteLine("Zero Counter = " + ZeroCounter);
            Console.WriteLine("Plus Counter = " + PlusCounter);
            Console.WriteLine("Minus Counter = " + MinusCounter);
            Console.WriteLine("Positive Ratio = " + PositiveRatio);
            Console.WriteLine("Negative Ratio = " + NegativeRatio);