Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the select command for the data source
        /// </summary>
        public void BuildQuery()
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SelectCommand))
                StringBuilder cond = new StringBuilder();

                PagesManager pMgr = new PagesManager();

                if (ParentId != null && !_getFromParent)
                    if (!Recursive)
                        cond.AppendFormat(" And ParentId={0}", _parentId);
                        string  tempSql = string.Format("select * from dbo.Pages_GetDescendants({0})", _parentId);
                        DataSet tempDs  = DBUtils.GetDataSet(tempSql, cte.lib);

                        string sep = "";

                        StringBuilder tempSB = new StringBuilder();
                        foreach (DataRow newsType in tempDs.Tables[0].Rows)
                            if (_recursiveLevel != null && _recursiveLevel != (int)newsType["Level"])
                            sep = ",";

                        string typeIds = tempSB.ToString();
                        if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(typeIds))
                            cond.Append(string.Format(" And ParentId in ({0})", typeIds));
                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ParentURL))
                        if (!Recursive)
                            cond.AppendFormat(" And ParentId in (select PageId from Pages where URL=N'{0}' or Title=N'{0}')",
                            //TODO: fix database connection
                            _parentId = pMgr.GetPage(ParentURL).PageId;

                            string  tempSql = string.Format("select * from dbo.Pages_GetDescendants({0})", _parentId);
                            DataSet tempDs  = DBUtils.GetDataSet(tempSql, cte.lib);

                            string sep = "";

                            StringBuilder tempSB = new StringBuilder();
                            foreach (DataRow newsType in tempDs.Tables[0].Rows)
                                if (_recursiveLevel != null && _recursiveLevel != (int)newsType["Level"])

                                sep = ",";

                            string typeIds = tempSB.ToString();
                            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(typeIds))
                                cond.Append(string.Format(" And ParentId in ({0})", typeIds));
                if (month != null && month != "")
                    DateTime d  = DateTime.Parse(month);
                    DateTime d1 = d.AddMonths(1);

                    cond.Append(string.Format(" And PublishDate Between '{0:M}' and '{1:M}'", d, d1));

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Year))
                    cond.Append(string.Format(" And datepart(yyyy,  PublishDate) = '{0}'", Year));

                if (!MyPage.Editable && !CMSMode.Value)
                    cond.AppendFormat(" and Status in ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})",

                    cond.Append(" And  (PublishDate is Null Or PublishDate <= getDate())");
                    cond.AppendFormat(" and Status not in ({0})",

                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_customCondition))

                string _source = WebContext.Request["source"];
                if (_source != null && _source.ToLower() == "categories")
                    string _typeId = WebContext.Request["TypeId"];
                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_typeId))
                        cond.Append(string.Format(" AND PageType={0}", StringUtils.SQLEncode(_typeId)));
                else if (_source != null && _source.ToLower() == "templates")
                    string templateId = WebContext.Request["TemplateId"];
                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(templateId))
                        cond.Append(string.Format(" AND PageTemplate={0}", StringUtils.SQLEncode(templateId)));

                //string pId = WebContext.Request["ParentId"];
                //if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pId))
                //	cond.Append(string.Format(" And ParentId={0}", StringUtils.SQLEncode(pId)));

                string _q = WebContext.Request["q"];

                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_q))
                    cond.Append(string.Format(" And (Title like N'%{0}%' or URL like N'%{0}%' or Header like N'%{0}%')", StringUtils.SQLEncode(_q)));

                string _status = WebContext.Request["Status"];

                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_status))
                    cond.Append(string.Format(" And Status={0}", StringUtils.SQLEncode(_status)));

                string sql = "";
                if (cond.Length > 0)
                    sql = cond.ToString().Substring(5);

                string _max = "";
                if (Max != null)
                    _max = string.Format(" Top {0}", Max);
                else if (_getPageProperties)
                    _max = " Top 100 PERCENT";

                this.SelectCommand = string.Format("select {1}* from " + SQLSource + " where {0}", sql, _max);

            if (!EnablePaging)
                this.SelectCommand += " Order By " + this.OrderBy;

            if (_getPageProperties)
                string    tempSql    = "select * from PageDataProrpertiesView where PageId in (select PageId from (" + this.SelectCommand + ") P)";
                DataTable properties = DBUtils.GetDataSet(tempSql, cte.lib).Tables[0];

                MyPage.AddContext(cte.PageProperties + "-" + this.ID, properties, true);
