// return the string representation of the whole // tree rooted at this particular node // public string TreeToString(int sig, MyHashtable nameMap) { MyHashtable inqueue = new MyHashtable(); Queue todo = new Queue(); todo.Enqueue(sig); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); while (todo.Count != 0) { int nd = (int)todo.Dequeue(); int l = LeftChild(nd); int r = RightChild(nd); NodeType tp = NdType(nd); if (tp == NodeType.AND || tp == NodeType.XOR) { if (!inqueue.Contains(l)) { todo.Enqueue(l); inqueue.Add(l, null); } if (!inqueue.Contains(r)) { todo.Enqueue(r); inqueue.Add(r, null); } } result.Append(ToString(nd, nameMap)); } return(result.ToString()); }
public void MyHashtable_Add5_succeeds() { var hashtbl = new MyHashtable <string, Person>(10); var p = new Person() { Name = "Louise", City = "Dublin" }; var p2 = new Person() { Name = "Mary", City = "Dublin" }; var p3 = new Person() { Name = "John", City = "Dublin" }; var p4 = new Person() { Name = "Louise", City = "Cork" }; var p5 = new Person() { Name = "Gary", City = "Galway" }; hashtbl.Add(p.Name, p); hashtbl.Add(p2.Name, p2); hashtbl.Add(p3.Name, p3); hashtbl.Add(p4.Name, p4); hashtbl.Add(p5.Name, p5); Assert.AreEqual(hashtbl.Count(), 5); }
//</Snippet2> static void Main() { MyHashtable myHashTable = new MyHashtable(); myHashTable.Add("one", 1); myHashTable.Add("two", 2); Console.WriteLine(myHashTable.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("In Main."); }
public void TestForCollisonOfHashKeys1() { MyHashtable test3 = new MyHashtable(); test3.Add("Cat", 1); test3.Add("Cat", 2); test3.Add("Doe", 3); test3.Add("Doe", 4); Assert.Equal(163, test3.GetHash("Cat")); Assert.Equal(163, test3.GetHash("Doe")); }
public void TestForContainMethodOfHash() { MyHashtable test2 = new MyHashtable(); test2.Add("test", 1); test2.Add("test", 2); test2.Add("test2", 3); test2.Add("test2", 4); Assert.True(test2.Contains("test")); Assert.True(test2.Contains("test2")); Assert.False(test2.Contains("test1")); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var hash = new MyHashtable(); hash.Add(1, 2); Debugger.Break(); }
public void TestForAddingValuesToHash() { MyHashtable test1 = new MyHashtable(); test1.Add("test", 1); test1.Add("test", 2); test1.Add("test", 3); test1.Add("test", 4); List <int> result = test1.Find("test"); List <int> expect = new List <int> { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; Assert.Equal(expect, result); }
public void MyHashtable_Add2_succeeds() { var hashtbl = new MyHashtable <string, Person>(10); var p = new Person() { Name = "Louise", City = "Dublin" }; var p2 = new Person() { Name = "Mary", City = "Dublin" }; hashtbl.Add(p.Name, p); hashtbl.Add(p2.Name, p2); Assert.AreEqual(hashtbl.Count(), 2); }
public void MyHashtable(int[] items, int capacity) { var hashtable = new MyHashtable <int>(capacity); for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++) { hashtable.Add($"item {items[i]}", items[i]); } }
public void TestForCollisionOfHashKeys2() { MyHashtable test3 = new MyHashtable(); test3.Add("Cat", 1); test3.Add("Cat", 2); test3.Add("Doe", 3); test3.Add("Doe", 4); List <int> catValueList = test3.Find("Cat"); List <int> doeValueList = test3.Find("Doe"); List <int> expected = new List <int> { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; Assert.Equal(expected, catValueList); Assert.Equal(expected, doeValueList); }
// this demonstrate the structure interface static void test_structure_solver(string[] args) { SATSolver solver = new SATSolver(); int a = solver.CreatePI(); int b = solver.CreatePI(); int c = solver.CreatePI(); //int d = solver.CreatePI(); int xor_a_b = solver.Xor(a, b); int not_a = solver.Not(a); int not_b = solver.Not(b); int and_a_not_b = solver.And(a, not_b); int and_b_not_a = solver.And(b, not_a); int xor_a_b_p = solver.Or(and_a_not_b, and_b_not_a); int miter = solver.Xor(xor_a_b, xor_a_b_p); SATStatus r = solver.TestSAT(miter); WriteLine(String.Format("Test Right {0}", r.ToString())); int and_a_b = solver.And(a, b); int xor_a_b_wrong = solver.Or(and_a_not_b, and_a_b); int miter1 = solver.Xor(xor_a_b, xor_a_b_wrong); r = solver.TestSAT(miter1); WriteLine(String.Format("Test Wrong {0}", r.ToString())); int and_a_b_c = solver.And(solver.And(a, b), c); int flag = solver.AllocFlag(); solver.MarkTransitiveFanins(and_a_b_c, flag); for (int i = 0, sz = solver.NumPI(); i < sz; ++i) { int node_id = solver.NthPI(i); bool flagset = solver.IsNodeFlagSet(node_id, flag); if (flagset) { WriteLine(String.Format("PI {0} is in the transitive fanin", i)); } else { WriteLine(String.Format("PI {0} is NOT in the transitive fanin", i)); } } solver.ClearFlag(flag); MyHashtable nameMap = new MyHashtable(); nameMap.Add(0, "PrimaryIn 0"); WriteLine(solver.TreeToString(miter1, nameMap)); WriteLine(solver.TreeToString(xor_a_b, nameMap)); WriteLine("Press Return..."); System.Console.ReadLine(); }
public void MyHashtable_Add2SameKey_Find1_succeeds() { var hashtbl = new MyHashtable <string, Person>(10); var p = new Person() { Name = "Louise", City = "Dublin" }; var p2 = new Person() { Name = "Louise", City = "Cork" }; hashtbl.Add(p.Name, p); hashtbl.Add(p2.Name, p2); var result = hashtbl.Find(p2.Name); Assert.AreEqual(result.City, p.City); Assert.AreEqual(result.Name, p.Name); }
public MyHashtable generate_unsat_core() { if (empty == null) { fatal("Not UNSAT, Cannot Generate Core"); } MyHashtable hash = new MyHashtable(); foreach (int uid in empty.reasons) { hash.Add(uid, null); } long oldpos = storage.Position; storage.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); while (storage.Position > 0) { ResolveNode nd = ResolveNode.DeSerializeBackward(storage); sharp_assert(!is_node(nd.uid)); if (hash.Contains(nd.uid)) { foreach (int id in nd.reasons) { int uid = id; if (is_node(id)) { uid = node_uid(id); } if (!hash.Contains(uid)) { hash.Add(uid, null); } } hash.Remove(nd.uid); } } storage.Seek(oldpos, SeekOrigin.Begin); return(hash); }
private void buttonAgregarVenta_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var clienteNit = (comboBoxAgregarVentaCliente.SelectedItem ?? "").ToString(); if (clienteNit.IsEmpty()) { MessageBox.Show("Datos no validos"); return; } var cliente = Clientes.Get(new Cliente(clienteNit)); if (cliente == null) { MessageBox.Show("No existe ese cliente"); MessageBox.Show("No existe ese cliente"); return; } var date = monthCalendar1.SelectionRange.Start; if (date == null) { date = DateTime.Today; } VentaActual.Fecha = date; VentaActual.Cliente = cliente; var ventaId = new MyString(CuentaDeVentas.ToString()); Ventas.Add(ventaId, VentaActual); CuentaDeVentas++; ActualizarVistaPrevia(); MessageBox.Show("Se agrego la venta exitosamente"); VentaActual = new Venta(); }
MyHashtable find_all_involved() { if (empty == null) { fatal("Not UNSAT, Cannot Generate Core"); } MyHashtable hash = new MyHashtable(); foreach (int uid in empty.reasons) { hash.Add(uid, 1); } long oldpos = storage.Position; storage.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); while (storage.Position > 0) { ResolveNode nd = ResolveNode.DeSerializeBackward(storage); if (hash.Contains(nd.uid)) { foreach (int uid in nd.reasons) { if (!hash.Contains(uid)) { hash[uid] = 1; } else { hash[uid] = (int)hash[uid] + 1; } } } } storage.Seek(oldpos, SeekOrigin.Begin); return(hash); }
static void Main(string[] args) { MyHashtable ht = new MyHashtable(); ht.Add("one", 5); Console.WriteLine("Added => Key: one, value: 5 "); ht.Add("one", 15); Console.WriteLine("Added => Key: one, value: 15 "); ht.Add("two", 10); Console.WriteLine("Added => Key: two, value: 10 "); Console.WriteLine(); List <int> valueList = ht.Find("one"); Console.WriteLine("Key of 'one' contains following values: "); foreach (int val in valueList) { Console.WriteLine(val); } Console.WriteLine(); bool contain = ht.Contains("one"); bool contains = ht.Contains("One"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Hastable contains a key of 'one': " + contain); Console.WriteLine("Hastable contains a key of 'One': " + contains); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Collision test of 'Cat' and 'Doe' : "); Console.WriteLine(); MyHashtable colsn = new MyHashtable(); colsn.Add("Cat", 50); Console.WriteLine("Added => Key: Cat, value: 50 "); colsn.Add("Doe", 100); Console.WriteLine("Added => Key: Doe, value: 100 "); List <int> catList = colsn.Find("Cat"); List <int> doeList = colsn.Find("Doe"); Console.WriteLine("Key: Cat holds following value(s): "); foreach (int i in catList) { Console.WriteLine(i); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Key: Doe holds following value(s);"); foreach (int i in doeList) { Console.WriteLine(i); } Console.WriteLine(); bool containCat = colsn.Contains("Cat"); bool containDoe = colsn.Contains("Doe"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Hastable contains a key of 'Cat': " + containCat); Console.WriteLine("Hastable contains a key of 'Doe': " + containDoe); }