public ControlWithDescription(StringBuilder boundButtons, StringBuilder description, MyFontEnum leftFont = MyFontEnum.Red, MyFontEnum rightFont = MyFontEnum.White)
     BoundButtons = new StringBuilder(boundButtons.Length).AppendStringBuilder(boundButtons);
     Description = new StringBuilder(description.Length).AppendStringBuilder(description);
     LeftFont = leftFont;
     RightFont = rightFont;
Esempio n. 2
        // admin deletearea x y z radius
        public override bool HandleCommand(ulong userId, string[] words)
            if (words.Length != 3)
                Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, GetHelp());

            string     colour = words[0];
            MyFontEnum font   = MyFontEnum.White;

            if (!Enum.TryParse <MyFontEnum>(colour, out font))
                Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Invalid colour value entered.  {0} is nto a valid value.  Please enter one of the following: {1}", colour, GetFontList()));

            int timeInSeconds = 2;

            if (!int.TryParse(words[1], out timeInSeconds) || timeInSeconds < 1)
                Communication.SendPrivateInformation(userId, string.Format("Invalid time value entered.  {0} is not a valid value.  Please enter a value above 0"));

            string message = string.Join(" ", words.Skip(2).ToArray());

            Communication.Notification(0, font, (timeInSeconds * 1000), message);
Esempio n. 3
 public MyRichLabelText()
     m_text  = new StringBuilder(512);
     m_font  = MyFontEnum.Blue;
     m_scale = 0;
     m_color = Vector4.Zero;
Esempio n. 4
 public MyRichLabelText()
     m_text = new StringBuilder(512);
     m_font = MyFontEnum.Blue;
     m_scale = 0;
     m_color = Vector4.Zero;
        void IMyUtilities.ShowNotification(string message, int disappearTimeMs, MyFontEnum font)
            var not = new MyHudNotification(MyCommonTexts.CustomText, disappearTimeMs, font);

 public ControlWithDescription(StringBuilder boundButtons, StringBuilder description, MyFontEnum leftFont = MyFontEnum.Red, MyFontEnum rightFont = MyFontEnum.White)
     BoundButtons = new StringBuilder(boundButtons.Length).AppendStringBuilder(boundButtons);
     Description  = new StringBuilder(description.Length).AppendStringBuilder(description);
     LeftFont     = leftFont;
     RightFont    = rightFont;
Esempio n. 7
        internal static int ComputeNumCharsThatFit(MyFontEnum font, StringBuilder text, float scale, float maxTextWidth)
            float fixedScale     = scale * m_safeScreenScale;
            float screenMaxWidth = GetScreenSizeFromNormalizedSize(new Vector2(maxTextWidth, 0f)).X;

            return(m_fontsById[(int)font].ComputeCharsThatFit(text, fixedScale, screenMaxWidth));
Esempio n. 8
        private void RefreshInternals()
            if (HasHighlight)
                BackgroundTexture  = m_styleDef.ComboboxTextureHighlight;
                m_selectedItemFont = m_styleDef.ItemFontHighlight;
                BackgroundTexture  = m_styleDef.ComboboxTextureNormal;
                m_selectedItemFont = m_styleDef.ItemFontNormal;
            MinSize = BackgroundTexture.MinSizeGui;
            MaxSize = BackgroundTexture.MaxSizeGui;

            m_scrollbarTexture = (HasHighlight)
                ? MyGuiConstants.TEXTURE_SCROLLBAR_V_THUMB_HIGHLIGHT
                : MyGuiConstants.TEXTURE_SCROLLBAR_V_THUMB;

            m_selectedItemArea.Position = m_styleDef.SelectedItemOffset;
            m_selectedItemArea.Size = new Vector2(Size.X - (m_scrollbarTexture.MinSizeGui.X + m_styleDef.ScrollbarMargin.HorizontalSum + m_styleDef.SelectedItemOffset.X), ITEM_HEIGHT);

            var openedArea = GetOpenedArea();
            m_openedArea.Position = openedArea.LeftTop;
            m_openedArea.Size = openedArea.Size;

            m_openedItemArea.Position = m_openedArea.Position + new Vector2(m_styleDef.SelectedItemOffset.X, m_styleDef.DropDownTexture.LeftTop.SizeGui.Y);
            m_openedItemArea.Size = new Vector2(m_selectedItemArea.Size.X,
                (m_showScrollBar ? m_openAreaItemsCount : m_items.Count) * m_selectedItemArea.Size.Y);

            m_textScaleWithLanguage = m_styleDef.TextScale * MyGuiManager.LanguageTextScale;
Esempio n. 9
 public void AddToolTip(String toolTip,
     float textScale = MyGuiConstants.TOOL_TIP_TEXT_SCALE,
     MyFontEnum font = MyFontEnum.Blue)
     if (toolTip != null)
         ToolTips.Add(new MyColoredText(toolTip, Color.White, font: font, textScale: textScale));
Esempio n. 10
        public int AllocateMarkerStyle(MyFontEnum font, MyHudTexturesEnum directionIcon, MyHudTexturesEnum targetIcon, Color color)
            int newHandle = m_markerStyles.Count;

            m_markerStyles.Add(new MyMarkerStyle(font, directionIcon, targetIcon, color));
Esempio n. 11
        //  Draws string (string builder) at specified position
        //  normalizedPosition -> X and Y are within interval <0..1>
        //  scale -> scale for original texture, it's not in pixel/texels, but multiply of original size. E.g. 1 means unchanged size, 2 means double size. Scale is uniform, preserves aspect ratio.
        //  RETURN: Method returns size of the string in normalized coordinates.
        public static void DrawString(
            MyFontEnum font,
            StringBuilder text,
            Vector2 normalizedCoord,
            float scale,
            Color?colorMask = null,
            MyGuiDrawAlignEnum drawAlign = MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_LEFT_AND_VERTICAL_TOP,
            bool fullscreen    = false,
            float maxTextWidth = float.PositiveInfinity)
            var size = MeasureString(font, text, scale);

            size.X = Math.Min(maxTextWidth, size.X);
            var     topLeft        = MyUtils.GetCoordTopLeftFromAligned(normalizedCoord, size, drawAlign);
            Vector2 screenCoord    = GetScreenCoordinateFromNormalizedCoordinate(topLeft, fullscreen);
            float   screenScale    = scale * m_safeScreenScale;
            float   screenMaxWidth = GetScreenSizeFromNormalizedSize(new Vector2(maxTextWidth, 0f)).X;

                colorMask ?? new Color(MyGuiConstants.LABEL_TEXT_COLOR),
Esempio n. 12
 public void Init(string text, MyFontEnum font, float scale, Vector4 color)
     m_font = font;
     m_scale = scale;
     m_color = color;
Esempio n. 13
 public MyRichLabelText(StringBuilder text, MyFontEnum font, float scale, Vector4 color)
     m_text = text;
     m_font = font;
     m_scale = scale;
     m_color = color;
Esempio n. 14
        public static Vector2 MeasureString(MyFontEnum font, StringBuilder text, float scale)
            //  Fix the scale for screen resolution
            float   fixedScale         = scale * m_safeScreenScale;
            Vector2 sizeInPixelsScaled = m_fontsById[(int)font].MeasureString(text, fixedScale);

Esempio n. 15
        public static float GetFontHeight(MyFontEnum font, float scale)
            //  Fix the scale for screen resolution
            float   fixedScale         = scale * m_safeScreenScale * MyRenderGuiConstants.FONT_SCALE;
            Vector2 sizeInPixelsScaled = new Vector2(0.0f, fixedScale * m_fontsById[(int)font].LineHeight);

Esempio n. 16
 public MyRichLabelText(StringBuilder text, MyFontEnum font, float scale, Vector4 color)
     m_text  = text;
     m_font  = font;
     m_scale = scale;
     m_color = color;
Esempio n. 17
 public void Init(string text, MyFontEnum font, float scale, Vector4 color)
     m_font  = font;
     m_scale = scale;
     m_color = color;
        public override void deserialize(VRage.ByteStream stream)

            NotificationText = stream.getString();
            Time             = stream.getUShort();
            Font             = (MyFontEnum)stream.getUShort();
Esempio n. 19
 MyGuiControlLabel MakeLabel(float scale, MyFontEnum font)
     return(new MyGuiControlLabel(
                text: String.Empty,
                colorMask: ColorMask,
                textScale: MyGuiConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE * scale,
                originAlign: MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_LEFT_AND_VERTICAL_TOP,
                font: font));
Esempio n. 20
 public void AddToolTip(String toolTip,
                        float textScale = MyGuiConstants.TOOL_TIP_TEXT_SCALE,
                        MyFontEnum font = MyFontEnum.Blue)
     if (toolTip != null)
         ToolTips.Add(new MyColoredText(toolTip, Color.White, font: font, textScale: textScale));
Esempio n. 21
 public MyMarkerStyle(MyFontEnum font, MyHudTexturesEnum textureDirectionIndicator, MyHudTexturesEnum textureTarget, Color color, float textureTargetRotationSpeed = 0f, float textureTargetScale = 1f)
     Font = font;
     TextureDirectionIndicator = textureDirectionIndicator;
     TextureTarget             = textureTarget;
     this.Color = color;
     TextureTargetRotationSpeed = textureTargetRotationSpeed;
     TextureTargetScale         = textureTargetScale;
 public ControlWithDescription(MyStringId control)
     MyControl c = MyInput.Static.GetGameControl(control);
     BoundButtons = null;
     c.AppendBoundButtonNames(ref BoundButtons, unassignedText: MyInput.Static.GetUnassignedName());
     Description = MyTexts.Get(c.GetControlDescription() ?? c.GetControlName());
     LeftFont = MyFontEnum.Red;
     RightFont = MyFontEnum.White;
            public ControlWithDescription(MyStringId control)
                MyControl c = MyInput.Static.GetGameControl(control);

                BoundButtons = null;
                c.AppendBoundButtonNames(ref BoundButtons, unassignedText: MyInput.Static.GetUnassignedName());
                Description = MyTexts.Get(c.GetControlDescription() ?? c.GetControlName());
                LeftFont    = MyFontEnum.Red;
                RightFont   = MyFontEnum.White;
Esempio n. 24
 public MyHudNotificationDebug(string text,
                               int disapearTimeMs           = 2500,
                               MyFontEnum font              = MyFontEnum.White,
                               MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textAlign = MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_CENTER_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER,
                               int priority = 0,
                               MyNotificationLevel level = MyNotificationLevel.Debug) :
     base(disapearTimeMs, font, textAlign, priority, level)
     m_originalText = text;
Esempio n. 25
 public MyHudMissingComponentNotification(MyStringId text,
                                          int disapearTimeMs           = 2500,
                                          MyFontEnum font              = MyFontEnum.White,
                                          MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textAlign = MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_CENTER_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER,
                                          int priority = 0,
                                          MyNotificationLevel level = MyNotificationLevel.Normal) :
     base(disapearTimeMs, font, textAlign, priority, level)
     m_originalText = text;
Esempio n. 26
        public void ShowMessage(string sender, string messageText, MyFontEnum font = MyFontEnum.Blue)
            MessagesQueue.Enqueue(new Tuple <string, string, MyFontEnum>(sender, messageText, font));

            if (MessagesQueue.Count > MAX_MESSAGES_IN_CHAT)

 public void Add(MyDefinitionId id, double val1, double val2, MyFontEnum font)
     var control = new ComponentControl(id);
     control.Size            = new Vector2(Size.X - m_padding.HorizontalSum, control.Size.Y);
     m_currentOffsetFromTop += control.Size.Y;
     control.Position        = -0.5f * Size + new Vector2(m_padding.Left, m_currentOffsetFromTop);
     control.OriginAlign     = MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_LEFT_AND_VERTICAL_BOTTOM;
     control.ValuesFont      = font;
     control.SetValues(val1, val2);
Esempio n. 28
 public void notifyPlayers(String msg, List <long> playerIDs, MyFontEnum color)
     m_MailMan.send(new NotificationResponse()
         NotificationText = msg,
         Time             = Constants.NotificationMillis,
         Font             = color,
         Destination      = playerIDs,
         DestType         = BaseResponse.DEST_TYPE.PLAYER
Esempio n. 29
        //  IMPORTANT: This class isn't initialized by constructor, but by Start() because it's supposed to be used in memory pool
        public MyHudText Start(MyFontEnum font, Vector2 position, Color color, float scale, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum alignement)
            Font       = font;
            Position   = position;
            Color      = color;
            Scale      = scale;
            Alignement = alignement;

Esempio n. 30
 public void Add(MyDefinitionId id, double val1, double val2, MyFontEnum font)
     var control = new ComponentControl(id);
     control.Size            = new Vector2(Size.X - m_padding.HorizontalSum, control.Size.Y);
     m_currentOffsetFromTop += control.Size.Y;
     control.Position        = -0.5f * Size + new Vector2(m_padding.Left, m_currentOffsetFromTop);
     control.OriginAlign     = MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_LEFT_AND_VERTICAL_BOTTOM;
     control.ValuesFont      = font;
     control.SetValues(val1, val2);
Esempio n. 31
 MyGuiControlSlider MakeSlider(MyFontEnum font, byte defaultVal)
     return(new MyGuiControlSlider(
                position: Vector2.Zero,
                width: 121f / MyGuiConstants.GUI_OPTIMAL_SIZE.X,
                minValue: 0,
                maxValue: 255,
                color: ColorMask,
                originAlign: MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_LEFT_AND_VERTICAL_TOP,
                labelFont: font,
                defaultValue: (int)defaultVal));
Esempio n. 32
        public MyGuiControlMultilineText(
            Vector2?position                = null,
            Vector2?size                    = null,
            Vector4?backgroundColor         = null,
            MyFontEnum font                 = MyFontEnum.Blue,
            float textScale                 = MyGuiConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE,
            MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textAlign    = MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_LEFT_AND_VERTICAL_TOP,
            StringBuilder contents          = null,
            bool drawScrollbar              = true,
            MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textBoxAlign = MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_CENTER_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER,
            bool selectable                 = false)
            : base(position: position,
                   size: size,
                   colorMask: backgroundColor,
                   toolTip: null)
            Font            = font;
            TextScale       = textScale;
            m_drawScrollbar = drawScrollbar;
            TextColor       = new Color(Vector4.One);
            TextBoxAlign    = textBoxAlign;
            m_selectable    = selectable;

            m_scrollbar     = new MyVScrollbar(this);
            m_scrollbarSize = new Vector2(0.0334f, MyGuiConstants.COMBOBOX_VSCROLLBAR_SIZE.Y);
            m_scrollbarSize = MyGuiConstants.COMBOBOX_VSCROLLBAR_SIZE;
            float minLineHeight = MyGuiManager.MeasureString(Font, m_lineHeightMeasure, TextScaleWithLanguage).Y;

            m_label           = new MyRichLabel(ComputeRichLabelWidth(), minLineHeight);
            m_label.TextAlign = textAlign;
            m_text            = new StringBuilder();
            m_selection       = new MyGuiControlMultilineSelection();

            if (contents != null && contents.Length > 0)
                Text = contents;

            m_keys = new MyMultilineKeyTimeController[11];
            m_keys[(int)MyMultilineTextKeys.UP]    = new MyMultilineKeyTimeController(Keys.Up);
            m_keys[(int)MyMultilineTextKeys.DOWN]  = new MyMultilineKeyTimeController(Keys.Down);
            m_keys[(int)MyMultilineTextKeys.LEFT]  = new MyMultilineKeyTimeController(Keys.Left);
            m_keys[(int)MyMultilineTextKeys.RIGHT] = new MyMultilineKeyTimeController(Keys.Right);

            m_keys[(int)MyMultilineTextKeys.C]      = new MyMultilineKeyTimeController(Keys.C);
            m_keys[(int)MyMultilineTextKeys.A]      = new MyMultilineKeyTimeController(Keys.A);
            m_keys[(int)MyMultilineTextKeys.V]      = new MyMultilineKeyTimeController(Keys.V);
            m_keys[(int)MyMultilineTextKeys.X]      = new MyMultilineKeyTimeController(Keys.X);
            m_keys[(int)MyMultilineTextKeys.HOME]   = new MyMultilineKeyTimeController(Keys.Home);
            m_keys[(int)MyMultilineTextKeys.END]    = new MyMultilineKeyTimeController(Keys.End);
            m_keys[(int)MyMultilineTextKeys.DELETE] = new MyMultilineKeyTimeController(Keys.Delete);
Esempio n. 33
        public void Append(string text, MyFontEnum font, float scale, Vector4 color)
            string[] paragraphs = text.Split(m_lineSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None);

            for (int i = 0; i < paragraphs.Length; i++)
                AppendParagraph(paragraphs[i], font, scale, color);
                if (i < paragraphs.Length - 1)
Esempio n. 34
        /// <summary>
        /// For a safe way to display a message as a notification, not conditional. Logs a warning iff message cannot be displayed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">the notification message</param>
        /// <param name="disappearTimeMs">time on screen, in milliseconds</param>
        /// <param name="level">severity level</param>
        /// <returns>true iff the message was displayed</returns>
        public void notify(string message, int disappearTimeMs = 2000, severity level = severity.TRACE)
            MyFontEnum font = fontForSeverity(level);

            if (MyAPIGateway.Utilities != null)
                MyAPIGateway.Utilities.ShowNotification(message, disappearTimeMs, font);
                log(severity.WARNING, "ShowNotificationDebug()", "MyAPIGateway.Utilities == null");
Esempio n. 35
        public MyGuiControlMultilineText(
            Vector2?position                        = null,
            Vector2?size                            = null,
            Vector4?backgroundColor                 = null,
            MyFontEnum font                         = MyFontEnum.Blue,
            float textScale                         = MyGuiConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE,
            MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textAlign            = MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_LEFT_AND_VERTICAL_TOP,
            StringBuilder contents                  = null,
            bool drawScrollbar                      = true,
            MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textBoxAlign         = MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_CENTER_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER,
            int?visibleLinesCount                   = null,
            bool selectable                         = false,
            bool showTextShadow                     = false,
            MyGuiCompositeTexture backgroundTexture = null,
            MyGuiBorderThickness?textPadding        = null
            : base(position: position,
                   size: size,
                   colorMask: backgroundColor,
                   toolTip: null,
                   backgroundTexture: backgroundTexture)
            Font            = font;
            TextScale       = textScale;
            m_drawScrollbar = drawScrollbar;
            TextColor       = new Color(Vector4.One);
            TextBoxAlign    = textBoxAlign;
            m_selectable    = selectable;

            m_textPadding   = textPadding ?? new MyGuiBorderThickness(0, 0, 0, 0);
            m_scrollbar     = new MyVScrollbar(this);
            m_scrollbarSize = new Vector2(0.0334f, MyGuiConstants.COMBOBOX_VSCROLLBAR_SIZE.Y);
            m_scrollbarSize = MyGuiConstants.COMBOBOX_VSCROLLBAR_SIZE;
            float minLineHeight = MyGuiManager.MeasureString(Font, m_lineHeightMeasure, TextScaleWithLanguage).Y;

            m_label = new MyRichLabel(this, ComputeRichLabelWidth(), minLineHeight, visibleLinesCount)
                ShowTextShadow = showTextShadow
            m_label.AdjustingScissorRectangle += AdjustScissorRectangleLabel;
            m_label.TextAlign = textAlign;
            m_text            = new StringBuilder();
            m_selection       = new MyGuiControlMultilineSelection();

            if (contents != null && contents.Length > 0)
                Text = contents;

            m_keyThrottler = new MyKeyThrottler();
Esempio n. 36
        private void ShowNotification(string text, MyFontEnum color)
            if (mNotify == null)
                mNotify = MyAPIGateway.Utilities.CreateNotification(text, 10000, MyFontEnum.Red);
                mNotify.Text = text;

Esempio n. 37
 public MyHudNameValueData(int itemCount,
     MyFontEnum defaultNameFont = MyFontEnum.Blue,
     MyFontEnum defaultValueFont = MyFontEnum.White,
     float lineSpacing      = MyGuiConstants.HUD_LINE_SPACING,
     bool showBackgroundFog = false)
     DefaultNameFont   = defaultNameFont;
     DefaultValueFont  = defaultValueFont;
     LineSpacing       = lineSpacing;
     m_count           = itemCount;
     m_items           = new List<Data>(itemCount);
     ShowBackgroundFog = showBackgroundFog;
Esempio n. 38
 public MyHudNameValueData(int itemCount,
                           MyFontEnum defaultNameFont  = MyFontEnum.Blue,
                           MyFontEnum defaultValueFont = MyFontEnum.White,
                           float lineSpacing           = MyGuiConstants.HUD_LINE_SPACING,
                           bool showBackgroundFog      = false)
     DefaultNameFont   = defaultNameFont;
     DefaultValueFont  = defaultValueFont;
     LineSpacing       = lineSpacing;
     m_count           = itemCount;
     m_items           = new List <Data>(itemCount);
     ShowBackgroundFog = showBackgroundFog;
 public MyGuiControlMultilineEditableText(
     Vector2? position = null,
     Vector2? size = null,
     Vector4? backgroundColor = null,
     MyFontEnum font = MyFontEnum.Blue,
     float textScale = MyGuiConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE,
     MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textAlign = MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_LEFT_AND_VERTICAL_TOP,
     StringBuilder contents = null,
     bool drawScrollbar = true,
     MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textBoxAlign = MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_CENTER_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER)
     : base(position, size, backgroundColor, font, textScale, textAlign, contents, drawScrollbar, textBoxAlign, true)
     m_fontHeight = MyGuiManager.GetFontHeight(Font, TextScaleWithLanguage);
     this.AllowFocusingElements = false;
Esempio n. 40
 public MyColoredText(
     String text,
     Color? normalColor    = null,
     Color? highlightColor = null,
     MyFontEnum font       = MyFontEnum.White,
     float textScale       = MyGuiConstants.COLORED_TEXT_DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE,
     Vector2? offset       = null)
     Text           = new StringBuilder(text.Length).Append(text);
     NormalColor    = normalColor ?? MyGuiConstants.COLORED_TEXT_DEFAULT_COLOR;
     HighlightColor = highlightColor ?? MyGuiConstants.COLORED_TEXT_DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR;
     Font           = font;
     Scale          = textScale;
     Offset         = offset ?? Vector2.Zero;
Esempio n. 41
 public MyHudControlChat(
     MyHudChat chat,
     Vector2? position = null,
     Vector2? size = null,
     Vector4? backgroundColor = null,
     MyFontEnum font = MyFontEnum.White,
     float textScale = 0.7f,
     MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textAlign = MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_LEFT_AND_VERTICAL_BOTTOM,
     StringBuilder contents = null,
     bool drawScrollbar = false,
     MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textBoxAlign = MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_LEFT_AND_VERTICAL_BOTTOM,
     bool selectable = false)
     : base (position, size, backgroundColor, font, textScale, textAlign, contents, drawScrollbar, textBoxAlign, selectable)
     m_forceUpdate = true;
     m_chat = chat;
     base.VisibleChanged += MyHudControlChat_VisibleChanged;
Esempio n. 42
        public MyHudNotificationBase(
            int disapearTimeMs,
            MyFontEnum font              = MyFontEnum.White,
            MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textAlign = MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_CENTER_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER,
            int priority                 = 0,
            MyNotificationLevel level    = MyNotificationLevel.Normal)
            Font = font;
            Priority = priority;
            m_isTextDirty = true;

            m_actualTextAlign = textAlign;
            Level = level;

            // timing:
            m_lifespanMs = disapearTimeMs;
            m_aliveTime = 0;
Esempio n. 43
        private void DrawNetgraphScaleForAverageScale(Vector2 position, int optimalLengthOfBarInPx, float maximumValueOfScale, int stepCount, bool alignToRight = true, float textScale = 0.7f, MyFontEnum fontType = MyFontEnum.White)
            int step = optimalLengthOfBarInPx / stepCount;
            float stepValue = (maximumValueOfScale) / stepCount;
            float totalStepValue = 0;
            Vector2 vecStep = new Vector2(0, step);
            vecStep = MyGuiManager.GetNormalizedCoordinateFromScreenCoordinate(vecStep);
            vecStep.X = 0;

            MyGuiDrawAlignEnum align = MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_LEFT_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER;
            if (alignToRight)
                align = MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_RIGHT_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER;

            for (int i = 0; i < stepCount; i++)
                position -= vecStep;
                totalStepValue += stepValue;
                MyGuiManager.DrawString(fontType, m_helperSB, position, textScale, null, align);

            position.Y -= 0.02f;
            MyGuiManager.DrawString(fontType, m_helperSB, position, textScale, null, align);
        private void RefreshInternals()
            if (HasHighlight)
                BackgroundTexture  = m_styleDef.ComboboxTextureHighlight;
                m_selectedItemFont = m_styleDef.ItemFontHighlight;
                BackgroundTexture  = m_styleDef.ComboboxTextureNormal;
                m_selectedItemFont = m_styleDef.ItemFontNormal;
            MinSize = BackgroundTexture.MinSizeGui;
            MaxSize = BackgroundTexture.MaxSizeGui;

            m_scrollbarTexture = (HasHighlight)
                ? MyGuiConstants.TEXTURE_SCROLLBAR_V_THUMB_HIGHLIGHT
                : MyGuiConstants.TEXTURE_SCROLLBAR_V_THUMB;

            m_selectedItemArea.Position = m_styleDef.SelectedItemOffset;
            m_selectedItemArea.Size = new Vector2(Size.X - (m_scrollbarTexture.MinSizeGui.X + m_styleDef.ScrollbarMargin.HorizontalSum + m_styleDef.SelectedItemOffset.X), ITEM_HEIGHT);

            var openedArea = GetOpenedArea();
            m_openedArea.Position = openedArea.LeftTop;
            m_openedArea.Size = openedArea.Size;

            m_openedItemArea.Position = m_openedArea.Position + new Vector2(m_styleDef.SelectedItemOffset.X, m_styleDef.DropDownTexture.LeftTop.SizeGui.Y);
            m_openedItemArea.Size = new Vector2(m_selectedItemArea.Size.X,
                (m_showScrollBar ? m_openAreaItemsCount : m_items.Count) * m_selectedItemArea.Size.Y);

            m_textScaleWithLanguage = m_styleDef.TextScale * MyGuiManager.LanguageTextScale;
 //same as above, but designed to have realtime updates of text inside. So no copy of text :-)
 public Item(ref StringBuilder text, String toolTip = null, string icon = null, object userData = null, MyFontEnum? fontOverride = null)
     Text = text;
     ToolTip = (toolTip != null) ? new MyToolTips(toolTip) : null;
     Icon = icon;
     UserData = userData;
     FontOverride = fontOverride;
     Visible = true;
Esempio n. 46
 public MyHudNotificationDebug(string text,
     int disapearTimeMs           = 2500,
     MyFontEnum font              = MyFontEnum.White,
     MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textAlign = MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_CENTER_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER,
     int priority                 = 0,
     MyNotificationLevel level    =  MyNotificationLevel.Debug):
     base(disapearTimeMs, font, textAlign, priority, level)
     m_originalText = text;
Esempio n. 47
 public MyHudMissingComponentNotification(MyStringId text,
     int disapearTimeMs           = 2500,
     MyFontEnum font              = MyFontEnum.White,
     MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textAlign = MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_CENTER_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER,
     int priority                 = 0,
     MyNotificationLevel level    = MyNotificationLevel.Normal) :
     base(disapearTimeMs, font, textAlign, priority, level)
     m_originalText = text;
Esempio n. 48
 public void notifyPlayers(String msg, List<long> playerIDs, MyFontEnum color)
     m_MailMan.send(new NotificationResponse() {
         NotificationText = msg,
         Time = Constants.NotificationMillis,
         Font = color,
         Destination = playerIDs,
         DestType = BaseResponse.DEST_TYPE.PLAYER
Esempio n. 49
 MyGuiControlLabel MakeLabel(float scale, MyFontEnum font)
     return new MyGuiControlLabel(
         text: String.Empty,
         colorMask: ColorMask,
         textScale: MyGuiConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE * scale,
         originAlign: MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_LEFT_AND_VERTICAL_TOP,
         font: font);
Esempio n. 50
        private void DrawNetgraphScaleForPacketScale(Vector2 position, int optimalLengthOfBarInPx, float optimalDataSizeOfBarInBytes, int stepCount, StringBuilder unitForScale, bool showIntervals, bool alignToRight = true, float textScale = 0.7f, MyFontEnum fontType = MyFontEnum.White)
            int step = optimalLengthOfBarInPx / stepCount;
            float stepValue = (float)(Math.Truncate((optimalDataSizeOfBarInBytes / stepCount) * 100.0) * 0.01f);
            float totalStepValue = 0;
            Vector2 vecStep = new Vector2(0, step);
            vecStep = MyGuiManager.GetNormalizedCoordinateFromScreenCoordinate(vecStep);
            vecStep.X = 0;

            MyGuiDrawAlignEnum align = MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_LEFT_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER;
            if (alignToRight)
                align = MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_RIGHT_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER;

            for (int i = 0; i < stepCount; i++)
                Vector2 oldPosition = position;
                position -= vecStep;

                // small intervals next to the scale
                //if (showIntervals)
                //float intervalOffset = vecStep.Y / MyGuiConstants.NETGRAPH_SMALL_INTERVAL_COUNT;
                //for (int j = 1; j <= MyGuiConstants.NETGRAPH_SMALL_INTERVAL_COUNT; j++)
                //    Vector2 intervalMarkPosition = new Vector2(oldPosition.X + 0.005f, oldPosition.Y - j * intervalOffset);
                //    bool isLast = j == MyGuiConstants.NETGRAPH_SMALL_INTERVAL_COUNT;
                //    Vector2 intervalMarkEndPosition;
                //    Color intervalColor;
                //    if (isLast)
                //    {
                //        intervalMarkEndPosition = new Vector2(0.008f, 0.002f);
                //        intervalColor = MyGuiConstants.NETGRAPH_PACKET_SCALE_INTERVAL_POINT_COLOR;
                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        intervalMarkEndPosition = new Vector2(0.005f, 0.002f);
                //        intervalColor = MyGuiConstants.NETGRAPH_PACKET_SCALE_SMALL_INTERVAL_COLOR;
                //    }
                //    MyGuiManager.DrawSpriteBatch(MyGuiConstants.BLANK_TEXTURE, intervalMarkPosition, intervalMarkEndPosition, MyGuiConstants.NETGRAPH_PACKET_SCALE_SMALL_INTERVAL_COLOR, MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_LEFT_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER);

                totalStepValue += stepValue;
                MyGuiManager.DrawString(fontType, m_helperSB, position, textScale, null, align);

            if (unitForScale.Length != 0)
                position.Y -= 0.02f;
                MyGuiManager.DrawString(fontType, unitForScale, position, textScale, null, align);
Esempio n. 51
 public static void Notification(ulong steamId, MyFontEnum color, int timeInSeconds, string message)
     SendClientMessage(steamId, string.Format("/notification {0} {1} {2}", color, timeInSeconds, message));
Esempio n. 52
        private void RefreshInternals()
            ColorMask = m_styleDef.BackgroundColor;
            if (HasHighlight || Checked)
                BackgroundTexture = m_styleDef.HighlightTexture;
                TextFont          = m_styleDef.HighlightFont;
                BackgroundTexture = m_styleDef.NormalTexture;
                TextFont          = m_styleDef.NormalFont;
            var size = Size;
            if (BackgroundTexture != null)
                MinSize = BackgroundTexture.MinSizeGui;
                MaxSize = BackgroundTexture.MaxSizeGui;
                if (ButtonScale == 1.0f)
                    size = m_styleDef.SizeOverride ?? size;
                MinSize = Vector2.Zero;
                MaxSize = Vector2.PositiveInfinity;
                size = m_styleDef.SizeOverride ?? Vector2.Zero;

            // No size specified, but we have string and font ... probably its a clickable text so let's use that as size.
            if (size == Vector2.Zero && m_drawText != null)
                size = MyGuiManager.MeasureString(TextFont, m_drawText, TextScaleWithLanguage);

            var padding = m_styleDef.Padding;
            m_internalArea.Position = padding.TopLeftOffset;
            m_internalArea.Size = Size - padding.SizeChange;
            Size = size;
		public static void Notification( ulong steamId, MyFontEnum color, int timeInSeconds, string message )
            ServerNotificationItem MessageItem = new ServerNotificationItem( );
                MessageItem.color = color;
                MessageItem.time = timeInSeconds;
                MessageItem.message= message;

            string messageString = MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SerializeToXML( MessageItem );
            byte[ ] data = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes( messageString );

            if ( steamId != 0 )
                SendDataMessage( steamId, DataMessageType.Notification, data );
                BroadcastDataMessage( DataMessageType.Notification, data );
Esempio n. 54
 MyGuiControlSlider MakeSlider(MyFontEnum font, byte defaultVal)
     return new MyGuiControlSlider(
         position: Vector2.Zero,
         width: 121f/MyGuiConstants.GUI_OPTIMAL_SIZE.X,
         minValue: 0,
         maxValue: 255,
         color: ColorMask,
         originAlign: MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_LEFT_AND_VERTICAL_TOP,
         labelFont: font,
         defaultValue: (int)defaultVal);
 public void AppendText(string text, MyFontEnum font, float scale, Vector4 color)
     m_label.Append(text, font, scale, color);
 /// <summary>
 /// Do not construct directly. Use AddItem on listbox for that.
 /// </summary>
 public Item(StringBuilder text = null, String toolTip = null, string icon = null, object userData = null, MyFontEnum? fontOverride = null)
     Text         = new StringBuilder((text != null) ? text.ToString() : "");
     ToolTip      = (toolTip != null) ? new MyToolTips(toolTip) : null;
     Icon         = icon;
     UserData     = userData;
     FontOverride = fontOverride;
     Visible      = true;
 public MyGuiControlLabel(
     Vector2? position = null,
     Vector2? size = null,
     String text = null,
     Vector4? colorMask = null,
     float textScale = MyGuiConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE,
     MyFontEnum font = MyFontEnum.Blue,
     MyGuiDrawAlignEnum originAlign = MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_LEFT_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER)
     : base(position: position,
            size: size,
            colorMask: colorMask,
            isActiveControl: false)
     Name = "Label";
     Font = font;
     if (text != null)
         //  Create COPY of the text (Don't just point to one string builder!!! This was my original mistake!)
         m_text = text;
         TextToDraw = new StringBuilder(text);
     OriginAlign = originAlign;
     TextScale = textScale;
Esempio n. 58
        public MyGuiControlColor(
            StringBuilder text,
            float textScale,
            Vector2 position,
            Color color,
            Color defaultColor,
            bool placeSlidersVertically = false,
            MyFontEnum font = MyFontEnum.Blue)
            : base(position: position,
                   toolTip: null,
                   isActiveControl: false)
            m_color = color;
            m_placeSlidersVertically = placeSlidersVertically;
            m_textLabel = MakeLabel(textScale, font);
            m_textLabel.Text = text.ToString();

            m_RSlider = MakeSlider(font, defaultColor.R);
            m_GSlider = MakeSlider(font, defaultColor.G);
            m_BSlider = MakeSlider(font, defaultColor.B);

            m_RSlider.ValueChanged += delegate(MyGuiControlSlider sender)
                if (m_canChangeColor)
                    m_color.R = (byte)sender.Value;
                    if (OnChange != null)
            m_GSlider.ValueChanged += delegate(MyGuiControlSlider sender)
                if (m_canChangeColor)
                    m_color.G = (byte)sender.Value;
                    if (OnChange != null)
            m_BSlider.ValueChanged += delegate(MyGuiControlSlider sender)
                if (m_canChangeColor)
                    m_color.B = (byte)sender.Value;
                    if (OnChange != null)

            m_RLabel = MakeLabel(textScale, font);
            m_GLabel = MakeLabel(textScale, font);
            m_BLabel = MakeLabel(textScale, font);

            m_RSlider.Value = m_color.R;
            m_GSlider.Value = m_color.G;
            m_BSlider.Value = m_color.B;




            Size = m_minSize;
        public MyGuiControlMultilineText(
            Vector2? position = null,
            Vector2? size = null,
            Vector4? backgroundColor = null,
            MyFontEnum font = MyFontEnum.Blue,
            float textScale = MyGuiConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SCALE,
            MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textAlign = MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_LEFT_AND_VERTICAL_TOP,
            StringBuilder contents = null,
            bool drawScrollbar = true,
            MyGuiDrawAlignEnum textBoxAlign = MyGuiDrawAlignEnum.HORISONTAL_CENTER_AND_VERTICAL_CENTER,
            bool selectable = false)
            : base( position: position,
                    size: size,
                    colorMask: backgroundColor,
                    toolTip: null)
            Font = font;
            TextScale = textScale;
            m_drawScrollbar = drawScrollbar;
            TextColor = new Color(Vector4.One);
            TextBoxAlign = textBoxAlign;
            m_selectable = selectable;

            m_scrollbar = new MyVScrollbar(this);
            m_scrollbarSize = new Vector2(0.0334f, MyGuiConstants.COMBOBOX_VSCROLLBAR_SIZE.Y);
            m_scrollbarSize = MyGuiConstants.COMBOBOX_VSCROLLBAR_SIZE;
            float minLineHeight = MyGuiManager.MeasureString(Font, m_lineHeightMeasure, TextScaleWithLanguage).Y;
            m_label = new MyRichLabel(ComputeRichLabelWidth(), minLineHeight);
            m_label.TextAlign = textAlign;
            m_text = new StringBuilder();
            m_selection = new MyGuiControlMultilineSelection();

            if (contents != null && contents.Length > 0)
                Text = contents;

            m_keys = new MyMultilineKeyTimeController[11];
            m_keys[(int)MyMultilineTextKeys.UP] = new MyMultilineKeyTimeController(Keys.Up);
            m_keys[(int)MyMultilineTextKeys.DOWN] = new MyMultilineKeyTimeController(Keys.Down);
            m_keys[(int)MyMultilineTextKeys.LEFT] = new MyMultilineKeyTimeController(Keys.Left);
            m_keys[(int)MyMultilineTextKeys.RIGHT] = new MyMultilineKeyTimeController(Keys.Right);
            m_keys[(int)MyMultilineTextKeys.C] = new MyMultilineKeyTimeController(Keys.C);
            m_keys[(int)MyMultilineTextKeys.A] = new MyMultilineKeyTimeController(Keys.A);
            m_keys[(int)MyMultilineTextKeys.V] = new MyMultilineKeyTimeController(Keys.V);
            m_keys[(int)MyMultilineTextKeys.X] = new MyMultilineKeyTimeController(Keys.X);
            m_keys[(int)MyMultilineTextKeys.HOME] = new MyMultilineKeyTimeController(Keys.Home);
            m_keys[(int)MyMultilineTextKeys.END] = new MyMultilineKeyTimeController(Keys.End);
            m_keys[(int)MyMultilineTextKeys.DELETE] = new MyMultilineKeyTimeController(Keys.Delete);
 public ControlWithDescription(string boundButtons, string description, MyFontEnum leftFont = MyFontEnum.Red, MyFontEnum rightFont = MyFontEnum.White)
     : this(new StringBuilder(boundButtons), new StringBuilder(description), leftFont, rightFont)
 { }