        // Function runs in worker thread and emulates long process.
        public void Run()
            String s;

            object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
            int    ii;

            // Create an instance of Outlook Application and Outlook Contacts folder.

                s = "Opening Folder \"" + m_folderName + "\"";
                m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_Delegate_LoadContactsThread_AppendToLog, new Object[] { s });

                OutLook1.MAPIFolder   fldContacts = null;
                OutLook1._Application outlookObj  = new OutLook1.Application();

                //m_ContactList = new List<MyContact>();

                if (m_folderName == "Default")
                    fldContacts = (OutLook1.MAPIFolder)outlookObj.Session.GetDefaultFolder(OutLook1.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderContacts);
                    OutLook1.MAPIFolder contactsFolder = (OutLook1.MAPIFolder)

                    // Verify the custom folder in Outlook.
                    foreach (OutLook1.MAPIFolder subFolder in contactsFolder.Folders)
                        if (subFolder.Name == m_folderName)
                            fldContacts = subFolder;

                // CountFields
                //MyContact contact = new MyContact();
                MyFields flds = new MyFields(m_form);

                // Load Contacts
                s = "Load contacts from Folder \"" + m_folderName + "\"";
                m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_Delegate_LoadContactsThread_AppendToLog, new Object[] { s });

                // Loop through contact in specified folder.
                ii = 0;
                foreach (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._ContactItem OutlookContact in fldContacts.Items)
                    if (ii > m_MaxContactsToRead)

                    // Count used fields

                    // Add contact to list
                    MyContact contact = new MyContact();
                    contact.StoreContact(contact, ii, OutlookContact);

                    // Make synchronous call to main form.
                    // MainForm.AppendToLog function runs in main thread.
                    // (To make asynchronous call use BeginInvoke)

                    // Add line to log
                    //s = m_folderName + "[" + m_MaxContactsToRead + "] " + ii.ToString() + " read";
                    //m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_DelegateLoadContactsThreadAppendToLog, new Object[] {s});

                    // Update counter on main form
                    m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_Delegate_LoadContactsThread_UpdateCounter, new Object[] { ii });

                    // Build Contact List
                    m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_Delegate_LoadContactsThread_AddOneContact, new Object[] { contact });

                    // Check if thread is cancelled
                    if (m_EventStop.WaitOne(0, true))
                        // Clean-up operations may be placed here
                        // ...

                        // Inform main thread that this thread stopped
                // Build Field Occurance List

                s = "Done";
                m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_Delegate_LoadContactsThread_AppendToLog, new Object[] { s });

                // Inform the user of the status
                //m_NumberOfContactsRead = m_ContactList.Count;
                //m_ContactsInOutlook = m_ContactList.Count;
                //txtContactsInOutlook.Text = m_ContactList.Count.ToString();

                // Make synchronous call to main form
                // to inform it that thread finished
                m_form.Invoke(m_form.m_Delegate_LoadContactsThread_Finished, null);


            //catch (System.Exception ex)
            //  throw new ApplicationException(ex.Message);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Not working. We cannot find out a correct way how to send recepients to the standard workflow for it to work
        /// </summary>
        private static void StartStandardWorkflow()
            var op = "http://*****:*****@keenmate.com",
                            AccountType = "User"

            data.Add("myFields", allData);

            IDictionary <string, object> data1 = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            //data1.Add("Reviewers", allData.DataFields.SharePointListItem_RW);
            data1.Add("Assignee", "km\\ondrej.valenta");

            var wfResult = interOpService.StartWorkflow("Collect feedback", Guid.NewGuid(), op.LastList.Id, itemId, data1);

            var instancesForListItem = instanceService.EnumerateInstancesForListItem(op.LastList.Id, 2);

            //var wa = op.Context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("xxx").WorkflowAssociations[0];
            //	var wfServicesManager = new WorkflowServicesManager(op.Context, op.LastWeb);
            //InteropService interopService = wfServicesManager.GetWorkflowInteropService();

            //ClientResult<Guid> resultGuid = interopService.StartWorkflow(association.Name, new Guid(), list.Id, itemId, initData);

            //new WorkflowServicesManager().GetWorkflowInstanceService().