/// <summary> /// Extrae los datos para generar el Excel /// </summary> private void createExcel() { string pcc = string.Empty; pcc = txtPCC.Text; List <ProductivityRankingPerPCC> listProductivity = null; count = 5; Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.Computer MyComputer = new Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.Computer(); string fileName = string.Empty; //Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.InternetCache); #region ===== Generating Excel Document ====== using (Components.MyCTSExcel MyCTSExcel = new Components.MyCTSExcel()) { if (rdoWeek.Checked) { listProductivity = ProductivityRankingPerPCCBL.GetProductivityRankingPerPCC(1, week, pcc); MyCTSExcel.CreateExcelObject("MyCTSProductividadSemanal"); } else if (rdoMonth.Checked) { listProductivity = ProductivityRankingPerPCCBL.GetProductivityRankingPerPCC(2, month, pcc); MyCTSExcel.CreateExcelObject("MyCTSProductividadMensual"); } else { string acumulative; DateTime today = new DateTime(); today = DateTime.Now; acumulative = Convert.ToString(today); acumulative = acumulative.Substring(0, 10); listProductivity = ProductivityRankingPerPCCBL.GetProductivityRankingPerPCC(3, "02-02-2010", pcc); MyCTSExcel.CreateExcelObject("MyCTSProductividadAcumulativa"); } if (listProductivity.Count > 0) { if (MyCTSExcel.IsObjectCreated) { MyCTSExcel.Cell cell = null; fileName = MyComputer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Temp; fileName = fileName + string.Format("\\TempFile_{0}.xls", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); #region ===== Headers ====== date = string.Concat(date, "Del ", listProductivity[0].InitialDate, " Al ", listProductivity[0].FinalDate); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(1, 5, "REPORTE DE PRODUCTIVIDAD POR PCC DE RESERVACIONES HECHAS EN MyCTS"); cell.Bold = true; cell.Wide = 7; cell.FontSize = 11; cell.ShowBorder = false; MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(2, 7, date); cell.FontColor = Color.Blue; cell.Wide = 4; cell.ShowBorder = false; MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(2, 2, "PCC " + txtPCC.Text.Trim()); cell.FontColor = Color.Blue; cell.ShowBorder = false; MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(3, 3, "%Productividad Vs" + "\n" + "PCC" + "\n" + "Segmentos"); cell.FontColor = Color.Blue; cell.Bold = true; cell.ShowBorder = false; cell.Wide = 2; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(3, 7, "%Productividad Vs" + "\n" + "PCC" + "\n" + "Records"); cell.FontColor = Color.Blue; cell.Bold = true; cell.Wide = 2; cell.ShowBorder = false; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(3, 11, "%Productividad Vs" + "\n" + "PCC" + "\n" + "Boletos"); cell.FontColor = Color.Blue; cell.Bold = true; cell.Wide = 1; cell.ShowBorder = false; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(3, 14, "Efectividad"); cell.FontColor = Color.Blue; cell.Bold = true; cell.ShowBorder = false; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(4, 1, "Agente"); cell.FontColor = Color.Brown; MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(4, 2, "Nombre"); cell.FontColor = Color.Brown; MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(4, 3, "Aereos"); cell.FontColor = Color.Brown; MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(4, 4, "Hotel"); cell.FontColor = Color.Brown; MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(4, 5, "Auto"); cell.FontColor = Color.Brown; MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(4, 7, "Creados"); cell.FontColor = Color.Brown; MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(4, 8, "Cancelados"); cell.FontColor = Color.Brown; MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(4, 9, "Scans Promedio"); cell.FontColor = Color.Brown; MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(4, 11, "Emitidos"); cell.FontColor = Color.Brown; MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(4, 12, "Cancelados"); cell.FontColor = Color.Brown; MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(4, 14, "Records Vs Boletos"); cell.FontColor = Color.Brown; MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); #endregion #region ====== Elements ===== foreach (ProductivityRankingPerPCC p in listProductivity) { cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 1, p.Agent); MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 2, p.FamilyName); MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); //Segmentos cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 3, Convert.ToString(p.AirProductivity + "%")); MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 4, Convert.ToString(p.HotelProductivity + "%")); MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 5, Convert.ToString(p.AutoProductivity + "%")); MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); //Records cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 7, Convert.ToString(p.PNRProductivity + "%")); MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 8, Convert.ToString(p.CancelledPNRProductivity + "%")); MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 9, Convert.ToString(p.AvgScanPerPNRProductivity + "%")); MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); //Boletos Emitidos- cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 11, Convert.ToString(p.EmittedTKTProductivity + "%")); MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 12, Convert.ToString(p.CancelledTKTProductivity + "%")); MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); //Efectividad cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 14, Convert.ToString(p.TotalPNRVsTKTProductivity + "%")); MyCTSExcel.CreateCell(cell); count++; } #endregion MyCTSExcel.SaveFile(fileName); } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { Process proc = new Process(); proc.StartInfo.Arguments = "\"" + fileName + "\""; proc.StartInfo.FileName = "EXCEL.EXE"; proc.Start(); } #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Armado del archivo excel(encabezado y contenido) y guardado en /// temporales /// </summary> private void CreateExcel() { if (SearchDQBAstETU) { ReportDBQBucle(); FixDQBETUReport(); Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.Computer MyComputer = new Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.Computer(); string fileName = string.Empty; int count = 0; #region Generacion documento Excel using (MyCTSExcel objExcel = new MyCTSExcel()) { objExcel.CreateExcelObject("MyCTS"); if (objExcel.IsObjectCreated) { fileName = MyComputer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Temp; fileName = fileName + string.Format("\\TempFile_{0}.xls", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); MyCTSExcel.Cell cell = null; cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(2, 2, titulo); cell.Bold = true; cell.Wide = 6; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(3, 2, "ITM"); cell.Bold = true; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(3, 3, "PASSENGER NAME"); cell.Bold = true; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(3, 4, "TKT NUMBER"); cell.Bold = true; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(3, 5, "DK NUMBER"); cell.Bold = true; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(3, 6, "ORIGINAL DATE ISSUE"); cell.Bold = true; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(3, 7, "DATE ADDED TO REPORT"); cell.Bold = true; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(3, 8, "DATE TO BE PURGED FROM REPORT"); cell.Bold = true; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); #region Elementos2 count = 4; int numberPassengers = PassengerList.Count; progressBar1.Visible = true; progressBar1.Maximum = numberPassengers; progressBar1.Value = 0; CommandsAPI2.send_MessageToEmulator(Resources.TicketEmission.Constants.GENERATING_FILE_EXCEL); foreach (Passenger p in PassengerList) { cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 2, p.Item); objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 3, p.Name); objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 4, p.TKTNumber); objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 5, p.DKNumber); objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 6, p.Original); objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 7, p.DateAdd); objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 8, p.DateToBe); objExcel.CreateCell(cell); progressBar1.Value = count - 3; if (count % 20 == 0) { CommandsAPI2.send_MessageToEmulator(Resources.TicketEmission.Constants.GENERATING_FILE_EXCEL); } count++; } #endregion objExcel.SaveFile(fileName); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { Process proc = new Process(); proc.StartInfo.Arguments = "\"" + fileName + "\""; proc.StartInfo.FileName = "EXCEL.EXE"; proc.Start(); } Loader.AddToPanel(Loader.Zone.Middle, this, Resources.Constants.UCWELCOME); #endregion } }
/// <summary> /// Genera el archivo excel que contiene la información de la sabana de vuelo /// </summary> private void BuildSabana() { List <GetInfoGroup> indexList = new List <GetInfoGroup>(); if (rdoPNR.Checked) { indexList = GetInfoGroupBL.GetInfoGroup(txtPNR.Text, Login.OrgId); } else { indexList = GetInfoGroupByIDGroupBL.GetInfoGroup(txtGroup.Text, Login.OrgId); } if (indexList.Count > 0) { CommandsAPI2.send_MessageToEmulator("GENERANDO SABANA DE VUELO, FAVOR DE ESPERAR........."); InfoGroupList = new List <InfoGroup>(); progressBar1.Maximum = indexList.Count; for (int i = 0; i < indexList.Count; i++) { InfoGroup info = new InfoGroup(); info.Name = string.Concat(indexList[i].PaxName, " ", indexList[i].PaxLastName); info.Origin = indexList[i].Origin; info.Destination = indexList[i].Destination; info.DepartureTime = indexList[i].DepartureTime; info.ArrivalTime = indexList[i].ArrivalTime; info.AirlineCode = indexList[i].AirlineCode; info.AirlineRef = indexList[i].AirlineRef; info.FlightNumber = indexList[i].FlightNumber; info.DepartureDate = Convert.ToString(indexList[i].DepartureDate); info.PaxNumber = Convert.ToString(indexList[i].PaxNumber); info.RecLoc = indexList[i].RecLoc; InfoGroupList.Add(info); } Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.Computer MyComputer = new Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.Computer(); string fileName = string.Empty; //Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.InternetCache); int count = 7; int j = 3; using (MyCTSExcel objExcel = new MyCTSExcel()) { objExcel.CreateExcelObject("MyCTS"); if (objExcel.IsObjectCreated) { fileName = MyComputer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Temp; fileName = fileName + string.Format("\\TempFile_{0}.xls", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); MyCTSExcel.Cell cell = null; cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(2, 2, string.Concat("SABANA DE VUELO ", indexList[0].IDGroup, " / RECORD MAESTRO: ", indexList[0].MasterPNR)); cell.Wide = 8; cell.Bold = true; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(3, 2, string.Concat("REPORTE EMITIDO EL ", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy").ToUpper(), " a las ", DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm"), " Hrs.")); cell.Wide = 8; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(5, 3, "SEGMENTO 1"); cell.Wide = 7; cell.Bold = true; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(6, 2, "Nombre"); cell.Bold = true; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(6, 3, "Origen"); cell.Bold = true; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(6, 4, "Destino"); cell.Bold = true; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(6, 5, "Salida"); cell.Bold = true; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(6, 6, "LLegada"); cell.Bold = true; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(6, 7, "LA"); cell.Bold = true; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(6, 8, "Vuelo"); cell.Bold = true; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(6, 9, "Fecha"); cell.Bold = true; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(6, 10, "Clave Aerolínea"); cell.Bold = true; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(6, 11, "Clave Aerolínea"); cell.Bold = true; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 2, InfoGroupList[0].Name); objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 3, InfoGroupList[0].Origin); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 4, InfoGroupList[0].Destination); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 5, InfoGroupList[0].DepartureTime); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 6, InfoGroupList[0].ArrivalTime); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 7, InfoGroupList[0].AirlineCode); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 8, InfoGroupList[0].FlightNumber); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 9, InfoGroupList[0].DepartureDate.Substring(0, 10)); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 10, InfoGroupList[0].AirlineRef); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 11, InfoGroupList[0].RecLoc); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); progressBar1.Visible = true; progressBar1.Value = 1; int barValue = 1; int count2 = 0; int max = 0; int aux = 0; for (int i = 1; i < InfoGroupList.Count; i++) { if (InfoGroupList[i].PaxNumber == InfoGroupList[i - 1].PaxNumber) { j = j + 8; cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, j, InfoGroupList[i].Origin); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, j + 1, InfoGroupList[i].Destination); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, j + 2, InfoGroupList[i].DepartureTime); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, j + 3, InfoGroupList[i].ArrivalTime); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, j + 4, InfoGroupList[i].AirlineCode); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, j + 5, InfoGroupList[i].FlightNumber); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, j + 6, InfoGroupList[i].DepartureDate.Substring(0, 10)); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, j + 7, InfoGroupList[i].AirlineRef); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, j + 8, InfoGroupList[i].RecLoc); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); count2++; if (barValue % 19 == 0) { CommandsAPI2.send_MessageToEmulator("GENERANDO SABANA DE VUELO, FAVOR DE ESPERAR........."); } barValue++; progressBar1.Value = barValue; } else { aux = count2; if (aux > max) { max = aux; } else { max = count2; } count2 = 0; j = 3; count++; cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 2, InfoGroupList[i].Name); objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 3, InfoGroupList[i].Origin); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 4, InfoGroupList[i].Destination); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 5, InfoGroupList[i].DepartureTime); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 6, InfoGroupList[i].ArrivalTime); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 7, InfoGroupList[i].AirlineCode); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 8, InfoGroupList[i].FlightNumber); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 9, InfoGroupList[i].DepartureDate.Substring(0, 10)); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 10, InfoGroupList[i].AirlineRef); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(count, 11, InfoGroupList[i].RecLoc); cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); if (barValue % 19 == 0) { CommandsAPI2.send_MessageToEmulator("GENERANDO SABANA DE VUELO, FAVOR DE ESPERAR........."); } barValue++; progressBar1.Value = barValue; } } aux = count2; if (aux > max) { max = aux; } else { max = count2; } aux = 11; for (int k = 0; k < max; k++) { cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(5, aux, string.Concat(" SEGMENTO ", k + 2, " ")); cell.Wide = 7; cell.Bold = true; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(6, aux, " Origen "); cell.Bold = true; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(6, aux + 1, " Destino "); cell.Bold = true; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(6, aux + 2, " Salida "); cell.Bold = true; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(6, aux + 3, " Llegada "); cell.Bold = true; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(6, aux + 4, " LA "); cell.Bold = true; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(6, aux + 5, " Vuelo "); cell.Bold = true; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(6, aux + 6, " Fecha "); cell.Bold = true; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(6, aux + 7, " Clave Aerolínea "); cell.Bold = true; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); aux = aux + 8; } cell = new MyCTSExcel.Cell(6, aux, " Record "); cell.Bold = true; cell.Alignment = MyCTSExcel.Alignment.MiddleCenter; objExcel.CreateCell(cell); } objExcel.SaveFile(fileName); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { Process proc = new Process(); proc.StartInfo.Arguments = "\"" + fileName + "\""; proc.StartInfo.FileName = "EXCEL.EXE"; proc.Start(); } Loader.AddToPanel(Loader.Zone.Middle, this, Resources.Constants.UCWELCOME); } else { if (rdoPNR.Checked) { MessageBox.Show("EL RECORD LOCALIZADOR NO VALIDO O INEXISTENTE", Resources.Constants.MYCTS, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else if (!GetInfoGroupByIDGroupBL.Status) { MessageBox.Show("EL NOMBRE DE GRUPO NO EXISTE", Resources.Constants.MYCTS, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("EL GRUPO AUN NO CONTIENE PASAJEROS", Resources.Constants.MYCTS, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } Loader.AddToPanel(Loader.Zone.Middle, this, Resources.Constants.UCWELCOME); } }