Esempio n. 1
        private Hex getTargetHex(Point point)
            Hex targetHex = null;

            // Generally the target will be a game entity instead of a blank hex.
            // Check to see if the point hits a game entity first
            GameEntity targetGameEntity = MyBoard.findGameEntityAtPoint(point);

            if (targetGameEntity != null)
                // The point hits a game entity.
                // First determine if this game entity can be attacked.
                if (targetGameEntity.MyEntityType == GameEntity.EntityType.Player && ((Player)targetGameEntity).IsActive)
                    // Find out what hex it is own and return that as the target
                    targetHex = MyBoard.getHex(targetGameEntity);
                    if (!MyBoard.isActiveHex(targetHex))
                        targetHex = null;
                // The point doesn't hit a game entity, so find the hex the user clicked on
                if (isPointOnBoard(point))
                    targetHex = findActiveHex(point);

Esempio n. 2
        private Hex getTargetHex(Point point)
            Hex targetHex = null;

            // Check to see if the point hits a game entity first
            GameEntity targetGameEntity = MyBoard.findGameEntityAtPoint(point);

            if (targetGameEntity != null)
                // The point hits a game entity.
                // First determine if the player can walk over the game entity.
                // If the player has died, we will allow the player to walk over the player
                if (targetGameEntity.MyEntityType == GameEntity.EntityType.Player && !((Player)targetGameEntity).IsActive)
                    // Find out what hex it is own and return that as the target
                    targetHex = MyBoard.getHex(targetGameEntity);
                    if (!MyBoard.isActiveHex(targetHex))
                        targetHex = null;
                // The point doesn't hit a game entity, so find the hex the user clicked on
                if (isPointOnBoard(point))
                    targetHex = findActiveHex(point);
