public static KerasSymbol MeanSquaredLogrithmicError(KerasSymbol y_true, KerasSymbol y_pred) { var first_log = K.Log(K.Clip(y_pred, K.Epsilon(), null) + 1); var second_log = K.Log(K.Clip(y_true, K.Epsilon(), null) + 1); return(K.Mean(K.Square(first_log - second_log), axis: -1)); }
public override KerasSymbol[] Invoke(KerasSymbol[] inputs, FuncArgs kwargs = null) { List <KerasSymbol> result = new List <KerasSymbol>(); foreach (var input in inputs) { if (this.data_format == "channels_first") { // Ensure works for any dim var permutation = new List <int> { 0 }; permutation.AddRange((from i in Enumerable.Range(2, K.NDim(input) - 2) select i).ToList()); permutation.Add(1); result.Add(K.PermuteDimensions(input, new Shape(permutation))); } else { result.Add(K.BatchFlatten(input)); } } return(result.ToArray()); }
public static KerasSymbol Logcosh(KerasSymbol y_true, KerasSymbol y_pred) { var x = y_pred - y_true; var _logcosh = x + K.Softplus(-2 * x) - (float)Math.Log(2); return(K.Mean(_logcosh, axis: -1)); }
public override KerasSymbol Call(Shape shape, DType dtype = null) { var(fan_in, fan_out) = _compute_fans(shape); var scale = this.scale; if (this.mode == "fan_in") { scale /= Math.Max(1, fan_in); } else if (this.mode == "fan_out") { scale /= Math.Max(1, fan_out); } else { scale /= Math.Max(1, (fan_in + fan_out) / 2); } if (this.distribution == "normal") { // 0.879... = scipy.stats.truncnorm.std(a=-2, b=2, loc=0., scale=1.) float stddev = (float)Math.Sqrt(scale) / 0.8796256610342398f; return(K.TruncatedNormal(shape, 0, stddev, dtype: dtype, seed: this.seed)); } else { float limit = (float)Math.Sqrt(3.0 * scale); return(K.RandomUniform(shape, -limit, limit, dtype: dtype, seed: this.seed)); } }
internal override Shape GetNoiseShape(KerasSymbol inputs) { var input_shape = K.Shape(inputs); var noise_shape = (input_shape[0], 1, input_shape[2]); return(noise_shape); }
public static KerasSymbol Selu(KerasSymbol x) { var alpha = 1.6732632423543772f; var scale = 1.0507009873554805f; return(scale * K.Elu(x, alpha)); }
public static KerasSymbol CategorialHinge(KerasSymbol y_true, KerasSymbol y_pred) { var pos = K.Sum(y_true * y_pred, axis: -1); var neg = K.Max((1 - y_true) * y_pred, axis: -1); return(K.Maximum(0, neg - pos + 1)); }
public static KerasSymbol[] CreateInput( Shape shape = null, Shape batch_shape = null, string name = null, DType dtype = null, bool sparse = false, KerasSymbol tensor = null) { if (batch_shape == null && tensor == null) { Debug.Assert(shape != null, "Please provide to Input either a `shape` or a `batch_shape` argument. Note that `shape` does not include the batch dimension."); } if (shape != null && batch_shape != null) { var list = shape.Data.ToList(); list.Insert(0, 0); batch_shape = new Shape(list); } if (dtype == null) { dtype = K.FloatX(); } var input_layer = new InputLayer(batch_input_shape: batch_shape, name: name, dtype: dtype, sparse: sparse, input_tensor: tensor); // Return tensor including _keras_shape and _keras_history. // Note that in this case train_output and test_output are the same pointer. var outputs = input_layer._inbound_nodes[0].output_tensors; return(outputs); }
public override KerasSymbol Call(KerasSymbol w) { var norms = K.Sqrt(K.Sum(K.Square(w), axis: this.axis, keepdims: true)); var desired = K.Clip(norms, 0, this.max_value); w *= desired / (K.Epsilon() + norms); return(w); }
public override KerasSymbol[] Invoke(KerasSymbol[] inputs, FuncArgs kwargs = null) { List <KerasSymbol> result = new List <KerasSymbol>(); foreach (var input in inputs) { result.Add(input * K.Cast(K.Greater(inputs[0], this.theta), K.FloatX())); } return(result.ToArray()); }
public override KerasSymbol[] Invoke(KerasSymbol[] inputs, FuncArgs kwargs = null) { List <KerasSymbol> result = new List <KerasSymbol>(); foreach (var input in inputs) { result.Add(K.Relu(input, alpha)); } return(result.ToArray()); }
public override KerasSymbol[] Invoke(KerasSymbol[] inputs, FuncArgs kwargs = null) { List <KerasSymbol> result = new List <KerasSymbol>(); foreach (var input in inputs) { var maskValue = K.Constant(mask_value, input.DType, input.Shape); var boolean_mask = K.Any(K.NotEqual(input, maskValue), axis: -1, keepdims: true); result.Add(input * K.Cast(boolean_mask, K.DataType(input))); } return(result.ToArray()); }
public override KerasSymbol[] Invoke(KerasSymbol[] inputs, FuncArgs kwargs = null) { List <KerasSymbol> result = new List <KerasSymbol>(); foreach (var input in inputs) { result.Add( K.Relu(input, alpha: this.negative_slope, max_value: this.max_value, threshold: this.threshold) ); } return(result.ToArray()); }
public override KerasSymbol[] ComputeMask(KerasSymbol[] inputs, KerasSymbol[] mask = null) { List <KerasSymbol> result = new List <KerasSymbol>(); foreach (var input in inputs) { var maskValue = K.Constant(mask_value, input.DType, input.Shape); var output_mask = K.Any(K.NotEqual(input, maskValue), axis: -1); result.Add(output_mask); } return(result.ToArray()); }
public override KerasSymbol[] Invoke(KerasSymbol[] inputs, FuncArgs kwargs = null) { var shape = this.dims.Data.ToList(); shape.Insert(0, 0); List <KerasSymbol> result = new List <KerasSymbol>(); foreach (var input in inputs) { result.Add(K.PermuteDimensions(input, new Shape(shape))); } return(result.ToArray()); }
public override KerasSymbol Call(KerasSymbol x) { KerasSymbol regularization = null; if (this.l1 > 0) { regularization += K.Sum(this.l1 * K.Abs(x), null); } if (this.l2 > 0) { regularization += K.Sum(this.l2 * K.Square(x), null); } return(regularization); }
public override KerasSymbol[] Invoke(KerasSymbol[] inputs, FuncArgs kwargs = null) { List <KerasSymbol> result = new List <KerasSymbol>(); foreach (var input in inputs) { KerasSymbol neg; var pos = K.Relu(input); neg = -this.alpha * K.Relu(-input); result.Add(pos + neg); } return(result.ToArray()); }
internal override Shape GetNoiseShape(KerasSymbol inputs) { Shape noise_shape = null; var input_shape = K.Shape(inputs); if (this.data_format == "channels_first") { noise_shape = new Shape(input_shape[0], input_shape[1], 1, 1); } else { noise_shape = new Shape(input_shape[0], 1, 1, input_shape[3]); } return(noise_shape); }
public Shape ComputeOutputShape(Shape input_shape) { int num_samples; if (this._output_shape == null) { var x = K.Placeholder(shape: input_shape); x = this.Invoke(new KerasSymbol[] { x }, null)[0]; return(x.Shape); } else { num_samples = input_shape[0]; var shape = _output_shape; shape.Insert(0, num_samples); return(shape); } }
internal virtual Shape GetNoiseShape(KerasSymbol inputs) { if (this.noise_shape == null) { return(this.noise_shape); } var symbolic_shape = K.Shape(inputs); for (int axis = 0; axis < noise_shape.Dimension; axis++) { var shape = noise_shape[axis]; if (shape <= 0) { noise_shape[axis] = symbolic_shape[axis]; } } return(noise_shape); }
public Sequential(Layer[] layers = null, string name = "", Context context = null, string kvstore = "device") : base(name, context, kvstore) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) { var prefix = this.GetType().Name.ToLower(); = prefix + "_" + K.GetUid(prefix).ToString(); } this.batch_input_shape = null; // Add to the model any layers passed to the constructor. if (layers != null) { foreach (var layer in layers) { this.Add(layer); } } }
public override KerasSymbol[] Invoke(KerasSymbol[] inputs, FuncArgs kwargs = null) { List <KerasSymbol> result = new List <KerasSymbol>(); bool training = kwargs.Get <bool>("training"); foreach (var input in inputs) { Func <KerasSymbol> dropped_inputs = () => { return(K.Dropout(input, this.rate, noise_shape, seed: this.seed)); }; if ((0 < this.rate) && (this.rate < 1.0)) { var noise_shape = this.GetNoiseShape(input); result.Add(K.InTrainPhase(dropped_inputs, input, training: training)); } } return(result.ToArray()); }
public static NDArray StandardizeSingleArray(NDArray x) { if (x == null) { return(null); } else if (K.IsTensor(x)) { var shape = x.Shape; if (shape == null || shape[0] == 0) { throw new Exception(String.Format("When feeding symbolic tensors to a model, we expect thetensors to have a static batch size. Got tensor with shape: {0}", shape.ToString())); } return(x); } else if (x.Dimension == 1) { x = nd.ExpandDims(x, 1); } return(x); }
public override KerasSymbol[] Invoke(KerasSymbol[] inputs, FuncArgs kwargs = null) { List <KerasSymbol> result = new List <KerasSymbol>(); foreach (var input in inputs) { var output = K.Dot(input, this.kernel); if (this.use_bias) { output = K.BiasAdd(output, this.bias, data_format: "channels_last"); } result.Add(output); } if (this.activation != null) { return(this.activation.Invoke(result.ToArray())); } return(result.ToArray()); }
public override void Build(Shape input_shape = null) { if (input_shape != null && this.inputs == null && this.inputs.Count > 0) { var batch_shape = input_shape; var dtype = K.FloatX(); var x = InputLayer.CreateInput(batch_shape: batch_shape, dtype: dtype, name: + "_input"); this.inputs = x.ToList(); foreach (var layer in this._layers) { x = layer.Invoke(x, null); } this.outputs = x.ToList(); this._build_input_shape = input_shape; } if (this.inputs != null && this.inputs.Count > 0) { this.InitGraphNetwork(this.inputs.ToArray(), this.outputs.ToArray(), name:; this.built = true; } }
public static KerasSymbol Softmax(KerasSymbol x, int axis = -1) { var ndim = K.NDim(x); if (ndim == 2) { return(K.Softmax(x)); } else if (ndim > 2) { var e = K.Exp(x - K.Max(x, axis: axis, keepdims: true)); var s = K.Sum(e, axis: axis, keepdims: true); return(e / s); } else if (ndim == 0) { // x dim is not inferred yet return(K.Softmax(x)); } else { throw new Exception($"Cannot apply softmax to a tensor that is 1D. Received input: {x}"); } }
public static KerasSymbol Exponential(KerasSymbol x) { return(K.Exp(x)); }
public static KerasSymbol HardSigmoid(KerasSymbol x) { return(K.HardSigmoid(x)); }
public static KerasSymbol Sigmoid(KerasSymbol x) { return(K.Sigmoid(x)); }
public static KerasSymbol Tanh(KerasSymbol x) { return(K.Tanh(x)); }