Esempio n. 1

         *  @brief Draws and manages all the tags within the track along a GUI track in the editor
         *  @param [Rect] _trackRect - the rect of the track to draw them on
         *  @param [float] _scrollValueX - the scroll value of the scroll viewEditorUtil.EditorFunctions.GetHighlightTex()
         *  @param [float] _zoom - tyhe zoom value of the
        public bool DrawTags(Rect _trackRect, float _zoom, MxMTaggingWindow _taggingWindow)
            bool ret = false;

            Texture markerIcon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("blendKey").image;
            Texture selectIcon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("curvekeyframe").image;

            Event evt = Event.current;

            for (int i = 0; i < m_tags.Count; ++i)
                Vector2 tag = m_tags[i];

                float startX = (tag.x * 75f) * _zoom;
                float endX   = (tag.y * 75f) * _zoom;

                Color baseColor = GUI.color;

                if (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin)
                    GUI.color =;

                Rect barRect = new Rect(startX, _trackRect.y + 7f, endX - startX, 5f);
                GUI.Box(barRect, "");
                GUI.color = baseColor;

                if (m_selectId == i && m_selectType == TagSelectType.All)
                    GUI.DrawTexture(barRect, EditorUtil.EditorFunctions.GetHighlightTex());

                barRect       = _trackRect;
                barRect.x     = startX + markerIcon.width / 2f;
                barRect.width = endX - startX - markerIcon.width;

                startX -= markerIcon.width / 2f;
                endX   -= markerIcon.width / 2f;

                Rect leftRect = new Rect(startX, _trackRect.y + 3f,
                                         markerIcon.width, markerIcon.height);

                Rect rightRect = new Rect(endX, _trackRect.y + 3f,
                                          markerIcon.width, markerIcon.height);

                if (startX > -markerIcon.width &&
                    startX < _trackRect.width + markerIcon.width)
                    GUI.DrawTexture(leftRect, markerIcon);

                    if (m_selectId == i && (m_selectType == TagSelectType.Left ||
                                            m_selectType == TagSelectType.All))
                        GUI.DrawTexture(leftRect, selectIcon);
                if (endX > -markerIcon.width &&
                    endX < _trackRect.width + markerIcon.width)
                    GUI.DrawTexture(rightRect, markerIcon);
                    if (m_selectId == i && (m_selectType == TagSelectType.Right ||
                                            m_selectType == TagSelectType.All))
                        GUI.DrawTexture(rightRect, selectIcon);

                //Selection and moving
                if (evt.isMouse && evt.button == 0)
                    switch (evt.type)
                    case EventType.MouseDown:
                        if (barRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition))
                            m_selectId         = i;
                            m_selectType       = TagSelectType.All;
                            ret                = true;
                            m_draggingSelected = true;
                        else if (leftRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition))
                            m_selectId         = i;
                            m_selectType       = TagSelectType.Left;
                            ret                = true;
                            m_draggingSelected = true;
                        else if (rightRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition))
                            m_selectId         = i;
                            m_selectType       = TagSelectType.Right;
                            ret                = true;
                            m_draggingSelected = true;


                    case EventType.MouseUp:
                        m_draggingSelected = false;

                    case EventType.MouseDrag:
                        if (m_draggingSelected && m_selectId == i)
                            float desiredValueDelta = (( / _zoom)) / 75f;

                            Vector2 selected = m_tags[m_selectId];

                            switch (m_selectType)
                            case TagSelectType.All:
                                selected.x += desiredValueDelta;
                                selected.y += desiredValueDelta;

                                if (selected.x < 0f)
                                    selected.y -= selected.x;
                                    selected.x -= selected.x;

                                if (selected.y > m_clipLength)
                                    selected.x -= (selected.y - m_clipLength);
                                    selected.y -= (selected.y - m_clipLength);


                            case TagSelectType.Left:
                                selected.x += desiredValueDelta;
                                selected.x  = Mathf.Clamp(selected.x, 0f, selected.y - 0.1f);

                            case TagSelectType.Right:
                                selected.y += desiredValueDelta;
                                selected.y  = Mathf.Clamp(selected.y, selected.x + 0.1f, m_clipLength);

                            m_tags[m_selectId] = selected;
Esempio n. 2

         *  @brief Copy constructor
        public void DrawEvent(Rect _trackRect, float _zoom, MxMTaggingWindow _taggingWindow, IMxMAnim a_mxmAnim)
            Texture markerIcon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("Animation.EventMarker").image;

            if (m_selected)
                Handles.color =;

                Vector3 start = new Vector3(EventTime * 75f * _zoom - (markerIcon.width / 2f),
                                            _trackRect.y + markerIcon.height / 2f, 0f);
                Vector3 end  = new Vector3(start.x - Actions[0] * 75f * _zoom + markerIcon.width / 2f, start.y, 0f);
                Vector3 up   = new Vector3(end.x, end.y - markerIcon.height / 4f);
                Vector3 down = new Vector3(up.x, up.y + markerIcon.height / 2f);

                Handles.DrawLine(start, end);
                Handles.DrawLine(up, down);

                start = end;
                end   = new Vector3(start.x - Windup * 75f * _zoom, start.y, 0f);
                up.x  = down.x = end.x;

                Handles.color =;
                Handles.DrawLine(start, end);
                Handles.DrawLine(up, down);

                start = new Vector3(EventTime * 75f * _zoom + (markerIcon.width / 2f),
                                    _trackRect.y + markerIcon.height / 2f, 0f);

                Handles.color =;
                for (int i = 1; i < Actions.Count; ++i)
                    float markerWidth = 0;

                    if (i == 1)
                        markerWidth = markerIcon.width / 2f;

                    end  = new Vector3(start.x + Actions[i] * 75f * _zoom - markerWidth, start.y, 0f);
                    up.x = down.x = end.x;

                    Handles.DrawLine(start, end);
                    Handles.DrawLine(up, down);

                    //Draw a circle maybe

                    start = end;

                end  = new Vector3(start.x + FollowThrough * 75f * _zoom - markerIcon.width / 2f, start.y, 0f);
                up.x = down.x = end.x;

                Handles.color =;
                Handles.DrawLine(start, end);
                Handles.DrawLine(up, down);

                start = end;
                end   = new Vector3(start.x + Recovery * 75f * _zoom, start.y, 0f);
                up.x  = down.x = end.x;

                Handles.color = Color.yellow;
                Handles.DrawLine(start, end);
                Handles.DrawLine(up, down);


            Rect markerRect = new Rect(EventTime * 75f * _zoom - (markerIcon.width / 2f), _trackRect.y,
                                       markerIcon.width, markerIcon.height);

            GUI.DrawTexture(markerRect, markerIcon);

            if (m_selected)
                GUI.DrawTexture(markerRect, EditorUtil.EditorFunctions.GetHighlightTex());

            Event evt = Event.current;

            markerRect.x     -= 3f;
            markerRect.height = _trackRect.height;
            markerRect.width += 6f;

            if (evt.isMouse)
                if (evt.button == 0)
                    switch (evt.type)
                    case EventType.MouseDown:
                        if (markerRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition))
                            m_selected = true;
                            m_dragging = true;
                            _taggingWindow.SelectEvent(this, EventTime);

                    case EventType.MouseUp:
                        m_dragging = false;

                    case EventType.MouseDrag:
                        if (m_dragging && m_selected)
                            float desiredValueDelta = (( / _zoom)) / 75f;

                            EventTime += desiredValueDelta;

                            EventTime = Mathf.Clamp(EventTime, 0f,


                else if (evt.button == 1)
                    //Begin Context menu
                    GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();

                    menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Delete"), false, a_mxmAnim.OnDeleteEventMarker, this);
Esempio n. 3
        *  @brief 
        public void DrawSections(ref Rect a_trackRect, ref Rect a_timelineRect, float a_zoom, MxMTaggingWindow a_taggingWindow)
            Texture markerIcon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("Animation.EventMarker").image;

            Rect markerRect;

            Event evt = Event.current;

            float lastTime = 0f;

            MotionTimingPresets motionTimingPresets = null;

            if (a_taggingWindow != null)
                m_targetMxMAnim = a_taggingWindow.TargetMxMAnim;

            var targetPreProcess = m_targetMxMAnim.TargetPreProcess;

            if (m_targetMxMAnim != null && targetPreProcess != null)
                motionTimingPresets = targetPreProcess.MotionTimingPresets;

            string[] defenitionNames = null;
            if(motionTimingPresets != null)
                defenitionNames = motionTimingPresets.GetDefenitionNames();

           float maxSpeedVariance = 0.5f;

            //Determine max variance
            for (int i = 0; i < MotionSections.Count; ++i)
                MotionSection curSection = MotionSections[i];

                float speedMod = 1f;
                speedMod = curSection.GetSpeedMod(lastTime, motionTimingPresets, m_targetMxMAnim);

                float speedVariance = 0f;
                if (speedMod > 1f)
                    speedVariance = (speedMod / 1f) - 1f;
                else if (speedMod < 1f)
                    speedVariance = (1f / speedMod) - 1f;

                if (speedVariance > maxSpeedVariance)
                    maxSpeedVariance = speedVariance;

                lastTime = curSection.EndTime;

            lastTime = 0f;
            for (int i = 0; i < MotionSections.Count; ++i)
                MotionSection curSection = MotionSections[i];

                markerRect = new Rect(curSection.EndTime * 75f * a_zoom - (markerIcon.width / 2f), a_trackRect.y,
                     markerIcon.width, markerIcon.height);

                Vector3 start = new Vector3(markerRect.x + markerRect.width / 2f,
                                                markerRect.y + markerRect.height);
                Vector3 end = new Vector3(start.x, a_timelineRect.height);

                if (i != MotionSections.Count - 1)
                    GUI.DrawTexture(markerRect, markerIcon);

                    Handles.color =;
                    Handles.DrawLine(start, end);

                    if (curSection.Selected)
                        GUI.DrawTexture(markerRect, EditorUtil.EditorFunctions.GetHighlightTex());

                    markerRect.x -= 3f;
                    markerRect.height = a_trackRect.height;
                    markerRect.width += 6f;

                    if (evt.isMouse && evt.button == 0)
                        switch (evt.type)
                            case EventType.MouseDown:
                                    if (markerRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition))
                                        curSection.Selected = true;
                                        curSection.Dragging = true;
                                        a_taggingWindow.SelectSection(curSection, curSection.EndTime);

                            case EventType.MouseUp:
                                    curSection.Dragging = false;
                            case EventType.MouseDrag:
                                    if (curSection.Dragging && curSection.Selected)
                                        float desiredValueDelta = (( / a_zoom)) / 75f;

                                        curSection.EndTime += desiredValueDelta;

                                        curSection.EndTime = Mathf.Clamp(curSection.EndTime, 0f,

                float speedMod = 1f;
                speedMod = curSection.GetSpeedMod(lastTime, motionTimingPresets, m_targetMxMAnim);

                float speedVariance = 0f;
                if (speedMod > 1f)
                    speedVariance = (speedMod / 1f) - 1f;
                else if (speedMod < 1f)
                    speedVariance = (1f / speedMod) - 1f;

                float heightRatio = speedVariance / maxSpeedVariance;

                if (speedMod < 1f)
                    heightRatio *= -1;

                if (maxSpeedVariance < 0.001f)
                    heightRatio = 0f;

                //Draw Baseline
                end = new Vector3(curSection.EndTime * 75f * a_zoom, a_timelineRect.height / 2f + 9f);
                start = new Vector3(lastTime * 75f * a_zoom, end.y);

                Handles.color = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0.5f);
                Handles.DrawLine(start, end);

                //Draw limit line
                Handles.color = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0.3f);
                if (speedMod > 1f + Mathf.Epsilon)
                    end.y = a_timelineRect.height / 2f + (a_timelineRect.height / 2f - 44f) + 9f;
                    start.y = end.y;

                    Handles.DrawLine(start, end);

                    //Draw limit line
                    end.y = a_timelineRect.height / 2f - (a_timelineRect.height / 2f - 44f) + 9f;
                    start.y = end.y;

                    Handles.DrawLine(start, end);

                //Draw Green Line
                end.y = a_timelineRect.height / 2f + heightRatio * (a_timelineRect.height / 2f - 44f) + 9f;
                start.y = end.y;

                Handles.color =;
                Handles.DrawLine(start, end);

                float invertedSpeedMod = 1f / speedMod;
                string speedString = invertedSpeedMod.ToString("F2");

                speedString += "x";

                float width = GUIContent(speedString)).x;
                GUI.Label(new Rect(start.x + (end.x - start.x) / 2f - width / 2f, end.y - 18f, width, 18f), speedString);

                Rect dataRect = new Rect(lastTime * 75f * a_zoom + 4, a_timelineRect.height / 1.75f,
                    end.x - start.x - 8, a_timelineRect.height - (a_timelineRect.height / 1.75f) - 18f);

                if (speedMod > 1f + Mathf.Epsilon)
                    dataRect.y = 40f;

                //Draw Drop Down Boxes

                GUI.Box(dataRect, "Section " + i);

                dataRect.x += 3f;
                dataRect.width -= 6f;


                if (motionTimingPresets != null)
                    curSection.UsePresets = GUILayout.Toggle(curSection.UsePresets,
                        new GUIContent("Use Preset"));

                if (curSection.UsePresets && motionTimingPresets != null)
                    curSection.MotionPresetId = EditorGUILayout.Popup(curSection.MotionPresetId,
                    float defaultLabelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
                    EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 40f;
                    curSection.ModType = (EMotionModType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(new GUIContent("Type"), curSection.ModType);
                    curSection.RawModValue = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(new GUIContent("Value"), curSection.RawModValue);

                    if (curSection.RawModValue < 0.01f)
                        curSection.RawModValue = 0.01f;

                    EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = defaultLabelWidth;


                float originalDurationF = (curSection.EndTime - lastTime);
                float finalDurationF = ((curSection.EndTime - lastTime) * speedMod);

                string originalDuration = originalDurationF.ToString("F2");
                string finalDuration = finalDurationF.ToString("F2");

                float originalSpeedF = m_targetMxMAnim.GetAverageRootSpeed(lastTime, curSection.EndTime);
                float finalSpeedF = originalSpeedF * (originalDurationF / finalDurationF);

                string originalSpeed = originalSpeedF.ToString("F2");
                string finalSpeed = finalSpeedF.ToString("F2");

                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Original: " + originalDuration + " sec | " + originalSpeed + "m/s");
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Final: " + finalDuration + " sec | " + finalSpeed + "m/s");


                lastTime = curSection.EndTime;