public static bool PRPA_IN201305UV02(string CURRENT_USER, Int32 CURRENT_REGISTRY_ID, Int32 CURRENT_PATIENT_ID) { bool objReturn = false; MviDB objDB = new MviDB(); PATIENT p = PATIENTManager.GetItemComplete(CURRENT_USER, CURRENT_REGISTRY_ID, CURRENT_PATIENT_ID); if (p != null) { if (p.SPATIENT == null) { p.SPATIENT = new SPATIENT() { PatientICN = p.PatientICN }; } PRPA_IN201306UV02 prpaItem = objDB.PRPA_IN201305UV02(CURRENT_USER, CURRENT_REGISTRY_ID, p); if (prpaItem != null) { if (prpaItem.controlActProcess != null && prpaItem.controlActProcess.queryAck != null && prpaItem.controlActProcess.queryAck.queryResponseCode != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(prpaItem.controlActProcess.queryAck.queryResponseCode.code)) { switch (prpaItem.controlActProcess.queryAck.queryResponseCode.code.Trim().ToUpper()) { case "OK": int resultCurrentQuantity = 0; int.TryParse(prpaItem.controlActProcess.queryAck.resultCurrentQuantity.value, out resultCurrentQuantity); if (resultCurrentQuantity == 1) //TODO: may need to handle multiple results at some point???...display list to user or something { if (prpaItem.controlActProcess.subject != null && prpaItem.controlActProcess.subject[0].registrationEvent != null && prpaItem.controlActProcess.subject[0].registrationEvent.subject1 != null && prpaItem.controlActProcess.subject[0].registrationEvent.subject1.patient != null) { //TODO: ID's if (prpaItem.controlActProcess.subject[0].registrationEvent.subject1.patient.Item != null) { if (prpaItem.controlActProcess.subject[0].registrationEvent.subject1.patient.Item is PRPA_MT201310UV02Person) { PRPA_MT201310UV02Person person = (PRPA_MT201310UV02Person)prpaItem.controlActProcess.subject[0].registrationEvent.subject1.patient.Item; //NAMES (First and Last) if ( != null && > 0 &&[0].Items != null &&[0].Items.Length > 0) { int givenCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i <[0].Items.Length; i++) { if ([0].ItemsElementName.Length > i) { switch ([0].ItemsElementName[i]) { case ItemsChoiceType8.given: if (givenCount == 0) { p.FIRST_NAME = p.SPATIENT.PatientFirstName =[0].Items[i]; } else if (givenCount > 0) { p.MIDDLE_NAME =[0].Items[i]; } givenCount++; break; case p.LAST_NAME = p.SPATIENT.PatientLastName =[0].Items[i]; break; default: break; } } } } //PHONES if (person.telecom != null && person.telecom.Length > 0) { foreach (TEL tel in person.telecom) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tel.value) && tel.use != null && tel.use.Length > 0) { switch (tel.use[0]) { case "HP": p.SPATIENT.PhoneResidence = RemoveChars(tel.value); break; default: break; } } } } //GENDER if (person.administrativeGenderCode != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(person.administrativeGenderCode.code)) { p.SPATIENT.Gender = person.administrativeGenderCode.code.Trim().ToUpper().Substring(0, 1); } //DOB if (person.birthTime != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(person.birthTime.value)) { int y = 0; int m = 0; int d = 0; if (person.birthTime.value.Length >= 4) { int.TryParse(person.birthTime.value.Substring(0, 4), out y); } if (person.birthTime.value.Length >= 6) { int.TryParse(person.birthTime.value.Substring(4, 2), out m); } if (person.birthTime.value.Length >= 8) { int.TryParse(person.birthTime.value.Substring(6, 2), out d); } DateTime?dob = null; if (p.SPATIENT.DateOfBirth != null) { dob = p.SPATIENT.DateOfBirth; } else if (p.BIRTH_DATE != null) { dob = p.BIRTH_DATE; } if (y == 0 && dob != null) { y = dob.Value.Year; } if (m == 0 && dob != null) { m = dob.Value.Month; } if (d == 0 && dob != null) { d = dob.Value.Day; } if (y > 0 && m > 0 && d > 0 && dob != null) { p.BIRTH_DATE = p.SPATIENT.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(y, m, d, dob.Value.Hour, dob.Value.Minute, dob.Value.Second); } else if (y > 0 && m > 0 && d > 0) { p.BIRTH_DATE = p.SPATIENT.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(y, m, d); } } //ADDRESSES if (person.addr != null && person.addr.Length > 0) { foreach (AD a in person.addr) { if (a.use != null && a.use.Length > 0) { if (a.use[0] == "PHYS") //TODO: CRSe DB only stores one address, should we check for other MVI address types here??? { if (a.Items != null && a.Items.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < a.Items.Length; i++) { switch (a.ItemsElementName[i]) { case ItemsChoiceType7.streetAddressLine: p.SPATIENT.StreetAddress1 = a.Items[i].ToString(); break; case p.SPATIENT.City = a.Items[i].ToString(); break; case ItemsChoiceType7.state: p.SPATIENT.State = a.Items[i].ToString(); break; case ItemsChoiceType7.postalCode: p.SPATIENT.PostalCode = a.Items[i].ToString(); break; case p.SPATIENT.Country = a.Items[i].ToString(); break; default: break; } } } } } } } //OTHER IDS (SSN) if (person.asOtherIDs != null && person.asOtherIDs.Length > 0) { foreach (PRPA_MT201310UV02OtherIDs id in person.asOtherIDs) { if ( != null && > 0) { if (id.classCode == "SSN") { p.SPATIENT.PatientSSN =[0].extension; } } } } } } } p.PATIENT_ID = PATIENTManager.SaveComplete(CURRENT_USER, CURRENT_REGISTRY_ID, p); objReturn = true; } break; case "NF": break; default: break; } } } } objDB.Dispose(); return(objReturn); }