Esempio n. 1
        public async Task <RuntimeResult> MuteUser(IGuildUser user, params string[] arguments)
            if (user.IsBot)
                return(CustomResult.FromError("You can't mute bots."));

            if (user.GuildPermissions.PrioritySpeaker)
                return(CustomResult.FromError("You can't mute staff."));

            if (arguments.Length < 1)
                return(CustomResult.FromError("The correct usage is `;mute <duration> <reason>`"));

            string durationStr = arguments[0];

            string reason;

            if (arguments.Length > 1)
                string[] reasons = new string[arguments.Length - 1];
                Array.Copy(arguments, 1, reasons, 0, arguments.Length - 1);
                reason = string.Join(" ", reasons);
                return(CustomResult.FromError("You need to provide a reason."));

            CaptureCollection captures = Regex.Match(durationStr, @"(\d+[a-z]+)+").Groups[1].Captures;

            DateTime targetTime = DateTime.Now;
            // this basically means *one* of the values has been wrong, maybe negative or something like that
            bool validFormat = false;

            foreach (Capture capture in captures)
                // this means, that one *valid* unit has been found, not necessarily a valid valid, this is needed for the case, in which there is
                // no valid value possible (e.g. 3y), this would cause the for loop to do nothing, but we are unaware of that
                bool timeUnitApplied = false;
                foreach (char format in timeFormats)
                    var captureValue = capture.Value;
                    // this check is needed in order that our durationSplit check makes sense
                    // if the format is not present, the split would return a wrong value, and the check would be wrong
                    if (captureValue.Contains(format))
                        timeUnitApplied = true;
                        var durationSplit = captureValue.Split(format);
                        var isNumeric     = int.TryParse(durationSplit[0], out int n);
                        if (durationSplit.Length == 2 && durationSplit[1] == "" && isNumeric && n > 0)
                            switch (format)
                            case 'm': targetTime = targetTime.AddMinutes(n); break;

                            case 'h': targetTime = targetTime.AddHours(n); break;

                            case 'd': targetTime = targetTime.AddDays(n); break;

                            case 'w': targetTime = targetTime.AddDays(n * 7); break;

                            case 's': targetTime = targetTime.AddSeconds(n); break;

                            default: validFormat = false; goto AfterLoop;
                            validFormat = true;
                            validFormat = false;
                            goto AfterLoop;
                if (!timeUnitApplied)
                    validFormat = false;

            if (!validFormat)
                return(CustomResult.FromError("Invalid format, it needs to be positive, and combinations of " + string.Join(", ", timeFormats)));

            var author = Context.Message.Author;

            var guild         = Context.Guild;
            var mutedRoleName = "textmuted";

            if (!Global.Roles.ContainsKey(mutedRoleName))
                return(CustomResult.FromError("Text mute role has not been configured. Check your DB entry!"));

            mutedRoleName = "voicemuted";
            if (!Global.Roles.ContainsKey(mutedRoleName))
                return(CustomResult.FromError("Voice mute role has not been configured. Check your DB entry!"));

            await Extensions.MuteUser(user);

            var muteData = new Mute
                MuteDate    = DateTime.Now,
                UnmuteDate  = targetTime,
                MutedUser   = user.Username + '#' + user.Discriminator,
                MutedUserID = user.Id,
                MutedByID   = author.Id,
                MutedBy     = author.Username + '#' + author.Discriminator,
                Reason      = reason,
                MuteEnded   = false

            using (var db = new Database())

            var builder = new EmbedBuilder();

            builder.Title = "A user has been muted!";
            builder.Color = Color.Red;

            builder.Timestamp = Context.Message.Timestamp;

            builder.ThumbnailUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl();

            const string discordUrl = "{0}/{1}/{2}";

            builder.AddField("Muted User", Extensions.FormatUserName(user))
            .AddField("Muted by", Extensions.FormatUserName(author))
            .AddField("Location of the mute",
                      $"[#{Context.Message.Channel.Name}]({string.Format(discordUrl, Context.Guild.Id, Context.Channel.Id, Context.Message.Id)})")
            .AddField("Reason", reason ?? "No reason was provided.")
            .AddField("Muted until", $"{ targetTime:dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm}")
            .AddField("Mute id", muteData.ID);

            await guild.GetTextChannel(Global.Channels["mutes"]).SendMessageAsync(embed: builder.Build());

            // in case the mute is shorter than the timer defined in Mutetimer.cs, we better just start the unmuting process directly
            if (targetTime <= DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(60))
                var difference = targetTime - DateTime.Now;
                MuteTimerManager.UnmuteUserIn(user.Id, difference, muteData.ID);

Esempio n. 2
        public async Task <RuntimeResult> MuteUser(IGuildUser user, params string[] arguments)
            if (user.IsBot)
                return(CustomResult.FromError("You can't mute bots."));

            if (user.GuildPermissions.PrioritySpeaker)
                return(CustomResult.FromError("You can't mute staff."));

            if (arguments.Length < 1)
                return(CustomResult.FromError("The correct usage is `;mute <duration> <reason>`"));

            string   durationStr = arguments[0];
            TimeSpan span        = Extensions.GetTimeSpanFromString(durationStr);
            var      now         = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime targetTime  = now.Add(span);

            string reason;

            if (arguments.Length > 1)
                string[] reasons = new string[arguments.Length - 1];
                Array.Copy(arguments, 1, reasons, 0, arguments.Length - 1);
                reason = string.Join(" ", reasons);
                return(CustomResult.FromError("You need to provide a reason."));

            var author = Context.Message.Author;

            var guild         = Context.Guild;
            var mutedRoleName = "textmuted";

            if (!Global.Roles.ContainsKey(mutedRoleName))
                return(CustomResult.FromError("Text mute role has not been configured. Check your DB entry!"));

            mutedRoleName = "voicemuted";
            if (!Global.Roles.ContainsKey(mutedRoleName))
                return(CustomResult.FromError("Voice mute role has not been configured. Check your DB entry!"));

            await Extensions.MuteUser(user);

            await user.ModifyAsync(x => x.Channel = null);

                const string muteMessage = "You were muted on r/OnePlus for the following reason: {0} until {1} {2}.";
                await user.SendMessageAsync(string.Format(muteMessage, reason, targetTime, TimeZoneInfo.Local));
            catch (HttpException)
                Console.WriteLine("Seems like user disabled the DMs, cannot send message about the mute.");

            var muteData = new Mute
                MuteDate    = now,
                UnmuteDate  = targetTime,
                MutedUser   = user.Username + '#' + user.Discriminator,
                MutedUserID = user.Id,
                MutedByID   = author.Id,
                MutedBy     = author.Username + '#' + author.Discriminator,
                Reason      = reason,
                MuteEnded   = false

            using (var db = new Database())

            var builder = new EmbedBuilder();

            builder.Title = "A user has been muted!";
            builder.Color = Color.Red;

            builder.Timestamp = Context.Message.Timestamp;

            builder.ThumbnailUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl();

            const string discordUrl = "{0}/{1}/{2}";

            builder.AddField("Muted User", Extensions.FormatUserName(user))
            .AddField("Muted by", Extensions.FormatUserName(author))
            .AddField("Location of the mute",
                      $"[#{Context.Message.Channel.Name}]({string.Format(discordUrl, Context.Guild.Id, Context.Channel.Id, Context.Message.Id)})")
            .AddField("Reason", reason ?? "No reason was provided.")
            .AddField("Muted until", $"{ targetTime:dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm}")
            .AddField("Mute id", muteData.ID);

            await guild.GetTextChannel(Global.PostTargets[PostTarget.MUTE_LOG]).SendMessageAsync(embed: builder.Build());

            // in case the mute is shorter than the timer defined in Mutetimer.cs, we better just start the unmuting process directly
            if (targetTime <= DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(60))
                var difference = targetTime - DateTime.Now;
                MuteTimerManager.UnmuteUserIn(user.Id, difference, muteData.ID);
                using (var db = new Database())
                    db.Mutes.Where(m => m.ID == muteData.ID).First().UnmuteScheduled = true;

Esempio n. 3
        public async Task <RuntimeResult> MuteUser(IGuildUser user, string duration, [Optional][Remainder] string reason)
            if (CommandHandler.FeatureFlagDisabled(FeatureFlag.MODERATION))
            if (user.IsBot)
                return(CustomResult.FromError("You can't mute bots."));

            if (user.GuildPermissions.PrioritySpeaker)
                return(CustomResult.FromError("You can't mute staff."));

            TimeSpan span       = Extensions.GetTimeSpanFromString(duration);
            var      now        = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime targetTime = now.Add(span);

            if (reason is null)
                return(CustomResult.FromError("You need to provide a reason."));

            var author = Context.Message.Author;

            var guild         = Context.Guild;
            var mutedRoleName = "textmuted";

            if (!Global.Roles.ContainsKey(mutedRoleName))
                return(CustomResult.FromError("Text mute role has not been configured. Check your DB entry!"));

            mutedRoleName = "voicemuted";
            if (!Global.Roles.ContainsKey(mutedRoleName))
                return(CustomResult.FromError("Voice mute role has not been configured. Check your DB entry!"));

            await Extensions.MuteUser(user);

            await user.ModifyAsync(x => x.Channel = null);

                const string muteMessage = "You were muted on r/OnePlus for the following reason: {0} until {1}.";
                await user.SendMessageAsync(string.Format(muteMessage, reason, Extensions.FormatDateTime(targetTime)));
            catch (HttpException)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Seems like user disabled DMs, cannot send message about the mute.");

            var muteData = new Mute
                MuteDate    = now,
                UnmuteDate  = targetTime,
                MutedUserID = user.Id,
                MutedByID   = author.Id,
                Reason      = reason,
                MuteEnded   = false

            using (var db = new Database())

            var builder = new EmbedBuilder();

            builder.Title = "A user has been muted!";
            builder.Color = Color.Red;

            builder.Timestamp = Context.Message.Timestamp;

            builder.ThumbnailUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl();

            const string discordUrl = "{0}/{1}/{2}";

            builder.AddField("Muted User", Extensions.FormatUserNameDetailed(user))
            .AddField("Muted by", Extensions.FormatUserNameDetailed(author))
            .AddField("Location of the mute",
                      $"[#{Context.Message.Channel.Name}]({string.Format(discordUrl, Context.Guild.Id, Context.Channel.Id, Context.Message.Id)})")
            .AddField("Reason", reason ?? "No reason was provided.")
            .AddField("Mute duration", Extensions.FormatTimeSpan(span))
            .AddField("Muted until", $"{ Extensions.FormatDateTime(targetTime)}")
            .AddField("Mute id", muteData.ID);

            await guild.GetTextChannel(Global.PostTargets[PostTarget.MUTE_LOG]).SendMessageAsync(embed: builder.Build());

            // in case the mute is shorter than the timer defined in Mutetimer.cs, we better just start the unmuting process directly
            if (targetTime <= DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(60))
                var difference = targetTime - DateTime.Now;
                MuteTimerManager.UnmuteUserIn(user.Id, difference, muteData.ID);
                using (var db = new Database())
                    db.Mutes.AsQueryable().Where(m => m.ID == muteData.ID).First().UnmuteScheduled = true;
