Esempio n. 1
        private async Task <string> GetWikiDataAsync(MusicBrainz musicBrainz)
            foreach (var relation in musicBrainz.Relations)
                if (relation.Type.ToLower() == "wikidata")
                    var url      = relation.Url.Resource.ToString();
                    var id       = url.Split('/').LastOrDefault();
                    var wikiUrl  = $"{id}&format=json&props=sitelinks";
                    var response = await _httpClient.GetStringAsync(wikiUrl);

                    var wikiData = DecodeWikiData(response, id);
                    return(await GetWikipediaAsync(wikiData.Title));
                if (relation.Type.ToLower() == "wikipedia")
                    // ToDo: Where do I get the artist title here?
                    // Have not seen any result which have a wikipedia link. Guessing that this is correct.
                    var url   = relation.Url.Resource.ToString();
                    var title = url.Split('/').LastOrDefault();
                    return(await GetWikipediaAsync(title));

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static Boolean IsArtist(String query)
            MusicBrainz mb     = new MusicBrainz();
            MBArtist    artist = null;

            return(mb.IsArtist(query, out artist));
        public async Task <MusicBrainz> GetMusicBrainz(string mbId)
            var httpResponseMessage = await _musicBrainAdapter.GetMusicBrainzArtistByMbId(mbId);

            var json = await httpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            if (!httpResponseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                throw new BadRequestException("Invalid request: MBId does not exist");

            var artistResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MbArtistResponse>(json);

            if (artistResponse.ReleaseGroups == null || !artistResponse.ReleaseGroups.Any())
                throw new NotFoundException("Not Found request: Artist");

            var relations = artistResponse.Relations;

            var musicBrainz = new MusicBrainz
                MbId        = mbId,
                Description = await GetDescriptionIfUrlIsEmpty(relations.FirstOrDefault()?.Url, mbId),
                Albums      = new List <Album>()

            var wikiDataQId = GetWikidataQId(relations);
            var wikiTitle   = await _wikidataAdapter.GetWikiDataTitleByQId(wikiDataQId);

            musicBrainz.Description = await _wikipediaAdapter.GetWikiDescriptionByTitle(HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(wikiTitle));

            await Task.Run(() =>
                Parallel.ForEach(artistResponse.ReleaseGroups, (releaseGroup) =>
                    var album = new Album
                        Id    = releaseGroup.CoverArtId,
                        Title = releaseGroup.Title,
                        Image = _coverArtAdapter

Esempio n. 4
        public void GetReleases()
            Console.WriteLine("Enter artist name or enter to exit.");
            string line;

            line = Console.ReadLine();
            if (line == null)

            Console.WriteLine("Looking up: " + line);

            var newReleases = new MusicBrainz();
            var results     = newReleases.GetArtistListFromMusicBrainz(line);

            //var results = newReleases.DiscogArtistSearch("Motley Crue");
            if (results.Count > 0)
                int count = 1;
                Console.WriteLine("Possible Artists:");
                foreach (Artist result in results)
                    result.Count = count;
                    Console.WriteLine(result.Count + "\t" + result.Name + "\t" + result.Description);
                    if (count == 10)
                Console.Write("Please choose the correct artist: ");
                int  choice;
                bool valid = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out choice);
                if (valid && choice > 0 && choice <= count)

                    var artist = results.FirstOrDefault(x => choice.Equals(x.Count));
                    artist.Releases = newReleases.GetAsinDataFromMusicBrainz(artist.Id);
                    var amazonRequest = new AmazonProductAPI();
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid choice");
Esempio n. 5
        private async Task <List <AlbumData> > GetAlbumListWithCoverAsync(MusicBrainz musicBrainz)
            var albumDataList = new List <AlbumData>();

            var listOfTasks = new List <Task <AlbumData> >();

            foreach (var album in musicBrainz.ReleaseGroups)
                if (album.PrimaryType.ToLower() == "album")
            var list = await Task.WhenAll <AlbumData>(listOfTasks);


Esempio n. 6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //NounCollection coll = NounCollection.Instance;
            //String [] related = null;
            //Console.WriteLine(coll.Nouns["hello"].GetDescription(0, out related));

            //using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(File.Create(@"\1.txt")))
            //    for (int index = 0; index < 256; index++)
            //        writer.WriteLine(String.Concat(index, " ", (char)index));

            //BingSearch search = new BingSearch();
            //search.SearchWeb("apj kalam");

            //Wikipedia wClass = new Wikipedia(new WikiQueryEngine());
            //Console.WriteLine(wClass.IsArticleAvailable("Plain white T's"));
            //SearchSuggestion searchSuggest = wClass.SearchArticles("Plain white T's", 10);
            //foreach (SearchSuggestionItem sItem in searchSuggest.Section)
            //    Console.WriteLine(sItem.Text + "\n\t" + sItem.Description + "\n" + sItem.Url);
            //Console.WriteLine(wClass.GetArticle("Seattle", false).Introduction);

            OmukSemantics semantics = new OmukSemantics();
            //YSearch search = new YSearch();
            //YSearchResultCollection resCollection = search.SearchWeb("me genera serotonina listening to Viva la Vida by Coldplay", 0, 10, ref semantics);
            BingSearch bsearch = new BingSearch();

            bsearch.SearchWeb("Am I Dreaming by Xscape", 0, 10, ref semantics);

            LyricWiki    wiki   = new LyricWiki();
            LyricsResult lyrics = wiki.getSong("Rihanna", "Umbrella");

            LastFmService service = new LastFmService();

            //MusicBrainz mb = new MusicBrainz();
            // mb.GetAlbums

            //Grooveshark gshark = new Grooveshark();
            //GSSong[] song = gshark.SearchSong("Sugar", 2);

            //LyricWiki wiki = new LyricWiki();
            //LyricsResult lyrics = wiki.getSong("R.e.m", "Moon river");
            //SongResult songs = wiki.searchSongs("R.e.m", "Moon river");

            //String artist = "Flo rida";
            //String album = "Sugar";
            //int year = 2009;
            //String[] albums = null;
            //String res = wiki.getAlbum(ref artist, ref album, ref year, out albums);

            //AlbumData[] album = (AlbumData[])wiki.getArtist(ref artist);
            //LWLyrics lyrics = wiki.GetLyricsForSong("Flo rida", "sugar");
            //String[] albums = wiki.GetAlbums("rihanna");

            //LastFmService service = new LastFmService();
            //LFMArtist artist = service.GetArtistInfo("Rihanna");
            //List<LFMArtist> albums = service.SearchArtist("Kid Cudi", 0);

            //Immem immem = new Immem();
            //List<ImmemSearchItem> items = immem.SearchMedia("Rihanna good girl gone bad", "music", 0, 10);

            MusicBrainz    mb     = new MusicBrainz();
            List <MBAlbum> albums = mb.GetAlbums(String.Empty, "Rihanna", "73e5e69d-3554-40d8-8516-00cb38737a1c", 0, 10);
            List <MBSong>  songs  = mb.GetSongs("oh Carol", "Neil", "", "", "", 0, 2);

            //YouTube yt = new YouTube();
            //List<YTVideo> videos = yt.SearchVideos("oh carol", 0, 3);

            //RottenTomatoes rt = new RottenTomatoes();
            //String val = rt.GetTomatometerScore("");

             * Twitter twitter = new Twitter();
             * ////twitter.SearchTwitter("i gotta feeling", 0, 10);
             * TMovieTrendsClass mTrends = new TMovieTrendsClass();
             * twitter.GetMovieTrends("The Martian", ref mTrends);
             * Console.WriteLine("");

            //twitter.GetMovieTrends("\"the proposal\"",ref mTrends);
            //twitter.GetMovieTrends("\"year one\"", ref mTrends);
            //twitter.GetMovieTrends("\"Terminator Salvation\"", ref mTrends);
            //twitter.GetMovieTrends("\"Next day air\"", ref mTrends);
            //twitter.GetMovieTrends("\"Imagine That\"", ref mTrends);
            //twitter.GetMovieTrends("\"Taking of Pelham 1 2 3", ref mTrends);
            //twitter.GetMovieTrends("Wolverine", ref mTrends);
            //using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(File.Create("trend.txt")))
            //    foreach (KeyValuePair<String, int> keyval in mTrends.Trend)
            //    {
            //        if (keyval.Value > 3)
            //            writer.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} {1}", keyval.Key, keyval.Value));
            //    }

            //TSearchResultCollection twRes = twitter.SearchTwitter("palm pre", 0, 15);

            //Eventful evntful = new Eventful ();
            //EventCollection coll = evntful.SearchEvents("San Jose", 0, 10);
            //Digg digg = new Digg();
            //List<DiggResult> res = digg.SearchDigg("Hello", 0, 10);
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public void FormContext()
            if (this.Category.Equals("music"))
                MusicBrainz mb = new MusicBrainz();
                String artist = String.Empty;
                String song = String.Empty;
                string mbid = String.Empty;
                int wStrength = Int32.MaxValue;
                int artistIndex = 0;
                String[] kWArr = this.KeyWords.ToArray();

                for (int index = 0; index < kWArr.Length; index++)
                    String txt = kWArr[index].ToLower();
                    List<MBArtist> artists = mb.GetArtists(txt, 0, 2);
                    if (artists != null)
                        foreach (MBArtist mbartist in artists)
                            String largeTxttmp = mbartist.Name.ToLower();
                            int weight = this.MapReplace(txt, largeTxttmp);

                            if (weight <= 3 && weight <= wStrength)
                                wStrength = weight;
                                artist = mbartist.Name;
                                mbid = mbartist.MBID;
                                artistIndex = index;

                artistIndex = artistIndex == 0 ? 1 : 0;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(artist) && artistIndex < kWArr.Length)
                    List<MBSong> songs = mb.GetSongs(kWArr[artistIndex], artist, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, 0, 3);

                    if (songs != null && songs.Count > 0)
                        song = songs[0].Title;
                        org.lyricwiki.www.service.LyricWiki lw = new org.lyricwiki.www.service.LyricWiki();
                        org.lyricwiki.www.service.LyricsResult lyrics = lw.getSong(artist, kWArr[artistIndex]);
                        if (lyrics != null)
                            song =;

                this.keyWords.Add("artist:" + artist);
                this.keyWords.Add("album:" + String.Empty);
                this.keyWords.Add("song:" + song);
                this.keyWords.Add("mbid:" + mbid);

Esempio n. 8
        // Methods :: Private :: DownloadFromAmazonViaMusicBrainz
        /// <summary>
        ///	Get the cover URL from amazon with the help of libmusicbrainz
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///	This should only be called from <see cref="GetWebThread" />
        ///     and <see cref="DownloadFromAmazon" />. Normally,
        ///	<see cref="GetWeb" /> should be used instead.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="album">
        ///	The <see cref="Album"> for which a cover needs to be downloaded.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///	A <see cref="Gdk.Pixbuf" /> if a cover is found, null otherwise.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="WebException">
        ///	Thrown if an error occurred while downloading.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="GLib.GException">
        ///	Thrown if loading file fails.
        /// </exception>
        private Pixbuf DownloadFromAmazonViaMusicBrainz(Album album)
            // Rather than do the lib search and catch the
            // DllNotFoundException every single time,
            // we check a simple bool as a performance helper.
            if (musicbrainz_lib_missing)

            Pixbuf pix = null;

            try {
                // Sane album title
                string sane_album_title;
                if (album.Name != null)
                    sane_album_title = SanitizeString(album.Name);
                    sane_album_title = String.Empty;

                // Sane artist name
                string sane_artist_name;
                if (album.Artists != null && album.Artists.Length > 0)
                    sane_artist_name = album.Artists [0].ToLower();
                    sane_artist_name = String.Empty;

                string asin = null;

                // TODO: Move to constant
                string AmazonImageUri =

                // remove "disc 1" and family
                //  TODO: Make the regexes translatable?
                //  (e.g. "uno|dos|tres...", "les|los..)
                string sane_album_title_regex = @"[,:]?\s*";
                sane_album_title_regex += @"(cd|dis[ck])\s*";
                sane_album_title_regex += @"(\d+|one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine|ten)\s*$";
                sane_album_title        = Regex.Replace(sane_album_title, sane_album_title_regex, String.Empty);

                // Remove "The " and "the " from artist names
                string sane_artist_name_regex = @"^the\s+";
                sane_artist_name = Regex.Replace(sane_artist_name, sane_artist_name_regex, String.Empty);

                MusicBrainz c = new MusicBrainz();

                // set the depth of the query
                //   (see

                string [] album_name = new string [] { sane_album_title };

                bool match =
                    c.Query(MusicBrainz.MBQ_FindAlbumByName, album_name);

                if (match)
                    int num_albums =

                    string fetched_artist_name;
                    for (int i = 1; i <= num_albums; i++)
                        c.Select(MusicBrainz.MBS_SelectAlbum, i);

                        // gets the artist from the first track of the album
                            (MusicBrainz.MBE_AlbumGetArtistName, 1,
                            out fetched_artist_name);

                        // Remove "The " here as well
                        if (fetched_artist_name != null)
                            string tmp = fetched_artist_name.ToLower();
                            string fetched_artist_name_regex = @"^the\s+";
                            fetched_artist_name = Regex.Replace(tmp, fetched_artist_name_regex, String.Empty);
                            fetched_artist_name = String.Empty;

                        if (fetched_artist_name == sane_artist_name)
                                (MusicBrainz.MBE_AlbumGetAmazonAsin, out asin);


                        // go back one level so we can select the next album

                if (asin == null)
                    pix = null;
                    string uri = String.Format(AmazonImageUri, asin);
                    pix = Download(uri);
            } catch (DllNotFoundException) {
                // We catch this exception so we can always include the
                // musicbrainz support but not have a strict compile/runtime
                // requirement on it.
                musicbrainz_lib_missing = true;

Esempio n. 9
        // Method:    GetMusicBrainzReleases
        // FullName:  MusicDataminer.MusicDBParser.GetMusicBrainzReleases
        // Access:    public
        // Returns:   bool
        // Parameter: string artist
        // Parameter: string albumName
        // Parameter: MusicBrainz o
        // Parameter: List<MusicBrainzAlbum> releasesList
        // Parameter: out string retrievedName
        public bool GetMusicBrainzReleases(string artist, string albumName,
                                           List <MusicBrainzRelease> releasesList, out string retrievedName, string aStyle)
            MusicBrainz o;

            // Create the musicbrainz object, which will be needed for subsequent calls
            o = new MusicBrainz();
            // Set the proper server to use. Defaults to
            if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MB_SERVER") != null)
                o.SetServer(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MB_SERVER"), 80);
            // Check to see if the debug env var has been set
            if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MB_DEBUG") != null)
                o.SetDebug(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MB_DEBUG") != "0");
            // Tell the server to only return 4 levels of data, unless the MB_DEPTH env var is set
            if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MB_DEPTH") != null)

            retrievedName = albumName;
            bool foundRelevantRelease = false;

            //Console.WriteLine("Searching for occurrences for: " + artist + " / " + albumName);
            iForm.PrintLine("(" + aStyle + ") LOOK: " + artist + " / " + albumName);
            bool found = o.Query(MusicBrainz.MBQ_FileInfoLookup, new String[] { "", artist, albumName, "", "", "" });

            if (!found)

            // Select the first album
            o.Select(MusicBrainz.MBS_SelectLookupResult, 1);

            string type;

            o.GetResultData(MusicBrainz.MBE_LookupGetType, out type);
            string fragment;

            o.GetFragmentFromURL(type, out fragment);

            // iterate through all the results

            if (!o.Select(MusicBrainz.MBS_SelectLookupResult, 1))

            // NOTE: must be done before the next Select
            int relevance = o.GetResultInt(MusicBrainz.MBE_LookupGetRelevance);

            // if not sure about it, quit
            if (relevance < 80)

            // select the album

            o.GetResultData(MusicBrainz.MBE_AlbumGetAlbumName, out retrievedName);

            int nReleases = o.GetResultInt(MusicBrainz.MBE_AlbumGetNumReleaseDates);

            if (nReleases != 0)
                albumName = retrievedName;

                for (int i = 1; i <= nReleases; i++)
                    if (o.Select(MusicBrainz.MBS_SelectReleaseDate, i))
                        foundRelevantRelease = true;

                        string country;
                        o.GetResultData(MusicBrainz.MBE_ReleaseGetCountry, out country);

                        string date;
                        o.GetResultData(MusicBrainz.MBE_ReleaseGetDate, out date);

                        if (dataBase.countries.ContainsKey(country.ToUpper()))
                            // add it to the list
                            MusicBrainzRelease release = new MusicBrainzRelease();

                   = (Country)dataBase.countries[country];

                            if (date.Length >= 4)
                       = int.Parse(date.Substring(0, 4));
                                return(false); // = int.Parse(date);

                            // Add the release both to the Album and Country
