Esempio n. 1
     * @brief Loads a todocnote into the display panel
     * @param[in] aNote The todocnote to display
     * @param[in] aNoteIndex The index of the todocnote in the overall Song.
    public void LoadNote(Music.CombinedNote aNote, int aNoteIndex)
        // Set the note being represented.
        mNote      = aNote;
        mNoteIndex = aNoteIndex;

        // Update the length panel.

        // Update the offset panel.

        // Update the pitches

        // Update the drums

        // Display the buttons
        if (mNoteIndex != 0)

        if (mNoteIndex != mSongCreationHandler.GetNumNotes() - 1)
Esempio n. 2
    * @}
    * @defgroup SongPubFunc Public Functions
    * @ingroup DocSong
    * Functions that allow other classes to interact with the Song.
    * @{

     * @brief Adds a @link Music::CombinedNote note@endlink to the Song.
     * @param[in] aNewNote The @link Music::CombinedNote note@endlink to add.
    public void AddNote(Music.CombinedNote aNewNote)
        // Update the number of musical notes in the Song if needed.
        if (aNewNote.NumPitches > 0)

            for (int i = 0; i < aNewNote.NumPitches; i++)
                // Update the highest pitch.
                if (aNewNote.MusicalNote.Pitches[i] != Music.PITCH.REST && mHighestPitch < aNewNote.MusicalNote.Pitches[i])
                    mHighestPitch = aNewNote.MusicalNote.Pitches[i];

                // Update the lowest pitch.
                if (aNewNote.MusicalNote.Pitches[i] != Music.PITCH.REST && mLowestPitch > aNewNote.MusicalNote.Pitches[i])
                    mLowestPitch = aNewNote.MusicalNote.Pitches[i];

        // Update the number of notes with drum hits in the Song if needed.
        if (aNewNote.NumDrums > 0)

        // Add the note to the list.

        // Update the Song type.
Esempio n. 3
    * @}
    * @defgroup SC_MDPPubFunc Public Functions
    * @ingroup DocSC_MDP
    * Functions for other classes to interact with the SC_MeasureDisplayPanel.
    * @{

     * @brief Adds a @link Music::CombinedNote note@endlink to the @link SC_MeasureDisplayPanel::mNotes list of notes managed by this panel@endlink.
     * @param[in] aNote The todoc note to add to the measure.
     * @param[in] aNoteIndex The index of the @link Music::CombinedNote note@endlink in the overall Song.
     * This function also creates the @link DocSC_NDP SC_NoteDisplayPanel object@endlink for the @link Music::CombinedNote note@endlink.
    public void AddNote(Music.CombinedNote aNote, int aNoteIndex)
        // Calculate the percentage used up in the measure.
        float newPercentage = mPercentageUsed + Music.GetNoteLengthRelativeToMeasure(aNote.OffsetFromPrevNote, Music.TIME_SIGNATURE_4_4());

        // If there is no more room in the measure for this note, then send it back to the parent.
        if (newPercentage >= 1f)
            mParent.HandleFullMeasure(newPercentage - mPercentageUsed, aNote);

        // If there is more room, then create the new panel and add it to this measure.
            // Update the percentage used.
            mPercentageUsed = newPercentage;

            // Create a SC_NoteDisplayPanel
            GameObject clone = null;
            clone = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>(NOTE_DISPLAY_PANEL_PATH));
            Assert.IsNotNull(clone, "Could not load SC_NoteDisplayPanel prefab!");

            // Set the values for the note's transform.

            // Initialize the cloned panel.
            SC_NoteDisplayPanel newPanel = clone.AddComponent <SC_NoteDisplayPanel>();
            newPanel.LoadNote(aNote, aNoteIndex);

            // Add the panel to the list.
Esempio n. 4
    * @}
    * @defgroup SC_NDCHandlers Event Handlers
    * @ingroup DocSC_NDC
    * Functions that are called by the SC_NoteDisplayContainer to handle events.
    * @{

     * @brief Handler for when a @link DocSC_MDP measure@endlink fills up.
     * @param[in] aSpillover How much did the new note exceed the limit of the @link DocSC_MDP measure@endlink.
     * @param[in] aNote The todocnote that was attempted to be added to the todocmeasure.
     * This function creates a new @link DocSC_MDP measure@endlink and puts
     * @link SC_NoteDisplayContainer::AddNote the note@endlink that couldn't be added to the last
     * @link DocSC_MDP measure@endlink into the new one.
    public void HandleFullMeasure(float aSpillover, Music.CombinedNote aNote)
        // Create a new measure toggle.
        GameObject clone = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>(MEASURE_PANEL_PREFAB_PATH));

        Assert.IsNotNull(clone, "Could not load the MeasurePanel prefab!");

        // Add the measure panel to the list.
        mMeasures.Add(clone.AddComponent <SC_MeasureDisplayPanel>());

        // Increase the current measure.

        // Set the values for the new measure toggle.
        mMeasures[mCurrentMeasure].transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(1).GetComponent <Text>().text = "Measure " + (mCurrentMeasure + 1).ToString();

        // Handle Spillover from the previous measure.
        mMeasures[mCurrentMeasure].SetPercentageUsed(0f - aSpillover);

        // Add the note to the new measure.
        mMeasures[mCurrentMeasure].AddNote(aNote, mNumNotes);

        // Make only the new measure be shown.
Esempio n. 5
     * @brief Creates a new note in the song.
     * Gets the currently selected values from the modules in the scene uses them
     * to @link Music::CreateNote create@endlink a new @link Music::CombinedNote note@endlink.
     * The function won't do anything if no @link SongCreationManager::mPitchSelector pitches@endlink
     * or @link SongCreationManager::mDrumSelector drums@endlink are selected.
     * @see SongCreationManager::mNewNoteButton
    public void OnCreateNote(Music.CombinedNote aNote)
        // Add the note to the song.

        // Add the note to the note display.
Esempio n. 6
  * @brief Saves the Song to a file
  * This function adds the song to the @link VirtualInstrumentManager::SongManager Song Manager@endlink and also saves the Song.
  * to a file.
  * @see Song::WriteSongToFile
 public void OnSaveSong()
     // Special handling to make drum loops loop properly. The first hit has an initial offset
     // equal to the length used to create the last note.
     if (mSong.GetSongType() == Song.SongType.DrumLoop)
         Music.CombinedNote firstNote = mSong.GetAllNotes()[0];
         mSong.ReplaceNote(firstNote, 0);
Esempio n. 7
     * @brief Replaces a note at a given index.
     * @param[in] aNote The note that will be put into the Song at the given index.
     * @param[in] aIndex The index of the place to insert the note.
    public void ReplaceNote(Music.CombinedNote aNote, int aIndex)
        Assert.IsTrue(aIndex < mNotes.Count,
                      "Tried to replace a note at the index " + aIndex.ToString() + " for a Song with only " + mNotes.Count.ToString() + " notes in it!");

        // Get the replaced note.
        Music.CombinedNote replacedNote = mNotes[aIndex];

        // Replace the note.
        mNotes[aIndex] = aNote;

        // Account for changes in the number of musical notes and drum notes in the Song.
        if (replacedNote.NumPitches > 0 && aNote.NumPitches == 0)
        else if (replacedNote.NumPitches == 0 && aNote.NumPitches > 0)
        if (replacedNote.NumDrums > 0 && aNote.NumDrums == 0)
        else if (replacedNote.NumDrums == 0 && aNote.NumDrums > 0)

        // See if we need to update the highest/lowest pitch.
        if (replacedNote.NumPitches > 0 && mNumMusicalNotes > 0)
            // See if we need to set a new highest/lowest pitch.
            foreach (Music.PITCH pitch in replacedNote.MusicalNote.Pitches)
                if (pitch != Music.PITCH.REST && pitch == mHighestPitch)
                    mHighestPitch = Music.PITCH.C0;
                if (pitch != Music.PITCH.REST && pitch == mLowestPitch)
                    mLowestPitch = Music.PITCH.B9;

        // Update the Song type.
Esempio n. 8
     * @brief Moves a todocnote earlier in the Song.
     * @param[in] aNotePanel The panel that triggered the event.
    public void HandleMoveNoteRight(SC_NoteDisplayPanel aNotePanel)
        // Get the note to move and the note that was previously to the left.
        Music.CombinedNote noteToMove = aNotePanel.GetNote();
        int noteToMoveIndex           = aNotePanel.GetNoteIndex();

        Music.CombinedNote noteToRight = mSong.GetNote(noteToMoveIndex + 1);

        // Swap the notes.
        mSong.ReplaceNote(noteToMove, noteToMoveIndex + 1);
        mSong.ReplaceNote(noteToRight, noteToMoveIndex);

        // Reload the song.
Esempio n. 9
    * @}
    * @defgroup SC_NDiaPubFunc Public Functions
    * @ingroup DocSC_NDia
    * These are functions that allow for interaction between the SC_NoteDialog and other classes.
    * @{

     * @brief Loads a @link Music::CombinedNote note@endlink into the SC_NoteDialog
     * @param[in] aNote The @link Music::CombinedNote note@endlink to load.
    public void LoadNoteIntoDialog(Music.CombinedNote aNote)
        Music.MelodyNote     melody     = aNote.MusicalNote;
        Music.PercussionNote percussion = aNote.Drums;

        // Add display panels.
        if (melody.NumPitches > 0)
            // Add each pitch in the note.
            int index = 0;
            foreach (Music.PITCH pitch in melody.Pitches)
                GameObject clone = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>(PDDP_PREFAB_PATH));

                SC_PitchDrumDisplayPanel panel = clone.AddComponent <SC_PitchDrumDisplayPanel>();
                panel.InitializeAsPitchDisplay(melody.Pitches[index], melody.Lengths[index], melody.Velocities[index]);
                clone = null;

        // Add each drum in the note.
        if (percussion.NumHits > 0)
            int index = 0;
            foreach (Music.DRUM drum in percussion.Hits)
                GameObject clone = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>(PDDP_PREFAB_PATH));

                SC_PitchDrumDisplayPanel panel = clone.AddComponent <SC_PitchDrumDisplayPanel>();
                panel.InitializeAsDrumDisplay(percussion.Hits[index], percussion.Velocities[index]);
                clone = null;

        // Set the offset panel.

        // Set the Done button
Esempio n. 10
     * @brief Removes a note from the Song.
     * @param[in] aIndex The index of the note to remove.
    public void RemoveNote(int aIndex)
        Assert.IsTrue(aIndex < mNotes.Count,
                      "Tried to remove a note at the index " + aIndex.ToString() + " from a Song with only " + mNotes.Count.ToString() + " notes in it!");

        // Get the note to be removed.
        Music.CombinedNote removedNote = mNotes[aIndex];

        // Remove the note.

        // Update information about the pitches in the Song..
        if (removedNote.MusicalNote.Pitches != null)
            // Decrease the number of musical notes.

            // See if we need to set a new highest/lowest pitch.
            foreach (Music.PITCH pitch in removedNote.MusicalNote.Pitches)
                if (pitch != Music.PITCH.REST && pitch == mHighestPitch)
                    mHighestPitch = Music.PITCH.C0;
                if (pitch != Music.PITCH.REST && pitch == mLowestPitch)
                    mLowestPitch = Music.PITCH.B9;

        // Update information about the drums in the Song.
        if (removedNote.Drums.Hits != null)

        // Update the Song type.

        // Clean up.
Esempio n. 11
     * @brief Handles the Add Note button being clicked by loading a @link DocSC_NDia Note Dialog@endlink.
    public void OnNewNoteButtonClicked()
        // Load the dialog.
        GameObject dialogObj = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>(NOTE_DIALOG_PATH));

        dialogObj.transform.SetParent(transform, true);
        SC_NoteDialog dialog = dialogObj.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <SC_NoteDialog>();

        // Get the initial offset for the note dialog.
        Music.NoteLength dialogOffset = new Music.NoteLength(Music.NOTE_LENGTH_BASE.NONE);
        if (mSong.GetNumNotes() > 0)
            // Get the last note to find the initial offset.
            int lastNoteIndex           = mSong.GetNumNotes() - 1;
            Music.CombinedNote lastNote = mSong.GetNote(lastNoteIndex);

            // If there are pitches in the last note, then set the dialog's offset to
            // be the shortest length of all of the pitches in the last note.
            if (lastNote.NumPitches > 0)
                Music.NoteLength shortestLength = lastNote.MusicalNote.Lengths[0];
                for (int i = 1; i < lastNote.NumPitches; i++)
                    if (lastNote.MusicalNote.Lengths[i] < shortestLength)
                        shortestLength = lastNote.MusicalNote.Lengths[i];
                dialogOffset = shortestLength;
            // If there are not pitches in the last note, then set it to
            // the last note's offset.
                dialogOffset = lastNote.OffsetFromPrevNote;

Esempio n. 12
     * @brief Handles the done button being clicked.
    private void OnDoneButtonClicked()
        // Set up the pitches.
        int numPitches = mPitches.Count;

        Music.PITCH[]      pitches         = null;
        int[]              pitchVelocities = null;
        Music.NoteLength[] lengths         = null;

        // If there are pitches, then get them from the panels.
        if (numPitches != 0)
            // Get all of the pitches, velocities, and lengths.
            pitches         = new Music.PITCH[numPitches];
            pitchVelocities = new int[numPitches];
            lengths         = new Music.NoteLength[numPitches];
            int index = 0;
            foreach (SC_PitchDrumDisplayPanel pitch in mPitches)
                pitches[index]         = pitch.GetPitch();
                pitchVelocities[index] = pitch.GetNoteVelocity();
                lengths[index]         = pitch.GetLengthOfPitch();

        // Create the melody note.
        Music.MelodyNote melody = new Music.MelodyNote(pitchVelocities, lengths, pitches);

        // Set up the drums.
        int numDrums = mDrums.Count;

        Music.DRUM[] drums          = null;
        int[]        drumVelocities = null;

        // If there are drums, then get them from the panels.
        if (numDrums != 0)
            // Get all of the drums and their velocities.
            drums          = new Music.DRUM[numDrums];
            drumVelocities = new int[numDrums];
            int index = 0;
            foreach (SC_PitchDrumDisplayPanel drum in mDrums)
                drums[index]          = drum.GetDrum();
                drumVelocities[index] = drum.GetNoteVelocity();

        // Create the percussion note.
        Music.PercussionNote percussion = new Music.PercussionNote(drumVelocities, drums);

        // Get the offset of the note.
        Music.NoteLength offset = mOffsetPanel.GetSelected();

        // Create the note.
        Music.CombinedNote note = new Music.CombinedNote(melody, percussion, offset);

        // Invoke the event which signals the dialog being finished.

        // Self-destruct.
        DestroyImmediate(transform.parent.gameObject, false);
Esempio n. 13
    * @}
    * @defgroup SC_NDCPubFunc Public Functions
    * @ingroup DocSC_NDC
    * Functions for other classes to interact with the SC_NoteDisplayContainer.
    * @{

     * @brief Adds a @link Music::CombinedNote note@endlink to the @link DocSC_MDP current measure@endlink.
     * @param[in] aNote The todocnote to add.
     * This function just updates the index of the @link Music::CombinedNote note@endlink in the song
     * and @link SC_MeasureDisplayPanel::AddNote sends it to the current measure@endlink for it to handle adding it.
    public void AddNote(Music.CombinedNote aNote)
        mMeasures[mCurrentMeasure].AddNote(aNote, mNumNotes);
Esempio n. 14
  * @brief Modifies a @link Music::CombinedNote note@endlink in the Song.
  * @see Song::ReplaceNote
 public void OnModifyNote(Music.CombinedNote aNote)
     mSong.ReplaceNote(aNote, mEditIndex);