Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
        /// all of your content.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadContent()
            // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
            spriteBatch    = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
            childComponent = new List <GameObject>();

            platform = new Platform(new Rectangle(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 5 + 28, 10, 445, 650), this.Content);

            guage = new Guage(new Rectangle(platform.Position.X + platform.Position.Width + 2, 10, 100, 650), this.Content);
            Vector2 startingPos = platform.getMidPoint();

            player = new Munchlit(new Rectangle((int)startingPos.X, (int)startingPos.Y, 30, 30), this.Content);


            for (int i = platform.Position.X + 12; i <= platform.Position.X + platform.Position.Width - 24; i += 30)
                childComponent.Add(new Meteor(new Rectangle(i, platform.Position.Y + platform.Position.Height - 45, 30, 30), this.Content, 0));

            // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here
Esempio n. 2
        public override void Initialize()
            munchlit    = new Munchlit(new Rectangle(50, 50, 30, 30), gameRef.Content);
            destination = 50;
            for (int i = 0; i < 800; i += 30)
                childComponents.Add(new Meteor(new Rectangle(i, 600, 30, 30), gameRef.Content, 0, new Vector2(0, 0)));

            childComponents.Add(new Meteor(new Rectangle(50, 570, 30, 30), gameRef.Content, 0));
            childComponents.Add(new Meteor(new Rectangle(210, 570, 30, 30), gameRef.Content, 0));
            childComponents.Add(new Meteor(new Rectangle(250, 570, 30, 30), gameRef.Content, 0));
            childComponents.Add(new Meteor(new Rectangle(380, 570, 30, 30), gameRef.Content, 0));
            childComponents.Add(new Meteor(new Rectangle(600, 570, 30, 30), gameRef.Content, 0));
Esempio n. 3
        public override void Initialize()
            childComponents = new List <GameObject>();
            ioManager       = new IOManager();
            font            = gameRef.Content.Load <SpriteFont>("SpriteFont1");

            platform = new Platform(new Rectangle(18, 40, 445, 650), gameRef.Content);
            guage    = new Guage(new Rectangle(platform.Position.X + platform.Position.Width + 2, 40, 100, 650), gameRef.Content);
            Vector2 startingPos = platform.getMidPoint();

            player = new Munchlit(new Rectangle((int)startingPos.X, (int)startingPos.Y, 20, 20), gameRef.Content);


            for (int i = platform.Position.X + 12; i <= platform.Position.X + platform.Position.Width - 24; i += 30)
                childComponents.Add(new Meteor(new Rectangle(i, platform.Position.Y + platform.Position.Height - 45, 30, 30), gameRef.Content, 0));
                childComponents.Add(new Meteor(new Rectangle(i, platform.Position.Y + platform.Position.Height - 75, 30, 30), gameRef.Content, 0));
                childComponents.Add(new Meteor(new Rectangle(i, platform.Position.Y + platform.Position.Height - 105, 30, 30), gameRef.Content, 0));

            guiManager.AddLabel("HighScore", font, "Highscore: " + 0);
            guiManager["HighScore"].Position = new Vector2(guage.Position.X + guage.Position.Width + 10, 40.0f);
            guiManager["HighScore"].Size     = new Vector2(200.0f, 75.0f);
            guiManager["HighScore"].Color    = Color.Black;

            guiManager.AddLabel("level", font, "Level: " + level);
            guiManager["level"].Position = new Vector2(platform.Position.X + platform.Position.Width / 3 + 20, 10.0f);
            guiManager["level"].Size     = new Vector2(150, 20.0f);
            guiManager["level"].Color    = Color.Black;

            guiManager.AddLabel("time", font, "Timer: " + timer);
            guiManager["time"].Position = new Vector2(guage.Position.X + guage.Position.Width + 10, 70.0f);
            guiManager["time"].Size     = new Vector2(200.0f, 75.0f);
            guiManager["time"].Color    = Color.Black;

            guiManager.AddLabel("lives", font, "Lives: " + player.Lives);
            guiManager["lives"].Position = new Vector2(guage.Position.X + guage.Position.Width + 10, 100.0f);
            guiManager["lives"].Size     = new Vector2(150.0f, 20.0f);
            guiManager["lives"].Color    = Color.Black;

            guiManager.AddLabel("points", font, "Points: " + player.Point);
            guiManager["points"].Position = new Vector2(guage.Position.X + guage.Position.Width + 10, 130.0f);
            guiManager["points"].Size     = new Vector2(150.0f, 20.0f);
            guiManager["points"].Color    = Color.Black;

            guiManager.AddPicture("tmp", gameRef.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Freezling"));
            guiManager["tmp"].Position = new Vector2(guage.Position.X + guage.Position.Width + 30, 200.0f);
            guiManager["tmp"].Size     = new Vector2(200.0f, 200.0f);

            guiManager.AddButton("pause", "PAUSE", guage.Position.X + guage.Position.Width + 10, 400, 200.0f, 75.0f);

            guiManager.AddButton("btnMainMenu", "Menu", guage.Position.X + guage.Position.Width + 10, 500, 200.0f, 75.0f);

            guiManager.AddButton("btnExit", "Exit", guage.Position.X + guage.Position.Width + 10, 600, 200.0f, 75.0f);

            btnMainMenu        = guiManager["btnMainMenu"] as Button;
            btnMainMenu.Click += (control, button) =>
                GameState MainMenu = this.parent[GameStateType.Playing];
                if (MainMenu != null)

                    MainMenu MainMenuState = new MainMenu(this.gameRef, this.renderer, this.parent);

            btnExit        = guiManager["btnExit"] as Button;
            btnExit.Click += (control, button) =>

                highScore = ioManager.LoadHighScore();
            catch (Exception)
                highScore = 0;