Esempio n. 1
            public XDGTestSetup(
                int p,
                double AggregationThreshold,
                int TrackerWidth,
                MultigridOperator.Mode mumo,
                XQuadFactoryHelper.MomentFittingVariants momentFittingVariant,
                ScalarFunction LevSetFunc = null)
                // Level set, tracker and XDG basis
                // ================================

                if (LevSetFunc == null)
                    LevSetFunc = ((_2D)((x, y) => 0.8 * 0.8 - x * x - y * y)).Vectorize();
                LevSet = new LevelSet(new Basis(grid, 2), "LevelSet");
                LsTrk = new LevelSetTracker(grid, XQuadFactoryHelper.MomentFittingVariants.Classic, TrackerWidth, new string[] { "A", "B" }, LevSet);

                XB = new XDGBasis(LsTrk, p);

                XSpatialOperator Dummy = new XSpatialOperator(1, 0, 1, QuadOrderFunc.SumOfMaxDegrees(RoundUp: true), "C1", "u");


                //Tecplot.PlotFields(new DGField[] { LevSet }, "agglo", 0.0, 3);

                // operator
                // ========

                Debug.Assert(p <= 4);
                XDGBasis opXB = new XDGBasis(LsTrk, 4); // we want to have a very precise quad rule
                var      map  = new UnsetteledCoordinateMapping(opXB);

                int quadOrder = Dummy.QuadOrderFunction(map.BasisS.Select(bs => bs.Degree).ToArray(), new int[0], map.BasisS.Select(bs => bs.Degree).ToArray());

                //agg = new MultiphaseCellAgglomerator(new CutCellMetrics(momentFittingVariant, quadOrder, LsTrk, LsTrk.SpeciesIdS.ToArray()), AggregationThreshold, false);
                agg = LsTrk.GetAgglomerator(LsTrk.SpeciesIdS.ToArray(), quadOrder, __AgglomerationTreshold: AggregationThreshold);

                foreach (var S in LsTrk.SpeciesIdS)
                    Console.WriteLine("Species {0}, no. of agglomerated cells {1} ",

                // mass matrix factory
                // ===================

                // Basis maxB = map.BasisS.ElementAtMax(b => b.Degree);
                //MassFact = new MassMatrixFactory(maxB, agg);
                MassFact = LsTrk.GetXDGSpaceMetrics(LsTrk.SpeciesIdS.ToArray(), quadOrder, 1).MassMatrixFactory;

                // Test field
                // ==========

                // set the test field: this is a polynomial function,
                // but different for each species; On this field, restriction followed by prolongation should be the identity
                this.Xdg_uTest = new XDGField(this.XB, "uTest");
                Dictionary <SpeciesId, double> dumia = new Dictionary <SpeciesId, double>();
                int i = 2;

                foreach (var Spc in LsTrk.SpeciesIdS)
                    dumia.Add(Spc, i);
                    i -= 1;
                SetTestValue(Xdg_uTest, dumia);

                // dummy operator matrix which fits polynomial degree p
                // ====================================================

                Xdg_opMtx = new BlockMsrMatrix(Xdg_uTest.Mapping, Xdg_uTest.Mapping);

                // XDG Aggregation BasiseS
                // =======================

                //XAggB = MgSeq.Select(agGrd => new XdgAggregationBasis[] { new XdgAggregationBasis(uTest.Basis, agGrd) }).ToArray();
                XAggB = new XdgAggregationBasis[MgSeq.Length][];
                var _XAggB = AggregationGridBasis.CreateSequence(MgSeq, Xdg_uTest.Mapping.BasisS);

                for (int iLevel = 0; iLevel < XAggB.Length; iLevel++)
                    XAggB[iLevel] = new[] { (XdgAggregationBasis)(_XAggB[iLevel][0]) };

                // Multigrid Operator
                // ==================

                Xdg_opMtx = new BlockMsrMatrix(Xdg_uTest.Mapping, Xdg_uTest.Mapping);

                XdgMultigridOp = new MultigridOperator(XAggB, Xdg_uTest.Mapping,
                                                       MassFact.GetMassMatrix(Xdg_uTest.Mapping, false),
                                                       new MultigridOperator.ChangeOfBasisConfig[][] {
                    new MultigridOperator.ChangeOfBasisConfig[] {
                        new MultigridOperator.ChangeOfBasisConfig()
                            VarIndex = new int[] { 0 }, mode = mumo, Degree = p
Esempio n. 2
        public static void XDG_ProlongationTest(
            [Values(0, 1, 2, 3)] int p,
            [Values(0.0, 0.3)] double AggregationThreshold,
            [Values(0, 1)] int TrackerWidth,
            [Values(MultigridOperator.Mode.Eye, MultigridOperator.Mode.IdMass)] MultigridOperator.Mode mode)
            XQuadFactoryHelper.MomentFittingVariants variant = XQuadFactoryHelper.MomentFittingVariants.OneStepGaussAndStokes;
            var xt = new XDGTestSetup(p, AggregationThreshold, TrackerWidth, MultigridOperator.Mode.Eye, variant
                                      //, ((Func<double[], double>)(X => X[0] + 0.75)).Vectorize()
            int Jup = grid.Cells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells;

            Random rnd  = new Random();
            int    Ltop = xt.XdgMultigridOp.Mapping.LocalLength; // Number of DOF's on top multigrid level.

            double[] RndVec   = Ltop.ForLoop(i => rnd.NextDouble());
            double[] NoJmpVec = new double[Ltop];

            for (int iLevel = 0; iLevel < MgSeq.Length - 1; iLevel++)
                XDG_Recursive(0, iLevel, xt.XdgMultigridOp, RndVec, NoJmpVec); // restrict RndVec downt to level 'iLevel', and back up

                // right now, the XDG field defined by 'NoJmpVec' should be a member
                // of the aggregated XDG space on level 'iLevel';
                // so, there should be no inter-element jumps on the fine level, for each aggregated cell.
                // Let's test that!

                XDGField Test = new XDGField(xt.XB, "Test");
                xt.XdgMultigridOp.TransformSolFrom(Test.CoordinateVector, NoJmpVec);
                var aggGrd = MgSeq[iLevel];

                foreach (var spc in xt.LsTrk.SpeciesIdS)
                    var Test_spc = Test.GetSpeciesShadowField(spc);
                    var SpcMask  = xt.LsTrk.Regions.GetSpeciesMask(spc);

                    BitArray AggSourceBitmask = xt.agg.GetAgglomerator(spc).AggInfo.SourceCells.GetBitMask();

                    double Err = 0;
                    for (int jagg = 0; jagg < aggGrd.iLogicalCells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells; jagg++)
                        BitArray CompCellMask = new BitArray(Jup);
                        foreach (int jCell in aggGrd.iLogicalCells.AggregateCellToParts[jagg])
                            if (!AggSourceBitmask[jCell])
                                CompCellMask[jCell] = true;

                        SubGrid CompCellSubGrid = new SubGrid((new CellMask(grid, CompCellMask)).Intersect(SpcMask));

                        Err += JumpNorm(Test_spc, CompCellSubGrid.InnerEdgesMask).Pow2();

                    Console.WriteLine("prolongation jump test (level {0}, species {2}): {1}", iLevel, Err, xt.LsTrk.GetSpeciesName(spc));
                    Assert.LessOrEqual(Err, 1.0e-8);
Esempio n. 3
        public static void XDG_MatrixPolynomialRestAndPrlgTest_2(
            [Values(0, 1, 2, 3)] int p,
            [Values(0.0, 0.3)] double AggregationThreshold,
            [Values(0, 1)] int TrackerWidth,
            [Values(MultigridOperator.Mode.Eye, MultigridOperator.Mode.IdMass)] MultigridOperator.Mode mode)
            if (AggregationThreshold < 0.1 && p >= 3 && mode == MultigridOperator.Mode.IdMass)
                // this test combination is not supposed to work:
                // without agglomeration, for high p, the mass matrix may be indefinite in small cut-cells
                // => Cholesky decomposition on mass matrix fails, i.e. 'mode == IdMass' cannot succseed.

            XQuadFactoryHelper.MomentFittingVariants variant = XQuadFactoryHelper.MomentFittingVariants.OneStepGaussAndStokes;
            var xt = new XDGTestSetup(p, AggregationThreshold, TrackerWidth, mode, variant);

            // Restriction & prolongation together with orthonormalization
            // -----------------------------------------------------------

            for (var mgop = xt.MultigridOp; mgop != null; mgop = mgop.CoarserLevel)
                var Itself = mgop.Mapping.FromOtherLevelMatrix(mgop.Mapping);
                double Itslef_Norm = Itself.InfNorm();
                //Console.WriteLine("Level {0}, Restriction onto itself {1}", mgm.LevelIndex, Itslef_Norm);
                Assert.LessOrEqual(Itslef_Norm, 1.0e-8);

                // test change of basis on top level

                XDGField uTestRnd = new XDGField(xt.XB);
                Random   rnd      = new Random();
                for (int i = 0; i < uTestRnd.CoordinateVector.Count; i++)
                    uTestRnd.CoordinateVector[i] = rnd.NextDouble();
                xt.agg.ClearAgglomerated(uTestRnd.CoordinateVector, uTestRnd.Mapping);

                // perform change of basis on top level ...
                int      Ltop       = xt.MultigridOp.Mapping.LocalLength;
                double[] uTest_Fine = new double[Ltop];
                xt.MultigridOp.TransformSolInto(uTestRnd.CoordinateVector, uTest_Fine);

                // .. and back
                XDGField uError2 = uTestRnd.CloneAs();
                xt.MultigridOp.TransformSolFrom(uError2.CoordinateVector, uTest_Fine);

                // compare:
                uError2.Acc(-1.0, uTestRnd);
                double NORM_uError = uError2.L2Norm();

                // output
                Console.WriteLine("Top level change of basis error: {0}", NORM_uError);
                Assert.LessOrEqual(NORM_uError, 1.0e-8);

                // perform change of basis on top level
                int      Ltop       = xt.MultigridOp.Mapping.LocalLength;
                double[] uTest_Fine = new double[Ltop];
                xt.MultigridOp.TransformSolInto(xt.uTest.CoordinateVector, uTest_Fine);

                // check for each level of the multigrid operator...
                for (int iLevel = 0; iLevel < MgSeq.Count() - 1; iLevel++)
                    double[] uTest_Prolonged = new double[Ltop];

                    XDG_Recursive(0, iLevel, xt.MultigridOp, uTest_Fine, uTest_Prolonged);

                    XDGField uError = xt.uTest.CloneAs();
                    xt.MultigridOp.TransformSolFrom(uError.CoordinateVector, uTest_Prolonged);

                    uError.Acc(-1.0, xt.uTest);
                    double NORM_uError = uError.L2Norm();

                    Console.WriteLine("Rest/Prlg error, level {0}: {1}", iLevel, NORM_uError);
                    Assert.LessOrEqual(NORM_uError, 1.0e-8);