Esempio n. 1
    void ChangeState()
        state = multigen.states[nextState];

Esempio n. 2
 void SetState(string newState)
     state = multigen.states[newState];
Esempio n. 3
    public MultigenParser(string data)
        objects = new Dictionary <string, MultigenObject>();
        states  = new Dictionary <string, MultigenState>();

        // Step 1: strip all comments.
        // Comments are anything between a ';' and a newline
        string comments = @";(.*?)\r?\n";

        data = Regex.Replace(data, comments, "");

        // Step 2: create whitespace-delimited set of tokens
        string[] tokens        = data.Split(new char[0], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
        string   currentObject = "";

        // Step 3: step through tokens, processing as needed
        for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; i++)
            // Default state
            if (tokens[i] == "$")
                if (tokens[i] == "+")
                    currentObject = NewUniqueName();
                    objects.Add(currentObject, new MultigenObject(currentObject));
                else if (tokens[i] == "DEFAULT")
                    currentObject = "DEFAULT";
                    MultigenObject.defaultData = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    currentObject = tokens[i];
                    objects.Add(currentObject, new MultigenObject(currentObject));
            else if (IsFieldName(tokens[i]))
                if (currentObject == "DEFAULT")
                    MultigenObject.defaultData.Add(tokens[i], tokens[i + 1]);
                    objects[currentObject].data[tokens[i]] = tokens[i + 1];
            else if (tokens[i].StartsWith("S_"))
                MultigenState newState = new MultigenState()
                    name        = tokens[i],
                    spriteName  = tokens[i + 1],
                    spriteFrame = tokens[i + 2],
                    duration    = tokens[i + 3],
                    action      = tokens[i + 4],
                    nextState   = tokens[i + 5]

                states.Add(tokens[i], newState);
                i += 5;
                Debug.LogError("Unexpected token: " + tokens[i]);
                Debug.Log("Current object: " + currentObject);

         * Parsing behaviour
         * Default state:
         *      $ -> New multigen object. Object created with DEFAULT settings if it exists.
         *      matches a field name -> Set field data
         *      S_* -> New state with name of token
         *      EOF -> end
         *      else -> error
         * New multigen object:
         + -> New unique name added for object. return to default
         +      else -> Token is object name. return to default
         + Set field data:
         +      any -> data is set as token for field in current object. return to default
         + New state:
         +      next -> token is state sprite name
         +      next -> token is state sprite frame (optional * for fullbright)
         +      next -> token is state sprite duration (tics)
         +      next -> token is state action
         +      next -> token is state nextstate
         +      next -> optional?
         +      next -> optional?
         +      return to default.