Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Like <see cref="Evaluate(double, IEnumerable{DGField}, MultidimensionalArray, double, MultidimensionalArray, BitArray, int[])"/>,
        /// but with MPI-Exchange
        /// </summary>
        public int EvaluateParallel(double alpha, IEnumerable <DGField> Flds, MultidimensionalArray Points, double beta, MultidimensionalArray Result, BitArray UnlocatedPoints = null)
            using (new FuncTrace()) {

                int L       = Points != null ? Points.NoOfRows : 0;
                int MPIsize = m_Context.MpiSize;
                int D       = m_Context.SpatialDimension;

                if (UnlocatedPoints != null)
                    if (UnlocatedPoints.Length != L)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Length mismatch");

                // evaluate locally
                // ================
                var unlocated = new System.Collections.BitArray(L);
                int NoOfUnlocated;
                if (L > 0)
                    NoOfUnlocated = this.Evaluate(alpha, Flds, Points, beta, Result, unlocated);
                    NoOfUnlocated = 0;

                // return, if there are no unlocalized points
                // ==========================================

                int TotNoOfUnlocated = NoOfUnlocated.MPISum();
                if (TotNoOfUnlocated <= 0)
                    if (UnlocatedPoints != null)


                // copy unlocalized to separate array
                // ==================================
                double[,] localUnlocated = new double[NoOfUnlocated, D]; // MultidimensionalArray does not allow zero length -- so use double[,] instead
                int[] IndexToOrgIndex = new int[NoOfUnlocated];
                int   u = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < L; i++)
                    if (unlocated[i])
                        localUnlocated.SetRowPt(u, Points.GetRowPt(i));
                        IndexToOrgIndex[u] = i;
                Debug.Assert(u == NoOfUnlocated);

                // collect on all ranks -- this won't scale well, but it may work
                // ==============================================================
                MultidimensionalArray globalUnlocated;
                int[] WhoIsInterestedIn; // index: point index, corresponds with 'globalUnlocated' rows; content: rank which needs the result
                int[] OriginalIndex;     // index: detto; content: index which the point had on the processor that sent it.
                double[][,] __globalUnlocated;
                int LL;
                    __globalUnlocated = localUnlocated.MPIAllGatherO();
                    Debug.Assert(__globalUnlocated.Length == MPIsize);
                    Debug.Assert(__globalUnlocated.Select(aa => aa.GetLength(0)).Sum() == TotNoOfUnlocated);
                    Debug.Assert(__globalUnlocated[m_Context.MpiRank].GetLength(0) == NoOfUnlocated);
                    LL = TotNoOfUnlocated - NoOfUnlocated;
                    if (LL > 0)
                        globalUnlocated = MultidimensionalArray.Create(LL, D);
                        globalUnlocated = null;
                    WhoIsInterestedIn = new int[LL];
                    OriginalIndex     = new int[LL];
                    int g = 0;
                    for (int r = 0; r < MPIsize; r++)  // concat all point arrays from all processors
                        if (r == m_Context.MpiRank)

                        double[,] __globalPart = __globalUnlocated[r];
                        int Lr = __globalPart.GetLength(0);
                        if (Lr > 0)
                            globalUnlocated.ExtractSubArrayShallow(new[] { g, 0 }, new[] { g + Lr - 1, D - 1 }).Acc2DArray(1.0, __globalPart);
                        for (int i = 0; i < Lr; i++)
                            WhoIsInterestedIn[i + g] = r;
                            OriginalIndex[i + g]     = i;
                        g += Lr;

                // try to evaluate the so-far-unlocalized points
                // ---------------------------------------------

                var unlocated2     = new System.Collections.BitArray(LL);
                var Result2        = LL > 0 ? MultidimensionalArray.Create(LL, Flds.Count()) : null;
                int NoOfUnlocated2 = LL > 0 ? this.Evaluate(1.0, Flds, globalUnlocated, 0.0, Result2, unlocated2) : 0;

                // backward MPI sending
                // --------------------
                IDictionary <int, EvaluateParallelHelper> resultFromOtherProcs;
                    var backSend = new Dictionary <int, EvaluateParallelHelper>();
                    for (int ll = 0; ll < LL; ll++)
                        if (!unlocated2[ll])
                            int iTarget = WhoIsInterestedIn[ll];
                            Debug.Assert(iTarget != m_Context.MpiRank);
                            if (!backSend.TryGetValue(iTarget, out EvaluateParallelHelper eph))
                                eph = new EvaluateParallelHelper();
                                backSend.Add(iTarget, eph);


                    resultFromOtherProcs = SerialisationMessenger.ExchangeData(backSend);

                // fill the results from other processors
                // ======================================
                foreach (var res in resultFromOtherProcs.Values)
                    int K = res.OriginalIndices.Count();
                    Debug.Assert(res.OriginalIndices.Count == res.Results.Count);

                    for (int k = 0; k < K; k++)
                        int iOrg = IndexToOrgIndex[res.OriginalIndices[k]];
                        if (unlocated[iOrg] == true)
                        unlocated[iOrg] = false;

                        Result.AccRow(iOrg, alpha, res.Results[k]);

                // Return
                // ======
                if (UnlocatedPoints != null)
                    for (int l = 0; l < L; l++)
                        UnlocatedPoints[l] = unlocated[l];
