Esempio n. 1
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public IEnumerable <MspProject> GetAll()
            var projects = new List <MspProject>();

            var result = Connection.Query(
                "SELECT wf.workorderid, wf.udf_char1, wo.title, wo.description, wo.siteid, cs.technicianid, cs.ts_starttime, cs.ts_endtime, cs.worklogtypeid, wlf.udf_long1 " +
                "FROM workorder_fields as wf " +
                "LEFT JOIN workorder as wo ON wf.workorderid = wo.workorderid " +
                "LEFT JOIN workordertocharge as wotc ON wf.workorderid = wotc.workorderid " +
                "LEFT JOIN chargestable as cs ON wotc.chargeid = cs.chargeid " +
                "LEFT JOIN worklog_fields as wlf ON cs.chargeid = wlf.worklogid " +
                "ORDER BY udf_char1", transaction: Transaction);

            MspProject project        = null;
            MspRequest currentRequest = null;

            foreach (var res in result)
                // Requests that don't belong to a project are skipped
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res.udf_char1))

                // Create a new project when a new project code is encountered
                if (project == null || !string.Equals(res.udf_char1, project.Code))
                    project = new MspProject(0, res.udf_char1)
                        Code     = res.udf_char1,
                        Requests = new List <MspRequest>()

                // Create a new request when a new request title is encountered
                if (currentRequest == null || !string.Equals(res.title, currentRequest.Title))
                    currentRequest = new MspRequest(res.title, res.description, res.siteid);

                var worklog = new MspWorklog(
                    new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc).AddMilliseconds(res.ts_starttime),
                    new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc).AddMilliseconds(res.ts_endtime),


Esempio n. 2
 private void AddOrUpdateWorklog(MspWorklog worklog, long requestId)
     if (worklog.Id == 0)
         AddWorklog(worklog, requestId, 2601);
Esempio n. 3
        private void AddWorklog(MspWorklog worklog, long requestId, long technicianId)
            // Creates the worklog in MSP
            const string worklogQuery =
                "INSERT INTO chargestable(chargeid, technicianid, createdby, description, timespent, ts_starttime, ts_endtime, worklogtypeid) " +
                "VALUES (nextval('chargeid_seq'), @TechnicianId, @TechnicianId, @Description, @TimeSpent, @StartTime, @EndTime, @WorklogTypeId) RETURNING chargeid";

            var worklogParam = new
                TechnicianId  = technicianId,
                Description   = worklog.Description,
                TimeSpent     = (worklog.WorkEndedDateTime - worklog.WorkStartedDateTime).Minutes * 60 * 1000,
                StartTime     = worklog.WorkStartedDateTime,
                EndTime       = worklog.WorkEndedDateTime,
                WorklogTypeId = 1

            worklog.Id = Connection.ExecuteScalar <long>(worklogQuery, worklogParam, Transaction);

            // Adds extra field values to MSP db
            const string worklogExtraQuery =
                "INSERT INTO worklog_fields(worklogid, udf_long1) " +
                "VALUES (@WorklogId, @Kilometers)";

            var worklogExtraParam = new
                WorklogId  = worklog.Id,
                Kilometers = worklog.KilometresCovered

            Connection.Execute(worklogExtraQuery, worklogExtraParam, Transaction);

            // Links the worklog with the request
            // Adds extra field values to MSP db
            const string worklogRquestLinkQuery =
                "INSERT INTO workordertocharge(workorderid, chargeid) " +
                "VALUES (@WorklogId, @RequestId)";

            var worklogRequestLinkParam = new
                WorklogId = worklog.Id,
                RequestId = requestId

            Connection.Execute(worklogRquestLinkQuery, worklogRequestLinkParam, Transaction);
Esempio n. 4
        private void UpdateWorklog(MspWorklog worklog)
            const string query =
                "UPDATE chargestable SET technicianid = @TechId, ts_starttime = @StartTime, ts_endtime = @EndTime, timespent = @TimeSpend, worklogtypeid = @WorklogtypeId " +
                "WHERE workorderid = @WorkorderId";

            var param = new
                TechId        = 2601,
                StartTime     = worklog.WorkStartedDateTime,
                EndTime       = worklog.WorkEndedDateTime,
                TimeSpend     = (worklog.WorkEndedDateTime - worklog.WorkStartedDateTime).Minutes * 60 * 1000,
                WorklogtypeId = 0,
                WorkorderId   = worklog.Id

            Connection.Execute(query, param, Transaction);
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor for the MSP worklog
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="worklog"><see cref="MspWorklog"/></param>
 /// <param name="dapperUnitOfWorkFactory"><see cref="IDapperUnitOfWorkFactory"/></param>
 public MspWorklogAdapter(MspWorklog worklog, IDapperUnitOfWorkFactory dapperUnitOfWorkFactory)
     _worklog = worklog;
     _dapperUnitOfWorkFactory = dapperUnitOfWorkFactory;
     EmployeeEmailAddress     = GetTechnicianEmail(worklog.MspTechnicianId);