private void MoveStateChangeHandler(ICanChangeMoveState moveState, MovingEventArgs eventArgs) { if (eventArgs.currentMovingState == MovingState.Move && _fSM.GetCurrentAnimation().name == PlayerFSMData.Anim.Run_Ground) { _particles["Run_Ground"].Play(); _repeatFootstepSFX = true; } else { _particles["Run_Ground"].Stop(); _repeatFootstepSFX = false; } if (eventArgs.currentMovingState == MovingState.Airborne) { _particles["Jump_In_Air"].Play(); int i = Random.Range(0, 4); string j = i.ToString(); _playerAudioSource.clip = _audios["Jump" + j]; _playerAudioSource.volume = _volume["Jump" + j]; _playerAudioSource.pitch = _pitch["Jump" + j]; _playerAudioSource.Play(); } if (eventArgs.currentMovingState == MovingState.Dash) { _playerAudioSource.clip = _audios["Dash"]; _playerAudioSource.volume = _volume["Dash"]; _playerAudioSource.pitch = _pitch["Dash"]; _playerAudioSource.Play(); } }
protected override void OnMoving(object sender, MovingEventArgs movingEventArgs) { if (_browserWindowHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { Browser.CefBrowser.GetHost().NotifyMoveOrResizeStarted(); } }
private void OurWndProc(ref Message m) { switch (m.Msg) { case 0x0216: // WM_MOVING unsafe { int * p = (int *)m.LParam; Rectangle rect = Rectangle.FromLTRB(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]); var mea = new MovingEventArgs(rect); OnMoving(mea); p[0] = mea.Rectangle.Left; p[1] = mea.Rectangle.Top; p[2] = mea.Rectangle.Right; p[3] = mea.Rectangle.Bottom; m.Result = new IntPtr(1); } break; // WinForms doesn't handle this message correctly and wrongly returns 0 instead of 1. case 0x0011: // WM_QUERYENDSESSION CancelEventArgs e = new CancelEventArgs(); OnQueryEndSession(e); m.Result = e.Cancel ? IntPtr.Zero : new IntPtr(1); break; default: base.WndProc(ref m); break; } }
protected virtual void OnMoving(MovingEventArgs mea) { if (Moving != null) { Moving(this, mea); } }
private void HandleMovingStateChanged(ICanChangeMoveState sender, MovingEventArgs eventArgs) { if (eventArgs.lastMovingState == MovingState.Dash) { _animator.SetToggle(PlayerFSMData.Stat.DashEnd, true); } }
protected override void OnMoving(MovingEventArgs mea) { ISnapManagerHost owner = base.Owner as ISnapManagerHost; if (owner != null) { SnapManager snapManager = owner.SnapManager; if (!this.isMoving) { this.movingCursorDelta = new Size(Cursor.Position.X - mea.Rectangle.X, Cursor.Position.Y - mea.Rectangle.Y); this.isMoving = true; } mea.Rectangle = new Rectangle(Cursor.Position.X - this.movingCursorDelta.Width, Cursor.Position.Y - this.movingCursorDelta.Height, mea.Rectangle.Width, mea.Rectangle.Height); this.snapObstacle.SetBounds(mea.Rectangle.ToRectInt32()); PointInt32 newLocation = mea.Rectangle.Location.ToPointInt32(); PointInt32 location = snapManager.AdjustObstacleDestination(this.SnapObstacle, newLocation); RectInt32 bounds = new RectInt32(location, mea.Rectangle.Size.ToSizeInt32()); this.snapObstacle.SetBounds(bounds); mea.Rectangle = bounds.ToGdipRectangle(); } base.OnMoving(mea); }
protected virtual void OnWindowMoving(object sender, MovingEventArgs movingEventArgs) { _window?.NotifyOnMove(); }
static void student_moving(object sender, MovingEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); }
protected virtual void OnMoving(object sender, MovingEventArgs movingEventArgs) { }
protected virtual void OnRaiseFileAlreadyExistsEvent(MovingEventArgs ruleEventArgs) { FileAlreadyExistsEvent?.Invoke(this, ruleEventArgs); }
protected virtual void OnRaiseFileMovedEvent(MovingEventArgs movingEventArgs) { FileMovedEvent?.Invoke(this, movingEventArgs); }