public async void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance) { // // TODO: Insert code to perform background work // // If you start any asynchronous methods here, prevent the task // from closing prematurely by using BackgroundTaskDeferral as // described in BackgroundTaskDeferral deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral(); motorHat = new MotorHat(); await motorHat.InitAsync(1600).ConfigureAwait(false); stepper = motorHat.GetStepper(200, 1); //200 steps/revolution, motor port 1 stepper.SetSpeed(10); //10 rpm while (true) { stepper.step(100, MotorHat.Stepper.Command.FORWARD, MotorHat.Stepper.Style.SINGLE); stepper.step(100, MotorHat.Stepper.Command.BACKWARD, MotorHat.Stepper.Style.SINGLE); stepper.step(100, MotorHat.Stepper.Command.FORWARD, MotorHat.Stepper.Style.DOUBLE); stepper.step(100, MotorHat.Stepper.Command.BACKWARD, MotorHat.Stepper.Style.DOUBLE); stepper.step(100, MotorHat.Stepper.Command.FORWARD, MotorHat.Stepper.Style.INTERLEAVE); stepper.step(100, MotorHat.Stepper.Command.BACKWARD, MotorHat.Stepper.Style.INTERLEAVE); stepper.step(100, MotorHat.Stepper.Command.FORWARD, MotorHat.Stepper.Style.MICROSTEP); stepper.step(100, MotorHat.Stepper.Command.BACKWARD, MotorHat.Stepper.Style.MICROSTEP); } }
public async void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance) { // // TODO: Insert code to perform background work // // If you start any asynchronous methods here, prevent the task // from closing prematurely by using BackgroundTaskDeferral as // described in // BackgroundTaskDeferral deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral(); motorHat = new MotorHat(); await motorHat.InitAsync(1600).ConfigureAwait(false); stepper1 = motorHat.GetStepper(200, 1); //200 steps/revolution, stepper port 1 // stepper2 = motorHat.GetStepper(200, 2); //200 steps/revolution, stepper port 2 stepper1.SetSpeed(10); //10 rpm // stepper2.SetSpeed(10); //10 rpm //dcMotor1 = motorHat.GetMotor(3); //motor port 3 dcMotor2 = motorHat.GetMotor(4); //motor port 4 Stepper1CancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); //Stepper2CancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); //Motor1CancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); Motor2CancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); Task stepper1Task = Task.Run(() => RunStepper(stepper1, Stepper1CancellationTokenSource.Token)); //Task stepper2Task = Task.Run(() => RunStepper(stepper2, Stepper2CancellationTokenSource.Token)); //Task motor1Task = Task.Run(() => RunMotor(dcMotor1, Motor1CancellationTokenSource.Token)); Task motor2Task = Task.Run(() => RunMotor(dcMotor2, Motor2CancellationTokenSource.Token)); List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>(); tasks.Add(stepper1Task); // tasks.Add(stepper2Task); //tasks.Add(motor1Task); tasks.Add(motor2Task); Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray()); deferral.Complete(); }
public async void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance) { // // TODO: Insert code to perform background work // // If you start any asynchronous methods here, prevent the task // from closing prematurely by using BackgroundTaskDeferral as // described in // BackgroundTaskDeferral deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral(); motorHat = new MotorHat(); await motorHat.InitAsync(1600).ConfigureAwait(false); dcMotor = motorHat.GetMotor(4); //motor port 4 while (true) { dcMotor.Run(MotorHat.DCMotor.Command.FORWARD); for (uint i = 0; i < 255; i++) { dcMotor.SetSpeed(i); Task.Delay(10).Wait(); } for (uint i = 255; i != 0; i--) { dcMotor.SetSpeed(i); Task.Delay(10).Wait(); } dcMotor.Run(MotorHat.DCMotor.Command.BACKWARD); for (uint i = 0; i < 255; i++) { dcMotor.SetSpeed(i); Task.Delay(10).Wait(); } for (uint i = 255; i != 0; i--) { dcMotor.SetSpeed(i); Task.Delay(10).Wait(); } dcMotor.Run(MotorHat.DCMotor.Command.RELEASE); Task.Delay(1000).Wait(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { const double Period = 10.0; Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // Use the following code to generate an I2C address different from the default //var busId = 1; //var selectedI2cAddress = 0b000000; // A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 //var deviceAddress = MotorHat.I2cAddressBase + selectedI2cAddress; //var settings = new I2cConnectionSettings(busId, deviceAddress); using (var motorHat = new MotorHat()) { var motor = motorHat.CreateDCMotor(1); bool done = false; Console.CancelKeyPress += (o, e) => { done = true; e.Cancel = true; }; string lastSpeedDisp = null; while (!done) { double time = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0; // Note: range is from -1 .. 1 (for 1 pin setup 0 .. 1) motor.Speed = Math.Sin(2.0 * Math.PI * time / Period); string disp = $"Speed = {motor.Speed:0.00}"; if (disp != lastSpeedDisp) { lastSpeedDisp = disp; Console.WriteLine(disp); } Thread.Sleep(1); } } }
public static IServiceCollection AddControlLayer(this IServiceCollection services) { // Configure the Differencial Drive Controller services.AddHostedService <DifferentialDriveVelocityController>(s => { // Create the motor Hat, and the drivers for left and right motors var motorHat = new MotorHat(); var leftMotorDriver = new DCMotorDriver(motorHat.CreateDCMotor(1), s.GetService <ILogger <DCMotorDriver> >()); var rightMotorDriver = new DCMotorDriver(motorHat.CreateDCMotor(3), s.GetService <ILogger <DCMotorDriver> >()); // Create the SpeedController that controls left and right motors return(new DifferentialDriveVelocityController( leftMotorDriver, rightMotorDriver, s.GetService <IMessageBroker>(), s.GetService <ILogger <DifferentialDriveVelocityController> >())); }); services.Configure <RemoteControlOptions>(options => { options.GamepadKeyThrottle = 1; options.GamepadKeyYaw = 0; }); // Configure the Remote Control Controller services.AddHostedService <RemoteControlController>(s => { var gamepadDriver = new GamepadDriver(s.GetService <ILogger <GamepadDriver> >()); return(new RemoteControlController( gamepadDriver, s.GetService <IMessageBroker>(), s.GetService <IOptions <RemoteControlOptions> >(), s.GetService <ILogger <RemoteControlController> >())); }); return(services); }
private async System.Threading.Tasks.Task GetTaskFromFMS() { // flag that we are running isRunning = true; // record the start time DateTime start = DateTime.Now; // figure out if we need to authenticate to FMS or if we're good if (token == null || token == string.Empty) { lc.LogMessage("Logging into FMS.", LoggingLevel.Information); token = await fmserver.Authenticate(); if (token.ToLower().Contains("error")) { lc.LogMessage("Authentication error: " + token, LoggingLevel.Information); token = string.Empty; // and exit but without throwing an exception, we'll just try again on the next timer event return; } else { tokenRecieved = DateTime.Now; lc.LogMessage("Token " + token + " Received at " + tokenRecieved.ToLongTimeString(), LoggingLevel.Information); } } if (token != string.Empty) { // how old is the token? TimeSpan age = start - tokenRecieved; lc.LogMessage("Timed run; Token age = " + age, LoggingLevel.Information); // query FM to see if there are any outstanding tasks var find = fmserver.FindRequest(); var request1 = find.SearchCriterium(); request1.AddFieldSearch("flag_ready", "1"); var foundResponse = await find.Execute(); if (foundResponse.errorCode > 0) { lc.LogMessage("Nothing to do. " + fmserver.lastErrorCode.ToString() + " - " + fmserver.lastErrorMessage, LoggingLevel.Error); return; } // get the first FM record, we are just going to takcle that one var record =; // capture the record id, we'll need it to later update the record int taskId = Convert.ToInt32(record.recordId); // capture whatever is in the notes fields already so that we can append to it string notes = record.fieldsAndData.Where(pair => pair.Key == "notes").Select(pair => pair.Value).First(); string direction = record.fieldsAndData.Where(pair => pair.Key == "motor_direction").Select(pair => pair.Value).First(); uint speed = Convert.ToUInt16(record.fieldsAndData.Where(pair => pair.Key == "motor_speed").Select(pair => pair.Value).First()); int motor_number = Convert.ToInt16(record.fieldsAndData.Where(pair => pair.Key == "motor_number").Select(pair => pair.Value).First()); int how_long = Convert.ToInt16(record.fieldsAndData.Where(pair => pair.Key == "duration").Select(pair => pair.Value).First()); uint pwm_frequency = Convert.ToUInt16(record.fieldsAndData.Where(pair => pair.Key == "motor_PWM_frequency").Select(pair => pair.Value).First()); string note = ""; // hook into the mother hat // this part is not very reliable in the Adafruit library it errors out on every 2nd iteration // so we are going to loop until no exception MotorHat mh = null; int tryCount = 0; while (tryCount < 5) { try { mh = new MotorHat(); await mh.InitAsync(pwm_frequency).ConfigureAwait(false); lc.LogMessage("hat - initialized with PWM frequency of: " + pwm_frequency.ToString(), LoggingLevel.Information); } catch (Exception ex) { tryCount++; note = "init error #" + tryCount + ":" + ex.Message + " - " + ex.InnerException; lc.LogMessage("Error: " + note, LoggingLevel.Error); // wait a little bit Thread.Sleep(10); // next loop iteration continue; } // all is well break; } // hook into the DC motor as specified try { lc.LogMessage("motor - before hooking into motor: " + motor_number.ToString(), LoggingLevel.Information); MotorHat.DCMotor motor = mh.GetMotor(motor_number); lc.LogMessage("motor - before setting speed for motor: " + speed.ToString(), LoggingLevel.Information); motor.SetSpeed(speed); lc.LogMessage("motor - before creating direction command: " + direction, LoggingLevel.Information); MotorHat.DCMotor.Command which_way = (MotorHat.DCMotor.Command)Enum.Parse(typeof(MotorHat.DCMotor.Command), direction); // run he motor lc.LogMessage("motor - before running the motor.", LoggingLevel.Information); motor.Run(which_way); lc.LogMessage("motor - before pausing the motor: " + how_long.ToString() + " milliseconds", LoggingLevel.Information); await Task.Delay(how_long); lc.LogMessage("motor - before stopping the motor.", LoggingLevel.Information); motor.Run(MotorHat.DCMotor.Command.RELEASE); } catch (Exception ex) { note = ex.Message + " - " + ex.InnerException; lc.LogMessage("Error: " + note, LoggingLevel.Error); } // write an update to FMS var editRequest = fmserver.EditRequest(taskId); editRequest.AddField("flag_ready", ""); editRequest.AddField("notes", DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + " - Done! " + Environment.NewLine + note + Environment.NewLine + notes); // execute the edit request var response = await editRequest.Execute(); if (fmserver.lastErrorCode == 0) { lc.LogMessage("Task finished.", LoggingLevel.Information); } else { lc.LogMessage("Task failed. " + fmserver.lastErrorCode.ToString() + " - " + fmserver.lastErrorMessage, LoggingLevel.Error); } // don't log out, re-using the token for 14 minutes or so //await fmserver.Logout(); //token = string.Empty; if (DateTime.Now >= tokenRecieved.AddMinutes(14)) { // don't really need to log out after 14 minutes, we can just re-use the same token int logoutResponse = await fmserver.Logout(); token = string.Empty; tokenRecieved = DateTime.Now; lc.LogMessage("Logging out of FMS.", LoggingLevel.Information); } } }