/// <summary>
        /// Searches and books for any available room that fit the criteria specified
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="numBeds"></param>
        /// <param name="numPets"></param>
        /// <param name="needsAccessibility"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <MotelRoom> BookAvailableRoomAsync(int numBeds, int numPets, bool needsAccessibility)
            MotelRoom room = await FindRoomByProperties(numBeds, numPets, needsAccessibility);

            //if we get null here, the room is not available in the repository
            if (room == null)
                throw new RoomBookingException($"Could not find available room that met the booking criteria");

            if (numPets > 0)
                if (room.AllowsPets())
                    throw new RoomBookingException($"Room {room.RoomNum} does now allow pets");

            room.TotalCost = CalculateCost(room);
        private float CalculateCost(MotelRoom room)
            float bedCost = GetCostForBeds(room.NumBeds); //calculate cost per bed
            float petCost = GetCostForPets(room.NumPets); //calculate cost per pet

            return(bedCost + petCost);
        public async Task <MotelRoom> FindRoomByProperties(int numBeds, int numPets, bool needsAccessibility)
            MotelRoom room = null;

            //if they are not in need of special accomodations, check the second floor first so that we can save
            //rooms on the first floor for those who need them
            if (numPets == 0 && !needsAccessibility)
                //search for a free room on the second floor with the appropriate number of beds
                room = (await _repo.GetListOfAvailableRoomsAsync()).FirstOrDefault(r =>
                                                                                   r.Floor == 2 &&
                                                                                   r.NumBeds == numBeds

            //if room  is still empty at this point, they either need special accomodations or we coulnd't find a room
            //on the second floor
            if (room == null)
                //search for a room that has the number of beds requred, allows pets, and is accessible if needed
                room = (await _repo.GetListOfAvailableRoomsAsync()).FirstOrDefault(r =>
                                                                                   r.NumBeds == numBeds &&
                                                                                   (numPets > 0 && r.AllowsPets() || numPets == 0) &&
                                                                                   (needsAccessibility && r.IsHandicapAccessible() || !needsAccessibility)

        public async Task <MotelRoom> BookRoomAsync(int roomNum, int numPets, bool needsAccessibility)
            MotelRoom room = await FindRoomByNumber(roomNum);

            //if we get null here, the room is not available in the repository
            if (room == null)
                throw new RoomBookingException($"Room {roomNum} is not available for booking");

            if (needsAccessibility && !room.IsHandicapAccessible())
                throw new RoomBookingException($"Room {roomNum} is not handicap accessible");

            if (numPets > 0)
                if (room.AllowsPets())
                    throw new RoomBookingException($"Room {roomNum} does now allow pets");

            room.TotalCost = CalculateCost(room);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches, then books a room based on requested beds, pet policy, and accessibility
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="numBeds"></param>
        /// <param name="numPets"></param>
        /// <param name="needsAccessibility"></param>
        /// <returns>Task that represents the async call </returns>
        public async Task <MotelRoom> BookAvailableRoomAsync(int numBeds, int numPets, bool needsAccessibility)
            MotelRoom room = await FindRoomByProperties(numBeds, numPets, needsAccessibility);

            if (room == null)
                throw new Exception($"No available room that matched booking criteria");

            if (numPets > 0)
                if (room.AllowsPets())
                    throw new Exception($"Room {room.RoomNum} does now allow pets");

            room.TotalCost = CalculateCost(room);
        public async Task <MotelRoom> FindRoomByNumber(int roomNum)
            MotelRoom room = null;

            room = (await _repo.GetListOfAvailableRoomsAsync()).FirstOrDefault(r => r.RoomNum == roomNum);

Esempio n. 7
        public async Task Two_Bed_Two_Pets()
            IMotelRoomsRepository repo = new MotelRoomsRepository();
            BookingProcessor      proc = new BookingProcessor(repo);

            MotelRoom room = await proc.BookAvailableRoomAsync(2, 2, false);

            Assert.AreEqual(room.TotalCost, 115);
Esempio n. 8
        public static void Seed(this ModelBuilder builder)
            var customer = new Customer
                Address        = "Ho Chi Minh",
                Birthdate      = Convert.ToDateTime("11/12/1998"),
                Email          = "*****@*****.**",
                FirstName      = "Thuy",
                LastName       = "Duong Thi Thu",
                Identification = "183218131",
                IDuser         = "******",
                PhoneNumber    = "0963902609",

            builder.Entity <Customer>().HasData(customer);

            var motel = new MotelRoom
                Area     = 123,
                BedRoom  = 1,
                idMotel  = 12,
                NameRoom = "Anthony's Room",
                Payment  = 12,
                Status   = true,
                Toilet   = 1,

            builder.Entity <MotelRoom>().HasData(motel);

            var rent = new Rent
                IdRent = "Test2",
                Start  = DateTime.Today,

            builder.Entity <Rent>().HasData(rent);

            var bill = new InforBill()
                ElectricBill = 1,
                IdInforBill  = "test1",

                IdMotel = 12,

                MonthRent  = 1,
                ParkingFee = 1,
                RoomBill   = 1,
                WaterBill  = 1,
                WifiBill   = 1,

            builder.Entity <InforBill>().HasData(bill);
        public async Task <IActionResult> BookRoomByProperties(int numBeds, int numPets, bool needsAccessibility)
                MotelRoom room = await _dataAdapter.BookAvailableRoomAsync(numBeds, numPets, needsAccessibility);

                return(Created("api/Booking/BookRoom", $"Successfully booked room {room.RoomNum}. Final cost is: {room.TotalCost}")); //return a 201 indicating the room was booked successfully
            catch (Exception ex)
                //just return 400 indicating there was an issue with the request they sent in
Esempio n. 10
        // Create Room
        public async Task <int> Create(RoomRequest request)
            var result = new MotelRoom()
                Area     = request.Area,
                BedRoom  = request.BedRoom,
                NameRoom = request.NameRoom,
                Payment  = request.Payment,
                Status   = false,
                Toilet   = request.Toilet

            return(await _context.SaveChangesAsync());
Esempio n. 11
        public ActionResult AddRoom(FormCollection data)
            List <Criterion> list         = db.Criteria.ToList();
            List <Criterion> listCriteria = new List <Criterion>();

            foreach (var item in list)
                var x = "criteria" + item.CriteriaID;
                if (data[x] != null)
                var t = data[x];
            int?      acreage    = Convert.ToInt32(data["acreage"]);
            int?      provinceID = Convert.ToInt32(data["province"]);
            int?      districtID = Convert.ToInt32(data["district"]);
            int?      maxPeople  = Convert.ToInt32(data["maxPeople"]);
            int?      wardID     = Convert.ToInt32(data["ward"]);
            var       motelName  = data["motelName"];
            MotelRoom house      = new MotelRoom();

            house.MotelName  = motelName;
            house.Acreage    = acreage;
            house.Price      = CurrencyHelper.CurrencyToNumber(data["price"], '.');
            house.ProvinceID = provinceID;
            house.DistrictID = districtID;
            house.MaxPeople  = maxPeople;
            house.StatusID   = 1;
            house.AccountID  = (Session["account"] as Account).AccountID;
            house.Address    = (data["addressRoom"]).ToString();
            house.Criteria   = listCriteria;
            house.WardID     = wardID;
            return(RedirectToAction("AddRoom", "User"));
Esempio n. 12
        public static SearchResult CreateSearchResult(int postID)
            var        acc          = new Account();
            var        post         = new Post();
            var        motel        = new MotelRoom();
            var        info         = new Info();
            var        province     = new Province();
            var        district     = new District();
            var        ward         = new Ward();
            List <int> listCriteria = new List <int>();

            using (var db = new QLTroEntities())
                post     = db.Posts.SingleOrDefault(p => p.PostID == postID);
                motel    = db.MotelRooms.SingleOrDefault(p => p.MotelID == post.MotelID);
                info     = db.Infoes.SingleOrDefault(p => p.AccountID.Equals(motel.AccountID));
                acc      = db.Accounts.SingleOrDefault(p => p.AccountID.Equals(motel.AccountID));
                province = db.Provinces.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ProvinceID == motel.ProvinceID);
                district = db.Districts.SingleOrDefault(p => p.DistrictID == motel.DistrictID);
                ward     = db.Wards.SingleOrDefault(p => p.WardID == motel.WardID);
                var list = db.MotelRooms.SingleOrDefault(p => p.MotelID == motel.MotelID).Criteria.ToList();
                foreach (var item in list)
            var searchResult = new SearchResult()
                AccountID     = motel.AccountID,
                AccountStatus = acc.AccountStatusID,
                PostID        = post.PostID,
                PostTitle     = post.PostTitle,
                PostDate      = post.PostDate,
                PostView      = post.PostView,
                MotelID       = post.MotelID,
                Description   = post.Description,
                PostStatus    = post.PostStatus,

                Acreage        = motel.Acreage,
                Price          = motel.Price,
                ProvinceID     = motel.ProvinceID,
                DistrictID     = motel.DistrictID,
                WardID         = motel.WardID,
                StatusID       = motel.StatusID,
                Address        = motel.Address,
                MaxPeople      = motel.MaxPeople,
                ListCriteriaID = listCriteria,

                Name     = info.Name,
                Sex      = info.Sex,
                Birthday = info.Birthday,
                Phone    = info.Phone,
                Email    = info.Email,

                ProvinceName = province.ProvinceName,
                DistrictName = district.DistrictName,
                WardName     = ward.WardName,
                Latitude     = ward.Latitude,
                Longitude    = ward.Longitude
