public async Task <bool> RelayMorseCycle(string textToConvert, int relayPin) { if (Helpers.IsNullOrEmpty(textToConvert)) { Logger.Log("The specified text is either null or empty.", Enums.LogLevels.Warn); return(false); } if (relayPin <= 0) { Logger.Log("Please specify a valid relay pin to run the cycle.", Enums.LogLevels.Warn); return(false); } Logger.Log($"Converting {textToConvert} to morse...", Enums.LogLevels.Trace); string Morse = MorseCore.ConvertToMorseCode(textToConvert); if (Helpers.IsNullOrEmpty(Morse)) { Logger.Log("Conversion to morse failed. cannot proceed.", Enums.LogLevels.Warn); return(false); } Logger.Log($"TEXT >> {textToConvert}"); Logger.Log($"MORSE >> {Morse}"); if (Core.Config.RelayPins != null && Core.Config.RelayPins.Count() > 0) { foreach (int pin in Core.Config.RelayPins) { if (pin.Equals(relayPin)) { GpioPinConfig pinStatus = Controller.GetPinConfig(pin); if (pinStatus.PinValue == GpioPinValue.Low) { Controller.SetGpioValue(pin, GpioPinDriveMode.Output, GpioPinValue.High); } break; } } } if (!MorseCore.IsValidMorse(Morse)) { Logger.Log("The specified morse is not valid!", Enums.LogLevels.Warn); return(false); } string pauseBetweenLetters = "_"; // One Time Unit string pauseBetweenWords = "_______"; // Seven Time Unit Morse = Morse.Replace(" ", pauseBetweenWords); Morse = Morse.Replace(" ", pauseBetweenLetters); foreach (char character in Morse.ToCharArray()) { switch (character) { case '.': Controller.SetGpioWithTimeout(relayPin, GpioPinDriveMode.Output, GpioPinValue.Low, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300)); break; case '-': Controller.SetGpioWithTimeout(relayPin, GpioPinDriveMode.Output, GpioPinValue.Low, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300 * 3)); break; case '_': await Task.Delay(300).ConfigureAwait(false); break; } } if (Core.Config.RelayPins != null && Core.Config.RelayPins.Count() > 0) { foreach (int pin in Core.Config.RelayPins) { GpioPinConfig pinStatus = Controller.GetPinConfig(pin); if (pinStatus.PinValue == GpioPinValue.Low) { Controller.SetGpioValue(pin, GpioPinDriveMode.Output, GpioPinValue.High); } } } return(true); }
public async Task <bool> RelayMorseCycle(string textToConvert, int relayPin) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textToConvert)) { Logger.Log("The specified text is either null or empty.", LogLevels.Warn); return(false); } if (Driver == null) { Logger.Log("Malfunctioning PinController.", LogLevels.Warn); return(false); } if (!PinController.IsValidPin(relayPin)) { Logger.Log("Please specify a valid relay pin to run the cycle.", LogLevels.Warn); return(false); } Logger.Log($"Converting to Morse...", LogLevels.Info); string Morse = MorseCore.ConvertToMorseCode(textToConvert); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Morse)) { Logger.Log("Conversion to Morse failed. cannot proceed.", LogLevels.Warn); return(false); } Logger.Log($"TEXT >> {textToConvert}"); Logger.Log($"MORSE >> {Morse}"); Pin beforePinStatus = Driver.GetPinConfig(relayPin); if (beforePinStatus.IsPinOn) { Driver.SetGpioValue(relayPin, GpioPinMode.Output, GpioPinState.Off); } if (!MorseCore.IsValidMorse(Morse)) { Logger.Log("The specified Morse is invalid!", LogLevels.Warn); return(false); } string pauseBetweenLetters = "_"; // One Time Unit string pauseBetweenWords = "_______"; // Seven Time Unit Morse = Morse.Replace(" ", pauseBetweenWords); Morse = Morse.Replace(" ", pauseBetweenLetters); foreach (char character in Morse.ToCharArray()) { switch (character) { case '.': Driver.SetGpioValue(relayPin, GpioPinMode.Output, GpioPinState.On, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300)); break; case '-': Driver.SetGpioValue(relayPin, GpioPinMode.Output, GpioPinState.On, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300 * 3)); break; case '_': await Task.Delay(300).ConfigureAwait(false); break; } } Pin afterPinStatus = Driver.GetPinConfig(relayPin); if (afterPinStatus.IsPinOn) { Driver.SetGpioValue(relayPin, GpioPinMode.Output, GpioPinState.Off); } return(true); }
public async Task ExecuteAsync(Parameter parameter) { if (!IsInitSuccess) { return; } if (parameter.Parameters.Length > MaxParameterCount) { ShellIO.Error("Too many arguments."); return; } await Sync.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); MorseCore morseCore = MorseRelayTranslator.GetCore(); string morse = string.Empty; try { if (OnExecuteFunc != null) { if (OnExecuteFunc.Invoke(parameter)) { return; } } switch (parameter.ParameterCount) { case 1 when !string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter.Parameters[0]): morse = morseCore.ConvertToMorseCode(parameter.Parameters[0]); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(morse) || !morseCore.IsValidMorse(morse)) { ShellIO.Error("Failed to verify generated morse code."); return; } ShellIO.Info(">>> " + morse); return; case 2 when !string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter.Parameters[0]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter.Parameters[1]): morse = morseCore.ConvertToMorseCode(parameter.Parameters[0]); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(morse) || !morseCore.IsValidMorse(morse)) { ShellIO.Error("Failed to verify generated morse code."); return; } ShellIO.Info(">>> " + morse); int relayNumber; try { if (!int.TryParse(parameter.Parameters[1], out relayNumber)) { ShellIO.Error("Relay number argument is invalid."); return; } } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { ShellIO.Error("The specified relay number is invalid is greater than all the available relay numbers."); return; } if (!PinController.IsValidPin(Program.CoreInstance.GetGpioCore().GetAvailablePins().OutputPins[relayNumber])) { ShellIO.Error("The specified pin is invalid."); return; } await Program.CoreInstance.GetGpioCore().GetMorseTranslator().RelayMorseCycle(morse, Program.CoreInstance.GetGpioCore().GetAvailablePins().OutputPins[relayNumber]).ConfigureAwait(false); ShellIO.Info("Completed!"); return; default: ShellIO.Error("Command seems to be in incorrect syntax."); return; } } catch (Exception e) { ShellIO.Exception(e); return; } finally { Sync.Release(); } }
public async Task ExecuteAsync(Parameter parameter) { if (!IsInitSuccess) { return; } if (parameter.Parameters.Length > MaxParameterCount) { ShellOut.Error("Too many arguments."); return; } await Sync.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); MorseCore morseCore = GpioMorseTranslator.GetCore(); string morse = string.Empty; try { if (OnExecuteFunc != null) { if (OnExecuteFunc.Invoke(parameter)) { return; } } switch (parameter.ParameterCount) { case 1 when !string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter.Parameters[0]): morse = morseCore.ConvertToMorseCode(parameter.Parameters[0]); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(morse) || !morseCore.IsValidMorse(morse)) { ShellOut.Error("Failed to verify generated morse code."); return; } ShellOut.Info(">>> " + morse); return; case 2 when !string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter.Parameters[0]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter.Parameters[1]): morse = morseCore.ConvertToMorseCode(parameter.Parameters[0]); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(morse) || !morseCore.IsValidMorse(morse)) { ShellOut.Error("Failed to verify generated morse code."); return; } ShellOut.Info(">>> " + morse); GpioMorseTranslator?translator = PiGpioController.GetMorseTranslator(); if (translator == null || !translator.IsTranslatorOnline) { ShellOut.Error("Morse translator might be offline."); return; } if (!int.TryParse(parameter.Parameters[1], out int relayNumber)) { ShellOut.Error("Relay number argument is invalid."); return; } if (!PinController.IsValidPin(PiGpioController.AvailablePins.OutputPins[relayNumber])) { ShellOut.Error("The specified pin is invalid."); return; } await translator.RelayMorseCycle(morse, PiGpioController.AvailablePins.OutputPins[relayNumber]); ShellOut.Info("Completed!"); return; default: ShellOut.Error("Command seems to be in incorrect syntax."); return; } } catch (Exception e) { ShellOut.Exception(e); return; } finally { Sync.Release(); } }
internal async Task <MorseCycleResult> RelayMorseCycle(string textToConvert, int relayPin) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textToConvert)) { return(new MorseCycleResult(false, null, null)); } if (PinController.GetDriver() == null) { Logger.Warn("Driver isn't started yet."); return(new MorseCycleResult(false, null, null)); } Logger.Trace($"Converting to Morse..."); string morse = MorseCore.ConvertToMorseCode(textToConvert); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(morse)) { Logger.Warn("Conversion to Morse failed. Cannot proceed."); return(new MorseCycleResult(false, null, null)); } Logger.Trace($"TEXT >> {textToConvert}"); Logger.Trace($"MORSE >> {morse}"); Pin beforePinStatus = PinController.GetDriver().GetPinConfig(relayPin); if (beforePinStatus.IsPinOn) { PinController.GetDriver().SetGpioValue(relayPin, GpioPinMode.Output, GpioPinState.Off); } if (!MorseCore.IsValidMorse(morse)) { Logger.Warn("The specified Morse is invalid!"); return(new MorseCycleResult(false, null, null)); } string pauseBetweenLetters = "_"; // One Time Unit string pauseBetweenWords = "_______"; // Seven Time Unit morse = morse.Replace(" ", pauseBetweenWords); morse = morse.Replace(" ", pauseBetweenLetters); char[] morseCharArray = morse.ToCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < morseCharArray.Length; i++) { char charecter = morseCharArray[i]; switch (charecter) { case '.': PinController.GetDriver().SetGpioValue(relayPin, GpioPinMode.Output, GpioPinState.On, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300), true); continue; case '-': PinController.GetDriver().SetGpioValue(relayPin, GpioPinMode.Output, GpioPinState.On, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300 * 3), true); continue; case '_': await Task.Delay(300).ConfigureAwait(false); continue; } } Pin afterPinStatus = PinController.GetDriver().GetPinConfig(relayPin); if (afterPinStatus.IsPinOn) { PinController.GetDriver().SetGpioValue(relayPin, GpioPinMode.Output, GpioPinState.Off); } return(new MorseCycleResult(false, textToConvert, morse)); }