public CSharpBinder (DynamicMetaObjectBinder binder, Compiler.Expression expr, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
			this.binder = binder;
			this.expr = expr;
			this.restrictions = BindingRestrictions.Empty;
			this.errorSuggestion = errorSuggestion;
Esempio n. 2
		public override void Print (Compiler.AbstractMessage msg)
			string text;
			if (msg.Code == 214) {
				text = "Pointers and fixed size buffers cannot be used in a dynamic context";
			} else {
				text = msg.Text;

			throw new RuntimeBinderException (text);
		public static DynamicMetaObject Bind (DynamicMetaObject target, Compiler.Expression expr, BindingRestrictions restrictions, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
			var report = new Compiler.Report (ErrorPrinter.Instance) { WarningLevel = 0 };
			var ctx = new Compiler.CompilerContext (report);
			Compiler.RootContext.ToplevelTypes = new Compiler.ModuleContainer (ctx, true);

			InitializeCompiler (ctx);

			Expression res;
			try {
				// TODO: ResolveOptions
				Compiler.ResolveContext rc = new Compiler.ResolveContext (new RuntimeBinderContext (ctx));

				// Static typemanager and internal caches are not thread-safe
				lock (resolver) {
					expr = expr.Resolve (rc);

				if (expr == null)
					throw new RuntimeBinderInternalCompilerException ("Expression resolved to null");

				res = expr.MakeExpression (new Compiler.BuilderContext ());
			} catch (RuntimeBinderException e) {
				if (errorSuggestion != null)
					return errorSuggestion;

				if (binder_exception_ctor == null)
					binder_exception_ctor = typeof (RuntimeBinderException).GetConstructor (new[] { typeof (string) });

				// Uses target type to keep expressions composition working
				res = Expression.Throw (Expression.New (binder_exception_ctor, Expression.Constant (e.Message)), target.LimitType);
			} catch (Exception) {
				if (errorSuggestion != null)
					return errorSuggestion;


			return new DynamicMetaObject (res, restrictions);
Esempio n. 4
				// Creates an invoke call on invocable expression
				public override System.Linq.Expressions.Expression MakeExpression (Compiler.BuilderContext ctx)
					var invokeBinder = invoke.invokeBinder;
					var binder = Binder.Invoke (invokeBinder.flags, invokeBinder.callingContext, invokeBinder.argumentInfo);

					var args = invoke.Arguments;
					var args_expr = new SLE.Expression[invokeBinder.argumentInfo.Count];

					var types = new Type [args_expr.Length + 2];

					// Required by MakeDynamic
					types[0] = typeof (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite);
					types[1] = expr.Type.GetMetaInfo ();

					args_expr[0] = expr.MakeExpression (ctx);

					for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; ++i) {
						args_expr[i + 1] = args[i].Expr.MakeExpression (ctx);

						int type_index = i + 2;
						types[type_index] = args[i].Type.GetMetaInfo ();
						if (args[i].IsByRef)
							types[type_index] = types[type_index].MakeByRefType ();

					// Return type goes last
					bool void_result = (invokeBinder.flags & CSharpBinderFlags.ResultDiscarded) != 0;
					types[types.Length - 1] = void_result ? typeof (void) : invokeBinder.ReturnType;

					// Much easier to use Expression.Dynamic cannot be used because it ignores ByRef arguments
					// and it always generates either Func or Action and any value type argument is lost
					Type delegateType = SLE.Expression.GetDelegateType (types);
					return SLE.Expression.MakeDynamic (delegateType, binder, args_expr);
Esempio n. 5
			public Invocation (Compiler.Expression expr, Compiler.Arguments arguments, CSharpInvokeMemberBinder invokeBinder)
				: base (expr, arguments)
				this.invokeBinder = invokeBinder;
		public RuntimeBinderContext (DynamicContext ctx, Compiler.TypeSpec callingType)
			this.ctx = ctx;
			this.module = ctx.Module;
			this.callingTypeImported = callingType;
		public Compiler.ExtensionMethodCandidates LookupExtensionMethod (Compiler.TypeSpec extensionType, string name, int arity)
			// No extension method lookup in this context
			return null;
		public RuntimeBinderContext (Compiler.CompilerContext ctx)
			this.ctx = ctx;
Esempio n. 9
				protected override Compiler.Expression DoResolve (Compiler.ResolveContext rc)
					type = expr.Type;
					eclass = Compiler.ExprClass.Value;
					return this;
Esempio n. 10
		public RuntimeBinderContext (DynamicContext ctx, Compiler.TypeSpec currentType)
			this.ctx = ctx.CompilerContext;
			this.currentType = currentType;
Esempio n. 11
		public static void InitializeCompiler (Compiler.CompilerContext ctx)
			if (TypeImporter.Predefined == null)

			lock (compiler_initializer) {
				if (TypeImporter.Predefined == null)

				// I don't think dynamically loaded assemblies can be used as dynamic
				// expression without static type to be loaded first
				// AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyLoad += (sender, e) => { throw new NotImplementedException (); };

				// Import all currently loaded assemblies
				var ns = Compiler.GlobalRootNamespace.Instance;
				foreach (System.Reflection.Assembly a in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies ()) {
					ns.AddAssemblyReference (a);
					ns.ImportAssembly (a);

				if (ctx == null)
					ctx = CreateDefaultCompilerContext ();

				Compiler.TypeManager.InitCoreTypes (ctx, TypeImporter.Predefined);
				TypeImporter.Predefined = null;

				Compiler.TypeManager.InitOptionalCoreTypes (ctx);
Esempio n. 12
		private DynamicContext (Compiler.CompilerContext cc)
		{ = cc;
Esempio n. 13
		public Compiler.ExtensionMethodGroupExpr LookupExtensionMethod (Compiler.TypeSpec extensionType, string name, int arity, Mono.CSharp.Location loc)
			// No extension method lookup in this context
			return null;
		static void InitializeCompiler (Compiler.CompilerContext ctx)
			if (compiler_initialized)

			lock (compiler_initializer) {
				if (compiler_initialized)

				// TODO: This smells like pretty big issue
				// AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyLoad += (sender, e) => { throw new NotImplementedException (); };

				// Add all currently loaded assemblies
				foreach (System.Reflection.Assembly a in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies ())
					Compiler.GlobalRootNamespace.Instance.AddAssemblyReference (a);

				Compiler.TypeManager.InitCoreTypes (ctx);
				Compiler.TypeManager.InitOptionalCoreTypes (ctx);
				compiler_initialized = true;
Esempio n. 15
			protected override Compiler.Expression DoResolveDynamic (Compiler.ResolveContext ec, Compiler.Expression memberExpr)
				return new RuntimeDynamicInvocation (this, memberExpr).Resolve (ec);
Esempio n. 16
				public RuntimeDynamicInvocation (Invocation invoke, Compiler.Expression memberExpr)
					: base (memberExpr)
					this.invoke = invoke;
Esempio n. 17
		public IList<Compiler.MethodSpec> LookupExtensionMethod (Compiler.TypeSpec extensionType, string name, int arity, ref Compiler.NamespaceEntry scope)
			// No extension method lookup in this context
			return null;
Esempio n. 18
		private DynamicContext (Compiler.ModuleContainer module, Compiler.ReflectionImporter importer)
			this.module = module;
			this.importer = importer;
		public override void Print (Compiler.AbstractMessage msg)
			throw new RuntimeBinderException (msg.Text);