public override async Task ExecuteAsync(InstanceDetailsViewModel model)
            var licenseCheckResult = installer.CheckLicenseIsValid();

            if (!licenseCheckResult.Valid)
                windowManager.ShowMessage("LICENSE ERROR", $"Upgrade could not continue due to an issue with the current license. {licenseCheckResult.Message}.  Contact [email protected]", hideCancel: true);

            var instance = InstanceFinder.FindMonitoringInstance(model.Name);


            var confirm = instance.Service.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped ||
                          windowManager.ShowYesNoDialog($"STOP INSTANCE AND UPGRADE TO {installer.ZipInfo.Version}", $"{model.Name} needs to be stopped in order to upgrade to version {installer.ZipInfo.Version}.", "Do you want to proceed?", "Yes I want to proceed", "No");

            if (confirm)
                using (var progress = model.GetProgressObject($"UPGRADING {model.Name}"))
                    var reportCard   = new ReportCard();
                    var restartAgain = model.IsRunning;

                    var stopped = await model.StopService(progress);

                    if (!stopped)
                        eventAggregator.PublishOnUIThread(new RefreshInstances());

                        reportCard.Errors.Add("Failed to stop the service");
                        windowManager.ShowActionReport(reportCard, "ISSUES UPGRADING INSTANCE", "Could not upgrade instance because of the following errors:");


                    reportCard = await Task.Run(() => installer.Upgrade(model.Name, progress));

                    if (reportCard.HasErrors || reportCard.HasWarnings)
                        windowManager.ShowActionReport(reportCard, "ISSUES UPGRADING INSTANCE", "Could not upgrade instance because of the following errors:", "There were some warnings while upgrading the instance:");
                        if (restartAgain)
                            var serviceStarted = await model.StartService(progress);

                            if (!serviceStarted)
                                reportCard.Errors.Add("The Service failed to start. Please consult the  logs for this instance");
                                windowManager.ShowActionReport(reportCard, "UPGRADE FAILURE", "Instance reported this error after upgrade:");
                eventAggregator.PublishOnUIThread(new RefreshInstances());