Esempio n. 1
 internal MondProgram(byte[] bytecode, IEnumerable <double> numbers, IEnumerable <string> strings, MondDebugInfo debugInfo = null)
     Bytecode  = bytecode;
     Numbers   = numbers.Select(MondValue.Number).ToList();
     Strings   = strings.Select(MondValue.String).ToList();
     DebugInfo = debugInfo;
Esempio n. 2
        public static int FirstLineNumber(MondDebugInfo debugInfo)
            var lines           = debugInfo.Lines;
            var firstLineNumber = lines.Count > 0 ? lines[0].LineNumber : 1;

Esempio n. 3
 private static bool IsMissingDebugInfo(MondDebugInfo debugInfo)
         (debugInfo == null ||
          debugInfo.SourceCode == null ||
          debugInfo.Functions == null ||
          debugInfo.Lines == null ||
          debugInfo.Statements == null ||
          debugInfo.Scopes == null);
Esempio n. 4
        internal MondDebugContext(
            MondState state, MondProgram program, int address,
            Frame locals, Frame args,
            ReturnAddress[] callStack,  int callStackTop, int callStackBottom)
            _state = state;
            _address = address;
            _locals = locals;
            _args = args;

            Program = program;
            DebugInfo = program.DebugInfo;

            CallStack = GenerateCallStack(address, callStack, callStackTop, callStackBottom).AsReadOnly();

            _localObject = CreateLocalObject();
Esempio n. 5
        internal MondProgram(int[] bytecode, IList <double> numbers, IList <string> strings, MondDebugInfo debugInfo = null)
            Bytecode = bytecode;

            Numbers = new MondValue[numbers.Count];
            for (var i = 0; i < Numbers.Length; i++)
                Numbers[i] = MondValue.Number(numbers[i]);

            Strings = new MondValue[strings.Count];
            for (var i = 0; i < Strings.Length; i++)
                Strings[i] = MondValue.String(strings[i]);

            DebugInfo = debugInfo;
Esempio n. 6
 public static int FirstLineNumber(MondDebugInfo debugInfo)
     var lines = debugInfo.Lines;
     var firstLineNumber = lines.Count > 0 ? lines[0].LineNumber : 1;
     return firstLineNumber;
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads Mond bytecode from the specified stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">Stream to read from.</param>
        public static MondProgram LoadBytecode(Stream stream)
            var reader = new BinaryReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8);

            if (reader.ReadUInt32() != MagicId)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Stream data is not valid Mond bytecode.");

            byte version;

            if ((version = reader.ReadByte()) != FormatVersion)
                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Wrong bytecode version. Expected 0x{0:X2}, got 0x{1:X2}.", FormatVersion, version));

            var hasDebugInfo = reader.ReadBoolean();

            var stringCount = reader.ReadInt32();
            var strings     = new List <string>(stringCount);

            for (var i = 0; i < stringCount; ++i)
                var len = reader.ReadInt32();
                var buf = reader.ReadBytes(len);
                var str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buf);

            var numberCount = reader.ReadInt32();
            var numbers     = new List <double>(numberCount);

            for (var i = 0; i < numberCount; ++i)

            var bytecodeLength = reader.ReadInt32();
            var bytecode       = new int[bytecodeLength];

            for (var i = 0; i < bytecodeLength; i++)
                bytecode[i] = reader.ReadInt32();

            MondDebugInfo debugInfo = null;

            if (hasDebugInfo)
                var fileName   = reader.ReadString();
                var sourceCode = reader.ReadString();

                var functionCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                List <MondDebugInfo.Function> functions = null;

                if (functionCount >= 0)
                    functions = new List <MondDebugInfo.Function>(functionCount);
                    for (var i = 0; i < functionCount; ++i)
                        var address  = reader.ReadInt32();
                        var name     = reader.ReadInt32();
                        var function = new MondDebugInfo.Function(address, name);

                var lineCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                List <MondDebugInfo.Position> lines = null;

                if (lineCount >= 0)
                    lines = new List <MondDebugInfo.Position>(lineCount);
                    for (var i = 0; i < lineCount; ++i)
                        var address      = reader.ReadInt32();
                        var lineNumber   = reader.ReadInt32();
                        var columnNumber = reader.ReadInt32();

                        var line = new MondDebugInfo.Position(address, lineNumber, columnNumber);

                var statementCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                List <MondDebugInfo.Statement> statements = null;

                if (statementCount >= 0)
                    statements = new List <MondDebugInfo.Statement>(statementCount);
                    for (var i = 0; i < statementCount; ++i)
                        var address     = reader.ReadInt32();
                        var startLine   = reader.ReadInt32();
                        var startColumn = reader.ReadInt32();
                        var endLine     = reader.ReadInt32();
                        var endColumn   = reader.ReadInt32();

                        var statement = new MondDebugInfo.Statement(address, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn);

                var scopeCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                List <MondDebugInfo.Scope> scopes = null;

                if (scopeCount >= 0)
                    scopes = new List <MondDebugInfo.Scope>(scopeCount);
                    for (var i = 0; i < scopeCount; ++i)
                        var id           = reader.ReadInt32();
                        var depth        = reader.ReadInt32();
                        var parentId     = reader.ReadInt32();
                        var startAddress = reader.ReadInt32();
                        var endAddress   = reader.ReadInt32();

                        var identCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                        var idents     = new List <MondDebugInfo.Identifier>(identCount);
                        for (var j = 0; j < identCount; ++j)
                            var name       = reader.ReadInt32();
                            var isReadOnly = reader.ReadBoolean();
                            var frameIndex = reader.ReadInt32();
                            var idx        = reader.ReadInt32();

                            idents.Add(new MondDebugInfo.Identifier(name, isReadOnly, frameIndex, idx));

                        scopes.Add(new MondDebugInfo.Scope(id, depth, parentId, startAddress, endAddress, idents));

                debugInfo = new MondDebugInfo(fileName, sourceCode, functions, lines, statements, scopes);

            return(new MondProgram(bytecode, numbers, strings, debugInfo));