private MenuItem CreateItem(string name, MogMenuItem_Click method)
            MenuItem Item = new MenuItem(name);

            Item.Click += new System.EventHandler(method);
        private void PopulateChangePropertiesToolsMenu(ContextMenu parent, string classification, MogMenuItem_Click method)
            MenuItem menuRoot = null;

            // Find the change properties menuItem
            foreach (MenuItem item in parent.MenuItems)
                if (MOG.StringUtils.StringCompare(item.Text, "Change Properties*"))
                    menuRoot = item;

            if (menuRoot != null)
                // Check to see if there is a special menu options file
                string location = string.Concat(MOG_ControllerProject.GetProject().GetProjectToolsPath(), "\\ClassModifiers\\", classification, ".Menu");
                if (classification != "*" && DosUtils.FileExist(location))
                    // Enable our menu
                    menuRoot.Enabled = true;
                    menuRoot.Text    = "Change Properties (" + classification + ")";

                    MOG_Ini specialMenuIni = new MOG_Ini(location);

                    if (specialMenuIni.SectionExist("ClassModifiers.GlobalMenu"))
                        // Clear the list
                        PopulateChangePropertiesSubMenu(specialMenuIni, "ClassModifiers.GlobalMenu", menuRoot, method);
                    menuRoot.Text    = "Change Properties (N/A)";
                    menuRoot.Enabled = false;
        private MenuItem AddChangePropertiesToolsMenu(MOG_Ini specialMenuIni, string option, MogMenuItem_Click method)
            MenuItem subItem = new MenuItem();

            subItem.Text = option;

            if (specialMenuIni.SectionExist(option))
                for (int x = 0; x < specialMenuIni.CountKeys(option); x++)
                    string   label = specialMenuIni.GetKeyNameByIndex(option, x);
                    MenuItem child = AddChangePropertiesToolsMenu(specialMenuIni, label, method);
                    if (child != null)

                subItem.Click += new EventHandler(method);

        private void PopulateChangePropertiesSubMenu(MOG_Ini specialMenuIni, string menu, MenuItem menuRoot, MogMenuItem_Click method)
            // Loop through all the keys of this section and recursivly add all of them to the menu
            for (int x = 0; x < specialMenuIni.CountProperty(menu, "MenuItem"); x++)
                string option = specialMenuIni.GetKeyPropertyNameByIndex(menu, "MenuItem", x);

                // Check if this menu item is an actual item or a pointer to another menu.
                // Do this by checking for a matching section?
                if (specialMenuIni.SectionExist(option))
                    // Create the subMenu
                    MenuItem subMenu = new MenuItem();
                    subMenu.Text = option.ToLower().Replace("menu", "");
                    PopulateChangePropertiesSubMenu(specialMenuIni, option, subMenu, method);
                    // Add menu item
                    menuRoot.MenuItems.Add(AddChangePropertiesToolsMenu(specialMenuIni, option, method));