public void Start() 
		GameObject go = GameObject.Find("SocketIO");
		socket = go.GetComponent<SocketIOComponent>();
		Player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
		Player_rg = Player.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
		modify = Player.GetComponent<Modify>();
		world = GameObject.Find("WorldStartHere").GetComponent<World>();

		socket.On("open", TestOpen);
		socket.On("boop", TestBoop);
		socket.On("error", TestError);
		socket.On("close", TestClose);
//		socket.On("user_added", AddUserToWorld);
		socket.On ("user_update_position", UpdateOtherPos);
//		socket.On ("user list", AddUserToWorld);
		socket.On("map_modify", ModifyMap);
		socket.On ("set_specblock", SetSpecBlock);
		socket.On ("shotting", OtherShotting);

//		StartCoroutine("SendPosition");
Esempio n. 2
        public static Color ModifyLight( Color c, Modify modify )
            double h;
            double s;
            double l;

            c.GetHSL( out h, out s, out l );

            l = modify( l );

            l = Math.Min( Math.Max( 0, l ), 1 );

            return FromHSL( h, s, l );
Esempio n. 3
        public static Color ModifySaturation( Color c, Modify modify )
            double h;
            double s;
            double l;

            c.GetHSL( out h, out s, out l );

            s = modify( s );

            s = Math.Min( Math.Max( 0, s ), 1 );

            return FromHSL( h, s, l );
Esempio n. 4
        public static Color ModifyHSL( Color c, Modify modifyH, Modify modifyS, Modify modifyL )
            double h;
            double s;
            double l;

            c.GetHSL( out h, out s, out l );

            h = modifyH( h );
            s = modifyS( s );
            l = modifyL( l );

            s = Math.Min( Math.Max( 0, s ), 1 );
            l = Math.Min( Math.Max( 0, l ), 1 );

            return FromHSL( h, s, l );
Esempio n. 5
        public static Color ModifyHue( Color c, Modify modify )
            double h;
            double s;
            double l;

            c.GetHSL( out h, out s, out l );

            h = modify( h );

            return FromHSL( h, s, l );
Esempio n. 6
File: Test.cs Progetto: iamHXQ/Oy
 public void TestText()
     Modify.TextStyle("Tahoma", 100, 5 * Math.PI / 180, 0.8);
     Draw.Text("FontAbc", 100, Point3d.Origin, 0, true);
        public void exportleo()
            DocumentCollection docCol = Application.DocumentManager;
            Database           db     = docCol.MdiActiveDocument.Database;
            Editor             editor = docCol.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
            Document           doc    = docCol.MdiActiveDocument;

            using (Transaction tx = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                var plines = QuickSelection.SelectAll("LWPOLYLINE").QWhere(x => x.Layer == "RØR INSTRUMENT SIGNAL").ToList();

                editor.WriteMessage($"\nPlines collected {plines.Count}");

                plines.QOpenForWrite <Polyline>(listToExplode =>
                    foreach (var poly in listToExplode)

                var rumPolyIds = QuickSelection.SelectAll("LWPOLYLINE").QWhere(x => x.Layer == "RUM DELER").ToList();

                editor.WriteMessage($"\nCollected {rumPolyIds.Count} rum polylines.");

                rumPolyIds.QOpenForWrite <Polyline>(listToClean =>
                    foreach (var poly in listToClean)

                List <(string Tag, string RoomNr)> tagRoomlist = new List <(string Tag, string RoomNr)>();

                int i = 0;

                List <BlockReference> AllBlocks = new List <BlockReference>();

                var rumPolys = rumPolyIds.QOpenForRead <Polyline>();

                foreach (Polyline pline in rumPolys)
                    editor.WriteMessage($"\nProcessing polyline number {i}.");

                    List <BlockReference> blocks = new List <BlockReference>();

                    PromptSelectionResult selection =
                        editor.SelectByPolyline(pline, ExtensionMethods.PolygonSelectionMode.Window, new TypedValue(0, "INSERT"));

                    if (selection.Status == PromptStatus.OK)
                        SelectionSet set = selection.Value;
                        foreach (SelectedObject selObj in set)
                            if (selObj != null)
                                BlockReference block = tx.GetObject(selObj.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockReference;
                        editor.WriteMessage($"\nPolyline number {i} failed the selection!");

                    BlockReference roomNumberBlock = blocks.Where(x => x.Name == "rumnummer").FirstOrDefault();
                    if (roomNumberBlock == null)
                    string roomNumber = roomNumberBlock.GetBlockAttribute("ROOMNO");
                    editor.WriteMessage($"\nRoom nr.: {roomNumber}");

                    foreach (BlockReference br in blocks)
                        string tagValue = string.Empty;
                        var    attrs    = br.GetBlockAttributes();
                        if (attrs.ContainsKey("TEXT1"))
                            tagValue = attrs["TEXT1"];
                        else if (attrs.ContainsKey("TAG"))
                            tagValue = attrs["TAG"];

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(roomNumber))
                            tagRoomlist.Add((tagValue, roomNumber));

                //Sort the pairs list
                tagRoomlist = tagRoomlist.OrderBy(x => x.Tag).ToList();

                //Export to excel
                xel.Application excel = new xel.Application();
                if (null == excel)
                    throw new System.Exception("Failed to start EXCEL!");
                excel.Visible = true;
                xel.Workbook  workbook = excel.Workbooks.Add(Missing.Value);
                xel.Worksheet worksheet;
                worksheet      = excel.ActiveSheet as xel.Worksheet;
                worksheet.Name = "LeoExport";
                worksheet.Columns.ColumnWidth = 15;

                int row = 1;
                int col = 1;

                foreach (var pair in tagRoomlist)
                    worksheet.Rows[row].Cells[col]     = pair.Tag;
                    worksheet.Rows[row].Cells[col + 1] = pair.RoomNr;
                    //worksheet.Cells[row, col] = pair.Item1;
                    //worksheet.Cells[row, col+1] = pair.Item2;
Esempio n. 8
 private void Execute(Piece piece, Modify modifyPiece, ICommand pieceCommand)
Esempio n. 9
        public static void Test01(bool propertyLevelDiffing = true)
            Console.WriteLine("Running Diffing_Engine Test01");

            // 1. Suppose Alessio is creating 3 bars in Grasshopper, representing a Portal frame structure.
            // These will be Alessio's "Current" objects.
            List <IBHoMObject> currentObjs_Alessio = new List <IBHoMObject>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                Bar obj = BH.Engine.Base.Create.RandomObject(typeof(Bar)) as Bar;
                obj.Fragments = obj.Fragments.Where(fragm => fragm != null).ToList(); // (RandomObject bug workaround: it generates a random number of null fragments)
                obj.Name      = "bar_" + i.ToString();
                currentObjs_Alessio.Add(obj as dynamic);

            // 2. Alessio wants these bars to be part of a "Portal frame Stream" that will be tracking the objects for future changes.
            // Alessio creates a stream
            string comment        = "Portal Frame Stream";
            Stream stream_Alessio = Create.Stream(currentObjs_Alessio, comment); // this will add the hash fragments to the objects

            // Alessio can now push the Stream.

            // 3. Eduardo is now asked to do some changes to the "Portal frame Project" created by Alessio.
            // On his machine, Eduardo now PULLS the Stream from the external platform to read the existing objects.
            IEnumerable <IBHoMObject> readObjs_Eduardo = stream_Alessio.Objects.Select(obj => BH.Engine.Base.Query.DeepClone(obj) as IBHoMObject).ToList();

            // Eduardo will now work on these objects.
            List <IBHoMObject> currentObjs_Eduardo = readObjs_Eduardo.ToList();

            // 5. Eduardo now modifies one of the bars, deletes another one, and creates a new one.
            // modifies bar_0
            currentObjs_Eduardo[0].Name = "modifiedBar_0";

            // deletes bar_1

            // adds a new bar
            Bar newBar = BH.Engine.Base.Create.RandomObject(typeof(Bar)) as Bar;

            newBar.Name = "newBar_1";
            currentObjs_Eduardo.Insert(1, newBar as dynamic);

            // 6. Eduardo updates the Stream Revision.
            Stream stream_Eduardo = Modify.StreamRevision(stream_Alessio, currentObjs_Eduardo);

            // Eduardo can now push this Stream.

            // -------------------------------------------------------- //

            // Eduardo can also manually check the differences.

            Delta delta = Compute.Diffing(stream_Alessio, stream_Eduardo, propertyLevelDiffing, null, true);

            // 7. Now Eduardo can push his new delta object (like step 3).
            // `delta.ToCreate` will have 1 object; `delta2.ToUpdate` 1 object; `delta2.ToDelete` 1 object; `delta2.Unchanged` 2 objects.
            // You can also see which properties have changed for what objects: check `delta2.ModifiedPropsPerObject`.
            Debug.Assert(delta.NewObjects.Count == 1, "Incorrect number of object identified as new/ToBeCreated.");
            Debug.Assert(delta.ModifiedObjects.Count == 1, "Incorrect number of object identified as modified/ToBeUpdated.");
            Debug.Assert(delta.OldObjects.Count == 1, "Incorrect number of object identified as old/ToBeDeleted.");
            var modifiedPropsPerObj = delta.ModifiedPropsPerObject.First().Value;

            Debug.Assert(modifiedPropsPerObj.Count == 1, "Incorrect number of changed properties identified by the property-level diffing.");
            Debug.Assert(modifiedPropsPerObj.First().Key == "Name", "Error in property-level diffing");
            Debug.Assert(modifiedPropsPerObj.First().Value.Item1 as string == "modifiedBar_0", "Error in property-level diffing");

            Console.WriteLine("Test01 concluded.");
Esempio n. 10
        public override void BuildProcessing(MillingCommandGenerator generator)
            const int CornerIndentIncrease = 5;
            var       curve        = ProcessingArea.GetCurve();
            var       thickness    = TechProcess.Thickness.Value + 2; // запил на 2мм ниже нижнего края
            var       toolDiameter = TechProcess.Tool.Diameter;
            var       engineSide   = Side.None;
            double    offsetArc    = 0;
            double    angleA       = 0;

            if (TechProcess.MachineType == MachineType.ScemaLogic)
                AngleA = 0;

            switch (curve)
            case Arc arc:

            case Line line:

            case Polyline polyline:

                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Кривая типа {curve.GetType()} не может быть обработана.");

            var outerSideSign = OuterSide == Side.Left ^ curve is Line ? -1 : 1;
            var offsetCoeff   = Math.Tan(angleA) * outerSideSign;
            var depthCoeff    = 1 / Math.Cos(angleA);
            var toolThickness = TechProcess.Tool.Thickness.Value * depthCoeff;
            var compensation  = (offsetArc + (engineSide == OuterSide ^ TechProcess.MachineType == MachineType.Donatoni ? toolThickness : 0)) * outerSideSign;
            var shift         = angleA > 0 ? -thickness * offsetCoeff : 0;

            var sumIndent = CalcIndent(thickness) * (Convert.ToInt32(IsExactlyBegin) + Convert.ToInt32(IsExactlyEnd));

            if (sumIndent >= curve.Length())
                if (AngleA != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Расчет намечания выполняется только при нулевом вертикальном угле.");
                var point = Scheduling();
                var angle = BuilderUtils.CalcToolAngle((curve.EndPoint - curve.StartPoint).ToVector2d().Angle, engineSide);
                generator.Move(point.X, point.Y, angleC: angle);
                generator.Cutting(point.X, point.Y, point.Z, TechProcess.PenetrationFeed);

            var modes = SawingModes.ConvertAll(p => new CuttingMode {
                Depth = p.Depth, DepthStep = p.DepthStep, Feed = p.Feed
            var passList = BuilderUtils.GetPassList(modes, thickness, !ProcessingArea.ObjectId.IsLine()).ToList();

            Curve toolpathCurve = null;

            foreach (var item in passList)
                CreateToolpath(item.Key, compensation + shift + item.Key * offsetCoeff);
                if (generator.IsUpperTool)
                    var point  = engineSide == Side.Right ^ (passList.Count() % 2 == 1) ? toolpathCurve.EndPoint : toolpathCurve.StartPoint;
                    var vector = Vector3d.ZAxis * (item.Key + generator.ZSafety);
                    if (angleA != 0)
                        vector = vector.RotateBy(outerSideSign * angleA, ((Line)toolpathCurve).Delta) * depthCoeff;
                    var p0     = point + vector;
                    var angleC = BuilderUtils.CalcToolAngle(toolpathCurve, point, engineSide);
                    generator.Move(p0.X, p0.Y, angleC: angleC, angleA: Math.Abs(AngleA));
                    if (TechProcess.MachineType == MachineType.ScemaLogic)
                        generator.Command("28;;XYCZ;;;;;;", "Цикл");
                generator.Cutting(toolpathCurve, item.Value, TechProcess.PenetrationFeed, engineSide);
            generator.Uplifting(Vector3d.ZAxis.RotateBy(outerSideSign * angleA, toolpathCurve.EndPoint - toolpathCurve.StartPoint) * (thickness + generator.ZSafety) * depthCoeff);

            if ((!IsExactlyBegin || !IsExactlyEnd) && Departure == 0)
                var gashCurve = curve.GetOffsetCurves(shift)[0] as Curve;
                var gashList  = new List <ObjectId>();
                if (!IsExactlyBegin)
                    gashList.Add(Acad.CreateGash(gashCurve, gashCurve.StartPoint, OuterSide, thickness * depthCoeff, toolDiameter, toolThickness));
                if (!IsExactlyEnd)
                    gashList.Add(Acad.CreateGash(gashCurve, gashCurve.EndPoint, OuterSide, thickness * depthCoeff, toolDiameter, toolThickness));
                if (gashList.Count > 0)
                    Modify.AppendToGroup(base.TechProcess.ExtraObjectsGroup.Value, gashList.ToArray());

            // Local func ------------------------

            void CalcArc(Arc arc)
                AngleA = 0;
                var startSide      = Math.Sign(Math.Cos(arc.StartAngle.Round(3)));
                var endSide        = Math.Sign(Math.Cos(arc.EndAngle.Round(3)));
                var cornersOneSide = Math.Sign(startSide * endSide);

                if (arc.TotalAngle.Round(3) > Math.PI && cornersOneSide > 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Обработка дуги невозможна - дуга пересекает углы 90 и 270 градусов.");

                if (cornersOneSide < 0) //  дуга пересекает углы 90 или 270 градусов
                    if (TechProcess.MachineType == MachineType.ScemaLogic)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Обработка дуги невозможна - дуга пересекает угол 90 или 270 градусов.");

                    engineSide = startSide > 0 ? Side.Left : Side.Right;
                if (OuterSide == Side.Left)                                                         // внутренний рез дуги
                    if (TechProcess.MachineType == MachineType.Donatoni && engineSide != Side.Left) // подворот диска при вн. резе дуги
                        engineSide = Side.Right;
                        //var comp = arc.Radius - Math.Sqrt(arc.Radius * arc.Radius - thickness * (toolDiameter - thickness));
                        //AngleA = Math.Atan2(comp, thickness).ToDeg();

                        var R    = arc.Radius;
                        var t    = thickness;
                        var d    = toolDiameter;
                        var comp = (2 * R * t * t - Math.Sqrt(-d * d * d * d * t * t + 4 * d * d * R * R * t * t + d * d * t * t * t * t)) / (d * d - 4 * R * R);
                        AngleA = -Math.Atan2(comp, thickness).ToDeg();
                        offsetArc = arc.Radius - Math.Sqrt(arc.Radius * arc.Radius - thickness * (toolDiameter - thickness));
                if (engineSide == Side.None)
                    engineSide = (startSide + endSide) > 0 ? Side.Right : Side.Left;

            void CalcLine(Line line)
                angleA     = AngleA.ToRad();
                engineSide = AngleA == 0 ? BuilderUtils.CalcEngineSide(line.Angle) : AngleA > 0 ? OuterSide : OuterSide.Opposite();

            void CalcPolyline(Polyline polyline)
                int sign = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < polyline.NumberOfVertices; i++)
                    var point = polyline.GetPoint3dAt(i);
                    var s     = Math.Sign(Math.Sin(polyline.GetTangent(point).Angle.Round(6)));
                    if (s == 0)
                    if (sign == 0)
                        sign = s;
                    var bulge = polyline.GetBulgeAt(i - 1);
                    if (bulge == 0)
                        bulge = polyline.GetBulgeAt(i);

                    if (s != sign)
                        if (TechProcess.MachineType == MachineType.ScemaLogic)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Обработка полилинии невозможна - кривая пересекает углы 90 или 270 градусов.");
                        var side = sign > 0 ^ bulge < 0 ? Side.Left : Side.Right;
                        if (engineSide != Side.None)
                            if (engineSide != side)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("Обработка полилинии невозможна.");
                            engineSide = side;
                        sign = s;
                    if (Math.Abs(bulge) > 1)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Обработка невозможна - дуга полилинии пересекает углы 90 и 270 градусов.");
                if (engineSide == Side.None)
                    engineSide = BuilderUtils.CalcEngineSide(polyline.GetTangent(polyline.StartPoint).Angle);

            void CreateToolpath(double depth, double offset)
                toolpathCurve = curve.GetOffsetCurves(offset)[0] as Curve;
                toolpathCurve.TransformBy(Matrix3d.Displacement(-Vector3d.ZAxis * depth));

                if (Departure > 0 && toolpathCurve is Line line)
                    if (!IsExactlyBegin)
                        toolpathCurve.StartPoint = line.ExpandStart(Departure);
                    if (!IsExactlyEnd)
                        toolpathCurve.EndPoint = line.ExpandEnd(Departure);

                if (!IsExactlyBegin && !IsExactlyEnd)
                var indent = CalcIndent(depth * depthCoeff);

                switch (toolpathCurve)
                case Line l:
                    if (IsExactlyBegin)
                        l.StartPoint = l.GetPointAtDist(indent);
                    if (IsExactlyEnd)
                        l.EndPoint = l.GetPointAtDist(l.Length - indent);

                case Arc a:
                    var indentAngle = indent / ((Arc)curve).Radius;
                    if (IsExactlyBegin)
                        a.StartAngle = a.StartAngle + indentAngle;
                    if (IsExactlyEnd)
                        a.EndAngle = a.EndAngle - indentAngle;

                case Polyline p:
                    if (IsExactlyBegin)
                        p.SetPointAt(0, p.GetPointAtDist(indent).ToPoint2d());
                    //p.StartPoint = p.GetPointAtDist(indent);
                    if (IsExactlyEnd)
                        //p.EndPoint = p.GetPointAtDist(p.Length - indent);
                        p.SetPointAt(p.NumberOfVertices - 1, p.GetPointAtDist(p.Length - indent).ToPoint2d());

            double CalcIndent(double depth) => Math.Sqrt(depth * (toolDiameter - depth)) + CornerIndentIncrease;

            /// <summary>
            /// Расчет точки намечания
            /// </summary>
            Point3d Scheduling()
                var vector = curve.EndPoint - curve.StartPoint;
                var depth  = thickness;
                var point  = Point3d.Origin;

                if (IsExactlyBegin && IsExactlyEnd)
                    var l = vector.Length - 2 * CornerIndentIncrease;
                    depth = (toolDiameter - Math.Sqrt(toolDiameter * toolDiameter - l * l)) / 2;
                    point = curve.StartPoint + vector / 2;
                    var indentVector = vector.GetNormal() * (Math.Sqrt(depth * (toolDiameter - depth)) + CornerIndentIncrease);
                    point = IsExactlyBegin ? curve.StartPoint + indentVector : curve.EndPoint - indentVector;
                    Acad.CreateGash(curve, IsExactlyBegin ? curve.EndPoint : curve.StartPoint, OuterSide, depth, toolDiameter, toolThickness, point);
                return(point + vector.GetPerpendicularVector().GetNormal() * compensation - Vector3d.ZAxis * depth);
Esempio n. 11
 private void Execute(GamePlayControll gamePlayControll, Modify modifyGamePlay, ICommand GamePlayCommand)
        private void RemoveShapeVertex(IVertex v, Shape shape)

            Modify m = new Modify();
        private void RemoveConnectionEdge(IEdge e, Connection conn)

            Modify m = new Modify();
        public void RemoveEdge(IEdge e)
            if (e==null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("e");
            if (!this.VisitedGraph.ContainsEdge(e))
                throw new ArgumentException("e is not part of the graph");

            Connection conn = this.EdgeConnections[e];

            Modify m = new Modify();
        public Shape AttachShape(IVertex v)
            if (v==null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("v");
            if (!this.VisitedGraph.ContainsVertex(v))
                throw new ArgumentException("vertex is not part of the graph");
            if (this.vertexShapes.Contains(v))
                throw new ArgumentException("shape already associtated with this vertex");

            Shape shape = this.ShapeProvider.ProvideShape(v);

            Modify m = new Modify();


            return shape;
        public Connection AttachConnection(NetronGraphvizLayouter layout,IEdge e)
            if (e==null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("e");
            if (!this.VisitedGraph.ContainsEdge(e))
                throw new ArgumentException("edge already in graph");
            if (this.EdgeConnections.Contains(e))
                throw new ArgumentException("connection already associtated with this edge");

            // create edge
            Connection conn = this.ConnectionProvider.ProvideConnection(e);
            // set points

            // connect to target
            Modify m = new Modify();
            m.AddInsertConnection(conn, conn.From, conn.To,this.Panel.AbstractShape);

            return conn;