Esempio n. 1
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="initial"></param>
    /// <param name="modifier"></param>
    /// <param name="modificationType"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public int modifyValue(int initial, int modifier,
                           ModificationType modificationType)
        switch (modificationType)
        case ModificationType.ADD:
            return(initial + modifier);

        case ModificationType.SUBTRACT:
            return(initial - modifier);

        case ModificationType.MULTIPLY:
            return(initial * modifier);

        case ModificationType.DIVIDE:
            return(initial / modifier);

        case ModificationType.REPLACE:

        case ModificationType.ADD_DIVISION:
            int strengthAddition = initial / modifier;
            return(initial + strengthAddition);

            Debug.LogError("Error! Unrecognized ModificationType enum given"
                           + "in modifyValue function: "
                           + modificationType.ToString());
Esempio n. 2
        public static byte[] ToRecurrenceBlob(Properties easCalendarItem, ExDateTime start, ExDateTime end, ExTimeZone targetTimeZone)
            Microsoft.Exchange.Connections.Eas.Model.Response.Calendar.Recurrence recurrence = easCalendarItem.Recurrence;
            RecurrencePattern  pattern            = SyncCalendarUtils.CreateRecurrencePattern(recurrence);
            RecurrenceRange    range              = SyncCalendarUtils.CreateRecurrenceRange(start, recurrence);
            ExDateTime         dt                 = targetTimeZone.ConvertDateTime(start);
            ExDateTime         dt2                = targetTimeZone.ConvertDateTime(end);
            TimeSpan           startOffset        = dt - dt.Date;
            TimeSpan           endOffset          = dt2 - dt2.Date;
            InternalRecurrence internalRecurrence = new InternalRecurrence(pattern, range, null, targetTimeZone, ExTimeZone.UtcTimeZone, startOffset, endOffset);

            if (easCalendarItem.Exceptions != null)
                foreach (Microsoft.Exchange.Connections.Eas.Model.Response.Calendar.Exception ex in easCalendarItem.Exceptions)
                    ExDateTime originalStartTime = SyncCalendarUtils.ToUtcExDateTime(ex.ExceptionStartTime);
                    ExDateTime date = originalStartTime.Date;
                    if (ex.Deleted)
                        ModificationType  modificationType  = (ModificationType)0;
                        MemoryPropertyBag memoryPropertyBag = new MemoryPropertyBag();
                        if (ex.Subject != easCalendarItem.CalendarSubject)
                            modificationType |= ModificationType.Subject;
                            memoryPropertyBag[ItemSchema.Subject] = ex.Subject;
                        if (ex.Reminder != easCalendarItem.Reminder)
                            modificationType |= ModificationType.ReminderDelta;
                            memoryPropertyBag[ItemSchema.ReminderMinutesBeforeStartInternal] = ex.Reminder;
                        if (ex.Location != easCalendarItem.Location)
                            modificationType |= ModificationType.Location;
                            memoryPropertyBag[CalendarItemBaseSchema.Location] = ex.Location;
                        if (ex.BusyStatus != easCalendarItem.BusyStatus)
                            modificationType |= ModificationType.BusyStatus;
                            memoryPropertyBag[CalendarItemBaseSchema.FreeBusyStatus] = ex.BusyStatus;
                        if (ex.AllDayEvent != easCalendarItem.AllDayEvent)
                            modificationType |= ModificationType.SubType;
                            memoryPropertyBag[CalendarItemBaseSchema.MapiIsAllDayEvent] = ex.AllDayEvent;
                        ExDateTime    startTime     = targetTimeZone.ConvertDateTime(SyncCalendarUtils.ToUtcExDateTime(ex.StartTime));
                        ExDateTime    endTime       = targetTimeZone.ConvertDateTime(SyncCalendarUtils.ToUtcExDateTime(ex.EndTime));
                        ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo = new ExceptionInfo(null, date, originalStartTime, startTime, endTime, modificationType, memoryPropertyBag);
Esempio n. 3
        private void AddKeybinding(FloatFilterParameterModel model, string value, ModificationType modType, Key key)
            var val     = GetFloatValue(value);
            var binding = new FloatFilterParameterModel.FloatParameterAction(val, modType);

            model.Keybindings[key] = binding;
Esempio n. 4
        private void AddParameterAction(IntFilterParameterModel model, string value, ModificationType modType, ActionType actionType)
            var val    = GetIntValue(value);
            var action = new IntFilterParameterModel.IntParameterAction(val, modType);

            model.Actions[actionType] = action;
Esempio n. 5
        protected override void PositionChanged(IPosition position, ModificationType type)
            // Event occurs on every change of the positions
            // Event occurs on every change of the positions
            if ((int)type == (int)ModificationType.Closed)
                XXPrint("Position {0} was closed at price {1} with profit {2}",
                        position.Number, position.ClosePrice, position.Profit);

                if ((int)position.Type == (int)ExecutionRule.Buy)
                    if ((position.ClosePrice - position.OpenPrice) < -(2 * Instrument.Spread /*+Instrument.Comission*/))
                if ((int)position.Type == (int)ExecutionRule.Sell)
                    if ((position.ClosePrice - position.OpenPrice) < -(Instrument.Spread /*+Instrument.Comission*/))
Esempio n. 6
        public void ReadModificationsFromXmlFile(string modsXmlFilepath, bool userModifications)
            XmlDocument mods_xml = new XmlDocument();


            XmlNamespaceManager mods_xml_ns = new XmlNamespaceManager(mods_xml.NameTable);

            mods_xml_ns.AddNamespace("omssa", mods_xml.ChildNodes[1].Attributes["xmlns"].Value);

            foreach (XmlNode mod_node in mods_xml.SelectNodes("/omssa:MSModSpecSet/omssa:MSModSpec", mods_xml_ns))
                string           mod_name     = mod_node.SelectSingleNode("./omssa:MSModSpec_name", mods_xml_ns).FirstChild.Value;
                ModificationType mod_type     = (ModificationType)int.Parse(mod_node.SelectSingleNode("./omssa:MSModSpec_type", mods_xml_ns).FirstChild.FirstChild.Value);
                double           mod_monomass = double.Parse(mod_node.SelectSingleNode("./omssa:MSModSpec_monomass", mods_xml_ns).FirstChild.Value);

                XmlNodeList amino_acid_residues     = mod_node.SelectNodes("./omssa:MSModSpec_residues/omssa:MSModSpec_residues_E", mods_xml_ns);
                List <char> mod_amino_acid_residues = amino_acid_residues.Count > 0 ? new List <char>(amino_acid_residues.Count) : null;
                foreach (XmlNode amino_acid_residue in amino_acid_residues)

                Modification mod = new Modification(mod_name, mod_monomass, mod_type, mod_amino_acid_residues, userModifications);

                if (!ContainsKey(mod_name))
                    this[mod_name] = mod;
Esempio n. 7
 public Modification2(string modName)
     if (Tables.Modifications.ContainsKey(modName))
         Modification m = Tables.Modifications[modName];
     else if (modName.StartsWith("Mass:"))
         int ind = modName.LastIndexOf(':');
         DeltaMass = Parser.Double(modName.Substring(7, ind - 7));
         int modInd = Parser.Int(modName.Substring(ind + 1));
         Index             = (ushort)(ushort.MaxValue - modInd - 1);
         Position          = ModificationPosition.anywhere;
         IsProteinTerminal = false;
         IsInternal        = true;
         IsNterminal       = false;
         IsCterminal       = false;
         IsIsotopicLabel   = true;
         IsIsotopicMod     = true;
         HasNeutralLoss    = false;
         ModificationType  = ModificationType.Label;
         aas  = new[] { modName[5] };
         Name = modName;
         throw new Exception("Illegal modification name: " + modName);
Esempio n. 8
        private void AddKeybinding(BoolFilterParameterModel model, string value, ModificationType modType, Key key)
            var val     = GetBoolValue(value);
            var binding = new BoolFilterParameterModel.BoolParameterAction(val, modType);

            model.Keybindings[key] = binding;
Esempio n. 9
 public Modification(string name, double monoisotopicMassShift,
                     ModificationType modificationType, IEnumerable <char> aminoAcidResidues)
 { = name;
     this.monoisotopicMassShift = monoisotopicMassShift;
     this.modificationType      = modificationType;
     this.aminoAcidResidues     = aminoAcidResidues;
Esempio n. 10
 protected override void PositionChanged(IPosition position, ModificationType type)
     // Событие происходит при каждом изменении позиций
     if (type == ModificationType.Closed)
         Print("Position {0} was closed at price {1}", position.Number, position.ClosePrice);
Esempio n. 11
 public Modification(string name, double monoisotopicMassShift,
     ModificationType modificationType, IEnumerable<char> aminoAcidResidues)
 { = name;
     this.monoisotopicMassShift = monoisotopicMassShift;
     this.modificationType = modificationType;
     this.aminoAcidResidues = aminoAcidResidues;
 public AccountModification(Guid accountid, ModificationType modificationType, double amount, DateTime modificationDateTime)
     Id = Guid.NewGuid();
     AccountId = accountid;
     ModificationType = modificationType;
     Amount = amount;
     ModificationDateTime = modificationDateTime;
Esempio n. 13
 public Modifier(Modifier <E> modifier)
     propertyType     = modifier.propertyType;
     modificationType = modifier.modificationType;
     value_1          = modifier.value_1;
     value_2          = modifier.value_2;
     value_3          = modifier.value_3;
Esempio n. 14
 protected override void PositionChanged(IPosition position, ModificationType type)
     if ((type.Equals(ModificationType.Closed)) && (position.Id == _positionGuid))
         _positionGuid            = Guid.Empty;
         _positionOpendSignalType = SignalType.None;
Esempio n. 15
  } // NewBar

        protected override void PositionChanged(IPosition position, ModificationType type)
            if (type==ModificationType.Closed)
               if (posGuidBuy==position.Id)  posGuidBuy=Guid.Empty;  
		       if (posGuidSell==position.Id) posGuidSell=Guid.Empty;
Esempio n. 16
 protected override void PositionChanged(IPosition position, ModificationType type)
     // Event occurs on every change of the positions
     if (type == ModificationType.Closed)
         Print("Position {0} was closed at price {1}", position.Number, position.ClosePrice);
Esempio n. 17
 protected override void PositionChanged(IPosition position, ModificationType type)
     // Event occurs on every change of the positions
     if ((int)type == (int)ModificationType.Closed)
         XXPrint("Position {0} was closed at price {1} with profit {2}",
                 position.Number, position.ClosePrice, position.Profit);
Esempio n. 18
 public Modification(ModificationType modificationType, object oldValue, object newValue,
                     object target, PropertySpecifier property)
     ModificationType = modificationType;
     OldValue         = oldValue;
     NewValue         = newValue;
     Target           = target;
     Property         = property;
Esempio n. 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates the event arguments object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">The type of modification that occurred.</param>
 /// <param name="text">The text inserted or deleted.</param>
 /// <param name="location">The location of the modification.</param>
 /// <param name="userAction">A flag indicating if this action was caused by the user.</param>
 /// <param name="undo">A flag indicating if this action is part of an undo process.</param>
 /// <param name="redo">A flag indicating if this action is part of a redo process.</param>
 /// <param name="linesAdded">The number of lines added by this modification.</param>
 public ModifiedEventArgs(ModificationType type, TextPtr text, TextLocation location, bool userAction, bool undo, bool redo, int linesAdded)
     ModificationType = type;
     Text             = text;
     Location         = location;
     UserAction       = userAction;
     Undo             = undo;
     Redo             = redo;
     LinesAdded       = linesAdded;
        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes the object into ADSML xml.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><see cref="XElement"/></returns>
        public XElement ToAdsml()

            var xml = new XElement("ModificationItem",
                                   new XAttribute("operation", ModificationType.GetStringValue()),
                                   new XElement("AttributeDetails", AttributeToModify.ToAdsml()));

Esempio n. 21
 public Modification(string description, ModificationType type, char aminoAcid, double monoisotopicMassShift,
     double averageMassShift, bool defaultFixed, bool defaultVariable)
     Description = description;
     Type = type;
     AminoAcid = aminoAcid;
     MonoisotopicMassShift = monoisotopicMassShift;
     AverageMassShift = averageMassShift;
     DefaultFixed = defaultFixed;
     DefaultVariable = defaultVariable;
Esempio n. 22
 public Modification(string description, ModificationType type, char aminoAcid, double monoisotopicMassShift,
                     double probability, bool defaultFixedModification, bool defaultVariableModification, bool automatic)
     Description                 = description;
     Type                        = type;
     AminoAcid                   = aminoAcid;
     MonoisotopicMassShift       = monoisotopicMassShift;
     Probability                 = probability;
     DefaultFixedModification    = defaultFixedModification;
     DefaultVariableModification = defaultVariableModification;
     this.Automatic              = automatic;
 public ModifiedEventArgs(NativeScintillaEventArgs nsea, Encoding enc)
     _ModificationType = (ScintillaCsharp.Base.ModificationType)nsea.SCNotification.modificationType;
     _Position = nsea.SCNotification.position;
     _Length = nsea.SCNotification.length;
     _LinesAdded = nsea.SCNotification.linesAdded;
     // _Text = Utilities.ObtenerTextoMemoriaDll(nsea.SCNotification.text, enc);
     _Text = Utilities.IntPtrToString(enc, nsea.SCNotification.text, _Length);
     _Line = nsea.SCNotification.line;
     _FoldLevelNow = nsea.SCNotification.foldLevelNow;
     _FoldLevelPrev = nsea.SCNotification.foldLevelPrev;
        public void InitForActionChange(ushort id, ushort aid, ModificationType modificationtype)
            if (!IsInitialized)
                Id               = id;
                TargetId         = aid;
                TargetItemType   = TargetItemType.Action;
                ModificationType = modificationtype;

                IsInitialized = true;
Esempio n. 25
 public static bool IsStandardVarMod(ModificationType type)
     switch (type)
     case ModificationType.Standard:
     case ModificationType.AaSubstitution:
     case ModificationType.Glycan:
     case ModificationType.CleavedCrosslink:
Esempio n. 26
         * {position}{Parameter}-{Type:accession}|{neutral loss}
        public Modification(Section section, ModificationType type, string accession)
            if (! section.isData()){
                throw new ArgumentException("Section should use Protein, Peptide, PSM or SmallMolecule.");
            _section = section;
            _type = type;

            if (accession == null){
                throw new NullReferenceException("Modification accession can not null!");
            _accession = accession;
Esempio n. 27
        public void LogChange(User user, ModificationType modificationType)
            if (ThesisLogs == null)
                ThesisLogs = new List <ThesisLog>();

            ThesisLogs.Add(new ThesisLog
                User             = user,
                ModificationType = modificationType
        public void InitForIntegerPropertyChange(ushort id, ushort pid, ModelPropertyType modelpropertytype, ModificationType modificationtype, int value)
            if (!IsInitialized)
                Id               = id;
                TargetId         = pid;
                TargetItemType   = TargetItemType.Property;
                ModificationType = modificationtype;

                ModificationDetails = (IModificationDetails)propertyFactory.Create(pid, value);

                IsInitialized = true;
Esempio n. 29
 /// <summary>
 /// This method is used to set the entries at a specific index in the
 /// DoubleModificationTimestamps, DoubleModificationTypes, and the
 /// DoubleOperatorNames arrays.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="idx">The index of the entries to be updated.</param>
 /// <param name="modificationTimestamp">The modificationTimestamp to be set for the entry.</param>
 /// <param name="modificationType">The modificationType to be set for the entry.</param>
 /// <param name="operatorName">The operatorName to be set for the entry.</param>
 /// <param name="statusCode">The statusCode to be set for the entry.</param>
 /// <param name="timestamp">The timestamp to be set for the entry.</param>
 /// <param name="value">The double value to be set for the entry.</param>
 public void SetDouble(int idx, DateTime modificationTimestamp, ModificationType modificationType,
                       string operatorName, uint statusCode, DateTime timestamp, double value)
     if (DoubleModificationTimestamps is null ||
         DoubleModificationTypes is null ||
         DoubleOperatorNames is null)
         throw new InvalidOperationException();
     DoubleModificationTimestamps[idx] = modificationTimestamp;
     DoubleModificationTypes[idx]      = modificationType;
     DoubleOperatorNames[idx]          = operatorName;
     base.SetDouble(idx, statusCode, timestamp, value);
        public void InitForRelationChange(ushort id, ushort rid, ushort relatedid, ModificationType modificationtype)
            if (!IsInitialized)
                Id               = id;
                TargetId         = rid;
                TargetItemType   = TargetItemType.Relation;
                ModificationType = modificationtype;

                ModificationDetails = new ModelRelation(rid, relatedid);

                IsInitialized = true;
Esempio n. 31
 /// <summary>
 /// This method is used to set the entries at a specific index in the
 /// LongModificationTimestamps, LongModificationTypes, and the
 /// LonOperatorNames arrays
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="idx">The index of the entries to be updated.</param>
 /// <param name="modificationTimestamp">The modificationTimestamp to be set for the entry.</param>
 /// <param name="modificationType">The modificationType to be set for the entry.</param>
 /// <param name="operatorName">The operatorName to be set for the entry.</param>
 /// <param name="statusCode">The statusCode to be set for the entry.</param>
 /// <param name="timestamp">The timestamp to be set for the entry.</param>
 /// <param name="value">The long value to be set for the entry.</param>
 public void SetUint(int idx, DateTime modificationTimestamp, ModificationType modificationType,
                     string operatorName, uint statusCode, DateTime timestamp, uint value)
     if (LongModificationTimestamps is null ||
         LongModificationTypes is null ||
         LongOperatorNames is null)
         throw new InvalidOperationException();
     LongModificationTimestamps[idx] = modificationTimestamp;
     LongModificationTypes[idx]      = modificationType;
     LongOperatorNames[idx]          = operatorName;
     base.SetUint(idx, statusCode, timestamp, value);
Esempio n. 32
 /// <summary>
 /// This method is used to set the entries at a specific index in the
 /// ObjectModificationTimestamps, ObjectModificationTypes, and the
 /// ObjectOperatorNames arrays.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="idx">The index of the entries to be updated.</param>
 /// <param name="modificationTimestamp">The modificationTimestamp to be set for the entry.</param>
 /// <param name="modificationType">The modificationType to be set for the entry.</param>
 /// <param name="operatorName">The operatorName to be set for the entry.</param>
 /// <param name="statusCode">The statusCode to be set for the entry.</param>
 /// <param name="timestamp">The timestamp to be set for the entry.</param>
 /// <param name="value">The object value to be set for the entry.</param>
 public void SetObject(int idx, DateTime modificationTimestamp, ModificationType modificationType,
                       string operatorName, uint statusCode, DateTime timestamp, object value)
     if (ObjectModificationTimestamps is null ||
         ObjectModificationTypes is null ||
         ObjectOperatorNames is null)
         throw new InvalidOperationException();
     ObjectModificationTimestamps[idx] = modificationTimestamp;
     ObjectModificationTypes[idx]      = modificationType;
     ObjectOperatorNames[idx]          = operatorName;
     base.SetObject(idx, statusCode, timestamp, value);
Esempio n. 33
        protected override void PositionChanged(IPosition position, ModificationType type)
            if (type == ModificationType.Closed || type == ModificationType.Canceled)
                if (listOfBuyStop.Contains(position.Id))

                if (listOfSellStop.Contains(position.Id))
Esempio n. 34
 public Modification(string description, ModificationType type, char aminoAcid, double monoisotopicMassShift,
     double averageMassShift, double monoisotopicNeutralLossMass, double averageNeutralLossMass, bool defaultFixed, bool defaultVariable, string database, int databaseAccessionNumber, string databaseName, bool known)
     Description = description;
     Type = type;
     AminoAcid = aminoAcid;
     MonoisotopicMassShift = monoisotopicMassShift;
     AverageMassShift = averageMassShift;
     MonoisotopicNeutralLossMass = monoisotopicNeutralLossMass;
     AverageNeutralLossMass = averageNeutralLossMass;
     DefaultFixed = defaultFixed;
     DefaultVariable = defaultVariable;
     Database = database;
     DatabaseAccessionNumber = databaseAccessionNumber;
     DatabaseName = databaseName;
     Known = known;
Esempio n. 35
        /// <summary>
        ///     Create an object using the contents of the corresponding MzIdentML object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="m"></param>
        /// <param name="idata"></param>
        public ModificationObj(ModificationType m, IdentDataObj idata)
            : base(m, idata)
            _location                      = m.location;
            LocationSpecified              = m.locationSpecified;
            _avgMassDelta                  = m.avgMassDelta;
            AvgMassDeltaSpecified          = m.avgMassDeltaSpecified;
            _monoisotopicMassDelta         = m.monoisotopicMassDelta;
            MonoisotopicMassDeltaSpecified = m.monoisotopicMassDeltaSpecified;

            Residues = null;

            if (m.residues != null)
                Residues = new List <string>(m.residues);
Esempio n. 36
 public Modification(string description, ModificationType type, char aminoAcid, double monoisotopicMassShift,
                     double averageMassShift, double monoisotopicNeutralLossMass, double averageNeutralLossMass, bool defaultFixed, bool defaultVariable, string database, int databaseAccessionNumber, string databaseName, bool known)
     Description                 = description;
     Type                        = type;
     AminoAcid                   = aminoAcid;
     MonoisotopicMassShift       = monoisotopicMassShift;
     AverageMassShift            = averageMassShift;
     MonoisotopicNeutralLossMass = monoisotopicNeutralLossMass;
     AverageNeutralLossMass      = averageNeutralLossMass;
     DefaultFixed                = defaultFixed;
     DefaultVariable             = defaultVariable;
     Database                    = database;
     DatabaseAccessionNumber     = databaseAccessionNumber;
     DatabaseName                = databaseName;
     Known                       = known;
Esempio n. 37
        /// <summary>
        /// Enteres a modification history entry based on the submitted customer and the modification type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context in which the modification entry will be performed.</param>
        /// <param name="customer">The customer object that has been modified. Original details are saved in the history table.</param>
        /// <param name="modificationType">The modofication type: Add, Remove, Update, Other</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task EnterModificationHistory(CustomersContext context, Customer customer, ModificationType modificationType)
            CustomerDbHistory customerHistory = new CustomerDbHistory()
                // log modification type
                ModificationType = modificationType,
                // and customer details so it's easier to reproduce changes
                Id = customer.Id,
                AddressLineOne = customer.AddressLineOne,
                Category = customer.Category,
                Country = customer.Country,
                DateOfBirth = customer.DateOfBirth,
                Gender = customer.Gender,
                HouseNumber = customer.HouseNumber,
                Name = customer.Name,
                State = customer.State,
                ChangedOn = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.fff tt")

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();
            catch (Exception e)
                DbLog.LogException(e, "DataProxy.cs");
Esempio n. 38
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates the event arguments object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">The type of modification that occurred.</param>
 /// <param name="text">The text inserted or deleted.</param>
 /// <param name="location">The location of the modification.</param>
 /// <param name="userAction">A flag indicating if this action was caused by the user.</param>
 /// <param name="undo">A flag indicating if this action is part of an undo process.</param>
 /// <param name="redo">A flag indicating if this action is part of a redo process.</param>
 /// <param name="linesAdded">The number of lines added by this modification.</param>
 public ModifiedEventArgs(ModificationType type, TextPtr text, TextLocation location, bool userAction, bool undo, bool redo, int linesAdded)
     ModificationType = type;
     Text = text;
     Location = location;
     UserAction = userAction;
     Undo = undo;
     Redo = redo;
     LinesAdded = linesAdded;
Esempio n. 39
 private void CheckAuthorInfo(IEnumerable<AuthorInfoNode> authors)
     foreach (AuthorInfoNode author in authors)
         if (author.FirstName == null && author.LastName != null)
             author.FirstName = String.Empty;
             this.modificationType |= ModificationType.Description;
         else if (author.FirstName != null && author.LastName == null)
             author.LastName = String.Empty;
             this.modificationType |= ModificationType.Description;
         else if ((String.IsNullOrEmpty(author.FirstName) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(author.LastName)) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(author.NickName))
             author.NickName = "FB2Fix";
             this.modificationType |= ModificationType.Description;
Esempio n. 40
 public ModificationModifiedEventArgs(ModificationType type, IStat sender)
     this.type = type;
     this.sender = sender;
Esempio n. 41
        public FictionBook(XmlDocument document)
            if (document == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("document");

            this.document = document;

            this.documentStatus = Fb2FixStatus.None;

            XmlNode statusInfoNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//FictionBook/description/custom-info[@info-type='fb2fix-status']");
            if (statusInfoNode != null && statusInfoNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(statusInfoNode.InnerText))
                        this.documentStatus = (Fb2FixStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(Fb2FixStatus), statusInfoNode.InnerText, true);
                    catch (ArgumentException)

            this.documentInfoNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//FictionBook/description/document-info");
            if (this.documentInfoNode != null && this.documentInfoNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                documentInfo = new DocumentInfoNode();
                documentInfo.Load(this.documentInfoNode as XmlElement);

            this.titleInfoNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//FictionBook/description/title-info");
            if (this.titleInfoNode != null && this.titleInfoNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                titleInfo = new TitleInfoNode();
                titleInfo.Load(this.titleInfoNode as XmlElement);

            if (titleInfo == null)
                throw new Exception("InvalidFictionBookFormatException");

            this.srcTitleInfoNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//FictionBook/description/src-title-info");
            if (this.srcTitleInfoNode != null && this.srcTitleInfoNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                srcTitleInfo = new TitleInfoNode();
                srcTitleInfo.Load(this.srcTitleInfoNode as XmlElement);

            this.publishInfoNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//FictionBook/description/publish-info");
            if (this.publishInfoNode != null && this.publishInfoNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                publishInfo = new PublishInfoNode();
                publishInfo.Load(this.publishInfoNode as XmlElement);

            this.descriptionNode = document.SelectSingleNode("//FictionBook/description");

            if (this.descriptionNode == null)
                throw new Exception("InvalidFictionBookFormatException");

            XmlNodeList nodes = document.SelectNodes("//FictionBook/description/custom-info");

            customInfos = new List<CustomInfoNode>(nodes.Count);

            foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    CustomInfoNode item = new CustomInfoNode();

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.InfoType))
                        switch (item.InfoType)
                            case "fb2fix-status":
                            case "librusec-id":
                            case "previous-id":

                    item.XmlNode = node;

            this.modificationType = ModificationType.None;
            this.containerDateTime = DateTime.Now;
Esempio n. 42
 public Modification(Section section, ModificationType type, int accession)
     : this(section, type, accession.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
 public ModificationEventArgs(string path, ModificationType type)
     Path = path;
     Type = type;
Esempio n. 44
 public StatModifiedEventArgs(ModificationType type, IStatModification modification)
     this.type = type;
     this.modification = modification;
Esempio n. 45
        public void CheckDocumentHeader()
            foreach (TitleInfoNode infoNode in new TitleInfoNode[] { titleInfo, srcTitleInfo })
                if (infoNode == null)

                if (infoNode.Genres.Count == 0)
                    infoNode.Genres.Add(new GenreInfoNode("nonfiction"));
                    this.modificationType |= ModificationType.Description;


                if (infoNode.BookTitle == null)
                    if (publishInfo != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(publishInfo.BookName))
                        infoNode.BookTitle = publishInfo.BookName;
                        this.modificationType |= ModificationType.Description;
                    else if (titleInfo != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(titleInfo.BookTitle))
                        infoNode.BookTitle = titleInfo.BookTitle;
                        this.modificationType |= ModificationType.Description;
                        throw new Exception("InvalidFictionBookFormatException");

                if (infoNode.Lang == null)
                    infoNode.Lang = "ru";
                    this.modificationType |= ModificationType.Description;


            if (documentInfo == null)
                documentInfo = new DocumentInfoNode();

                AuthorInfoNode documentAuthor = new AuthorInfoNode();
                documentAuthor.NickName = "FB2Fix";

                documentInfo.Id = ComputeDocumentId(document.DocumentElement.InnerText);
                documentInfo.Date = DateTime.Now;
                documentInfo.ProgramUsed = "FB2Fix";
                documentInfo.Version = 0.0f;

                this.modificationType |= ModificationType.DocumentInfo;

                if (documentInfo.Date == null)
                    documentInfo.Date = DateTime.Now;
                    this.modificationType |= ModificationType.Description;

                if (documentInfo.Version == null)
                    documentInfo.Version = 0.0f;
                    this.modificationType |= ModificationType.DocumentInfo;

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(documentInfo.Id))
                        XmlElement xmlPreviousId = this.document.SelectSingleNode("//FictionBook/description/custom-info[@info-type='previous-id']") as XmlElement;

                        if (xmlPreviousId == null)
                            xmlPreviousId = document.CreateElement("custom-info");

                            XmlAttribute attr = document.CreateAttribute("info-type");
                            attr.Value = "previous-id";


                        xmlPreviousId.InnerText = documentInfo.Id;

                    documentInfo.Id = ComputeDocumentId(document.DocumentElement.InnerText);
                    this.modificationType |= ModificationType.Description;

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(documentInfo.Id))
                    documentInfo.Id = ComputeDocumentId(document.DocumentElement.InnerText);
                    this.modificationType |= ModificationType.Description;


            XmlElement xmlNewTitleInfo = document.CreateElement("title-info");
            xmlNewTitleInfo = titleInfo.Store(document, xmlNewTitleInfo);
            this.descriptionNode.ReplaceChild(xmlNewTitleInfo, titleInfoNode);
            titleInfoNode = xmlNewTitleInfo;

            if (srcTitleInfo != null)
                XmlElement xmlNewSrcTitleInfo = document.CreateElement("src-title-info");
                xmlNewSrcTitleInfo = srcTitleInfo.Store(document, xmlNewSrcTitleInfo);
                this.descriptionNode.ReplaceChild(xmlNewSrcTitleInfo, srcTitleInfoNode);
                srcTitleInfoNode = xmlNewSrcTitleInfo;

            XmlElement xmlNewDocumentInfo = document.CreateElement("document-info");
            xmlNewDocumentInfo = documentInfo.Store(document, xmlNewDocumentInfo);
            if (documentInfoNode == null)
                if (srcTitleInfoNode == null)
                    this.descriptionNode.InsertAfter(xmlNewDocumentInfo, titleInfoNode);
                    this.descriptionNode.InsertAfter(xmlNewDocumentInfo, srcTitleInfoNode);
                this.descriptionNode.ReplaceChild(xmlNewDocumentInfo, documentInfoNode);

            if (publishInfo != null)
                XmlElement xmlNewPublishInfo = document.CreateElement("publish-info");
                xmlNewPublishInfo = publishInfo.Store(document, xmlNewPublishInfo);

                if (xmlNewPublishInfo != null)
                    this.descriptionNode.ReplaceChild(xmlNewPublishInfo, publishInfoNode);

            foreach (CustomInfoNode customInfoNode in customInfos)
                XmlElement element = document.CreateElement("custom-info");
                element = customInfoNode.Store(document, element);

                if (element != null)
                    this.descriptionNode.ReplaceChild(customInfoNode.XmlNode, element);
Esempio n. 46
        private int GetModificationTypeCount(Token t, ModificationType modType )
            int c = 0;
            foreach (var m in t.modifications)
                if (m.modType == modType)

            return c;