public int UpdateAll_tjms5(Tobk request) { int Result = -1; try { using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("TMS")) { //if (request.UpdateAllString != null && request.UpdateAllString != "") //{ // JArray ja = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(request.UpdateAllString); // if (ja != null) // { // for (int i = 0; i < ja.Count(); i++) // { if (request.TrxNo.Length > 0) { int TrxNo = Modfunction.ReturnZero(request.TrxNo.ToString()); string EquipmentType = Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(Modfunction.CheckNull(request.EquipmentType)); string EquipmentTypeDescription = Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(Modfunction.CheckNull(request.EquipmentTypeDescription)); string ContainerNo = Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(Modfunction.CheckNull(request.ContainerNo)); string CargoDescription = Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(Modfunction.CheckNull(request.CargoDescription)); double Volume = Modfunction.ReturnDobule(request.Volume); double ChargeWeight = Modfunction.ReturnDobule(request.ChargeWeight); double ChgWtRoundUp = Modfunction.ReturnDobule(request.ChgWtRoundUp); string VehicleNo = Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(Modfunction.CheckNull(request.VehicleNo)); int LineItemNo = Modfunction.ReturnZero(request.LineItemNo.ToString()); //int TrxNo = Modfunction.ReturnZero(request.TrxNo.ToString()); //string EquipmentType = Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(request.EquipmentType); //string EquipmentTypeDescription = Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(request.EquipmentTypeDescription); //string ContainerNo = Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(request.ContainerNo); //string CargoDescription = Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(request.CargoDescription); //int Volume = Modfunction.ReturnZero(request.Volume.ToString()); //int ChargeWeight = Modfunction.ReturnZero(request.ChargeWeight.ToString()); //int ChgWtRoundUp = Modfunction.ReturnZero(Modfunction.CheckNull(request.ChgWtRoundUp)); //string VehicleNo = Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(request.VehicleNo); //int LineItemNo = Modfunction.ReturnZero(request.LineItemNo.ToString()); string strSql = ""; if (LineItemNo != 0) { strSql = "Update tjms5 set " + "EquipmentType=" + EquipmentType + " , " + "EquipmentTypeDescription=" + EquipmentTypeDescription + " ," + "ContainerNo=" + ContainerNo + " , " + "CargoDescription=" + CargoDescription + " , " + "Volume=" + Volume + " ," + "ChargeWeight=" + ChargeWeight + " , " + "ChgWtRoundUp=" + ChgWtRoundUp + ", " + "EditFlag=(select EditFlag from tovt1 where VehicleTypeDescription=" + EquipmentTypeDescription + " )," + " VehicleNo=" + VehicleNo + " " + "Where LineItemNo =" + LineItemNo + " And TrxNo=" + TrxNo + ""; db.ExecuteSql(strSql); strSql = " update tjms2 set ChargeWeight = (select sum(ChgWtRoundUp) from tjms5 where TrxNo=" + TrxNo + ") Where LineItemNo =1 and TrxNo=" + TrxNo + " "; db.ExecuteSql(strSql); } } // } //} Result = 1; //} } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }
public int insert_tjms5(Tobk request) { int Result = -1; try { using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("TMS")) { //if (request.UpdateAllString != null && request.UpdateAllString != "") //{ // JArray ja = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(request.UpdateAllString); // if (ja != null) // { // for (int i = 0; i < ja.Count(); i++) // { if (request.TrxNo.Length > 0) { int TrxNo = Modfunction.ReturnZero(request.TrxNo.ToString()); string EquipmentType = Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(Modfunction.CheckNull(request.EquipmentType)); string EquipmentTypeDescription = Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(Modfunction.CheckNull(request.EquipmentTypeDescription)); string ContainerNo = Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(Modfunction.CheckNull(request.ContainerNo)); string CargoDescription = Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(Modfunction.CheckNull(request.CargoDescription)); double Volume = Modfunction.ReturnDobule(request.Volume); double ChargeWeight = Modfunction.ReturnDobule(request.ChargeWeight); double ChgWtRoundUp = Modfunction.ReturnDobule(request.ChgWtRoundUp); string VehicleNo = Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(Modfunction.CheckNull(request.VehicleNo)); string startDateTime = "(select Top 1 ISNULL(StartDateTime,NULL) AS StartDateTime from tjms4 where TrxNo=" + TrxNo + ") "; string endDateTime = "(select Top 1 ISNULL(EndDateTime,NULL) AS EndDateTime from tjms4 where TrxNo=" + TrxNo + ")"; string strSql = ""; int intMaxLineItemNo = 1; List <Tjms5> list1 = db.Select <Tjms5>("Select Max(LineItemNo) LineItemNo from Tjms5 Where TrxNo = " + TrxNo); if (list1 != null) { if (list1[0].LineItemNo > 0) { intMaxLineItemNo = list1[0].LineItemNo + 1; } } if (intMaxLineItemNo != 0) { strSql = "insert into tjms5 (" + " TrxNo ," + " LineItemNo ," + " EquipmentType ," + " EquipmentTypeDescription ," + " ContainerNo ," + " CargoDescription ," + " Volume ," + " ChargeWeight ," + " ChgWtRoundUp ," + " editflag ," + " VehicleNo " + " )" + "values( " + TrxNo + " , " + intMaxLineItemNo + " , " + EquipmentType + " , " + EquipmentTypeDescription + " , " + ContainerNo + " , " + CargoDescription + " , " + Volume + " , " + ChargeWeight + " , " + ChgWtRoundUp + " , " + "(Select isnull(editFlag,'') From tovt1 where VehicleTypeDescription =" + EquipmentTypeDescription + ")," + VehicleNo + " " + ") "; db.ExecuteSql(strSql); strSql = " update tjms2 set ChargeWeight = (select sum(ChgWtRoundUp) from tjms5 where TrxNo=" + TrxNo + ") Where LineItemNo =1 and TrxNo=" + TrxNo + " "; db.ExecuteSql(strSql); } } // } //} Result = 1; //} } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }