private static string BuildFullyQualifiedName(Models.TestCase testCase) { var filePath = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(testCase.PathFromTestSettingsDirectory) ? testCase.PathFromTestSettingsDirectory : testCase.InputTestFile; var parts = new[] { filePath, testCase.ModuleName, testCase.TestName }; return(String.Join("::", parts).ToLowerInvariant()); }
public static TestResult ToVsTestResult(this Models.TestCase test) { var testCase = test.ToVsTestCase(); TestResult result; if (test.Passed) { result = new TestResult(testCase) { Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(test.TimeTaken), DisplayName = testCase.DisplayName, Outcome = ToVsTestOutcome(true) }; } else { var failureResult = test.TestResults.FirstOrDefault(x => !x.Passed); result = new TestResult(testCase) { Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(test.TimeTaken), DisplayName = testCase.DisplayName, ErrorMessage = GetTestFailureMessage(failureResult), Outcome = ToVsTestOutcome(false) }; } return(result); }
public JsonResult AddTestCases(Models.TestCase TestCase) { //question.Date = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()); tbotEntities e = new tbotEntities(); e.TestCases.Add(TestCase); //e.APIs.Add(apiInput); e.SaveChanges(); return(Json(new { status = "Api Input added successfully" })); }
public static TestCase ToVsTestCase(this Models.TestCase test) { var normalizedPath = test.InputTestFile.ToLowerInvariant(); var testCase = new TestCase(BuildFullyQualifiedName(test), AdapterConstants.ExecutorUri, normalizedPath) { CodeFilePath = normalizedPath, DisplayName = GetTestDisplayText(test), LineNumber = test.Line, }; testCase.Traits.Add("Module", test.ModuleName); return(testCase); }
public ActionResult GetTestCaseById(int id) { ValidationMapper <TestCase, Models.TestCase> mapperObj = new ValidationMapper <TestCase, Models.TestCase>(); var dalObj = new DALRepository(); var tstCase = dalObj.GetTestCasesById(id); var tstCasem = new Models.TestCase(); if (tstCase != null) { tstCasem = mapperObj.Translate(tstCase); return(Json(tstCasem, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } return(null); }
public JsonResult DeleteTestCase(Models.TestCase testCase) { int result = 0; bool status = false; try { var dalObj = new DALRepository(); result = dalObj.DeleteTestcase(testCase.TestCaseId); if (result == 1) { status = true; } return(Json(new { success = status })); } catch { return(Json(new { success = status })); } }
public JsonResult UpdateTestCase(Models.TestCase testcase) { int result = 0; bool status = false; try { ValidationMapper <Models.TestCase, TestCase> mapperObj = new ValidationMapper <Models.TestCase, TestCase>(); var dalObj = new DALRepository(); result = dalObj.UpdatedTestcase(mapperObj.Translate(testcase)); if (result == 1) { status = true; } return(Json(new { success = status })); } catch { return(Json(new { success = status })); } }
private List <TestCaseExecution> GetTestCaseDataFromDTO(SingleDeviceTestSuiteRun testRun, NUnitReportSummary nUnitReportSummary) { var testcases = new List <Models.TestCase>(); var testExecutions = new List <Models.TestCaseExecution>(); //TODO: implement attachments var attachments = new List <Models.TestCase_Attachment>(); //Loop though NUnit TestCases and create TestPond Models of Test Case and Execution foreach (var tc in nUnitReportSummary.Testcases) { var testPondTestCase = new Models.TestCase() { Id = tc.Fullname }; Enum.TryParse(tc.Result, out TestResult result); var testPondTestCaseExec = new Models.TestCaseExecution() { TestCaseId = testPondTestCase.Id, ClassName = tc.Classname, TestCase = testPondTestCase, SingleDeviceTestSuiteRunId = testRun.Id, SingleDeviceTestSuiteRun = testRun, Result = result, ConsoleOutput = tc.Output, FailureMessage = tc.Failure?.Message, FailureStackTrace = tc.Failure?.Stacktrace }; testcases.Add(testPondTestCase); testExecutions.Add(testPondTestCaseExec); } return(testExecutions); }
private static string GetTestDisplayText(Models.TestCase testCase) { return(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(testCase.ModuleName) ? testCase.TestName : string.Format("{0} {1}", testCase.ModuleName, testCase.TestName)); }
private static string BuildFullyQualifiedName(Models.TestCase testCase) { var parts = new[] { testCase.InputTestFile, testCase.ModuleName, testCase.TestName }; return(String.Join("::", parts).ToLowerInvariant()); }
/// <summary> /// Builds an artifical stack trace so that errors coming from test adapter contains a reference to the file and test name /// without needing to read the whole log /// </summary> private static string BuildVirtualStackTrace(Models.TestCase testCase) { return(string.Format("at {0} in {1}:line {2}{3}", GetTestDisplayText(testCase), testCase.InputTestFile, testCase.Line, Environment.NewLine)); }
public JsonResult jqueryGettestcases(int Id, int?page, int?limit, string sortBy, string direction, Models.TestCase testcas) { ValidationMapper <TestCase, Models.TestCase> mapperObj = new ValidationMapper <TestCase, Models.TestCase>(); var dalObj = new DALRepository(); var testSuiteList = dalObj.Gettestsuitechilds(); var records = new List <Models.TestCase>(); var query = testSuiteList.Select(p => new Models.TestCase { TestCaseId = p.TestCaseId, TestCaseTypeId = p.TestCaseTypeId, TestSuiteId = p.TestSuiteId, TestCaseName = p.TestCaseName, CreatedBy = p.CreatedBy, CreatedDate = p.CreatedDate, IsActive = p.IsActive, PipelineStageId = p.PipelineStageId, Description = p.Description, IsObsolete = p.IsObsolete, ObsoleteReason = p.ObsoleteReason }); if (Id != 0) { query = query.Where(q => q.TestSuiteId == Id); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(testcas.TestCaseName)) { query = query.Where(q => q.TestCaseName.Contains(testcas.TestCaseName)); } if (testcas.IsActive) { query = query.Where(q => q.IsActive.Equals(testcas.IsActive)); } if (testcas.IsObsolete) { query = query.Where(q => q.IsObsolete.Equals(testcas.IsObsolete)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortBy) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(direction)) { if (direction.Trim().ToLower() == "asc") { switch (sortBy.Trim().ToLower()) { case "testcasename": query = query.OrderBy(q => q.TestCaseName); break; case "createddate": query = query.OrderBy(q => q.CreatedDate); break; case "testsuiteid": query = query.OrderBy(q => q.TestSuiteId); break; case "testcasetypeid": query = query.OrderBy(q => q.TestCaseTypeId); break; case "pipelinestageid": query = query.OrderBy(q => q.PipelineStageId); break; case "testcaseid": query = query.OrderBy(q => q.TestCaseId); break; } } else { switch (sortBy.Trim().ToLower()) { case "testcasename": query = query.OrderByDescending(q => q.TestCaseName); break; case "createddate": query = query.OrderByDescending(q => q.CreatedDate); break; case "testsuiteid": query = query.OrderByDescending(q => q.TestSuiteId); break; case "testcasetypeid": query = query.OrderByDescending(q => q.TestCaseTypeId); break; case "pipelinestageid": query = query.OrderByDescending(q => q.PipelineStageId); break; case "testcaseid": query = query.OrderByDescending(q => q.TestCaseId); break; } } } else { query = query.OrderBy(q => q.TestCaseId); } var total = query.Count(); if (page.HasValue && limit.HasValue) { int start = (page.Value - 1) * limit.Value; records = query.Skip(start).Take(limit.Value).ToList(); } else { records = query.ToList(); } return(this.Json(new { records, total }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }