public bool AddAction(AddActionDTO addActionDTO) { try { Models.Action lastAction = GetLastAction(addActionDTO); if (lastAction != null && CompareDates(DateTime.Now, lastAction.Date, 900)) { return(true); } Models.Action action = new Models.Action() { ActionTypeId = addActionDTO.ActionTypeId, Ip = addActionDTO.Ip, Date = DateTime.Now, DeviceTypeId = addActionDTO.DeviceTypeId }; dbContext.Actions.Add(action); dbContext.SaveChanges(); if (dbContext.IpLocations.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Ip == addActionDTO.Ip) == null) { AddIpLocation(addActionDTO.Ip); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { return(false); } }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { Models.Action action = db.Actions.Find(id); db.Actions.Remove(action); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="action"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool SaveAction(Models.Action action) { try { int actionId = 0; using (var dbc = DatabaseHelper.GetConnector()) { using (var cmd = dbc.BuildStoredProcedureCommand("spSaveAction", "@characterId", action.CharacterId, "@encounterId", action.EncounterId, "@targetCharacterId", action.TargetCharacterId, "@actionTypeId", action.ActionType?.Id, "@value", action.Value, "@flavorText", action.FlavorText)) actionId = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar(); foreach (var status in action.InflictedStatuses) { using (var cmd = dbc.BuildStoredProcedureCommand("spAddStatusToAction", "@actionId", actionId, "@statusId", status.Id)) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex); return(false); } return(true); }
public void AddActionToNonconformity(int id, Models.Action action) { Nonconformity nonconformity = _context.Nonconformities.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id); nonconformity?.Actions?.Add(action); _context.SaveChanges(); }
public void ReadXml_Actions(string file_name) { ClearActions(); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(file_name); XmlNodeList nodelist = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("/WPG/WP_Action_List/WP_Action"); foreach (XmlNode top_action_node in nodelist) { //string text; Models.Action action = new Models.Action(); = top_action_node.SelectSingleNode("Name").InnerText; //text = "Name : " + + "\n\n"; XmlNodeList action_list = top_action_node.SelectNodes("./Action_List/Action"); int[,] array = new int[15, 2]; int count = 0; foreach (XmlNode xmlaction in action_list) { array[count, 0] = Convert.ToInt16(xmlaction.SelectSingleNode("Type").InnerText); array[count, 1] = Convert.ToInt16(xmlaction.SelectSingleNode("Param").InnerText); //text = text + "Action (" + Convert.ToString(count) + ")\n"; //text = text + "\tType : " + Convert.ToString(array[count, 0])+ "\n"; //text = text + "\tParam"+ Convert.ToString(array[count, 1]) + "\n"; //MessageBox.Show(text, "xxx"); count++; } action.actions = array; AddAction(action); } }
public string GetHeaders([FromBody] Models.Action action) { var headers = Request.Headers; var header = headers.GetValues("Cache-Control").First(); return(header); }
public Questionnaire(int idAction) { InitializeComponent(); actAssoc = idAction; using (Models.pyrenactionEntities context = new Models.pyrenactionEntities()) { //On récupère le questionnaire associé à l'action Models.Action action = (from A in context.Actions where == idAction select A).FirstOrDefault(); if (action != null) { _questionnaireController = new QuestionnaireViewModel(action.Questionnaire); this.DataContext = _questionnaireController; var query = from Q in context.Questions where Q.id_Questionnaire == select Q; List <Models.Question> listeQuestions = query.ToList(); //Questions textBlock1.Text = listeQuestions[0].intitule; textBlock2.Text = listeQuestions[1].intitule; textBlock3.Text = listeQuestions[2].intitule; textBlock4.Text = listeQuestions[3].intitule; textBlock5.Text = listeQuestions[4].intitule; //Réponses inputQ1.IsChecked = listeQuestions[0].reponse; inputQ2.IsChecked = listeQuestions[1].reponse; inputQ3.IsChecked = listeQuestions[2].reponse; inputQ4.IsChecked = listeQuestions[3].reponse; inputQ5.IsChecked = listeQuestions[4].reponse; } } }
private void Suicide(string agentId) { var agentToUpdate = this.Context.Agents.First(a => a.Id == agentId); agentToUpdate.Life = 0; agentToUpdate.Status = Constantes.AGENT_STATUS_DEAD; var killer = this.Context.Agents.First(a => a.TargetId == agentId); killer.TargetId = agentToUpdate.TargetId; Context.Update(agentToUpdate); Context.Update(killer); Models.Action action = new Models.Action() { GameId = agentToUpdate.GameId, KillerId = agentToUpdate.Id, KillerName = agentToUpdate.Name, Type = Constantes.ACTTION_TYPE_SUICIDE }; this.Context.Actions.Add(action); this.SendToAll(agentToUpdate.GameId.ToString(), Constantes.REQUEST_METHOD_NAME, new Request() { Type = Constantes.REQUEST_TYPE_AGENT_UPDATE, ReceiverId = killer.Id, IsTreated = true }); }
private void Unmask(string victimId) { // Killer => Victim => Target //Target unmask victim var victimToUpdate = this.Context.Agents.First(a => a.Id == victimId); var target = this.Context.Agents.First(a => a.Id == victimToUpdate.TargetId); var killer = this.Context.Agents.First(a => a.TargetId == victimId); killer.TargetId = target.Id; if (target.Life < 5) { target.Life++; } victimToUpdate.Life = 0; victimToUpdate.Status = "dead"; victimToUpdate.MissionId = null; victimToUpdate.TargetId = null; var action = new Models.Action() { GameId = victimToUpdate.GameId, TargetId = victimToUpdate.Id, TargetName = victimToUpdate.Name, KillerId = target.Id, KillerName = target.Name, Type = Constantes.ACTTION_TYPE_UNMASK }; this.Context.Agents.UpdateRange(new List <Agent> { victimToUpdate, killer, target }); this.Context.Actions.Add(action); }
private static Models.Action ParseAction(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions.ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor) { var action = new Models.Action { Template = actionDescriptor.AttributeRouteInfo.Template, Parameters = actionDescriptor.Parameters .Select(p => new Parameter { Name = p.Name, Type = p.ParameterType.FullName }) .ToList() }; if (actionDescriptor.ActionConstraints != null) { for (var i = 0; i < actionDescriptor.ActionConstraints.Count; i++) { var actionDescriptorActionConstraint = actionDescriptor.ActionConstraints[i]; if (actionDescriptorActionConstraint is HttpMethodActionConstraint httpMethodActionConstraint) { action.Methods.AddRange(httpMethodActionConstraint.HttpMethods); } } } return(action); }
// GET: Questions/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } var user = Session["user"] as Account; Models.Action action = db.Actions.Where(p => p.ActionId == id).SingleOrDefault(); if (action == null || user == null || user.AccountId != action.AccountId) { return(HttpNotFound()); } ViewBag.AccountId = new SelectList(db.Accounts, "AccountId", "FirstName", action.AccountId); ViewBag.ActionId = new SelectList(db.Actions, "ActionId", "Text", action.ActionId); if (action is Question) { ViewBag.CategoryId = new SelectList(db.Categories, "CategoryId", "Name", (action as Question).CategoryId); } if (action is Question) { return(View(action as Question)); } return(View("EditResponse", action as Response)); }
public async Task <string> PostMoistureAsync(double value) { var val = value / 10; await HubContext.Clients.All.SendAsync("PushSoilSensorData", val); if (val > 50) { using (appDB) { Models.Action act = new Models.Action() { Text = "Farm will need water soon ", Act = 4 }; if (val > 70) { act.Text = "farm needs watering "; act.Act = 3; } ActionRepository repo = new ActionRepository(appDB); await repo.InsertAsync(act); } } return("OK"); }
public static async Task SendPatchMessageAsync(Models.Action action, Guid customerId, string reqUrl) { var tokenProvider = TokenProvider.CreateSharedAccessSignatureTokenProvider(KeyName, AccessKey); var messagingFactory = MessagingFactory.Create(BaseAddress, tokenProvider); var sender = messagingFactory.CreateMessageSender(QueueName); var messageModel = new MessageModel { TitleMessage = "Action record modification for {" + customerId + "} at " + DateTime.UtcNow, CustomerGuid = customerId, LastModifiedDate = action.LastModifiedDate, URL = reqUrl, IsNewCustomer = false, TouchpointId = action.LastModifiedTouchpointId }; var msg = new BrokeredMessage(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(messageModel)))) { ContentType = "application/json", MessageId = customerId + " " + DateTime.UtcNow }; //msg.ForcePersistence = true; Required when we save message to cosmos await sender.SendAsync(msg); }
public async Task <string> PostAsync([FromBody] SensorData data) { data.Optimize(); await HubContext.Clients.All.SendAsync("PushSensorData", data); using (appDB) { SensorDataRepository Srepo = new SensorDataRepository(appDB); await Srepo.InsertAsync(data); if (data.SoilMoisture > 50) { Models.Action act = new Models.Action() { Text = "Farm will need water soon ", Act = 4 }; if (data.SoilMoisture > 70) { act.Text = "farm needs watering "; act.Act = 3; } ActionRepository repo = new ActionRepository(appDB); await repo.InsertAsync(act); } } return("OK"); }
public static void ExecuteAction(Models.Action action, Hero player) { if (action.Name != "LEVEL UP CRITICAL STRIKE") { HeroCooldownReductor.ReduceCooldowns(player); IPassiveActivator hero = (IPassiveActivator)player; hero.ActivatePassive(action.Name, player); ActionResult.ShowActionResult($"{player.Name} ACTIVATED {action.Name}!"); } else { SwordmasterWarrior swordmaster = (SwordmasterWarrior)player; if (swordmaster.CriticalStrike) { var key = new ConsoleKeyInfo(); while (key.Key != ConsoleKey.Enter) { Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(Constants.GameTitle); Console.WriteLine($"CRITICAL STRIKE HAS ALREADY BEEN LEVELED UP! SELECT DIFFERENT ACTION!"); Console.WriteLine("-- PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE TO ACTION MENU --"); key = Console.ReadKey(); } Combat.PlayerTurn(player); } else { HeroCooldownReductor.ReduceCooldowns(player); IPassiveActivator hero = (IPassiveActivator)player; hero.ActivatePassive(action.Name, player); ActionResult.ShowActionResult($"{player.Name} ACTIVATED {action.Name}!"); } } }
//constructeur par défault public ActionViewModel(Models.Action action) { _action = action; _action.statut = false; _context = new Models.pyrenactionEntities(); loadFields(); }
public Models.Action ShouldTestWell(double healthIndex, int lastTestDay, int today, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var testGap = today - lastTestDay; //SKIP_TEST_SAFE: anomaly prob = 0 //SKIP_TEST_OK: anomaly prob = defined in data, per well //SKIP_TEST_RISKY: anomaly prob = 1 var actionId = testGap > 60 ? "Risky To Skip Test" : healthIndex >= 0.96 ? "Safe To Skip Test" : healthIndex >= 0.5 && healthIndex < 0.96 ? "OK To Skip Test" : "Risky To Skip Test"; var action = new Models.Action(); = actionId; = actionId; action.type = "Cost Reduction"; return(action); }
public IActionResult Delete(Guid id) { Models.Action action = _actionRepository.GetActionByID(id); _actionRepository.DeleteAction(id); return(new OkResult()); }
public ActionResult Question(int?id, SortTypes?sort = null, int?channel = null) { if (sort != null) { if (sort == SortTypes.Time) { ViewBag.Responses = db.Actions.OfType <Response>().Where(r => r.RespondingTo.ActionId == id).OrderByDescending(o => o.CreatedAt).ToList(); } else if (sort == SortTypes.Votes) { ViewBag.Responses = db.Actions.OfType <Response>().Where(r => r.RespondingTo.ActionId == id).OrderByDescending(o => o.Upvotes).ToList(); } } else { ViewBag.Responses = db.Actions.OfType <Response>().Where(r => r.RespondingTo.ActionId == id).ToList(); } ViewBag.canReply = true; if (channel != null) { var user = Session["user"] as Account; if (user.Role != AccountRole.Client) { var ch = db.Channels.Where(c => c.ChannelId == channel).Include(c => c.Agents).FirstOrDefault(); ViewBag.canReply = ch.Agents.ToList().Find(u => u.AccountId == user.AccountId) != null; } } Models.Action a = db.Actions.Find(id) as Models.Action; return(View(a)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PutAction(int id, Models.Action action) { if (id != action.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.Entry(action).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!ActionExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(NoContent()); }
// GET: Questions/Delete/5 public ActionResult Delete(int?id) { var user = Session["user"] as Account; bool isAdmin = false; if (user != null && user.Role == AccountRole.Admin) { isAdmin = true; } Models.Action action = db.Actions.Where(p => p.ActionId == id).SingleOrDefault(); if (user.AccountId == action.AccountId) { isAdmin = true; } if (id == null || !isAdmin) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } if (action == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(action)); }
public async Task <ActionResult <Models.Action> > PostAction(Models.Action action) { _context.Action.Add(action); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(CreatedAtAction("GetAction", new { id = action.Id }, action)); }
private void Kill(string victimId, Agent killerToUpdate) { var mission = killerToUpdate.Mission; var victimToUpdate = this.Context.Agents.First(a => a.Id == victimId); var newTarget = this.Context.Agents.First(a => a.Id == victimToUpdate.TargetId); killerToUpdate.MissionId = victimToUpdate.MissionId; killerToUpdate.TargetId = newTarget.Id; if (killerToUpdate.Life < 5) { killerToUpdate.Life++; } victimToUpdate.Life = 0; victimToUpdate.Status = "dead"; victimToUpdate.MissionId = null; victimToUpdate.TargetId = null; var action = new Models.Action() { GameId = killerToUpdate.GameId, TargetId = victimToUpdate.Id, TargetName = victimToUpdate.Name, KillerId = killerToUpdate.Id, KillerName = killerToUpdate.Name, Type = Constantes.ACTTION_TYPE_KILL, MissionId = mission.Id, MissionTitle = mission.Title }; this.Context.Agents.UpdateRange(new List <Agent> { killerToUpdate, victimToUpdate }); this.Context.Actions.Add(action); }
public IActionResult ActionTruck(fireActionTrack truck) { var lista = _context.Actions.Where(a => a.EndTime > DateTime.Now).Select(x => x.IdAction); int sumaAktywnosci = _context.FireTruck_Actions.Where(a => lista.Contains(a.IdAction) && a.IdFireTruck == truck.idFireTruck).Count(); if (sumaAktywnosci > 0) { return(BadRequest("Samochód w użyciu")); } FireTruck tmp = _context.FireTrucks.Where(a => a.IdFireTruck == truck.idFireTruck).First(); Models.Action act = _context.Actions.Where(a => a.IdAction == truck.idAction).First(); act.FireTruck_Actions.Add(new FireTruck_Action { AssigmentDate = DateTime.Now, IdFireTruck = truck.idFireTruck, FireTruck = tmp, IdAction = act.IdAction, Action = act }); _context.SaveChanges(); return(Ok("Samochód dodany do akcji")); }
/// <summary> /// Posts an Action /// </summary> /// <param name="action">Required parameter: The action to be posted.</param> /// <return>Returns the Models.MessageResponse response from the API call</return> public Models.MessageResponse PostAction(Models.Action action) { Task <Models.MessageResponse> t = PostActionAsync(action); APIHelper.RunTaskSynchronously(t); return(t.Result); }
public async Task <ActionResult <Trigger> > UnSetAction(int id, Models.Action action) { var trigger = await _context.Trigger.FindAsync(id); if (trigger == null) { return(BadRequest()); } var tmpAction = await _context.Action.FirstOrDefaultAsync(e => e.Id == action.Id && e.Type == action.Type && e.Value == action.Value); if (tmpAction == null) { return(BadRequest()); } trigger.RemoveAction(tmpAction); trigger.LastUpdated = DateTime.Now; _context.Entry(trigger).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { throw; } return(NoContent()); }
public async Task <ActionOutcome> WellActionOutcome(Well well, Models.Action action, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var request = new GraphQLRequest(); request.Variables = new { wellId =, actionId = }; request.Query = @" query($wellId: ID, $actionId: ID){ actionOutcomeFilter(filters: [ { fieldName: ""well"" op: ""=="" value: { ID: $wellId } } { fieldName: ""action"" op: ""=="" value: { ID: $actionId } } ]) { id action { id name type } well { id name } probabilityOfAnomaly cost manHours increaseInOilRate } }"; var response = await Client.GetClientInstance().PostAsync(request); var outcomes = response.GetDataFieldAs <List <ActionOutcome> >("actionOutcomeFilter"); ActionOutcome actionOutcome; if (outcomes != null && outcomes.Count > 0) { actionOutcome = outcomes.First(); } else { actionOutcome = new ActionOutcome(); = "1"; actionOutcome.action = action; actionOutcome.well = well; actionOutcome.probabilityOfAnomaly = 0; actionOutcome.cost = 0; actionOutcome.manHours = 0; actionOutcome.increaseInOilRate = 0; } return(actionOutcome); }
public static void ExecuteAction(Models.Action action, Hero player, Hero target) { HeroCooldownReductor.ReduceCooldowns(player); IAgressiveAction currentAction = (IAgressiveAction)action; currentAction.ExecuteAgressiveAction(player, target); ActionResult.ShowActionResult($"{player.Name} USED {action.Name} ON HIS SWORN ENEMY {target.Name}!"); }
private void bSetAction_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var addAction = new AddAction(_rule); addAction.ShowDialog(); bSetAction.Text = "Action set!"; bSetAction.Enabled = false; _action = addAction.GetAction(); }
public string RenderAction(Models.Action action) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(action.Name); sb.AppendLine(action.Description); return(sb.ToString()); }
public IHttpActionResult PostJSON([FromBody] Models.Action action) { if (manager.WriteAction(action) != 0) { return(Ok()); } return(BadRequest()); }
public Models.Action Create(ActionViewModel model) { var entity = new Models.Action(); entity.ControllerID = model.ControllerID; entity.Name = model.Name; entity.Description = model.Description; db.Add<Models.Action>(entity); db.Commit(); return entity; }
public ActionResult Create(SaltedButterViewModel submittedPlace) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { Models.Place place = new Models.Place(); string _address = "" + submittedPlace.PlaceId + "?app_id=EOXbMEWYAllPhQnAQsmn&app_code=9TIppnJDB9PHy8-ckJLWXA"; HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept", "application/json"); // Send a request asynchronously continue when complete var taskGet = client.GetAsync(_address).ContinueWith( (requestTask) => { // Get HTTP response from completed task. HttpResponseMessage response = requestTask.Result; // Check that response was successful or throw exception response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); response.Content.ReadAsAsync(typeof(NokiaPlace)).ContinueWith( (readTask) => { // Mapping information provided by API NokiaPlace nokiaPlace = (NokiaPlace)readTask.Result; place.Address1 = nokiaPlace.Location.Address["street"]; place.City = nokiaPlace.Location.Address["city"]; place.PostalCode = nokiaPlace.Location.Address["postalCode"]; place.Country = nokiaPlace.Location.Address["country"]; place.Latitude = nokiaPlace.Location.Position[0]; place.Longitude = nokiaPlace.Location.Position[1]; }); }); place.Name = submittedPlace.Name; Models.User user = new Models.User(){ Email = submittedPlace.Email, Username = submittedPlace.UserName, CreationDate = DateTime.Now }; Models.SaltedButter saltedButter = new Models.SaltedButter() { Salted = Convert.ToBoolean(submittedPlace.Status), Comment = submittedPlace.Comment }; taskGet.Wait(); Models.Action action = new Models.Action() { Place = place, SaltedButter = saltedButter, User = user, CreationDate = DateTime.Now, StatusId = 1, CategoryId = 1 }; _dataContext.Actions.InsertOnSubmit(action); _dataContext.SubmitChanges(); MapViewModel map = new MapViewModel() { Latitude = place.Latitude, Longitude = place.Longitude }; //_dataContext.Places.InsertOnSubmit(place); TempData["success"] = "ok"; // Indicating to display ok notification after redirection return RedirectToAction("Index", "Map", map); } return PartialView("NoteAdd",submittedPlace); }
private void bSaveAction_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var ruleSelected = _rule != null; var destinationSelected = add_cbCommunicatorDestination.SelectedItem != null; var outputEntered = add_tOutputValue.Text != ""; if (!(ruleSelected && destinationSelected && outputEntered)) { DebugOutput.Print("Unable to save - not all data has been entered!"); return; } _communicator = (Models.Communicator)add_cbCommunicatorDestination.SelectedItem; var newAction = new Models.Action() { Rule = _rule, RuleId = _rule.Id, Communicator =_communicator, CommunicatorId = _communicator.Id, OutputValue = add_tOutputValue.Text, Enabled = add_cActionEnabled.Checked }; var controller = new ActionController(); var action = controller.CreateAction(newAction); if (action != null) { DebugOutput.Print("Successfully created a new Action."); this.Close(); } }