Esempio n. 1
        public bool IsModelFor(ClauseSet clauseSet)
            foreach (var literals in clauseSet.Clauses.Select(clause => clause.Literals))
                var isClauseSatisfied =
                    literals.Any(literal => ModelValues.Single(val => val.Name == literal.Name) == literal);

                if (!isClauseSatisfied)

Esempio n. 2
        public static void Run()
            var solver = prepareSolver();


            if (solver.Solve())
                var modelValues = solver.FoundModel !.ModelValues.Where(mv => mv.IsTrue).OrderBy(mv => mv.Name);
                foreach (var modelValue in modelValues)
                Console.WriteLine("No solution found!");
Esempio n. 3
 public override string ToString()
         ($"{nameof(Index)}: {Index} {ModelValues.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), (sb, modelValue) => sb.Append(modelValue + "\n"))}");
Esempio n. 4
		protected ModelValue			DetermineParameterValue(ModelParameter parameter)
			ModelValues values = new ModelValues();

			//Parameter values, can be specified in numerous ways:
			//	1.  Value list - simply choose one of them
			//	2.  Expression - generate value that meets the criteria (ie: <, >, !=, etc)
			//	3.  Variable - simply obtain the value by calling a method/field

			//#3. Variable - simply obtain the value by calling a method/field
			if(parameter.Variable != null)
                object current = parameter.Variable.CachedValue;
				if(current is IEnumerable && !typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(parameter.Type))
 					foreach(object v in (IEnumerable)current)
						values.Add(new ModelValue(v));
					values.Add(new ModelValue(current));

			//First ensure we have a set of values/requirements to choose from
			if(values.Count <= 0)
				throw new ModelException(parameter, "No values specified to choose from");

			//Note: Since we allow the operator on the individual values, this is a little more complex.
			//Note: We allow multiple operators, not just one, (ie: x > 5, < 10, and != 7). 
			//This gives you great power and flexibility in expressions, but means we have to work a 
			//little hard in determing a value that meets the requirements

			//#1.  Value list - simply choose one of them
			//Note: Bitmask is already exploded into combinations
			ModelValues equalvalues = values.FindOperator(ModelValueOperator.Equal);

			//#2.  Expression - generate value that meets the criteria (ie: <, >, !=, etc)
			//Note: Since we allow the operator on the individual values, this is a little more complex.
			//Note: We allow multiple operators, not just one, (ie: x > 5, < 10, and != 7). 
			//This gives you great power and flexibility in expressions, but means we have to work a 
			//little hard in determing a value that meets the requirements.
			int min = Int32.MinValue;
			int max = Int32.MaxValue;

			//Adjust our parameter, simplier to loop over all of them
			foreach(ModelValue value in values.FindOperator(ModelValueOperator.Equal, false).FindOperator(ModelValueOperator.NotEqual, false))
				//To keep this simple, we just support integers (for now).
				if(!(value.Value is int || value.Value is Nullable<int>))
					throw new ModelException(parameter, "Generated value range must be specified in terms of integers, not '" + value.Type + "'");

				//Simplify our life
				int v = (int)value.Value;
				//Adjust Max (if there is one)
					case ModelValueOperator.LessThanOrEqual:
						if(v < max)
							max = v;
					case ModelValueOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual:
						if(v > min)
							min = v;

					case ModelValueOperator.LessThan:
						if(v-1 < max && v > Int32.MinValue/*prevent underflow*/)
							max = v-1;
					case ModelValueOperator.GreaterThan:
						if(v+1 > min && v < Int32.MaxValue/*prevent overflow*/)
							min = v+1;

			//Choose a new value, within the specified range
			//Note: We retry in case it equals one of the existing invalid values (ie: !=)
				ModelValue choice = null;
				if(equalvalues.Count > 0)
					//Simple: Choose one of the specified values
					choice = new ModelValue(equalvalues.Choose(this).Value);
					//Otherwise: Choose a value within in the range
					//Note: Random.Next = min <= x < max (so we have to add one)
					int index = _options.Random.Next(min, max < Int32.MaxValue ? max + 1 : max);	//Prevent overflow
                    choice = new ModelValue(index);

				//As soon as we find a value, within the range, (and not in the invalid list), were done
				bool valid = true;
				foreach(ModelValue invalid in values.FindOperator(ModelValueOperator.NotEqual))
					if(invalid.Evaluate(choice.Value, ModelValueOperator.Equal))
						valid = false;

					return choice;