private string DoAdd(out int id) { id = 0; Model.ReceiptPayDetail model = new Model.ReceiptPayDetail(); BLL.ReceiptPayDetail bll = new BLL.ReceiptPayDetail(); manager = GetAdminInfo(); model.rpd_type = true; model.rpd_oid = oID; model.rpd_cid = Utils.StrToInt(hCusId.Value, 0); model.rpd_content = txtContent.Text.Trim(); model.rpd_money = Utils.StrToDecimal(txtMoney.Text.Trim(), 0); model.rpd_foredate = ConvertHelper.toDate(txtforedate.Text.Trim()); model.rpd_method = Utils.StrToInt(ddlmethod.SelectedValue, 0); //model.rpd_content = txtContent.Text.Trim(); model.rpd_personNum = manager.user_name; model.rpd_personName = manager.real_name; model.rpd_adddate = DateTime.Now; model.rpd_flag1 = 2; //model.rpd_area = manager.area; model.rpd_cbid = 0; if (model.rpd_money < 0) { model.rpd_cbid = Utils.StrToInt(hBankId.Value, 0); } return(bll.AddReceiptPay(model, manager, out id)); }
/// <summary> /// 更新一条数据 /// </summary> public bool Update(Model.ReceiptPayDetail model) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str1 = new StringBuilder(); //利用反射获得属性的所有公共属性 PropertyInfo[] pros = model.GetType().GetProperties(); List <SqlParameter> paras = new List <SqlParameter>(); strSql.Append("update MS_ReceiptPayDetail set "); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pros) { //如果不是主键则追加sql字符串 if (!pi.Name.Equals("rpd_id")) { //判断属性值是否为空 if (pi.GetValue(model, null) != null) { str1.Append(pi.Name + "=@" + pi.Name + ","); //声明参数 paras.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + pi.Name, pi.GetValue(model, null))); //对参数赋值 } } } strSql.Append(str1.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(" where rpd_id=@id "); paras.Add(new SqlParameter("@id", model.rpd_id)); return(DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql(strSql.ToString(), paras.ToArray()) > 0); }
/// <summary> /// 得到一个对象实体 /// </summary> public Model.ReceiptPayDetail GetModel(int id) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str1 = new StringBuilder(); Model.ReceiptPayDetail model = new Model.ReceiptPayDetail(); //利用反射获得属性的所有公共属性 PropertyInfo[] pros = model.GetType().GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo p in pros) { str1.Append(p.Name + ",");//拼接字段 } strSql.Append("select top 1 " + str1.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(" from MS_ReceiptPayDetail"); strSql.Append(" where rpd_id=@id"); SqlParameter[] parameters = { new SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.Int, 4) }; parameters[0].Value = id; DataTable dt = DbHelperSQL.Query(strSql.ToString(), parameters).Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { return(DataRowToModel(dt.Rows[0])); } else { return(null); } }
private string DoAdd(out int rpid) { rpid = 0; Model.ReceiptPay model = new Model.ReceiptPay(); BLL.ReceiptPay bll = new BLL.ReceiptPay(); manager = GetAdminInfo(); model.rp_type = true; model.rp_cid = Utils.StrToInt(hCusId.Value, 0); model.rp_money = Utils.StrToDecimal(txtMoney.Text.Trim(), 0); model.rp_foredate = ConvertHelper.toDate(txtforedate.Text.Trim()); model.rp_method = Utils.StrToInt(ddlmethod.SelectedValue, 0); model.rp_content = txtContent.Text.Trim(); model.rp_cbid = 0; if (model.rp_money < 0) { model.rp_cbid = Utils.StrToInt(hBankId.Value, 0); } //在客户对账明细的账单打包时不是预收款 bool flag = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oidStr)) { flag = false; } string result = bll.Add(model, manager, txtCenum.Text.Trim(), txtCedate.Text.Trim(), out rpid, flag); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oidStr) && model.rp_money == Utils.StrToDecimal(_tMoney, 0)) { JArray ja = JArray.Parse(oidStr); foreach (JObject item in ja) { Model.ReceiptPayDetail rpdModel = new Model.ReceiptPayDetail(); rpdModel.rpd_type = true; rpdModel.rpd_rpid = rpid; rpdModel.rpd_oid = item["oid"].ToString(); rpdModel.rpd_cid = Utils.StrToInt(_cid, 0); rpdModel.rpd_num = _chk; rpdModel.rpd_money = Utils.StrToDecimal(item["money"].ToString(), 0); rpdModel.rpd_foredate = model.rp_foredate; rpdModel.rpd_method = model.rp_method; rpdModel.rpd_personName = manager.real_name; rpdModel.rpd_personNum = manager.user_name; rpdModel.rpd_flag1 = 2; rpdModel.rpd_flag2 = 2; rpdModel.rpd_flag3 = 2; rpdModel.rpd_adddate = DateTime.Now; rpdModel.rpd_content = ""; rpdModel.rpd_cbid = model.rp_cbid; new BLL.ReceiptPayDetail().AddOrCancleDistribution(rpdModel, manager); } } } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 增加一条数据 /// </summary> public int Add(Model.ReceiptPayDetail model, SqlConnection conn = null, SqlTransaction tran = null) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str1 = new StringBuilder(); //数据字段 StringBuilder str2 = new StringBuilder(); //数据参数 //利用反射获得属性的所有公共属性 PropertyInfo[] pros = model.GetType().GetProperties(); List <SqlParameter> paras = new List <SqlParameter>(); strSql.Append("insert into MS_ReceiptPayDetail("); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pros) { //如果不是主键则追加sql字符串 if (!pi.Name.Equals("rpd_id")) { //判断属性值是否为空 if (pi.GetValue(model, null) != null) { str1.Append(pi.Name + ","); //拼接字段 str2.Append("@" + pi.Name + ","); //声明参数 paras.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + pi.Name, pi.GetValue(model, null))); //对参数赋值 } } } strSql.Append(str1.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(") values ("); strSql.Append(str2.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(") "); strSql.Append(";select @@IDENTITY;"); object obj = 0; if (tran == null) { obj = DbHelperSQL.GetSingle(strSql.ToString(), paras.ToArray()); } else { obj = DbHelperSQL.GetSingle(conn, tran, strSql.ToString(), paras.ToArray()); } if (obj == null) { return(0); } else { return(Convert.ToInt32(obj)); } }
/// <summary> /// 将对象转换实体 /// </summary> public Model.ReceiptPayDetail DataRowToModel(DataRow row) { Model.ReceiptPayDetail model = new Model.ReceiptPayDetail(); if (row != null) { //利用反射获得属性的所有公共属性 Type modelType = model.GetType(); for (int i = 0; i < row.Table.Columns.Count; i++) { //查找实体是否存在列表相同的公共属性 PropertyInfo proInfo = modelType.GetProperty(row.Table.Columns[i].ColumnName); if (proInfo != null && row[i] != DBNull.Value) { proInfo.SetValue(model, row[i], null);//用索引值设置属性值 } } } return(model); }
private string DoEdit(int _id) { BLL.ReceiptPayDetail bll = new BLL.ReceiptPayDetail(); Model.ReceiptPayDetail model = bll.GetModel(_id); manager = GetAdminInfo(); string _content = string.Empty; if (model.rpd_cid.ToString() != hCusId.Value) { _content += "收款对象ID:" + model.rpd_cid + "→<font color='red'>" + hCusId.Value + "</font><br/>"; } model.rpd_cid = Utils.StrToInt(hCusId.Value, 0); bool updateMoney = false; if (model.rpd_money.ToString() != txtMoney.Text.Trim()) { updateMoney = true; _content += "收款金额:" + model.rpd_money + "→<font color='red'>" + txtMoney.Text.Trim() + "</font><br/>"; } model.rpd_money = Utils.StrToDecimal(txtMoney.Text.Trim(), 0); if (model.rpd_foredate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") != txtforedate.Text.Trim()) { _content += "预收日期:" + model.rpd_foredate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "→<font color='red'>" + txtforedate.Text.Trim() + "</font><br/>"; } model.rpd_foredate = ConvertHelper.toDate(txtforedate.Text.Trim()); if (model.rpd_method.ToString() != ddlmethod.SelectedValue) { _content += "收款方式ID:" + model.rpd_method + "→<font color='red'>" + ddlmethod.SelectedItem.Text + "</font><br/>"; } model.rpd_method = Utils.StrToInt(ddlmethod.SelectedValue, 0); if (model.rpd_content != txtContent.Text.Trim()) { _content += "收款内容:" + model.rpd_content + "→<font color='red'>" + txtContent.Text.Trim() + "</font><br/>"; } model.rpd_content = txtContent.Text.Trim(); if (model.rpd_cbid != Utils.StrToInt(hBankId.Value, 0)) { _content += "客户银行账号:" + model.rpd_cbid + "→<font color='red'>" + hBankId.Value + "</font><br/>"; } model.rpd_cbid = Utils.StrToInt(hBankId.Value, 0); return(bll.Update(model, _content, manager, updateMoney)); }
private string DoAdd(out int id) { id = 0; Model.ReceiptPayDetail model = new Model.ReceiptPayDetail(); BLL.ReceiptPayDetail bll = new BLL.ReceiptPayDetail(); manager = GetAdminInfo(); model.rpd_type = false; model.rpd_oid = oID; model.rpd_cid = Utils.StrToInt(hCusId.Value, 0); model.rpd_money = Utils.StrToDecimal(txtMoney.Text.Trim(), 0); model.rpd_foredate = ConvertHelper.toDate(txtforedate.Text.Trim()); model.rpd_content = txtContent.Text.Trim(); model.rpd_personNum = manager.user_name; model.rpd_personName = manager.real_name; model.rpd_adddate = DateTime.Now; model.rpd_cbid = Utils.StrToInt(hBankId.Value, 0); model.rpd_flag1 = 0; model.rpd_flag2 = 0; model.rpd_flag3 = 0; //model.rpd_area = manager.area; if (fileUp.HasFile) { string fileext = ""; for (int i = 0; i < fileUp.PostedFiles.Count; i++) { fileext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileUp.PostedFiles[i].FileName).TrimStart('.');//jpg,jpge,png,gif //检查文件扩展名是否合法 if (!CheckFileExt(fileext)) { return("不允许上传" + fileext + "类型的文件"); } byte[] byteData = FileHelper.ConvertStreamToByteBuffer(fileUp.PostedFiles[i].InputStream); //获取文件流 //检查文件大小是否合法 if (!CheckFileSize(fileext, byteData.Length)) { return("文件超过限制的大小"); } } } return(bll.AddReceiptPay(model, manager, out id)); }
/// <summary> /// 分配或取消分配 /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <param name="manager"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string AddOrCancleDistribution(Model.ReceiptPayDetail model, Model.manager manager) { int ret = 0; Model.Order order = new BLL.Order().GetModel(model.rpd_oid); if (order == null) { return("订单不存在"); } StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(); Model.business_log logmodel = new Model.business_log(); if (model.rpd_money == 0) { ret = dal.delDistribution(model.rpd_rpid.Value, model.rpd_oid, model.rpd_cid.Value, model.rpd_num); logmodel.ol_title = "取消分配"; } else { //收付款明细申请中的“收付款内容”=预收付款申请的“收付款内容” model.rpd_content = new BLL.ReceiptPay().GetModel(model.rpd_rpid.Value).rp_content; //明细的区域和订单区域保持一致 model.rpd_area = order.personlist.Where(p => p.op_type == 1).ToArray()[0].op_area; dal.delDistribution(model.rpd_rpid.Value, model.rpd_oid, model.rpd_cid.Value, model.rpd_num, "add"); ret = dal.Add(model); logmodel.ol_title = "新增分配"; } if (ret > 0) { logmodel.ol_oid = model.rpd_oid; logmodel.ol_cid = model.rpd_cid.Value; content.Append("金额:" + model.rpd_money + ""); logmodel.ol_content = content.ToString(); logmodel.ol_operateDate = DateTime.Now; new business_log().Add(DTEnums.ActionEnum.Distribute.ToString(), logmodel, manager.user_name, manager.real_name); //记录日志 return("成功"); } return("失败"); }
private string DoEdit(int _id) { BLL.ReceiptPayDetail bll = new BLL.ReceiptPayDetail(); Model.ReceiptPayDetail model = bll.GetModel(_id); manager = GetAdminInfo(); string _content = string.Empty; //if (model.rpd_cid.ToString() != hCusId.Value) //{ // _content += "付款对象ID:" + model.rpd_cid + "→<font color='red'>" + hCusId.Value + "</font><br/>"; //} //model.rpd_cid = Utils.StrToInt(hCusId.Value, 0); bool updateMoney = false; if (model.rpd_money.ToString() != txtMoney.Text.Trim()) { if ((model.rpd_money < 0 && Utils.ObjToDecimal(txtMoney.Text.Trim(), 0) >= 0) || (model.rpd_money >= 0 && Utils.ObjToDecimal(txtMoney.Text.Trim(), 0) < 0)) { updateMoney = true;//表示金额从负数改为正数,或从正数改为负数 } _content += "付款金额:" + model.rpd_money + "→<font color='red'>" + txtMoney.Text.Trim() + "</font><br/>"; } model.rpd_money = Utils.StrToDecimal(txtMoney.Text.Trim(), 0); if (model.rpd_foredate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") != txtforedate.Text.Trim()) { _content += "预付日期:" + model.rpd_foredate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "→<font color='red'>" + txtforedate.Text.Trim() + "</font><br/>"; } model.rpd_foredate = ConvertHelper.toDate(txtforedate.Text.Trim()); if (model.rpd_content != txtContent.Text.Trim()) { _content += "付款内容:" + model.rpd_content + "→<font color='red'>" + txtContent.Text.Trim() + "</font><br/>"; } model.rpd_content = txtContent.Text.Trim(); if (model.rpd_cbid != Utils.StrToInt(hBankId.Value, 0)) { _content += "客户银行账号:" + model.rpd_cbid + "→<font color='red'>" + hBankId.Value + "</font><br/>"; } model.rpd_cbid = Utils.StrToInt(hBankId.Value, 0); return(bll.Update(model, _content, manager, updateMoney)); }
/// <summary> /// 增加收款明细 /// </summary> public int Add(Model.ReceiptPayDetail model, Model.ReceiptPay rp) { int rpid = 0, rpdid = 0; using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DbHelperSQL.connectionString)) { conn.Open();//打开数据连接 using (SqlTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { #region 插入收款通知====================== if (rp != null) { rpid = new DAL.ReceiptPay().Add(rp, conn, trans); } #endregion #region 插入收付款明细========================== model.rpd_rpid = rpid; rpdid = Add(model, conn, trans); if (rpdid > 0) { trans.Commit(); } #endregion } catch { trans.Rollback(); //回滚事务 rpdid = 0; } } } return(rpdid); }
/// <summary> /// 增加收付款明细 /// </summary> public string AddReceiptPay(Model.ReceiptPayDetail model, Model.manager manager, out int id) { id = 0; string typeText = "收款"; if (!model.rpd_type.Value) { typeText = "付款"; } Model.Order order = new BLL.Order().GetModel(model.rpd_oid); if (order == null) { return("订单不存在"); } if (!new BLL.permission().checkHasPermission(manager, "0401"))//如果不是财务 { if (order.personlist.Where(p => p.op_number == manager.user_name && p.op_type != 3).ToArray().Length == 0) { return("无权限添加"); } } //收付款明细的区域和订单区域保持一致 model.rpd_area = order.personlist.Where(p => p.op_type == 1).ToArray()[0].op_area; if (model.rpd_cid == 0) { return("请选择" + typeText + "对象"); } if (model.rpd_money == 0) { return("请填写" + typeText + "金额"); } if (model.rpd_foredate == null) { return("请选择" + (model.rpd_type.Value ? "预收" : "预付") + "日期"); } if (model.rpd_type.Value && model.rpd_method == 0) { return("请选择收款方式"); } Model.ReceiptPay rp = null; if (model.rpd_type.Value) { rp = new Model.ReceiptPay(); rp.rp_type = true; rp.rp_cid = model.rpd_cid; rp.rp_content = model.rpd_content; rp.rp_money = model.rpd_money; rp.rp_foredate = model.rpd_foredate; rp.rp_method = model.rpd_method; rp.rp_personNum = model.rpd_personNum; rp.rp_personName = model.rpd_personName; rp.rp_isConfirm = false; rp.rp_isExpect = false; rp.rp_flag = 2; if (rp.rp_money < 0) { rp.rp_flag = 0; rp.rp_flag1 = 0; } rp.rp_adddate = model.rpd_adddate; rp.rp_area = model.rpd_area; rp.rp_cbid = model.rpd_cbid; if (model.rpd_money < 0) { if (model.rpd_cbid == 0) { return("请选择客户银行账号"); } } } else { if (model.rpd_cbid == 0) { return("请选择客户银行账号"); } //负数金额的业务付款明细申请自动审批通过,不需要人工审批!还有负数金额的业务付款明细申请不受“应付 - 已下付款申请〉=0”限制 if (model.rpd_money < 0) { model.rpd_flag1 = 2; model.rpd_checkTime1 = DateTime.Now; model.rpd_flag2 = 2; model.rpd_checkTime2 = DateTime.Now; model.rpd_flag3 = 2; model.rpd_checkTime3 = DateTime.Now; } else { decimal?money = getUnPayMoney(model.rpd_cid.Value, model.rpd_oid); if (model.rpd_money > money) { return("金额不能超过:" + money); } } } id = dal.Add(model, rp); if (id > 0) { StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(); content.Append("订单号:" + model.rpd_oid + "<br/>"); content.Append("" + typeText + "对象ID:" + model.rpd_cid + "<br/>"); content.Append("" + typeText + "金额:" + model.rpd_money + "<br/>"); content.Append("预收日期:" + model.rpd_foredate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "<br/>"); if (model.rpd_type.Value) { content.Append("" + typeText + "方式ID:" + model.rpd_method + "<br/>"); } content.Append("" + typeText + "内容:" + model.rpd_content + "<br/>"); Model.business_log logmodel = new Model.business_log(); logmodel.ol_oid = model.rpd_oid; logmodel.ol_relateID = id; logmodel.ol_cid = model.rpd_cid.Value; logmodel.ol_title = "添加" + typeText + "明细"; logmodel.ol_content = content.ToString(); logmodel.ol_operateDate = DateTime.Now; new business_log().Add(DTEnums.ActionEnum.Add.ToString(), logmodel, manager.user_name, manager.real_name); //记录日志 //钉钉通知 if (!model.rpd_type.Value) { DataTable userDt = new BLL.manager().getUserByPermission("0603", model.rpd_area).Tables[0]; if (userDt != null) { string replaceContent = model.rpd_oid + "," + model.rpd_money + "," + model.rpd_content; string replaceUser = model.rpd_personNum + "," + model.rpd_personName; foreach (DataRow dr in userDt.Rows) { //钉钉推送通知 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Utils.ObjectToStr(dr["oauth_userid"]))) { new BLL.selfMessage().sentDingMessage("添加付款通知", dr["oauth_userid"].ToString(), replaceContent, replaceUser); } } } } return(""); } return("添加失败"); }
/// <summary> /// 付款明细审批 /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <param name="status"></param> /// <param name="remark"></param> /// <param name="username"></param> /// <param name="realname"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string checkPayDetailStatus(int id, byte?type, byte?status, string remark, Model.manager adminModel) { Model.ReceiptPayDetail model = GetModel(id); if (model == null) { return("数据不存在"); } string content = ""; //3.如果是财务审批,要先验证部门审批是否已经审批通过,不通过不能审批;如果是总经理审批,要先验证财务审批是否已经审批通过,不通过不能审批 //4.反审批时:a.总经理要先验证是否已经确认汇总。b.财务要先验证总经理是否已经审批通过。c.部门要先验证财务是否已经审批通过 switch (type) { case 1: //部门审批 if (model.rpd_flag1 == status) { return("状态未变更"); } //判断有没有部门审批权限 if (model.rpd_area != adminModel.area || !new permission().checkHasPermission(adminModel, "0603")) { return("无权限审批"); } if (status == 2) { //由待审批、审批未通过→审批通过 } else { //由审批通过→待审批、审批未通过:验证财务审批是否通过,审批通过的不能再做部门反审批 if (model.rpd_flag2 == 2) { return("财务已经审批通过,不能做部门审批"); } } content = "记录id:" + id + ",部门审批状态:" + Common.BusinessDict.checkStatus()[model.rpd_flag1] + "→<font color='red'>" + Common.BusinessDict.checkStatus()[status] + "</font>"; model.rpd_flag1 = status; model.rpd_checkNum1 = adminModel.user_name; model.rpd_checkName1 = adminModel.real_name; model.rpd_checkRemark1 = remark; model.rpd_checkTime1 = DateTime.Now; break; case 2: //财务审批 if (model.rpd_flag2 == status) { return("状态未改变"); } if (new BLL.department().getGroupArea() != adminModel.area || !new permission().checkHasPermission(adminModel, "0402")) { return("无权限审批"); } if (status == 2) { //由待审批、审批未通过→审批通过:验证部门审批是否存在待审批或审批未通过的记录,存在则不能做财务审批 if (model.rpd_flag1 != 2) { return("部门审批是待审批或审批未通过的,不能做财务审批"); } } else { //由审批通过→待审批、审批未通过:验证总经理审批是否通过,审批通过的不能再做财务反审批 if (model.rpd_flag3 == 2) { return("总经理已经审批通过,不能做财务审批"); } } content = "记录id:" + id + ",财务审批状态:" + Common.BusinessDict.checkStatus()[model.rpd_flag2] + "→<font color='red'>" + Common.BusinessDict.checkStatus()[status] + "</font>"; model.rpd_flag2 = status; model.rpd_checkNum2 = adminModel.user_name; model.rpd_checkName2 = adminModel.real_name; model.rpd_checkRemark2 = remark; model.rpd_checkTime2 = DateTime.Now; break; case 3: //总经理审批 if (model.rpd_flag3 == status) { return("状态未改变"); } if (new BLL.department().getGroupArea() != adminModel.area || !new permission().checkHasPermission(adminModel, "0601")) { return("无权限审批"); } if (status == 2) { //由待审批、审批未通过→审批通过:验证财务审批是否存在待审批或审批未通过的记录,存在则不能做总经理审批 if (model.rpd_flag2 != 2) { return("财务审批是待审批或审批未通过的,不能做总经理审批"); } } else { //由审批通过→待审批、审批未通过:验证是否已经汇总,已经汇总的不能做总经理审批 if (model.rpd_rpid > 0) { return("已经汇总,不能做总经理审批"); } } content = "记录id:" + id + ",总经理审批状态:" + Common.BusinessDict.checkStatus()[model.rpd_flag3] + "→<font color='red'>" + Common.BusinessDict.checkStatus()[status] + "</font>"; model.rpd_flag3 = status; model.rpd_checkNum3 = adminModel.user_name; model.rpd_checkName3 = adminModel.real_name; model.rpd_checkRemark3 = remark; model.rpd_checkTime3 = DateTime.Now; break; } if (dal.Update(model)) { //写日志 Model.business_log log = new Model.business_log(); log.ol_title = "审批付款明细"; log.ol_oid = model.rpd_oid; log.ol_cid = model.rpd_cid.Value; log.ol_relateID = id; string _content = content; log.ol_content = _content; new business_log().Add(DTEnums.ActionEnum.Audit.ToString(), log, adminModel.user_name, adminModel.real_name); //信息通知 //审批未通过、审批通过时通知 if (status == 1 || status == 2) { string replaceUser1 = ""; string nodeName = string.Empty; DataTable dt = null; string replaceContent = new BLL.Customer().GetModel(model.rpd_cid.Value).c_name + "," + model.rpd_money + "," + model.rpd_content + "," + model.rpd_oid; string replaceUser = adminModel.user_name + "," + adminModel.real_name; if (status == 1) { nodeName = "非业务付款通知部门审批、财务审批、总经理未通过"; } else { if (type == 3)//总经理审批完成 { nodeName = "非业务付款通知总经理审批通过"; } else { nodeName = "非业务付款通知部门审批、财务审批通过"; if (type == 1) { dt = new manager().getUserByPermission("0402").Tables[0]; } else { dt = new manager().getUserByPermission("0601").Tables[0]; } if (dt != null) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { replaceUser1 += dr["user_name"] + "(" + dr["real_name"] + "),"; } } replaceUser1 = replaceUser1.TrimEnd(','); } } //钉钉通知申请人 Model.manager_oauth oauthModel = new BLL.manager_oauth().GetModel(model.rpd_personNum); if (oauthModel != null && oauthModel.is_lock == 1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(oauthModel.oauth_userid)) { new BLL.selfMessage().sentDingMessage(nodeName, oauthModel.oauth_userid, replaceContent, replaceUser); } //通知下付款通知人 new BLL.selfMessage().AddMessage(nodeName, model.rpd_personNum, model.rpd_personName, replaceContent, replaceUser, replaceUser1); //通知下一级审批人 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(replaceUser1)) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { new BLL.selfMessage().AddMessage(nodeName, dr["user_name"].ToString(), dr["real_name"].ToString(), replaceContent, replaceUser, replaceUser1); //钉钉推送通知 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Utils.ObjectToStr(dr["oauth_userid"]))) { new BLL.selfMessage().sentDingMessage(nodeName, dr["oauth_userid"].ToString(), replaceContent, replaceUser, replaceUser1); } } } } return(""); } return("操作失败"); }
/// <summary> /// 删除收付款明细 /// </summary> public string Delete(int id, Model.manager manager) { Model.ReceiptPayDetail model = GetModel(id); if (model == null) { return("数据不存在"); } Model.Order order = new BLL.Order().GetModel(model.rpd_oid); if (order == null) { return("订单不存在"); } if (!new BLL.permission().checkHasPermission(manager, "0401"))//如果不是财务 { //验证权限:在同一个订单里,业务员与业务报账员可以对未审核地接进行编辑与删除!执行人员只能对自己地址进行编辑与删除操作! if (model.rpd_personNum != manager.user_name && order.personlist.Where(p => p.op_number == manager.user_name && (p.op_type == 3 || p.op_type == 4)).ToArray().Length > 0) { return("无权限删除"); } } else { if (model.rpd_personNum != manager.user_name && !new BLL.permission().checkHasPermission(manager, "0403")) { return("非申请人或没有删除他人数据权限不能删除"); } } bool flag = false; if (model.rpd_type.Value) { if (model.rpd_rpid > 0) { Model.ReceiptPay rp = new BLL.ReceiptPay().GetModel(model.rpd_rpid.Value); if (rp.rp_isConfirm.Value) { return("已确认收款,不能再删除"); } } flag = dal.DeleteReceiptDetail(model); } else { if (model.rpd_flag3 == 2 && model.rpd_money >= 0) { return("最终审批通过不能再编辑"); } flag = dal.Delete(id); if (flag) { //删除图片附件 new BLL.payPic().deleteFileByid(id, 1); } } string typeText = "收款"; if (!model.rpd_type.Value) { typeText = "付款"; } if (flag) { Model.business_log logmodel = new Model.business_log(); logmodel.ol_oid = model.rpd_oid; logmodel.ol_relateID = model.rpd_id.Value; logmodel.ol_cid = model.rpd_cid.Value; logmodel.ol_title = "删除" + typeText + "明细"; logmodel.ol_content = "记录ID:" + id + ",金额:" + model.rpd_money + ""; logmodel.ol_operateDate = DateTime.Now; new business_log().Add(DTEnums.ActionEnum.Delete.ToString(), logmodel, manager.user_name, manager.real_name); //记录日志 return(""); } return("删除失败"); }
/// <summary> /// 更新一条数据 /// </summary> public bool UpdateReceiptDetail(Model.ReceiptPayDetail model, bool updateMoney) { return(dal.UpdateReceiptDetail(model, updateMoney)); }
/// <summary> /// 编辑收付款明细 /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <param name="content"></param> /// <param name="manager"></param> /// <param name="updateMoney">是否修改了收款明细的金额</param> /// <returns></returns> public string Update(Model.ReceiptPayDetail model, string content, Model.manager manager, bool updateMoney = false, bool updateMethod = false) { if (model == null) { return("数据不存在"); } Model.Order order = new BLL.Order().GetModel(model.rpd_oid); if (order == null) { return("订单不存在"); } if (!new BLL.permission().checkHasPermission(manager, "0401"))//如果不是财务 { //验证权限:在同一个订单里,业务员与业务报账员可以对未审核地接进行编辑与删除!执行人员只能对自己地址进行编辑与删除操作! if (model.rpd_personNum != manager.user_name && order.personlist.Where(p => p.op_number == manager.user_name && (p.op_type == 3 || p.op_type == 4)).ToArray().Length > 0) { return("无权限编辑"); } } else { if (model.rpd_personNum != manager.user_name && !new BLL.permission().checkHasPermission(manager, "0403")) { return("无权限编辑"); } } string typeText = "收款"; if (!model.rpd_type.Value) { typeText = "付款"; } if (model.rpd_cid == 0) { return("请选择" + typeText + "对象"); } if (model.rpd_money == 0) { return("请填写" + typeText + "金额"); } if (model.rpd_foredate == null) { return("请选择" + (model.rpd_type.Value ? "预收" : "预付") + "日期"); } bool flag = false; if (model.rpd_type.Value) { if (model.rpd_method == 0) { return("请选择收款方式"); } if (model.rpd_rpid > 0) { Model.ReceiptPay rp = new BLL.ReceiptPay().GetModel(model.rpd_rpid.Value); if (rp.rp_isConfirm.Value) { return("已确认收款,不能再编辑"); } } flag = UpdateReceiptDetail(model, updateMoney); } else { if (updateMethod) { if (model.rpd_rpid > 0) { return("已经汇总的不能修改付款方式"); } } else if (updateMoney) { if (model.rpd_money >= 0) { model.rpd_flag1 = 0; model.rpd_checkNum1 = ""; model.rpd_checkName1 = ""; model.rpd_checkRemark1 = ""; model.rpd_checkTime1 = null; model.rpd_flag2 = 0; model.rpd_checkNum2 = ""; model.rpd_checkName2 = ""; model.rpd_checkRemark2 = ""; model.rpd_checkTime2 = null; model.rpd_flag3 = 0; model.rpd_checkNum3 = ""; model.rpd_checkName3 = ""; model.rpd_checkRemark3 = ""; model.rpd_checkTime3 = null; } else { model.rpd_flag1 = 2; model.rpd_checkTime1 = DateTime.Now; model.rpd_flag2 = 2; model.rpd_checkTime2 = DateTime.Now; model.rpd_flag3 = 2; model.rpd_checkTime3 = DateTime.Now; } } else if (model.rpd_money >= 0 && model.rpd_flag1 == 2 && model.rpd_flag2 != 1 && model.rpd_flag3 != 1) { return("部门审批已通过,不能再编辑"); } //编辑后清空审批内容,如果只是修改付款方式则不需要情况 2020-05-30 if ((model.rpd_flag1 == 1 || model.rpd_flag2 == 1 || model.rpd_flag3 == 1) && !updateMethod) { model.rpd_flag1 = 0; model.rpd_checkNum1 = ""; model.rpd_checkName1 = ""; model.rpd_checkRemark1 = ""; model.rpd_checkTime1 = null; model.rpd_flag2 = 0; model.rpd_checkNum2 = ""; model.rpd_checkName2 = ""; model.rpd_checkRemark2 = ""; model.rpd_checkTime2 = null; model.rpd_flag3 = 0; model.rpd_checkNum3 = ""; model.rpd_checkName3 = ""; model.rpd_checkRemark3 = ""; model.rpd_checkTime3 = null; } flag = dal.Update(model); } if (flag) { Model.business_log logmodel = new Model.business_log(); logmodel.ol_oid = model.rpd_oid; logmodel.ol_relateID = model.rpd_id.Value; logmodel.ol_cid = model.rpd_cid.Value; logmodel.ol_title = "编辑" + typeText + "明细"; logmodel.ol_content = content.ToString(); logmodel.ol_operateDate = DateTime.Now; new business_log().Add(DTEnums.ActionEnum.Edit.ToString(), logmodel, manager.user_name, manager.real_name); //记录日志 //钉钉通知 if (!model.rpd_type.Value && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { DataTable userDt = new BLL.manager().getUserByPermission("0603", model.rpd_area).Tables[0]; if (userDt != null) { string replaceContent = model.rpd_oid + "," + model.rpd_money + "," + model.rpd_content; string replaceUser = model.rpd_personNum + "," + model.rpd_personName; foreach (DataRow dr in userDt.Rows) { //钉钉推送通知 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Utils.ObjectToStr(dr["oauth_userid"]))) { new BLL.selfMessage().sentDingMessage("添加付款通知", dr["oauth_userid"].ToString(), replaceContent, replaceUser); } } } } return(""); } return("编辑失败"); }
/// <summary> /// 修改收款明细 /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool UpdateReceiptDetail(Model.ReceiptPayDetail model, bool updateMoney) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str1 = new StringBuilder(); //利用反射获得属性的所有公共属性 PropertyInfo[] pros = model.GetType().GetProperties(); List <SqlParameter> paras = new List <SqlParameter>(); strSql.Append("update MS_ReceiptPayDetail set "); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pros) { //如果不是主键则追加sql字符串 if (!pi.Name.Equals("rpd_id")) { //判断属性值是否为空 if (pi.GetValue(model, null) != null) { str1.Append(pi.Name + "=@" + pi.Name + ","); //声明参数 paras.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + pi.Name, pi.GetValue(model, null))); //对参数赋值 } } } strSql.Append(str1.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(" where rpd_id=@id "); paras.Add(new SqlParameter("@id", model.rpd_id)); bool result = false; using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DbHelperSQL.connectionString)) { conn.Open();//打开数据连接 using (SqlTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { #region 修改收款明细====================== int obj = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql(conn, trans, strSql.ToString(), paras.ToArray()); #endregion #region 修改收款通知========================== if (obj > 0) { string sql = "select count(*) from MS_ReceiptPayDetail where rpd_rpid=@rpid"; List <SqlParameter> paras0 = new List <SqlParameter>(); paras0.Add(new SqlParameter("@rpid", model.rpd_rpid)); int count = Convert.ToInt32(DbHelperSQL.GetSingle(conn, trans, sql, paras0.ToArray())); if (count > 0) { if (count == 1) { //只有一条明细时,把收款对象,收款内容,收款金额,预收日期,收款方式一并更新到收款通知 sql = "update MS_ReceiptPay set rp_cid=@cid,rp_content=@content,rp_money=@money,rp_foredate=@foredate,rp_method=@method where rp_id=@rpid and rp_isConfirm=0"; List <SqlParameter> paras1 = new List <SqlParameter>(); paras1.Add(new SqlParameter("@cid", model.rpd_cid)); paras1.Add(new SqlParameter("@content", model.rpd_content)); paras1.Add(new SqlParameter("@money", model.rpd_money)); paras1.Add(new SqlParameter("@foredate", model.rpd_foredate)); paras1.Add(new SqlParameter("@method", model.rpd_method)); paras1.Add(new SqlParameter("@rpid", model.rpd_rpid)); DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql(conn, trans, sql, paras1.ToArray()); } else { //有多条明细时,只变更总金额到收款通知 if (updateMoney) { sql = "update MS_ReceiptPay set rp_money=(select SUM(rpd_money) from MS_ReceiptPayDetail where rpd_rpid=@rpid) where rp_id=@rpid and rp_isConfirm=0"; DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql(conn, trans, sql, paras0.ToArray()); } } } trans.Commit(); result = true; } #endregion } catch (Exception err) { trans.Rollback(); //回滚事务 result = false; } } } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 删除收款明细 /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool DeleteReceiptDetail(Model.ReceiptPayDetail model) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("delete from MS_ReceiptPayDetail "); strSql.Append(" where rpd_id=@id"); SqlParameter[] parameters = { new SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.Int, 4) }; parameters[0].Value = model.rpd_id; bool result = false; using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DbHelperSQL.connectionString)) { conn.Open();//打开数据连接 using (SqlTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { string sql = "select count(*) from MS_ReceiptPayDetail where rpd_rpid=@rpid"; List <SqlParameter> paras0 = new List <SqlParameter>(); paras0.Add(new SqlParameter("@rpid", model.rpd_rpid)); int count = Convert.ToInt32(DbHelperSQL.GetSingle(conn, trans, sql, paras0.ToArray())); #region 除收款明细====================== int obj = DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql(conn, trans, strSql.ToString(), parameters.ToArray()); #endregion #region 修改收款通知========================== if (obj > 0) { if (count > 0) { if (count == 1) { //只有一条明细时,把收款通知删除 sql = "delete from MS_ReceiptPay where rp_id=@rpid and rp_isConfirm=0"; List <SqlParameter> paras1 = new List <SqlParameter>(); paras1.Add(new SqlParameter("@rpid", model.rpd_rpid)); DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql(conn, trans, sql, paras1.ToArray()); } else { //有多条明细时,只变更总金额到收款通知 sql = "update MS_ReceiptPay set rp_money=(select SUM(rpd_money) from MS_ReceiptPayDetail where rpd_rpid=@rpid) where rp_id=@rpid and rp_isConfirm=0"; DbHelperSQL.ExecuteSql(conn, trans, sql, paras0.ToArray()); } } trans.Commit(); result = true; } #endregion } catch (Exception err) { trans.Rollback(); //回滚事务 result = false; } } } return(result); }