private void openSaveAsDialog(Model.Level level) { Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog(); saveFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Levels\Custom\"; if (!Directory.Exists(saveFileDialog1.InitialDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(saveFileDialog1.InitialDirectory); } saveFileDialog1.Filter = "XML Level File|*.xml"; saveFileDialog1.Title = "Save Level"; saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); var path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Levels\Custom\"; // If the file name is not an empty string open it for saving. if (saveFileDialog1.FileName != "") { level.Name = saveFileDialog1.SafeFileName.Split('.').First(); // Saves the Image via a FileStream created by the OpenFile method. Model.Serializer.saveLevel(level, path, saveFileDialog1.SafeFileName); /* System.IO.FileStream fs = * (System.IO.FileStream)saveFileDialog1.OpenFile(); * * * fs.Close();*/ } }
public static Level parseModelLevel(Model.Level modLevel) { // TODO: Name einfügen Level level = new Level("TODO"); foreach (Model.GameObject.Room modRoom in modLevel.Rooms) { Room room = new Room(); room.Player = new Player(modRoom.Player.Position); foreach (var modLightRay in modRoom.LightRays) { LightRay lr = new LightRay(modLightRay.Position, modLightRay.RayDirection); room.AddLightRay(lr); } foreach (var modMirror in modRoom.Mirrors) { Mirror m = new Mirror(modMirror.RailStart, modMirror.RailEnd, modMirror.InitAngle, modMirror.StartingRelativePosition); room.AddMirror(m); } } // var room = new Room(); // room.Player = new Fledermaus.GameObjects.Player(modLevel.Player.InitialPosition); // room.Exit = new Fledermaus.GameObjects.RectangularGameObject(); return(level); }
public void startLevel() { level = new Model.Level(); if (Data.Instance.session.players == null) { level.createPlayers(); } else { level.players = Data.Instance.session.players; } HUD = GameObject.FindWithTag(Tags.MainUI).GetComponent <HUDController>(); HUD.createTimer(); view = Camera.main.GetComponent <CameraController>(); createZone(); turn = 1; timer = gameObject.AddComponent <Timer>(); timer.time = Data.Instance.mainSettings.turnTime; timer.OnTick += updateTimer; timer.OnEnd += newTurn; timer.Launch(); }
public Game(int currentTick, Model.Properties properties, Model.Level level, Model.Player[] players, Model.Unit[] units, Model.Bullet[] bullets, Model.Mine[] mines, Model.LootBox[] lootBoxes) { this.CurrentTick = currentTick; this.Properties = properties; this.Level = level; this.Players = players; this.Units = units; this.Bullets = bullets; this.Mines = mines; this.LootBoxes = lootBoxes; }
public Lift(int n, Model.Level le, Model.People pe, Model.Statistics s) { l = le; p = pe; sta = s; numLevel = n; for (int i = 0; i < numLevel; i++) { indicStat[i] = false; } TimerCallback tm = new TimerCallback(Move); Timer timer = new Timer(tm, null, 1000, 1000); }
public MLift(int n, Level le, People pe, Statistics s) { l = le; p = pe; sta = s; numLevel = n; indicStat = new bool[numLevel]; for (int i = 0; i < numLevel; i++) { indicStat[i] = false; } TimerCallback tm = new TimerCallback(Move); Timer timer = new Timer(tm, null, 1000, 1000); }
protected override void Seed(SeminarDbContext context) { #region Locations var locationLondon = new Model.Location { Name = "London", Building = "Central Building", RoomNumber = "B101" }; var locationVienna = new Model.Location { Name = "Vienna", Building = "Central Building", RoomNumber = "B102" }; var locationSydney = new Model.Location { Name = "Sydney", Building = "Central Building", RoomNumber = "B103" }; var locationNewYork = new Model.Location { Name = "New York", Building = "Central Building", RoomNumber = "B104" }; var locationMoscow = new Model.Location { Name = "Moscow", Building = "Central Building", RoomNumber = "B105" }; context.Locations.Add(locationLondon); context.Locations.Add(locationVienna); context.Locations.Add(locationSydney); context.Locations.Add(locationNewYork); context.Locations.Add(locationMoscow); context.SaveChanges(); #endregion #region Tracks var trackWebDevelopment = new Model.Track { Name = "Web Development" }; var trackMobileDevelopment = new Model.Track { Name = "Mobile Development" }; var trackClientSide = new Model.Track { Name = "Client Side Development" }; var trackServerSide = new Model.Track { Name = "Server Side Development" }; var trackJavascript = new Model.Track { Name = "Javascript Frameworks" }; context.Tracks.Add(trackWebDevelopment); context.Tracks.Add(trackMobileDevelopment); context.Tracks.Add(trackClientSide); context.Tracks.Add(trackServerSide); context.Tracks.Add(trackJavascript); context.SaveChanges(); #endregion #region Levels var levelBeginner = new Model.Level { Name = "Beginner", Scaling = 1 }; var levelIntermediate = new Model.Level { Name = "Intermediate", Scaling = 2 }; var levelExpert = new Model.Level { Name = "Expert", Scaling = 3 }; var levelMaster = new Model.Level { Name = "Master", Scaling = 4 }; context.Levels.Add(levelBeginner); context.Levels.Add(levelIntermediate); context.Levels.Add(levelExpert); context.Levels.Add(levelMaster); context.SaveChanges(); #endregion #region Seminars context.Seminars.Add(new Seminar { Title = "AngularJS 101", Code = "AJS101", Description = "An overview of AngularJS", Level = levelIntermediate, Location = locationSydney, Track = trackJavascript, Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(5) }); context.Seminars.Add(new Seminar { Title = "Introduction to MVC", Code = "MVC101", Description = "An overview of ASP.NET MVC", Level = levelIntermediate, Location = locationMoscow, Track = trackServerSide, Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2) }); context.Seminars.Add(new Seminar { Title = "Windows Phone Fundamentals", Code = "WPH101", Description = "An overview of Windows Phone", Level = levelBeginner, Location = locationNewYork, Track = trackMobileDevelopment, Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2) }); context.Seminars.Add(new Seminar { Title = "Advanced AngularJS", Code = "AJS789", Description = "An advanced look at AngularJS", Level = levelMaster, Location = locationLondon, Track = trackJavascript, Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10) }); context.Seminars.Add(new Seminar { Title = "Advanced MVC", Code = "MVC987", Description = "An advanced look at ASP.NET MVC", Level = levelExpert, Location = locationVienna, Track = trackServerSide, Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(6) }); context.SaveChanges(); #endregion base.Seed(context); }