private void CreateModalityMap()
            //no need
            if (ModalityMatchingRegex == null)

            _modalityMap = new Dictionary <DataTable, string>();

            foreach (DataTable dt in _columnNameToTargetTablesDictionary.Values.SelectMany(v => v).Distinct())
                var m = ModalityMatchingRegex.Match(dt.TableName);

                if (!m.Success)
                    throw new Exception("ModalityMatchingRegex failed to match against DataTable " + dt.TableName);

                var modality = m.Groups[1].Value;

                if (!_modalityMap.ContainsKey(dt))
                    _modalityMap.Add(dt, modality);
        public override void Check(ICheckNotifier notifier)
            if (LoadPipeline != null)
                new PipelineChecker(LoadPipeline).Check(notifier);

                //don't check this since we are our own Fixed source for the engine so we just end up in a loop! but do instantiate it incase there are construction/context errors

                PipelineChecker c = new PipelineChecker(LoadPipeline);

            if (ModalityMatchingRegex != null && !ModalityMatchingRegex.ToString().Contains('('))
                    new CheckEventArgs(
                        "Expected ModalityMatchingRegex '" + ModalityMatchingRegex +
                        "' to contain a group matching for extracting modality e.g. '^(.*)_.*$'", CheckResult.Fail));