protected void btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DrpPeriod.Visible = false; DrpRoom.Visible = false; TxtPeriod.Visible = true; TxtRoom.Visible = true; LinkButton btn = (LinkButton)sender; string id = (string )btn.ID; if (id.Equals("L11")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "1"; DrpDay.Text = "Mon"; } if (id.Equals("L12")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "2"; DrpDay.Text = "Mon"; } if (id.Equals("L13")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "3"; DrpDay.Text = "Mon"; } if (id.Equals("L14")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "4"; DrpDay.Text = "Mon"; } if (id.Equals("L15")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "5"; DrpDay.Text = "Mon"; } if (id.Equals("L16")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "6"; DrpDay.Text = "Mon"; } if (id.Equals("L21")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "1"; DrpDay.Text = "Tue"; } if (id.Equals("L22")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "2"; DrpDay.Text = "Tue"; } if (id.Equals("L23")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "3"; DrpDay.Text = "Tue"; } if (id.Equals("L24")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "4"; DrpDay.Text = "Tue"; } if (id.Equals("L25")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "5"; DrpDay.Text = "Tue"; } if (id.Equals("L26")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "6"; DrpDay.Text = "Tue"; } if (id.Equals("L31")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "1"; DrpDay.Text = "Wed"; } if (id.Equals("L32")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "2"; DrpDay.Text = "Wed"; } if (id.Equals("L33")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "3"; DrpDay.Text = "Wed"; } if (id.Equals("L34")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "4"; DrpDay.Text = "Wed"; } if (id.Equals("L35")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "5"; DrpDay.Text = "Wed"; } if (id.Equals("L36")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "6"; DrpDay.Text = "Wed"; } if (id.Equals("L41")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "1"; DrpDay.Text = "Thurs"; } if (id.Equals("L42")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "2"; DrpDay.Text = "Thurs"; } if (id.Equals("L43")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "3"; DrpDay.Text = "Thurs"; } if (id.Equals("L44")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "4"; DrpDay.Text = "Thurs"; } if (id.Equals("L45")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "5"; DrpDay.Text = "Thurs"; } if (id.Equals("L46")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "6"; DrpDay.Text = "Thurs"; } if (id.Equals("L51")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "1"; DrpDay.Text = "Fri"; } if (id.Equals("L52")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "2"; DrpDay.Text = "Fri"; } if (id.Equals("L53")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "3"; DrpDay.Text = "Fri"; } if (id.Equals("L54")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "4"; DrpDay.Text = "Fri"; } if (id.Equals("L55")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "5"; DrpDay.Text = "Fri"; } if (id.Equals("L56")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "6"; DrpDay.Text = "Fri"; } if (id.Equals("L61")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "1"; DrpDay.Text = "Sat"; } if (id.Equals("L62")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "2"; DrpDay.Text = "Sat"; } if (id.Equals("L63")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "3"; DrpDay.Text = "Sat"; } if (id.Equals("L64")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "4"; DrpDay.Text = "Sat"; } if (id.Equals("L65")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "5"; DrpDay.Text = "Sat"; } if (id.Equals("L66")) { TxtPeriod.Text = "6"; DrpDay.Text = "Sat"; } all = btn.Text; all = all.Replace("<br/>", string.Empty); lscode = all.Substring(0, 8); Session["b1"] = lscode; LblSCode.Text = lscode; int start = all.IndexOf("(") + 1; int m = start - 9; int end = all.IndexOf(")", start); lteacher = all.Substring(8, m); lroom = all.Substring(start, end - start); LblTeacher.Text = lteacher; TxtRoom.Text = lroom; BindDrpRoom(); ld = DrpDay.Text; lp = TxtPeriod.Text; Session["b2"] = lteacher; Session["b3"] = lp; Session["b4"] = ld; Session["b5"] = lroom; DrpPeriod.Visible = false; DrpRoom.Visible = false; ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); }
protected void ddlAgency_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.getAgencyDetails(ddlAgency, lstToEmail, lstToSelectedEmail); ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); }
protected void lnkGenrateInvoice_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LinkButton lnk = (LinkButton)sender; var s = from a in dc.Purchases join ord in dc.Order_To_Medicine_Companies on a.OrderIDToMC equals ord.OrderIDToMC join ords in dc.Order_To_Medicine_Company_Per_Medicines on ord.OrderIDToMC equals ords.OrderIDToMC join medi in dc.Medicine_In_Stocks on ords.MedicineID equals medi.MedicineID where a.PurchaseID == Convert.ToDecimal(lnk.CommandArgument) select new { medi.MedicineID, medi.MedicineName, medi.PackSize, medi.BatchNo, medi.ExpiryDate, medi.Price, ords.Amount, // ords.Discount, // ords.DiscountAmount, ords.NetAmount }; var chk = from a in dc.Purchase_Invoices where a.PurchaseID == Convert.ToInt32(lnk.CommandArgument) select a.PurchaseID; if (!chk.Any()) { var sp = (from a in dc.Purchases join ord in dc.Order_To_Medicine_Companies on a.OrderIDToMC equals ord.OrderIDToMC join ords in dc.Order_To_Medicine_Company_Per_Medicines on ord.OrderIDToMC equals ords.OrderIDToMC join medi in dc.Medicine_In_Stocks on ords.MedicineID equals medi.MedicineID where a.PurchaseID == Convert.ToDecimal(lnk.CommandArgument) select ords.NetAmount).Sum(); var sa = (from a in dc.Purchases join ord in dc.Order_To_Medicine_Companies on a.OrderIDToMC equals ord.OrderIDToMC join ords in dc.Order_To_Medicine_Company_Per_Medicines on ord.OrderIDToMC equals ords.OrderIDToMC join medi in dc.Medicine_In_Stocks on ords.MedicineID equals medi.MedicineID where a.PurchaseID == Convert.ToDecimal(lnk.CommandArgument) select ords.Amount).Sum(); Purchase_Invoice si = new Purchase_Invoice { PurchaseID = Convert.ToDecimal(lnk.CommandArgument), Price = sp, Quantity = sa, pInvoiceDate = DateTime.Now }; dc.Purchase_Invoices.InsertOnSubmit(si); dc.SubmitChanges(); } var medicalstore = from a in dc.Purchases join ord in dc.Order_To_Medicine_Companies on a.OrderIDToMC equals ord.OrderIDToMC join ords in dc.Order_To_Medicine_Company_Per_Medicines on ord.OrderIDToMC equals ords.OrderIDToMC join medical in dc.Medicine_Companies on ord.MedicineCompanyID equals medical.MedicineCompanyID join medi in dc.Medicine_In_Stocks on ords.MedicineID equals medi.MedicineID where a.PurchaseID == Convert.ToInt32(lnk.CommandArgument) select new { medical.MedicineCompanyName, medical.Phone, medical.Address, medical.Email }; lblStoreName.Text = medicalstore.First().MedicineCompanyName; lblPhone.Text = Convert.ToString(medicalstore.First().Phone); lblAddress.Text = medicalstore.First().Address; lblemail.Text = medicalstore.First().Email; var sale = from a in dc.Purchase_Invoices where a.PurchaseID == Convert.ToInt32(lnk.CommandArgument) select new { a.Price, a.pInvoiceDate }; var net = (from a in dc.Purchases join ord in dc.Order_To_Medicine_Companies on a.OrderIDToMC equals ord.OrderIDToMC join ords in dc.Order_To_Medicine_Company_Per_Medicines on ord.OrderIDToMC equals ords.OrderIDToMC where a.PurchaseID == Convert.ToInt32(lnk.CommandArgument) select ords.NetAmount).Sum(); lblAmount.Text = Convert.ToString(net);//Convert.ToString( NetTotal); //Convert.ToString(sale.First().Price); lblDate.Text = Convert.ToString(sale.First().pInvoiceDate); gvInvoice.DataSource = s; gvInvoice.DataBind(); ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); }
protected void GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); }
protected void btnSaveNewBusinessUnit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool isFormFilled = true; string display = ""; BusinessUnitReportingChild li = new BusinessUnitReportingChild(); string businessUnitCode = newBusinessUnitCode.Text; string businessUnitName = newBusinessUnitName.Text; string businessUnitManagerName = newBusinessUnitManagerName.SelectedValue.ToString(); string companyName = newCompanyName.SelectedValue.ToString(); string effectiveDate = Request.Form[newEffectiveDate.UniqueID]; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(effectiveDate) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(businessUnitCode) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(businessUnitName) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(businessUnitManagerName) || companyName.Equals("Select One")) { display = "Please select all the mandatory fields "; ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Alert", "alert('" + display + "');", true); isFormFilled = false; } if (isFormFilled) { if (memberships == 1 || memberships == 2) { DataSet result = li.AddNewBusinessUnit(businessUnitCode, businessUnitName, businessUnitManagerName, companyName, effectiveDate); string res = Convert.ToString(result.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0]); if (res.Contains("Effective Date should be after")) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Alert", "alert('" + res + "');", true); isFormFilled = false; ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); } else if (res.Equals("Duplicate BusinessUnitCode")) { display = "Business Unit Code already exists in the database"; ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Alert", "alert('" + display + "');", true); isFormFilled = false; } else if (res.Equals("Duplicate BusinessUnitName")) { display = "Business Unit Name already exists in the database"; ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Alert", "alert('" + display + "');", true); isFormFilled = false; } else if (res.Equals("Success")) { display = "A new Business Unit is successfully added in the database"; ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Alert", "alert('" + display + "');", true); isFormFilled = true; } if (isFormFilled) { newBusinessUnitCode.Text = ""; newBusinessUnitName.Text = ""; ddlBusinessUnitManagerName.DataSource = li.BusinessUnitManagerNameList().Tables[0]; ddlBusinessUnitManagerName.DataTextField = "BusinessUnitManagerName"; ddlBusinessUnitManagerName.DataBind(); ddlCompanyName.DataSource = li.CompanyNameList().Tables[0]; ddlCompanyName.DataTextField = "CompanyName"; ddlCompanyName.DataBind(); BindGridView(); } } else { display = "You must be a member of Consolidated Sales Reporting – Admin or Consolidated Sales Reporting – Finance groups to Add New Business Units."; ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "yourMessage", "alert('" + display + "');", true); } } }
protected void GridEmail_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "Delete1") { int indx = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); SqlDataAdapter dafv = new SqlDataAdapter("select SetforOutgoingemail from InOutCompanyEmail where ID='" + indx + "'", con); DataTable dtfv = new DataTable(); dafv.Fill(dtfv); if (Convert.ToString(dtfv.Rows[0]["SetforOutgoingemail"]) == "True") { ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); } else { if (indx != null) { string result1 = "delete from InOutCompanyEmail where ID='" + indx + "'"; SqlCommand cmddel = new SqlCommand(result1, con); if (con.State.ToString() != "Open") { con.Open(); } cmddel.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); FillGrid(); lblext.Text = "Record deleted successfully."; } } } if (e.CommandName == "Edit") { btnadddd.Visible = false; pnladdd.Visible = true; Label24.Text = "Edit Company Email"; lblext.Text = ""; int datakey = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); Session["EmailID"] = datakey; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = select("SELECT ID,EmailName,OutgoingEmailServer, OutEmailID,Whid, OutPassword,IncomingEmailServer,InEmailID,InPassword,LastDownloadedTime,LastDownloadIndex,SetforOutgoingemail,EmailId,EmployeeID,InPort,OutPort FROM InOutCompanyEmail where ID='" + datakey + "'"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { ddlstore.SelectedIndex = ddlstore.Items.IndexOf(ddlstore.Items.FindByValue(dt.Rows[0]["Whid"].ToString())); if (Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["EmployeeID"]) != "0") { RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue = "2"; RadioButtonList1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e); ddlemp.SelectedIndex = ddlemp.Items.IndexOf(ddlemp.Items.FindByValue(dt.Rows[0]["EmployeeID"].ToString())); } else { RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue = "1"; RadioButtonList1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e); } txtmemailname.Text = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["EmailName"].ToString()); txtemail.Text = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["EmailId"].ToString()); txtoutserver.Text = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["OutgoingEmailServer"].ToString()); txtoutemail.Text = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["OutEmailID"].ToString()); txtport1.Text = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["InPort"].ToString()); txtport2.Text = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["OutPort"].ToString()); if (txtoutpass.TextMode == TextBoxMode.Password) { txtoutpass.Text = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["OutPassword"].ToString()); txtoutpass.Attributes.Add("value", txtoutpass.Text); } txtserver.Text = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["IncomingEmailServer"].ToString()); txtuser.Text = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["InEmailID"].ToString()); if (txtpass.TextMode == TextBoxMode.Password) { txtpass.Text = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["InPassword"].ToString()); txtpass.Attributes.Add("value", txtpass.Text); } bool sts = false; if (dt.Rows[0]["SetforOutgoingemail"] != System.DBNull.Value) { sts = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["SetforOutgoingemail"].ToString()); } if (sts == true) { CheckBox1.Checked = true; } dt = select("Select * from EmailSignatureMaster where InoutgoingMasterId='" + Session["EmailID"] + "'"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { CheckBox3.Checked = true; } imgupdate.Visible = true; imgbtnsubmitCabinetAdd.Visible = false; imgcancel.Visible = true; } } else if (e.CommandName == "Viewsignature") { int datakey = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); Session["EmailID"] = datakey; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = select("Select * from EmailSignatureMaster where InoutgoingMasterId='" + Session["EmailID"] + "'"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string strValues = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["Signature"]); string[] strArray = strValues.Split(':'); TextBox1.Text = strArray[0]; int rr = Convert.ToInt32(strArray.Length); if (strValues.Contains(":") && rr <= 4) { TextBox2.Text = strArray[1]; TextBox3.Text = strArray[2]; TextBox4.Text = strArray[3]; } else { TextBox2.Text = strArray[1]; TextBox3.Text = strArray[2]; TextBox4.Text = strArray[3]; TextBox5.Text = strArray[4]; TextBox6.Text = strArray[5]; TextBox7.Text = strArray[6]; TextBox8.Text = strArray[7]; TextBox9.Text = strArray[8]; TextBox10.Text = strArray[9]; } //string[] separator1 = new string[] { ":" }; //string[] strSplitArr1 = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["Signature"]).Split(separator1, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // txtsignature.Text = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["Signature"]); ImageButton4.Visible = false; btnsigup.Visible = true; ModalPopupExtender2.Show(); } else { TextBox1.Text = ""; TextBox2.Text = ""; TextBox3.Text = ""; TextBox4.Text = ""; TextBox5.Text = ""; TextBox6.Text = ""; TextBox7.Text = ""; TextBox8.Text = ""; TextBox9.Text = ""; TextBox10.Text = ""; ImageButton4.Visible = true; btnsigup.Visible = false; ModalPopupExtender2.Show(); } lblmmms.Text = ""; imgbtncancel.Visible = true; } }
protected void Unnamed_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NephroCare"].ConnectionString); con.Open(); bool m = Nephro_Care.Checkduplicate.getmethod(AadharNumbertxt.Text); if (m == true) { lblpopup.Text = "user already exists"; ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); } else { ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); con.Close(); HttpPostedFile ps = fppic1.PostedFile; Stream s = ps.InputStream; BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(s); Byte[] sdat = br.ReadBytes((int)s.Length); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Table1_inst", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pic", sdat); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Aadhar_Number", Convert.ToInt32(AadharNumbertxt.Text.Trim()))); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Name", Nametxt.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Age", Agetxt.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@gender", Gender.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Date_Of_Birth", DateOfBirthtxt.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@First_Name", FirstNametxt.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Family_Name", FamilyNametxt.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Address", Addresstxt.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Mobile_No", PhoneNotxt.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Email_Id", EmailIdtxt.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Education", Educationtxt.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Occupation", Occupationtxt.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Financial_Status", FinancialStatustxt.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@BGT", BGTtxt.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Treating_Doctor", TreatingDoctortxt.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@reference_by", RadioButtonList2.SelectedValue)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@OPNO", OPNOtxt.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Weight_kgs", Weighttxt.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Height_cms", Heighttxt.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@BSA", BSAtxt.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@BMI", BMItxt.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@MDRD_GFR", MDRDGFRtxt.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Blood_Group", DropDown1.SelectedValue)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@HBs_Ag", HBsAgtxt.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@HCV", HCVtxt.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@HIV", HIVtxt.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@DM_DMN", DMN.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@HTN", HTN.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CKD_Stage", CKDStage.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CGN", CGN.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CIN", CIN.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ESRD", ESRD.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Ac_CRF", AcCRF.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ARF", ARF.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@RPRF", RPRF.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@AGN", AGN.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@NS", NS.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@SLE", SLE.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@MCD", MCD.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@MN", MN.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@FSGS", FSGS.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@MPGN", MPGN.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Ig_A", IgA.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Cres_GN", CresGN.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ADPKD", ADPKD.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@MM", MM.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Amyld", AmyId.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@RTA", RTA.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@RAS", RAS.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@VUR", VUR.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ROD", ROD.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Ob_Ur", ObUr.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Fluorisis", Fluorosis.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Rickets", Rickets.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Cancer", Cancer.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@HKPP", HKPP.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@UTI", UTI.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@BPH", BPH.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Malaria", Malaria.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Post_GE", PostGE.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@SnakeBite", SnakeBite.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Sepsis", Sepsis.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Alport", Alport.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@HSP", HSP.Text.Trim())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Others", OTHERS.Text.Trim())); con.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); ModalPopupExtender1.Hide(); } }
public void newKey() { txtName.Text = txtDescription.Text = txtSynonims.Text = hdnThesaurusID.Value = hdnThesaurusKeyID.Value = string.Empty; UIMode = SystemConstants.FormMode.New.ToString(); ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); }
public void Mostrar() { ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); }
protected override void Cancel() { ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); updAnular.Update(); }
protected void frmViewAdd_ItemInserted(object sender, FormViewInsertedEventArgs e) { if (e.Exception == null) { //MyAccordion.Visible = true; lnkBtnAdd.Visible = true; frmViewAdd.Visible = false; GrdViewLedger.Visible = true; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); GrdViewLedger.DataBind(); if (txtSearch.Text == "") { } else { txtSearch.Text = ""; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "displayalertmessage", "Showalert();", true); } StringBuilder scriptMsg = new StringBuilder(); scriptMsg.Append("alert('Task Status Information Saved Successfully.');"); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), scriptMsg.ToString(), true); } else { if (e.Exception != null) { StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder(); script.Append("alert('Task Status with this name already exists, Please try with a different name.');"); // Response.Write("Task Status with this name already exists, Please try with a different name."); //Response.Write("TaskStatus.aspx"); // tbMain.Visible = true; //return; if (e.Exception.InnerException != null) { if ((e.Exception.InnerException.Message.IndexOf("duplicate values in the index") > -1) || (e.Exception.InnerException.Message.IndexOf("Task Status Exists") > -1)) { e.ExceptionHandled = true; e.KeepInInsertMode = true; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), script.ToString(), true); ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); return; } // tbMain.Visible = true; return; } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "Exception: " + e.Exception.Message + e.Exception.StackTrace, true); } } //Response.Redirect("TaskStatus.aspx"); // this.frmViewAdd_ItemInserting(sender, e); e.KeepInInsertMode = true; e.ExceptionHandled = true; //Response.Write("alert('Task Status with this name already exists, Please try with a different name.');"); } }
protected void btnSaveComments_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtComments.Text != "") { Utility objUtil = new Utility(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string folderPath = string.Empty; //if (ViewState["iEventId"] == null) //{ //Check for Upload file //lblCheck.Visible = false; //********************code to file verify if (fupReplyFile.PostedFile.FileName != "") { //Find the Uploaded Filename string filepath = fupReplyFile.PostedFile.FileName; string contenttype = string.Empty; //********************code to file verify if (validatepdf()) { contenttype = "application/pdf"; folderPath = Server.MapPath("~/writedata/Events/"); } else { lblMessage.Text = "File Format Not Supported"; return; } //************************* code end here fileName = "Comments_" + iNominationID + "_" + GetDate(DateTime.Now); if (SaveComments(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["EventId"].ToString()), fileName) > 0) { //SaveComments(Convert.ToInt32(iNominationID), fileName); lblMessage.Text = "Comments Sucessfully Saved, Topic ID is -" + iNominationID; if (fupReplyFile.HasFile == true) { fupReplyFile.PostedFile.SaveAs(folderPath + "\\" + fileName + ".pdf"); } try { string nameOfSender = ((UserDetails)Session[clsConstant.TOKEN]).FirstName.ToString() + ' ' + ((UserDetails)Session[clsConstant.TOKEN]).LastName.ToString(); string[] sListToEmail = new string[lstToSelectedEmail.Items.Count + 1]; // before hre two string emailAlert = string.Empty; emailAlert = ""; int iloop; for (iloop = 0; iloop < lstToSelectedEmail.Items.Count; iloop++) { sListToEmail[iloop] = lstToSelectedEmail.Items[iloop].Value; string email = lstToSelectedEmail.Items[iloop].Text; int getPos = email.IndexOf("),"); emailAlert += email.Substring(getPos + 2) + ';'; } // if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) // { // emailAlert += ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["vsEmailID"].ToString() + ';'; sListToEmail[iloop] = getToUserEmail(ViewState["EventId"].ToString()); // } emailAlert += (((UserDetails)Session[clsConstant.TOKEN]).EmailID).ToString() + ';'; SendEmailForWorkshopReply(txtComments.Text, ViewState["EventId"].ToString(), ViewState["vsTopic"].ToString(), "Workshop Comment", emailAlert, nameOfSender, ((UserDetails)Session[clsConstant.TOKEN]).Designation, ((UserDetails)Session[clsConstant.TOKEN]).Agency, folderPath + "\\" + fileName + ".pdf"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; }"Comments Sucessfully Saved"); } } // } else { // int Eventid = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["eventID"].ToString()); SaveComments(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["EventId"].ToString()), fileName);"Comments send successfully"); btnReply.Visible = false; try { string nameOfSender = ((UserDetails)Session[clsConstant.TOKEN]).FirstName.ToString() + ' ' + ((UserDetails)Session[clsConstant.TOKEN]).LastName.ToString(); string[] sListToEmail = new string[lstToSelectedEmail.Items.Count + 1]; // before hre two string emailAlert = string.Empty; emailAlert = ""; int iloop; for (iloop = 0; iloop < lstToSelectedEmail.Items.Count; iloop++) { sListToEmail[iloop] = lstToSelectedEmail.Items[iloop].Value; string email = lstToSelectedEmail.Items[iloop].Text; int getPos = email.IndexOf("),"); emailAlert += email.Substring(getPos + 2) + ';'; } // if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) // { // emailAlert += ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["vsEmailID"].ToString() + ';'; sListToEmail[iloop] = getToUserEmail(ViewState["EventId"].ToString()); // } emailAlert += (((UserDetails)Session[clsConstant.TOKEN]).EmailID).ToString() + ';'; SendEmailForWorkshopReply(txtComments.Text, ViewState["EventId"].ToString(), ViewState["vsTopic"].ToString(), "Workshop Comment", emailAlert, nameOfSender, ((UserDetails)Session[clsConstant.TOKEN]).Designation, ((UserDetails)Session[clsConstant.TOKEN]).Agency); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } } else { ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); errormsg.Text = "<span style='color:red;'>Please Provide comments</span>"; } }
protected void btnReply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { fillComboBox(ddlAgency); ddlAgency_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null); ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); }
// protected void Image_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) // { // ImageButton4.ImageUrl = ((ImageButton)sender).ImageUrl; // } // protected void RepeaterImages_ItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e) // { // ImageButton imgButton = (ImageButton)e.Item.FindControl("Image"); // string url = imgButton.ImageUrl; // } // protected void RepeaterImages_ItemCreated(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) // { // ImageButton imagelist = (ImageButton)e.Item.FindControl("Image"); //if ( imagelist != null ) //{ //imagelist.Click += new System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventHandler(this.imagelist_Click); //} // } // private void imagelist_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) // { // ImageButton imagelist = (ImageButton)sender; // string imagesource = imagelist.ImageUrl; // // do whatever ... change your big image and so on // } protected void Image_Click1(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { ImageButton4.ImageUrl = ((ImageButton)sender).ImageUrl; ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); }
protected void Click_tambah(object sender, EventArgs e) { BindData1(); ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); }
protected void btnContact_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); bool boolReturn = true; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cu_txtName.Text) && boolReturn) { cu_lblError.Text = "Please Enter Name"; boolReturn = false; } if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(cu_txtEmail.Text) || !MessageClass.IsValid(cu_txtEmail.Text)) && boolReturn) { cu_lblError.Text = "Invalid Email"; boolReturn = false; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cu_txtMessage.Text) && boolReturn) { cu_lblError.Text = "Please Enter Message"; boolReturn = false; } if (MessageClass.IsSpammer()) { bool isHuman = cu_captchaBox.Validate(cu_txtCaptcha.Text); cu_txtCaptcha.Text = null; if (!isHuman) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cu_txtName.Text)) { cu_lblError.Text = "Please Enter a Name!"; boolReturn = false; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cu_txtEmail.Text)) { cu_lblError.Text = "Invalid Email"; boolReturn = false; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cu_txtMessage.Text)) { cu_lblError.Text = "Please Enter Message"; boolReturn = false; } else { cu_lblError.Text = "Invalid Captcha!"; } boolReturn = false; } } //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtName_CN.Text)) //{ // lblError.Text = "Please Enter Glossary"; // boolReturn = false; //} if (boolReturn) { string strID = MessageClass.InsertFeedback(1, cu_txtName.Text, cu_txtEmail.Text, cu_txtMessage.Text, null, null); string body = "Users name: " + cu_txtName.Text + "\n\n"; body += "Message: \n " + cu_txtMessage.Text + "\n\n"; body += "Contact email: " + cu_txtEmail.Text; MessageClass.SendMail("New message from user! ", "*****@*****.**", body, false); cu_txtName.Enabled = false; cu_txtEmail.Enabled = false; cu_txtMessage.Enabled = false; cu_btnOkay.Enabled = false; cu_txtCaptcha.Enabled = false; cu_lblError.Text = "Thank You!"; } else { TurnCapchaOnOff(MessageClass.IsSpammer()); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Master.SelectedTab = tabID.tabLogbook; mfbChartTotals1.HistogramManager = LogbookEntryDisplay.GetHistogramManager(mfbLogbook1.Data, User.Identity.Name); // do this every time. if (!IsPostBack) { ModalPopupExtender1.OnCancelScript = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "javascript:document.getElementById('{0}').style.display = 'none';", pnlWelcomeNewUser.ClientID); if (Request.Cookies[MFBConstants.keyNewUser] != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Cookies[MFBConstants.keyNewUser].Value) || util.GetStringParam(Request, "sw").Length > 0 || Request.PathInfo.Contains("/sw")) { Response.Cookies[MFBConstants.keyNewUser].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); } rblTotalsMode.SelectedValue = mfbTotalSummary1.DefaultGroupMode.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // Handle a requested tab - turning of lazy load as needed string szReqTab = util.GetStringParam(Request, "ft"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(szReqTab)) { if (Enum.TryParse <FlightsTab>(szReqTab, out FlightsTab ft)) { AccordionCtrl.SelectedIndex = (int)ft - 1; switch (ft) { case FlightsTab.Currency: apcCurrency_ControlClicked(apcCurrency, null); break; case FlightsTab.Totals: apcTotals_ControlClicked(apcTotals, null); break; case FlightsTab.Analysis: apcAnalysis_ControlClicked(apcAnalysis, null); break; default: break; } } } int idFlight = util.GetIntParam(Request, szParamIDFlight, LogbookEntry.idFlightNew); // Redirect to the non-querystring based page so that Ajax file upload works if (idFlight != LogbookEntry.idFlightNew) { string szNew = Request.Url.PathAndQuery.Replace(".aspx", String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, ".aspx/{0}", idFlight)).Replace(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}={1}", szParamIDFlight, idFlight), string.Empty).Replace("?&", "?"); Response.Redirect(szNew, true); return; } if (Request.PathInfo.Length > 0 && Int32.TryParse(Request.PathInfo.Substring(1), out int id)) { idFlight = id; } SetUpForFlight(idFlight); InitializeRestriction(); // Expand the New Flight box if we're editing an existing flight if (idFlight != LogbookEntry.idFlightNew || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(util.GetStringParam(Request, "src"))) { AccordionCtrl.SelectedIndex = 0; } string szTitle = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.LocalizedText.LogbookForUserHeader, MyFlightbook.Profile.GetUser(User.Identity.Name).UserFullName); lblUserName.Text = Master.Title = szTitle; // See if we just entered a new flight and scroll to it as needed if (Session[keySessLastNewFlight] != null) { mfbLogbook1.ScrollToFlight((int)Session[keySessLastNewFlight]); Session[keySessLastNewFlight] = null; } } }
protected void OnEdit(object sender, EventArgs e) { GridViewRow row = (sender as ImageButton).NamingContainer as GridViewRow; int rowindex = (gvExcelFile.PageSize * gvExcelFile.PageIndex) + row.RowIndex; lblDatabasename.Text = ""; txtServerName.Text = ""; txtDBType.Text = ""; txtDBVersion.Text = ""; txtInScope.Text = ""; txtJustification.Text = ""; txtTechnicalContact.Text = ""; txtDBInstance.Text = ""; txtDBServerName.Text = ""; txtDBSizeGB.Text = ""; txtDiscoverySource.Text = ""; txtEnvironment.Text = ""; txtComments.Text = ""; if (row.Cells[1].Text.Trim() != " ") { lblDatabasename.Text = row.Cells[1].Text.Trim(); } if (row.Cells[2].Text.Trim() != " ") { txtServerName.Text = row.Cells[2].Text.Trim(); } if (row.Cells[3].Text.Trim() != " ") { txtDBType.Text = row.Cells[3].Text.Trim(); } if (row.Cells[4].Text.Trim() != " ") { txtDBVersion.Text = row.Cells[4].Text.Trim(); } if (row.Cells[5].Text.Trim() != " ") { txtInScope.Text = row.Cells[5].Text.Trim(); } if (row.Cells[6].Text.Trim() != " ") { txtJustification.Text = row.Cells[6].Text.Trim(); } if (row.Cells[7].Text.Trim() != " ") { txtTechnicalContact.Text = row.Cells[7].Text.Trim(); } if (row.Cells[8].Text.Trim() != " ") { txtDBInstance.Text = row.Cells[8].Text.Trim(); } if (row.Cells[9].Text.Trim() != " ") { txtDBServerName.Text = row.Cells[9].Text.Trim(); } if (row.Cells[10].Text.Trim() != " ") { txtDBSizeGB.Text = row.Cells[10].Text.Trim(); } if (row.Cells[11].Text.Trim() != " ") { txtDiscoverySource.Text = row.Cells[11].Text.Trim(); } if (row.Cells[12].Text.Trim() != " ") { txtEnvironment.Text = row.Cells[12].Text.Trim(); } if (row.Cells[13].Text.Trim() != " ") { txtComments.Text = row.Cells[13].Text.Trim(); } ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); }
protected void onclickHyperlinkRollNumber(object sender, EventArgs e) { Business b = new Business(); FileUpload f = new FileUpload(); setModalWindow(sender, e); popup.Visible = true; ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); int Index = ((GridViewRow)((sender as Control)).NamingContainer).RowIndex; HiddenField field = GridView1.Rows[Index].FindControl("EmployeeCode") as HiddenField; Label author = GridView1.Rows[Index].FindControl("AuthorName") as Label; Label orcid = GridView1.Rows[Index].FindControl("ORCID") as Label; Label scopusid = GridView1.Rows[Index].FindControl("ScopusID") as Label; Label scopusid2 = GridView1.Rows[Index].FindControl("ScopusID2") as Label; Label scopusid3 = GridView1.Rows[Index].FindControl("ScopusID3") as Label; f = b.DomainSearch(field.Value); string[] domain_value = (f.Domain.Split(':')); for (int k = 0; k <= domain_value.GetUpperBound(0); k++) { if (domain_value[k] != "") { if (k == 0) { textDomain.Text = domain_value[k]; } else { textDomain.Text = textDomain.Text + ":" + domain_value[k]; } } } Session["sessiondomain"] = textDomain.Text; string[] area_value = (f.Area.Split(':')); for (int m = 0; m <= area_value.GetUpperBound(0); m++) { if (area_value[m] != "") { if (m == 0) { textArea.Text = area_value[m]; } else { textArea.Text = textArea.Text + ":" + area_value[m]; } } } Session["sessionarea"] = textArea.Text; Session["KeywordAuthor"] = author.Text; Session["Employeecode"] = field.Value; Session["ORCID"] = orcid.Text; Session["ScopusID"] = scopusid.Text; Session["ScopusID2"] = scopusid2.Text; Session["ScopusID3"] = scopusid3.Text; Session["EmployCodeForSessionParameter"] = field.Value; txtauthorname.Text = Session["KeywordAuthor"].ToString(); txtEmployeeCode.Text = Session["Employeecode"].ToString(); txtOrcid.Text = Session["ORCID"].ToString(); txtScopusid.Text = Session["ScopusID"].ToString(); txtScopusid2.Text = Session["ScopusID2"].ToString(); txtScopusid3.Text = Session["ScopusID3"].ToString(); }
protected void btnAddNewBusinessUnit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); }
protected void fin_rst_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); clr_popup(); BindData(); }
protected void lnkforgot_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblmsg.Text = ""; txtname.Text = ""; ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); }
protected void btnAddBook_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); lblError.Text = string.Empty; }
protected void Show_yesno(object sender, EventArgs e) { ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); }
protected void btnNuevo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { hid.Value = "0"; ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); }
protected void GridView_OnSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClaimOneRow.DataBind(); InsertButton.Visible = false; UpdateButton.Visible = true; StatusRadioButtonList.Visible = true; DeleteButton.Visible = true; try { if (DropDownListBuildingUpdate.Items.Count != 0) { TextBox2.Text = ClaimOneRow.Rows[6].Cells[1].Text; } if (DropDownListBuildingUpdate.Items.Count != 0) { DropDownListBuildingUpdate.SelectedValue = ClaimOneRow.Rows[2].Cells[1].Text; } if (DropDownListOtdelenUpdate.Items.Count != 0) { DropDownListOtdelenUpdate.SelectedValue = ClaimOneRow.Rows[1].Cells[1].Text; } if (DropDownListRoomUpdate.Items.Count != 0) { DropDownListRoomUpdate.SelectedValue = ClaimOneRow.Rows[3].Cells[1].Text; } if (DropDownListPersonUpdate.Items.Count != 0) { DropDownListPersonUpdate.SelectedValue = ClaimOneRow.Rows[4].Cells[1].Text; } if (RadioButtonUnitUpdate.Items.Count != 0) { RadioButtonUnitUpdate.SelectedValue = ClaimOneRow.Rows[5].Cells[1].Text; } } catch { } ListClaimSpares.DataBind(); CheckBoxDevice.DataBind(); for (int i = 0; i < CheckBoxDevice.Items.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ListClaimSpares.Rows.Count; j++) { if (ListClaimSpares.Rows[j].Cells[3].Text == CheckBoxDevice.Items[i].Value) { if (Convert.ToInt32(ListClaimSpares.Rows[j].Cells[3].Text) != 0) { CheckBoxDevice.Items[i].Selected = true; } } } } string ID_Device = "0"; for (int i = 0; i < CheckBoxDevice.Items.Count; i++) { if (CheckBoxDevice.Items[i].Selected == true) { ID_Device += ", " + CheckBoxDevice.Items[i].Value; } } try { SparesObjectDataSource.FilterParameters.Clear(); SparesObjectDataSource.FilterParameters.Add("ID_Device", ID_Device); } catch (FormatException) { } CheckBoxSpares.DataBind(); for (int i = 0; i < CheckBoxSpares.Items.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ListClaimSpares.Rows.Count; j++) { if (ListClaimSpares.Rows[j].Cells[2].Text == CheckBoxSpares.Items[i].Value) { if (Convert.ToInt32(ListClaimSpares.Rows[j].Cells[2].Text) != 0) { CheckBoxSpares.Items[i].Selected = true; } } } } ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); }
protected void PPRDetailsGridView_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "ViewPpr") { try { string PprId = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); string url = "../LinMin/PprPreview.aspx?PPRID=" + PprId; ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "newWindow", String.Format("<script>var myPopup ='{0}', 'Cliente','width=1100,height=700,left=200,top=50,resizable=yes', 'true');if(!myPopup)alert('a popup was blocked. please enable pop setting on brower');</script>", url)); } catch (Exception ex) { LogError(ex); } } if (e.CommandName == "EditPpr") { //Determine the RowIndex of the Row whose Button was clicked. int rowIndex = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); //Reference the GridView Row. GridViewRow row = PPRDetailsGridView.Rows[rowIndex]; //Fetch value of Name. string PPRId = (row.FindControl("lnkPPRId") as LinkButton).Text; Session["PprEditId"] = PPRId; Response.Redirect("PprOneEdit.aspx"); Session["ButtonHide"] = "SavePPr"; } if (e.CommandName == "DeletePpr") { //Determine the RowIndex of the Row whose Button was clicked. int rowIndex = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); //Reference the GridView Row. GridViewRow row = PPRDetailsGridView.Rows[rowIndex]; //Fetch value of Name. string PPRId = (row.FindControl("lnkPPRId") as LinkButton).Text; try { PPRDataBL obj = new PPRDataBL(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); int success; obj = new PPRDataBL(); success = obj.DeletePPrDataBL(PPRId); DisplayPPRDetails(); if (success > 0) {"Record has been deleted successfully!"); } DisplayPPRDetails(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogError(ex); } } if (e.CommandName == "ProposalPreview") { ViewState["PPRId"] = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); PPRDataBL obj = new PPRDataBL(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = obj.GetFinalPprDocDataBL(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["PPRId"].ToString())); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (dt.Rows[0]["RelevantDocumentOne"].ToString() == null || dt.Rows[0]["RelevantDocumentOne"].ToString() == "" || dt.Rows[0]["RelevantDocumentOne"].ToString() == "N") { Label9.Text = "File Not available"; btnRelevantDocumentTwo.Visible = false; RD2.Visible = false; } else { btnRelevantDocumentTwo.CommandArgument = dt.Rows[0]["RelevantDocumentOne"].ToString(); btnRelevantDocumentTwo.Visible = true; } if (dt.Rows[0]["RelevantDocumentTwo"].ToString() == null || dt.Rows[0]["RelevantDocumentTwo"].ToString() == "" || dt.Rows[0]["RelevantDocumentTwo"].ToString() == "N") { Label10.Text = "File Not available"; btnRelevantDocumentThree.Visible = false; RD3.Visible = false; } else { btnRelevantDocumentThree.CommandArgument = dt.Rows[0]["RelevantDocumentTwo"].ToString(); btnRelevantDocumentThree.Visible = true; } if (dt.Rows[0]["TechnicalDocument"].ToString() == "NA" || dt.Rows[0]["TechnicalDocument"].ToString() == "" || dt.Rows[0]["TechnicalDocument"].ToString() == "N") { Label2.Text = "File Not available"; lnkTechnicalDocument.Visible = false; Sd.Visible = false; } else { lnkTechnicalDocument.CommandArgument = dt.Rows[0]["TechnicalDocument"].ToString(); lblpd.Text = ""; lnkTechnicalDocument.Visible = true; } //if (dt.Rows[0]["DebtSustCert"].ToString() == "NA") //{ // lnkpd.Visible = false; // lblpd.Text = "File Not available"; //} //else //{ // lnkpd.CommandArgument = dt.Rows[0]["DebtSustCert"].ToString(); // lblpd.Text = ""; // lnkpd.Visible = true; //} if (dt.Rows[0]["PrevPhase"].ToString() == "NA") { lnkPPD.Visible = false; lblPPD.Text = "File Not available"; PP.Visible = false; } else { lnkPPD.CommandArgument = dt.Rows[0]["PrevPhase"].ToString(); lblPPD.Text = ""; lnkPPD.Visible = true; } //if (dt.Rows[0]["StaClearance"].ToString() == "NA") //{ // lnkSc.Visible = false; // lblSc.Text = "File Not available"; //} //else //{ // lnkSc.Visible = true; // lblSc.Text = ""; // lnkSc.CommandArgument = dt.Rows[0]["StaClearance"].ToString(); //} if (dt.Rows[0]["RevisedPpr"].ToString() == "RP") { RPpr.Visible = true; } else { RPpr.Visible = false; } if (dt.Rows[0]["DefermentPpr"].ToString() == "DP") { DPpr.Visible = true; } else { DPpr.Visible = false; } } ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); } }
protected void BtnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Label1.Text = Session["b1"].ToString (); string day = DrpDay.Text; int period = Convert.ToInt32(DrpPeriod.Text); string course = DrpCourse.SelectedValue; string sub = LblSCode.Text; string teacher = LblTeacher.Text; string room = DrpRoom.SelectedValue; string sn = findSName(sub); ////start: try { if (sn != "LAB") { cmd = new SqlCommand("Select Ttid from TimeTable where Day='" + day + "' and Subject='" + sub + "' and Course='" + course + "'", con); //con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { dr.Close(); con.Close(); Response.Write("<script>alert('Second Class for this subject can not be scheduled on the same day. ')</script>"); //return; goto end; } else { dr.Close(); con.Close(); } cmd = new SqlCommand("Select Ttid from TimeTable where Day='" + day + "' and Period='" + period + "' and Course='" + course + "'", con); //con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { dr.Close(); con.Close(); // Response.Write("<script>alert('Another Class exits.Please Select Carefully. ')</script>"); ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); //return; goto end; } else { dr.Close(); con.Close(); } //check for if a teacher is having more than two classes in a day cmd = new SqlCommand("Select count(Ttid) from TimeTable where Day='" + day + "' and Teacher='" + teacher + "' having count(Ttid)>=2", con); //con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { dr.Close(); con.Close(); // Response.Write("<script>alert('Sorry, the teacher has already two classes that day. ')</script>"); ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); //return; goto end; } else { dr.Close(); con.Close(); } // //check for if a teacher is having more than four classes for the course // cmd = new SqlCommand("Select Count(Ttid) from TimeTable where Teacher='" + teacher + "' and Course='" + course + "' having count(Ttid) >=4", con); // if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) // { // con.Open(); // } // dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); // if (dr.Read()) // { // dr.Close(); // con.Close(); // //goto end; // Response.Write("<script>alert('This Subject has already four classes scheduled. ')</script>"); // return; // } // else // { // dr.Close(); // con.Close(); // } //check for if a teacher is having class clashes //cmd = new SqlCommand("Select Ttid from TimeTable where Day='" + day + "' and Period='" + period + "' and Teacher='" + teacher + "'", con); ////con.Open(); //if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) //{ // con.Open(); //} //dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //if (dr.Read()) //{ // dr.Close(); // con.Close(); // // // Response.Write("<script>alert('Teacher's Class is clashing... ')</script>"); // ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); // //return; // goto end; //} //else //{ // dr.Close(); // con.Close(); //} //check for if a room is having clashes //cmd = new SqlCommand("Select Ttid from TimeTable where Day='" + day + "' and Period='" + period + "' and Room='" + room + "'", con); ////con.Open(); //if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) //{ // con.Open(); //} //dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //if (dr.Read()) //{ // dr.Close(); // con.Close(); // // // Response.Write("<script>alert('This Room is alredy used.. ')</script>"); // ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); // //return; // goto end; //} //else //{ // dr.Close(); // con.Close(); //} cmd = new SqlCommand("Insert Into TimeTable Values('" + day + "','" + period + "', '" + sub + "','" + room + "','" + teacher + "','" + course + "')", con); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } int n = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd = new SqlCommand("Delete from TimeTable Where Course like '%" + DrpCourse.SelectedValue + "%' and Day='" + Session["b4"] + "' and Period='" + Session["b3"] + "' and Subject='" + Session["b1"] + "' and Room='" + Session["b5"] + "' and Teacher='" + Session["b2"] + "' ", con); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); } if (sn == "LAB") { cmd = new SqlCommand("Select Ttid from TimeTable where Day='" + day + "' and Period='" + period + "' and Course='" + course + "'", con); //con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { dr.Close(); con.Close(); // Response.Write("<script>alert('Another Class exits.Please Select Carefully. ')</script>"); ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); //return; goto end; } else { dr.Close(); con.Close(); } cmd = new SqlCommand("Select Ttid from TimeTable where Day='" + day + "' and Period='" + period + "' and Teacher='" + teacher + "'", con); //con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { dr.Close(); con.Close(); // Response.Write("<script>alert('Teacher's Class is clashing... ')</script>"); ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); //return; goto end; } else { dr.Close(); con.Close(); } if (period != 6) { cmd = new SqlCommand("Select Ttid from TimeTable where Day='" + day + "' and Period=" + (period + 1) + " and Course='" + course + "'", con); //con.Open(); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { dr.Close(); con.Close(); Response.Write("<script>alert('Two consecutive periods are not available ')</script>"); ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); goto end; } else { dr.Close(); cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into TimeTable values('" + day + "','" + period + "','" + sub + "','" + room + "','" + teacher + "','" + course + "')", con); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into TimeTable values('" + day + "','" + (period + 1) + "','" + sub + "','" + room + "','" + teacher + "','" + course + "')", con); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); cmd = new SqlCommand("Delete from TimeTable Where Course like '%" + DrpCourse.SelectedValue + "%' and Day='" + Session["b4"] + "' and Period='" + Session["b3"] + "' and Subject='" + Session["b1"] + "' and Room='" + Session["b5"] + "' and Teacher='" + Session["b2"] + "' ", con); if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); int p = Convert.ToInt32(Session["b3"]); p = p + 1; con.Open(); cmd = new SqlCommand("Delete from TimeTable Where Course like '%" + DrpCourse.SelectedValue + "%' and Day='" + Session["b4"] + "' and Period='" + p + "' and Subject='" + Session["b1"] + "' and Room='" + Session["b5"] + "' and Teacher='" + Session["b2"] + "' ", con); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); //Response.Write("<script>alert('Saved successfully')</script>"); //goto start; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { dr.Close(); con.Close(); } viewTimeTable(); DrpPeriod.Visible = false; DrpRoom.Visible = false; TxtPeriod.Visible = true; TxtRoom.Visible = true; end: return; }
protected void btnBulkInv_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CreamBell_DMS_WebApps.App_Code.Global obj = new App_Code.Global(); SqlConnection con = obj.GetConnection(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandTimeout = 3600; try { int count = 0; string SO_NO = string.Empty; string custname = string.Empty; foreach (GridViewRow rw in gvHeader.Rows) { CheckBox chkBx = (CheckBox)rw.FindControl("chkSONO"); Label lblCustName = (Label)rw.FindControl("Customer_Name"); if (chkBx != null && chkBx.Checked) { count += 1; int row = rw.RowIndex; custname = lblCustName.Text; LinkButton lblSOno = (LinkButton)gvHeader.Rows[row].FindControl("lnkbtn"); Label lblinv = (Label)gvHeader.Rows[row].FindControl("Invoice_No"); if (lblSOno.Text != "") { if (lblinv.Text == "") { SO_NO += "" + lblSOno.Text + ","; } } } lblMessge.Text = ""; } if (count > 8) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "alerts", "alert('Maximum 8 sale order selected in single bulk invoice generation');", true); return; } SO_NO = SO_NO.Remove(SO_NO.Length - 1); cmd.Connection = con; cmd.CommandText = "EXEC AX.ACX_SOTOINVOICECREATION_BULK '" + Session["TransLocation"] + "','" + Session["SiteCode"] + "','" + SO_NO + "'"; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Load(cmd.ExecuteReader()); gridviewRecords.DataSource = dt; gridviewRecords.Visible = true; gridviewRecords.DataBind(); ModalPopupExtender1.Show(); ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock((sender as Control), this.GetType(), "alert", "javascript:MyMessage(" + dt.Rows.Count + "," + dt.Select("Remarks='Success'").Count() + ");", true); //Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", "javascript:MyMessage("+dt.Rows.Count+","+dt.Select("Remarks='Success'").Count() +");", true); //Response.Write("<script>alert('test');</script>"); //ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock((sender as Control), this.GetType(), "alert", "alert('test');", true); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(ex); } }