protected async void GameReset(object sender, PlayerEvent e) { players.ForEach(p => p.Vote = null); voteComplete = false; StateHasChanged(); if (!observing) { var options = new ModalOptions() { HideCloseButton = true, DisableBackgroundCancel = true }; var voteModal = Modal.Show <VotingModal>("Cast your vote!", options); var modalResult = await voteModal.Result; await ScrumPokerHub.VoteAsync((string)modalResult.Data); } else { await ScrumPokerHub.VoteAsync("🕵"); } StateHasChanged(); }
protected async Task HandleCreateListButton() { var options = new ModalOptions() { DisableBackgroundCancel = true, HideCloseButton = true }; var parameters = new ModalParameters(); parameters.Add(nameof(User), User); var modal = Modal.Show <CreateMovieListForm>("New List", parameters, options); var result = await modal.Result; if (!result.Cancelled && User != null) { var user = await UserService.GetUserAsync(User.Id); User = user; StateHasChanged(); } }
protected async Task HandleEditListButton() { var options = new ModalOptions() { DisableBackgroundCancel = true, HideCloseButton = true }; var parameters = new ModalParameters(); parameters.Add(nameof(User), User); parameters.Add(nameof(MovieList), MovieList); var modal = Modal.Show <EditMovieListForm>("Edit List", parameters, options); var result = await modal.Result; if (!result.Cancelled && MovieList != null) { var movieList = await ListService.GetMovieListAsync(MovieList.Id); MovieList = movieList; StateHasChanged(); } }
public static async Task <(bool, FuzzyModelDescriptionData)> FuzzyModelDescriptionEditor(IModalService modalService, FuzzyModelDescriptionData defaultValue) { if (modalService == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("modalService"); } ModalParameters mp = new ModalParameters(); mp.Add(nameof(FuzzyModelEditorForm.Data), defaultValue); ModalOptions mo = new ModalOptions(); mo.DisableBackgroundCancel = true; mo.HideCloseButton = true; IModalReference result = modalService.Show <FuzzyModelEditorForm>("Edycja opisu modelu", mp, mo); ModalResult mr = await result.Result; if (mr.Cancelled) { return(false, null); } return(true, mr.Data as FuzzyModelDescriptionData); }
protected void Forward() { StopTimer(); var parameters = new ModalParameters(); ForwardViewModel fv = new ForwardViewModel(); fv.NoteID = currentHeader.Id; fv.FileID = currentHeader.NoteFileId; fv.ArcID = currentHeader.ArchiveId; fv.NoteOrdinal = currentHeader.NoteOrdinal; fv.NoteSubject = currentHeader.NoteSubject; if (currentHeader.ResponseCount > 0 || currentHeader.BaseNoteId > 0) { fv.hasstring = true; } parameters.Add("ForwardView", fv); Modal.OnClose += HideDialog; var options = new ModalOptions() { HideCloseButton = false }; Modal.Show <Forward>("", parameters, options); }
public void SetButtonSettings(ModalOptions options) { this.ShowCancelButton = options.ButtonOptions.ShowCancelButton; this.ShowConfirmButton = options.ButtonOptions.ShowConfirmButton; this.CancelButtonText = this.GetNameOfButtonType(options.ButtonOptions.CancelButtonType); this.ConfirmButtonText = this.GetNameOfButtonType(options.ButtonOptions.ConfirmButtonType); }
private void SetModalOptions(ModalOptions options) { this.ComponentHideHeader = this.HideHeader; if (options.HideHeader.HasValue) { this.ComponentHideHeader = options.HideHeader.Value; } this.ComponentHideCloseButton = this.HideCloseButton; if (options.HideCloseButton.HasValue) { this.ComponentHideCloseButton = options.HideCloseButton.Value; } this.ComponentDisableBackgroundCancel = this.DisableBackgroundCancel; if (options.DisableBackgroundCancel.HasValue) { this.ComponentDisableBackgroundCancel = options.DisableBackgroundCancel.Value; } this.ComponentPosition = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Position) ? this.Position : options.Position; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.ComponentPosition)) { this.ComponentPosition = DefaultPosition; } this.ComponentStyle = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.Style) ? this.Style : options.Style; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.ComponentStyle)) { this.ComponentStyle = DefaultStyle; } }
public Task <ModalResult> ShowAsync(string title, RenderComponent component, ModalOptions modalOptions = null) { modalModel = new ModalModel(component, title, modalOptions); modals.Push(modalModel); OnChanged?.Invoke(); return(modalModel.Task); }
private async Task OnCreateClick() { var item = this.PersistenceContext.CreateNew <TItem>(); var parameters = new ModalParameters(); parameters.Add(nameof(ModalCreateNew <TItem> .Item), item); parameters.Add(nameof(ModalCreateNew <TItem> .PersistenceContext), this.PersistenceContext); var options = new ModalOptions { DisableBackgroundCancel = true, }; var modal = this.Modal.Show <ModalCreateNew <TItem> >($"Create {typeof(TItem).Name}", parameters, options); var result = await modal.Result; if (result.Cancelled) { this.PersistenceContext.Delete(item); } else { this.Value.Add(item); this.PersistenceContext.SaveChanges(); this.StateHasChanged(); } }
private async Task OpenMetadataDetailsModalTemplate(Metadata metadata) { var templateOptions = new ViewModels.MetadataDetailsViewModel { Metadata = metadata }; var modalConfig = new ModalOptions(); modalConfig.Title = "Metadata Preview"; modalConfig.Width = "90%"; modalConfig.OnCancel = async(e) => { await metadataDetailsModalRef.CloseAsync(); }; modalConfig.OnOk = async(e) => { await metadataDetailsModalRef.CloseAsync(); }; modalConfig.AfterClose = () => { InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged); return(Task.CompletedTask); }; metadataDetailsModalRef = await ModalService .CreateModalAsync <MetadataDetailsModal, ViewModels.MetadataDetailsViewModel>( modalConfig, templateOptions); }
public void ShowInfoModal(string title, string message, ModalOptions options = null) { var parameters = new ModalParameters(); parameters.Add("message", message); Show <InfoModal>(title, parameters, options, null); }
private async void ShowEditDialog() { var options = new ModalOptions(); options.Set(ModalOptions.__Width, "80%"); await this.Modal.ShowAsync <WeatherEditor>(options); }
private async void ShowViewDialog() { var options = new ModalOptions(); options.Set(ModalOptions.__Width, "60%"); await this.Modal.ShowAsync <WeatherViewer>(options); }
public void Show <T>(string title, ModalParameters parameters = null, ModalOptions options = null) where T : ComponentBase { Show(title, typeof(T), parameters ?? new ModalParameters(), options ?? new ModalOptions()); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new Account in a modal dialog. /// </summary> public async Task CreateNewInModalDialog() { var accountParameters = new AccountCreationParameters(); var parameters = new ModalParameters(); parameters.Add(nameof(ModalCreateNew <AccountCreationParameters> .Item), accountParameters); var options = new ModalOptions { DisableBackgroundCancel = true, }; var modal = this.modalService.Show <ModalCreateNew <AccountCreationParameters> >($"Create {nameof(Account)}", parameters, options); var result = await modal.Result; if (!result.Cancelled) { var item = this.playerContext.CreateNew <Account>(); item.LoginName = accountParameters.LoginName; item.PasswordHash = BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.HashPassword(accountParameters.Password); item.EMail = accountParameters.EMail; item.State = accountParameters.State; item.SecurityCode = accountParameters.SecurityCode; item.RegistrationDate = DateTime.Now; this.playerContext.SaveChanges(); this.RaiseDataChanged(); } }
public void Show <T>(string title, ModalParameters parameters = null, ModalOptions options = null, Action <ModalResult> callback = null) where T : ComponentBase { Show(title, typeof(T), parameters ?? new ModalParameters(), options ?? new ModalOptions(), callback); }
public ModalServiceClient(IModalService modalService) { _modalService = modalService; DefaultModalOptions = new ModalOptions { ContentScrollable = true }; }
private async Task OpenVariableModalTemplate(Variable variable) { var templateOptions = new ViewModels.VariableModalViewModel { Variable = new Variable() { Name = variable.Name, Description = variable.Description, Units = variable.Units, Height = variable.Height, Tags = variable.Tags, Methods = variable.Methods, QCApplied = variable.QCApplied, ProcessingLevel = variable.ProcessingLevel }, ProcessingLevels = State.AppConfig.ProcessingLevels, QCFlags = State.AppConfig.QCTags, Tags = State.AppConfig.Tags, SelectedTags = variable.Tags ??= new List <string>(), SelectedQCApplied = variable.QCApplied ??= new List <string>() }; var modalConfig = new ModalOptions(); modalConfig.Title = "Variable"; modalConfig.Width = "70%"; modalConfig.OnCancel = async(e) => { await variableModalRef.CloseAsync(); }; modalConfig.OnOk = async(e) => { variable.Name = templateOptions.Variable.Name; variable.Description = templateOptions.Variable.Description; variable.Units = templateOptions.Variable.Units; variable.Height = templateOptions.Variable.Height; variable.Tags = templateOptions.SelectedTags.ToList(); variable.Methods = templateOptions.Variable.Methods; variable.QCApplied = templateOptions.SelectedQCApplied.ToList(); variable.ProcessingLevel = templateOptions.Variable.ProcessingLevel; await variableModalRef.CloseAsync(); }; modalConfig.AfterClose = () => { RemoveBlankVariables(); InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged); return(Task.CompletedTask); }; variableModalRef = await ModalService .CreateModalAsync <VariableModal, ViewModels.VariableModalViewModel>( modalConfig, templateOptions); }
public static void ShowModal(string msg, IModalService Modal) { ModalOptions options = new ModalOptions() { HideCloseButton = true }; Modal.Show <Confirm>(msg, options); }
private async void ShowEditDialog(Guid id) { var options = new ModalOptions(); { options.Set(ModalOptions.__Width, "80%"); options.Set(ModalOptions.__ID, id); } await this.Modal.ShowAsync <WeatherForecastEditor>(options); }
public async Task <ModalResult> Show(string title, string message, string confirmButtonText = "Yes") { var options = new ModalOptions { UseCustomLayout = true }; var parameters = new ModalParameters(); parameters.Add("Message", message); parameters.Add("ConfirmButtonText", confirmButtonText); return(await _modalService.Show <ConfirmDialog>(title, parameters, options).Result); }
/// <summary> /// Shows the modal with the component type using the specified <paramref name="title"/>, /// passing the specified <paramref name="parameters"/> and setting a custom CSS style. /// </summary> /// <param name="title">Modal title.</param> /// <param name="parameters">Key/Value collection of parameters to pass to component being displayed.</param> /// <param name="options">Options to configure the modal.</param> public void Show <T>(string title, ModalParameters parameters, ModalOptions options) where T : ComponentBase { if (!typeof(ComponentBase).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(T))) { throw new ArgumentException($"{typeof(T).FullName} must be a Blazor Component"); } var content = new RenderFragment(x => { x.OpenComponent(1, typeof(T)); x.CloseComponent(); }); OnShow?.Invoke(title, content, parameters, options); }
protected void OpenUploadProfileImageDialog() { var parameters = new ModalParameters(); parameters.Add("FormId", 3); var options = new ModalOptions(new ModalButtonOptions(true, false, CancelButton.Cancel, ConfirmButton.Save)); this.Modal.OnClose += this.UploadProfileImageDialogClosed; this.Modal.Show <UploadProfileImageDialog>("Profile image upload", parameters, options); }
protected void OpenChangeUsernameDialog() { var parameters = new ModalParameters(); parameters.Add("FormId", 4); var options = new ModalOptions(new ModalButtonOptions(true, true, CancelButton.Cancel, ConfirmButton.Save)); this.Modal.OnClose += this.ChangeUsernameDialogClosed; this.Modal.Show <ChangeUsernameDialog>("Change user name", parameters, options); }
public void SetTags(SearchData.DisplayData data) { var parameters = new ModalParameters(); parameters.Add("tags", data.Tags); var options = new ModalOptions() { Position = "blazored-modal-center" }; Modal.Show <TagsComponent>("Tags", parameters); }
void ShowModal(string title, string desc) { var prms = new ModalParameters(); prms.Add("Description", desc); var opts = new ModalOptions() { Animation = ModalAnimation.FadeIn(1) }; var m = modal.Show <FAQ>(title, prms, opts); }
protected void RowExpand(ItemUser iu) { var parameters = new ModalParameters(); parameters.Add("ItemUser", iu); var opts = new ModalOptions() { HideHeader = true }; ModalService.Show <ItemHistoryComponent>("History", parameters, opts); }
/// <summary> /// Method called when the user clicks on a row in the viewer. /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> protected async void OnModalAsync <TForm>(int id) where TForm : IComponent { var modalOptions = new ModalOptions() { HideHeader = true }; modalOptions.Parameters.Add("ModalBodyCSS", "p-0"); modalOptions.Parameters.Add("ModalCSS", "modal-xl"); modalOptions.Parameters.Add("ID", id); await this.ViewManager.ShowModalAsync <TForm>(modalOptions); }
private string GenerateOpenModalJSCode(ModalOptions modalOptions, bool isRegisterPlugins) { Dictionary <ModalOptions, string> modalsDic = new Dictionary <ModalOptions, string>() { { ModalOptions.Full, ConstantHelper.FullModalId }, { ModalOptions.MidiumSize, ConstantHelper.MidModalId }, { ModalOptions.Message, ConstantHelper.MsgModalId } }; return("openModal('" + modalsDic[modalOptions] + "'" + "," + isRegisterPlugins.ToString().ToLower() + ")"); }
protected void ShowHelp() { var parameters = new ModalParameters(); Modal.OnClose += HideDialog; var options = new ModalOptions() { HideCloseButton = false }; Modal.Show <HelpDialog2>("", parameters, options); }