public void VersementEntreePlusSortiesAvecCca()
            var source      = new MockSourceRepository();
            var destination = new MockDestinationRepository();

            source.Sorties.Add(new SourceLine(1, "TEST 1", 1, 1, new Compte("111111"), new DateTime(2016, 11, 01), 1, false));
            source.Sorties.Add(new SourceLine(2, "TEST 2", 2, 2, new Compte("222222"), new DateTime(2017, 04, 05), 2, true));
            source.Sorties.Add(new SourceLine(3, "TEST 3", 3, 3, new Compte("333333"), new DateTime(2017, 04, 05), 2, false));

            source.Entrees.Add(new SourceLine(1, "Capital social", 1000, 0, new Compte("101200"), new DateTime(2016, 10, 07), 1, false));
            source.Entrees.Add(new SourceLine(2, "Facture apollo octobre 2016", 4680, 936, new Compte("622600"), new DateTime(2017, 01, 01), 2, false));

            new ExtractCompta(source, destination).Execute();

            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == "111111" && a.Debit == 1 && a.Libelle == "TEST 1")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.TVA && a.Debit == 1 && a.Libelle == "TEST 1")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.BANQUE && a.Credit == 2 && a.Libelle == "TEST 1")

            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.COMPTE_COURANT && a.Debit == 10 && a.Libelle == Libelle.Virement)
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.BANQUE && a.Credit == 10 && a.Libelle == Libelle.Virement)

            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == "101200" && a.Credit == 1000 && a.Libelle == "Capital social")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.BANQUE && a.Debit == 1000 && a.Libelle == "Capital social")

            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == "622600" && a.Credit == 4680 && a.Libelle == "Facture apollo octobre 2016")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.TVA_COLLECTEE && a.Credit == 936 && a.Libelle == "Facture apollo octobre 2016")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.BANQUE && a.Debit == 5616 && a.Libelle == "Facture apollo octobre 2016");

            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == "222222" && a.Debit == 2 && a.Libelle == "TEST 2")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.TVA && a.Debit == 2 && a.Libelle == "TEST 2")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.COMPTE_COURANT && a.Credit == 4 && a.Libelle == "TEST 2")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == "333333" && a.Debit == 3 && a.Libelle == "TEST 3")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.TVA && a.Debit == 3 && a.Libelle == "TEST 3")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.COMPTE_COURANT && a.Credit == 6 && a.Libelle == "TEST 3");

            destination.LinesOD[0].Libelle.Should().Be("TEST 2");
            destination.LinesOD[1].Libelle.Should().Be("TEST 2");
            destination.LinesOD[2].Libelle.Should().Be("TEST 2");
            destination.LinesOD[3].Libelle.Should().Be("TEST 3");
            destination.LinesOD[4].Libelle.Should().Be("TEST 3");
            destination.LinesOD[5].Libelle.Should().Be("TEST 3");

            destination.LinesBanque[0].Libelle.Should().Be("Capital social");
            destination.LinesBanque[1].Libelle.Should().Be("Capital social");

            destination.LinesBanque[2].Libelle.Should().Be("TEST 1");
            destination.LinesBanque[3].Libelle.Should().Be("TEST 1");
            destination.LinesBanque[4].Libelle.Should().Be("TEST 1");

            destination.LinesBanque[5].Libelle.Should().Be("Facture apollo octobre 2016");
            destination.LinesBanque[6].Libelle.Should().Be("Facture apollo octobre 2016");
            destination.LinesBanque[7].Libelle.Should().Be("Facture apollo octobre 2016");

        public void VersementSimpleEtVersementMultipleAvecCca()
            var source      = new MockSourceRepository();
            var destination = new MockDestinationRepository();

            source.Sorties.Add(new SourceLine(1, "TEST 1", 1, 1, new Compte("111111"), new DateTime(2017, 04, 05), 1, false));
            source.Sorties.Add(new SourceLine(2, "TEST 2", 2, 2, new Compte("222222"), new DateTime(2017, 04, 05), 2, true));
            source.Sorties.Add(new SourceLine(3, "TEST 3", 3, 3, new Compte("333333"), new DateTime(2017, 04, 05), 2, false));
            source.Sorties.Add(new SourceLine(4, "TEST 4", 4, 4, new Compte("444444"), new DateTime(2017, 04, 05), 3, true));
            source.Sorties.Add(new SourceLine(5, "TEST 5", 5, 5, new Compte("555555"), new DateTime(2017, 04, 05), 3, false));
            source.Sorties.Add(new SourceLine(6, "TEST 6", 6, 6, new Compte("666666"), new DateTime(2017, 04, 05), 4, false));
            source.Sorties.Add(new SourceLine(7, "TEST 7", 7, 0, new Compte("777777"), new DateTime(2017, 04, 05), 5, false));

            new ExtractCompta(source, destination).Execute();

            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == "111111" && a.Debit == 1 && a.Libelle == "TEST 1")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.TVA && a.Debit == 1 && a.Libelle == "TEST 1")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.BANQUE && a.Credit == 2 && a.Libelle == "TEST 1")

            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.COMPTE_COURANT && a.Debit == 10 && a.Libelle == Libelle.Virement)
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.BANQUE && a.Credit == 10 && a.Libelle == Libelle.Virement)

            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.COMPTE_COURANT && a.Debit == 18 && a.Libelle == Libelle.Virement)
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.BANQUE && a.Credit == 18 && a.Libelle == Libelle.Virement)

            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == "666666" && a.Debit == 6 && a.Libelle == "TEST 6")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.TVA && a.Debit == 6 && a.Libelle == "TEST 6")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.BANQUE && a.Credit == 12 && a.Libelle == "TEST 6")

            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == "777777" && a.Debit == 7 && a.Libelle == "TEST 7")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.BANQUE && a.Credit == 7 && a.Libelle == "TEST 7");

            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == "222222" && a.Debit == 2 && a.Libelle == "TEST 2")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.TVA && a.Debit == 2 && a.Libelle == "TEST 2")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.COMPTE_COURANT && a.Credit == 4 && a.Libelle == "TEST 2")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == "333333" && a.Debit == 3 && a.Libelle == "TEST 3")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.TVA && a.Debit == 3 && a.Libelle == "TEST 3")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.COMPTE_COURANT && a.Credit == 6 && a.Libelle == "TEST 3")

            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == "444444" && a.Debit == 4 && a.Libelle == "TEST 4")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.TVA && a.Debit == 4 && a.Libelle == "TEST 4")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.COMPTE_COURANT && a.Credit == 8 && a.Libelle == "TEST 4")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == "555555" && a.Debit == 5 && a.Libelle == "TEST 5")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.TVA && a.Debit == 5 && a.Libelle == "TEST 5")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.COMPTE_COURANT && a.Credit == 10 && a.Libelle == "TEST 5");
        public void UnSeulVersementEnSortieGenereUnVirementBancaire()
            var source = new MockSourceRepository();
            var output = new MockDestinationRepository();

            source.Sorties.Add(new SourceLine(1, "TEST", 10, 2, new Compte("123456"), new DateTime(2017, 04, 03), 1, false));

            new ExtractCompta(source, output).Execute();

            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == "123456" && a.Debit == 10 && a.Libelle == "TEST")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.TVA && a.Debit == 2 && a.Libelle == "TEST")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.BANQUE && a.Credit == 12 && a.Libelle == "TEST");

        public void VersementEntreeSimple()
            var source      = new MockSourceRepository();
            var destination = new MockDestinationRepository();

            source.Entrees.Add(new SourceLine(1, "Capital social", 1000, 0, new Compte("101200"), new DateTime(2016, 10, 07), 1, false));
            source.Entrees.Add(new SourceLine(2, "Facture apollo octobre 2016", 4680, 936, new Compte("622600"), new DateTime(2016, 12, 02), 2, false));

            new ExtractCompta(source, destination).Execute();

            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == "101200" && a.Credit == 1000 && a.Libelle == "Capital social")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.BANQUE && a.Debit == 1000 && a.Libelle == "Capital social")

            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == "622600" && a.Credit == 4680 && a.Libelle == "Facture apollo octobre 2016")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.TVA_COLLECTEE && a.Credit == 936 && a.Libelle == "Facture apollo octobre 2016")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.BANQUE && a.Debit == 5616 && a.Libelle == "Facture apollo octobre 2016");
        public void PlusieurVersementEnSortieDontGenerespPlusieursUnVirement()
            var source = new MockSourceRepository();
            var output = new MockDestinationRepository();

            source.Sorties.Add(new SourceLine(1, "TEST 1", 10, 2, new Compte("111111"), new DateTime(2017, 04, 05), 1, false));
            source.Sorties.Add(new SourceLine(1, "TEST 2", 5, 1, new Compte("222222"), new DateTime(2017, 04, 05), 1, false));

            new ExtractCompta(source, output).Execute();


            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == "111111" && a.Debit == 10 && a.Libelle == "TEST 1")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.TVA && a.Debit == 2 && a.Libelle == "TEST 1")

            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == "222222" && a.Debit == 5 && a.Libelle == "TEST 2")
            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.TVA && a.Debit == 1 && a.Libelle == "TEST 2")

            .And.Contain(a => a.Compte.Valeur == Compte.BANQUE && a.Credit == 18 && a.Libelle == Libelle.Virement);
Esempio n. 6
        public async Task CopyNupkgToStreamAsync_TimeoutOnFirstAttempt_FileSizeCorrectAfterRetry()
            // Arrange

            // First create a mock package source with a package we can download
            using TestDirectory testDirectory = TestDirectory.Create();

            var packages = new List <string>();

            const string packageId            = "packageId";
            const string packageVersionString = "1.0.0";
            FileInfo     packageFileInfo      = TestPackagesGroupedByFolder.GetLargePackage(testDirectory, packageId, packageVersionString);


            // Make sure it's the package source that times out every second nupkg download attempt
            NupkgDownloadTimeoutHttpClientHandler timeoutHandler = new NupkgDownloadTimeoutHttpClientHandler(packages);
            var source = MockSourceRepository.Create(timeoutHandler);

            // Now arrange the NuGet Client SDK experience
            var protocolResource = await source.GetResourceAsync <FindPackageByIdResource>();

            using (var destination = new MemoryStream())
                var scc = new SourceCacheContext()
                    DirectDownload = true,
                    NoCache        = true
                NuGetVersion packageVersion = NuGetVersion.Parse(packageVersionString);

                // Act
                var result = await protocolResource.CopyNupkgToStreamAsync(packageId, packageVersion, destination, scc, NullLogger.Instance, CancellationToken.None);

                // Assert
                Assert.Equal(1, timeoutHandler.FailedDownloads);
                Assert.Equal(packageFileInfo.Length, destination.Length);