public void Product_Delete_Valid()
            //Get Actual Count
            _ProductListCount = _ProductList.Count;

            var mockProductManagerResult = new MockProductManager().MockDelete(true, _ProductList, 4);

            _productController = new ProductController(

            // Save our changes.
            var actionResult   = _productController.Delete(4);
            var actionResponse = actionResult.Result as OkObjectResult;

            _mockResponse = actionResponse.Value as ApiResponse;
            var dataResult = Convert.ToBoolean(_mockResponse.ResponseObject);

            //Get Expected Count
            var expectedCount = _ProductList.Count;
            // Find a Product by id
            Product testProduct = mockProductManager.MockFindById(_ProductList, 4);

            // Verify the change
            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(OkObjectResult), actionResponse); //Test if returns ok response
            Assert.IsTrue(dataResult);                                   // Test if true
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedCount, _ProductListCount - 1);       // Verify the expected Number post-delete
        public void Product_Update_Valid()
            // Find a Product by id
            Product testProduct = mockProductManager.MockFindById(_ProductList, 3);

            // Change one of its properties
            testProduct.ProdSname = "Unit Test Data";

            // Auto Mapper from Product to ProductModel
            var updateProduct = _mockMapper.Map <ProductModel>(testProduct);

            var mockProductManagerResult = new MockProductManager().MockUpdate(true, _ProductList, testProduct);

            _productController = new ProductController(

            // Save our changes.
            var actionResult   = _productController.Update(updateProduct);
            var actionResponse = actionResult.Result as OkObjectResult;

            _mockResponse = actionResponse.Value as ApiResponse;
            var dataResult = Convert.ToBoolean(_mockResponse.ResponseObject);

            // Verify the change
            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(OkObjectResult), actionResponse); //Test if returns ok response
            Assert.IsTrue(dataResult);                                   // Test if true
            Assert.AreEqual("Unit Test Data", mockProductManager.MockFindById(_ProductList, 3).ProdSname);
        public void Product_Update_InValidData()
            // Find a Product by id
            Product testProduct = mockProductManager.MockFindById(_ProductList, 3);

            // Change one of its properties
            testProduct.ProdSname = "Unit Test Data";

            // Auto Mapper from Product to ProductModel
            var updateProduct = _mockMapper.Map <ProductModel>(testProduct);

            var mockProductManagerResult = new MockProductManager().MockUpdate(false, _ProductList, testProduct);

            _productController = new ProductController(

            // Save our changes.
            var actionResult   = _productController.Update(updateProduct);
            var actionResponse = actionResult.Result as BadRequestObjectResult;

            // Verify the change
            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(BadRequestObjectResult), actionResponse); //Test if returns ok response
        public void Product_Code_Exists()
            // Get that Product for code : test
            Product testProduct = mockProductManager.MockFindByCode(_ProductList, "test1");

            var mockProductManagerResult = new MockProductManager().MockGetProductByCode(testProduct, _ProductList, "test1");

            _productController = new ProductController(

            // Save our changes.
            var actionResult   = _productController.GetProductByCode("test1");
            var actionResponse = actionResult.Result as OkObjectResult;

            _mockResponse = actionResponse.Value as ApiResponse;
            var dataResult = _mockResponse.ResponseObject as ProductModel;

            // Verify the change
            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(OkObjectResult), actionResponse); //Test if returns ok response
            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ProductModel), dataResult);       // Test if true
        public void Product_LoadProduct_NoRecords()
            // Loading all Product
            var mockProductManagerResult = new MockProductManager().MockLoadList(null);

            //Setup ProductController
            _productController = new ProductController(

            var actionResult   = _productController.LoadList();
            var actionResponse = actionResult.Result as OkObjectResult;

            _mockResponse = actionResponse.Value as ApiResponse;
            var dataResult = _mockResponse.ResponseObject as List <ProductModel>;

            //Get Actual Count
            _ProductListCount = _ProductList.Count;

            Assert.AreEqual(0, dataResult.Count); //Test if returns ok response
        public void Product_LoadProduct_Valid()
            // Loading all Product
            var mockProductManagerResult = new MockProductManager().MockLoadList(_ProductList);

            //Setup ProductController
            _productController = new ProductController(

            var actionResult   = _productController.LoadList();
            var actionResponse = actionResult.Result as OkObjectResult;

            _mockResponse = actionResponse.Value as ApiResponse;
            var dataResult = _mockResponse.ResponseObject as List <ProductModel>;

            //Get Actual Count
            _ProductListCount = _ProductList.Count;

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(OkObjectResult), actionResponse); //Test if returns ok response
            Assert.AreEqual(dataResult.Count, _ProductListCount);        // Verify the correct Number
        public void Product_LoadProductById_Valid()

            // Get that Product for id : 2
            Product testProduct = mockProductManager.MockFindById(_ProductList, 2);

            var mockProductManagerResult = new MockProductManager().MockLoad(testProduct);

            _productController = new ProductController(

            var actionResult   = _productController.LoadById(2);
            var actionResponse = actionResult.Result as OkObjectResult;

            _mockResponse = actionResponse.Value as ApiResponse;
            var dataResult = _mockResponse.ResponseObject as ProductModel;

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(OkObjectResult), actionResponse); //Test if returns ok response
            Assert.IsNotNull(dataResult);                                // Test if null
            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ProductModel), dataResult);       //Test if returns ok response
        public void Product_Create_Valid()
            //Get Actual Count
            _ProductListCount = _ProductList.Count;

            //Get Max ID from List
            _ProductListMaxId = Convert.ToInt32(_ProductList.Max(x => x.Id).ToString()) + 1;

            // Create a new ProductModel, not I do not supply an id
            ProductModel newProductModel = new ProductModel
                Id        = _ProductListMaxId,
                ProdSname = "Test Product " + _ProductListMaxId.ToString(),
                ProdCode  = "test5",

            // Auto Mapper from ProductModel to Product
            var newProduct = _mockMapper.Map <Product>(newProductModel);

            var mockProductManagerResult = new MockProductManager().MockCreate(1, _ProductList, newProduct);

            _productController = new ProductController(

            #region "ACT"

            // try saving our new Product
            var actionResult   = _productController.Create(newProductModel);
            var actionResponse = actionResult.Result as OkObjectResult;
            _mockResponse = actionResponse.Value as ApiResponse;
            var dataResult = Convert.ToBoolean(_mockResponse.ResponseObject);


            //Get Expected Count
            var expectedCount = _ProductList.Count;

            // Verify that our new Product has been created
            Product testProduct = mockProductManager.MockFindById(_ProductList, _ProductListMaxId);

            // Assert
            #region "Assert"
            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(OkObjectResult), actionResponse); //Test if returns ok response
            Assert.IsTrue(dataResult);                                   // Test if true
            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(Product), testProduct);           // Test type
            // Check both actual and expected count is same after insert
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedCount, _ProductListCount + 1);       // Verify the expected Number post-insert

            Assert.AreEqual(_ProductListMaxId, testProduct.Id);          // Verify it has the expected Product Id

        public void Product_Create_InValidData()
            //Get Actual Count
            _ProductListCount = _ProductList.Count;

            //Get Max ID from List
            _ProductListMaxId = Convert.ToInt32(_ProductList.Max(x => x.Id).ToString()) + 1;

            // Create a new ProductModel, not I do not supply an id
            ProductModel newProductModel = new ProductModel
                Id        = _ProductListMaxId,
                ProdSname = "Test Product " + _ProductListMaxId.ToString(),
                ProdCode  = "test12"

            // Auto Mapper from ProductModel to Product
            var newProduct = _mockMapper.Map <Product>(newProductModel);

            var mockProductManagerResult = new MockProductManager().MockCreate(0, _ProductList, newProduct);

            _productController = new ProductController(

            #region "ACT"

            // try saving our new Product
            var actionResult   = _productController.Create(newProductModel);
            var actionResponse = actionResult.Result as BadRequestObjectResult;


            //Get Expected Count
            var expectedCount = _ProductList.Count;

            // Assert
            #region "Assert"
            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(BadRequestObjectResult), actionResponse); //Test if returns ok response

            // Check both actual and expected count is same after insert
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedCount, _ProductListCount); // Verify the expected Number post-insert

        public void Product_Delete_InValidId()
            var mockProductManagerResult = new MockProductManager().MockDelete(false, _ProductList, 0);

            _productController = new ProductController(
            // Save our changes.
            var actionResult   = _productController.Delete(0);
            var actionResponse = actionResult.Result as BadRequestObjectResult;

            // Verify the change
            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(BadRequestObjectResult), actionResponse); //Test if returns ok response
        public void Product_LoadProductById_InValid()

            // Get that Product for id : 6
            Product testProduct = mockProductManager.MockFindById(_ProductList, 6);

            var mockProductManagerResult = new MockProductManager().MockLoad(testProduct);

            _productController = new ProductController(

            var actionResult   = _productController.LoadById(2);
            var actionResponse = actionResult.Result as BadRequestObjectResult;

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(BadRequestObjectResult), actionResponse); //Test if returns ok response
        public void Product_Code_NotExists()
            // Get that Product for code : test
            Product testProduct = mockProductManager.MockFindByCode(_ProductList, "test15");

            var mockProductManagerResult = new MockProductManager().MockGetProductByCode(testProduct, _ProductList, "test15");

            _productController = new ProductController(

            // Save our changes.
            var actionResult   = _productController.GetProductByCode("test15");
            var actionResponse = actionResult.Result as BadRequestObjectResult;

            // Verify the change
            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(BadRequestObjectResult), actionResponse); //Test if returns ok response
        public void SetUp()
            #region "Arrange"

            //Creating Dummy Product List
            _ProductList = new List <Product>
                new Product {
                    Id           = 1,
                    ProdSname    = "Test Product 1",
                    ProdLname    = "Test Product 1",
                    ProdCode     = "test1",
                    GmidUnit     = 1,
                    MinQty       = 10,
                    ReorderQty   = 10,
                    ActiveStatus = "A",
                    DeleteStatus = "A"
                new Product {
                    Id           = 2,
                    ProdSname    = "Test Product 2",
                    ProdLname    = "Test Product 2",
                    ProdCode     = "test2",
                    GmidUnit     = 1,
                    MinQty       = 10,
                    ReorderQty   = 10,
                    ActiveStatus = "A",
                    DeleteStatus = "A"
                new Product {
                    Id           = 3,
                    ProdSname    = "Test Product 3",
                    ProdLname    = "Test Product 3",
                    ProdCode     = "test3",
                    GmidUnit     = 1,
                    MinQty       = 10,
                    ReorderQty   = 10,
                    ActiveStatus = "A",
                    DeleteStatus = "A"
                new Product {
                    Id           = 4,
                    ProdSname    = "Test Product 4",
                    ProdLname    = "Test Product 4",
                    ProdCode     = "test4",
                    GmidUnit     = 1,
                    MinQty       = 10,
                    ReorderQty   = 10,
                    ActiveStatus = "A",
                    DeleteStatus = "A"

            _mockLogger = new Mock <ILogger <ProductController> >();

            // Mock the API Response
            _mockResponse = new ApiResponse();

            //Mapper Configuration
            var mappingConfig = new MapperConfiguration(mc =>
                mc.AddProfile(new MockMappingProfile());
            _mockMapper = mappingConfig.CreateMapper();


            //Setup MockProductManager
            mockProductManager = new MockProductManager();