public async Task Initialize()
            // Clear any existing items.

            // Get the data folder.
            string filepath = OfflineDataStorageHelper.GetDataFolder();

            foreach (string subDirectory in Directory.GetDirectories(filepath))
                    // Note: the downloaded map packages are stored as *unpacked* mobile map packages.
                    var mmpk = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(subDirectory);

                    if (mmpk?.Item != null)
                        Items.Add(new PortalItemViewModel(mmpk.Item));
                catch (Exception)
                    // Ignored - not a valid map package
Esempio n. 2
        private async void AddSMPLocator_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // NOTE: You can download a sample of StreetMap Premium for testing purposes by visiting the downloads section of the ArcGIS Developer dashboard.
            string path = LocatorPathText.Text;

            if (!File.Exists(path))
                MessageBox.Show("Error", "Input Path Does Not Exist");

                MobileMapPackage mmpk = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(path);

                if (mmpk.LocatorTask is LocatorTask packagedLocator)
                    MySearchView.SearchViewModel.Sources.Add(new LocatorSearchSource(packagedLocator));
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error", ex.Message);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the Mobile Map Package and creates single instance of the AppViewModel
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Async task</returns>
        private async Task LoadMmpkAsync()
            // Open mmpk if it exists
            // If no mmpk is found, alert the user and shut down the application
            var mmpkFullPath = Path.Combine(Settings.Default.DownloadPath, Settings.Default.MmpkFileName);

            if (File.Exists(mmpkFullPath))
                    var mmpk = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(mmpkFullPath);

                    AppViewModel.Instance.Mmpk = mmpk;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error opening map", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
                    "Map could not be downloaded and no locally stored map was found. Application will now exit. Please restart application to re-try the map download",
                    "No Map Found",

            // Set data context for the main screen and load main screen
            this.DataContext = AppViewModel.Instance;
            AppViewModel.Instance.DisplayViewModel = new MainViewModel();
Esempio n. 4
        private async Task <MobileMapPackage> OpenMobileMapPackage(string path)
            // Load directly or unpack then load as needed by the map package.
            if (await MobileMapPackage.IsDirectReadSupportedAsync(path))
                // Open the map package.
                MobileMapPackage package = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(path);

                // Load the package.
                await package.LoadAsync();

                // Return the opened package.
                // Create a path for the unpacked package.
                string unpackedPath = path + "unpacked";

                // Unpack the package.
                await MobileMapPackage.UnpackAsync(path, unpackedPath);

                // Open the package.
                MobileMapPackage package = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(unpackedPath);

                // Load the package.
                await package.LoadAsync();

                // Return the opened package.
        private async Task CheckOfflineMapArea()
            if (!Directory.Exists(OfflineMapAreaFolder))

            if (Directory.EnumerateFiles(OfflineMapAreaFolder).Any())
                    var mmpk = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(OfflineMapAreaFolder);

                    DownloadMapAreaStatusLabel.Text      = "Offline Map Area: Download complete.";
                    DownloadMapAreaStatusLabel.TextColor = Color.Green;
                    _offlineMapArea = mmpk.Maps.First();

                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                        OfflineMapAreaButton.IsEnabled  = false;
                        ActivateMapAreaButton.IsEnabled = true;
                catch (Exception)
                    Directory.Delete(OfflineMapAreaFolder, true);
        private async void OpenMMPK1()
            // Mobile map package to open directly from a package or an unpacked folder.
            MobileMapPackage mobileMapPackage;

            // Check whether the mobile map package supports direct read.
            bool isDirectReadSupported = await MobileMapPackage.IsDirectReadSupportedAsync(pathToOutputPackage);

            if (isDirectReadSupported)
                // If it does, create the mobile map package directly from the .mmpk file.
                mobileMapPackage = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(pathToOutputPackage);
                // Otherwise, unpack the mobile map package file into a directory.
                await MobileMapPackage.UnpackAsync(pathToOutputPackage, pathToUnpackedPackage);

                // Create the mobile map package from the unpack directory.
                mobileMapPackage = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(pathToUnpackedPackage);

            // Make sure there is at least one map, then add the first map in the package to the map view.
            if (mobileMapPackage.Maps.Count > 0)
                Map myMap = mobileMapPackage.Maps.First();
                MyMapView.Map = myMap;
Esempio n. 7
        private async void ViewButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            originPoint = null;
            //Change button to 2D or 3D when button is clicked
            ViewButton.Content = FindResource(ViewButton.Content == FindResource("3D") ? "2D" : "3D");
            if (ViewButton.Content == FindResource("2D"))
                threeD = true;
                if (myScene == null)
                    //Create a new scene
                    myScene         = new Scene(Basemap.CreateNationalGeographic());
                    sceneView.Scene = myScene;
                    // create an elevation source
                    var elevationSource = new ArcGISTiledElevationSource(new System.Uri(ELEVATION_IMAGE_SERVICE));
                    // create a surface and add the elevation surface
                    var sceneSurface = new Surface();
                    // apply the surface to the scene
                    sceneView.Scene.BaseSurface = sceneSurface;

                    //Exercise 3: Open mobie map package (.mmpk) and add its operational layers to the scene
                    var mmpk = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(MMPK_PATH);

                    if (mmpk.Maps.Count >= 0)
                        myMap = mmpk.Maps[0];
                        LayerCollection layerCollection = myMap.OperationalLayers;

                        for (int i = 0; i < layerCollection.Count(); i++)
                            var thelayer = layerCollection[i];
                            //Rotate the camera
                            Viewpoint viewpoint = sceneView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.CenterAndScale);
                            Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Geometry.MapPoint targetPoint = (MapPoint)viewpoint.TargetGeometry;
                            Camera camera = sceneView.Camera.RotateAround(targetPoint, 45.0, 65.0, 0.0);
                            await sceneView.SetViewpointCameraAsync(camera);
                        sceneView.Scene = myScene;
                        bufferAndQuerySceneGraphics.SceneProperties.SurfacePlacement = SurfacePlacement.Draped;
                        sceneRouteGraphics.SceneProperties.SurfacePlacement = SurfacePlacement.Draped;

                //Exercise 1 Once the scene has been created hide the mapView and show the sceneView
                mapView.Visibility   = Visibility.Hidden;
                sceneView.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                threeD = false;
                sceneView.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                mapView.Visibility   = Visibility.Visible;
Esempio n. 8
        private async void Initialize()
            // The mobile map package will be downloaded from ArcGIS Online
            // The data manager (a component of the sample viewer, *NOT* the runtime
            //     handles the offline data process

            // The desired MMPK is expected to be called Yellowstone.mmpk
            string filename = "Yellowstone.mmpk";

            // The data manager provides a method to get the folder
            string folder = DataManager.GetDataFolder();

            // Get the full path
            string filepath = Path.Combine(folder, "SampleData", "OpenMobileMap", filename);

            // Check if the file exists
            if (!File.Exists(filepath))
                // Download the map package file
                await DataManager.GetData("e1f3a7254cb845b09450f54937c16061", "OpenMobileMap");

            // Open the map package
            MobileMapPackage myMapPackage = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(filepath);

            // Check that there is at least one map
            if (myMapPackage.Maps.Count > 0)
                // Display the first map in the package
                _myMapView.Map = myMapPackage.Maps.First();
Esempio n. 9
        public async void Initialize()

            // ライセンスキーを登録して Lite ライセンスの認証を行う
            string licenseKey = "xxxx";


            MobileMapPackage myMapPackage = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(@"..\..\..\..\SampleData\sample_maps.mmpk");
            // マップ ビューの持つ Map プロパティにモバイル マップ パッケージが持つマップを割り当てる
            MyMapView.Map = myMapPackage.Maps.First();
            // 背景に ArcGIS Online の衛星画像サービスを表示する
            MyMapView.Map.Basemap = Basemap.CreateImagery();
            // マップのレイヤーを取得してレイヤーの透過率を設定
            MyMapView.Map.OperationalLayers[0].Opacity = 0.5;
            // マップのスケール範囲を設定
            MyMapView.Map.MinScale = 5000000;
            MyMapView.Map.MaxScale = 5000;

            // マップに追加されているレイヤーの一覧取得

            // マップ ビューのタップイベント
            MyMapView.GeoViewTapped += MyMapView_GeoViewTapped;
        public async Task ConfigureStreetMapPremium()
            // Open the mmpk file
            string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "Canada_Quebec.mmpk");

                // Load the package.
                MobileMapPackage streetMapPremiumPackage = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(path);

                // Get the first Map.
                Map caliMap = streetMapPremiumPackage.Maps.First();

                // Load the map; transportation networks aren't available until the map is loaded
                await caliMap.LoadAsync();

                // Get the first network
                _transportationNetwork = caliMap.TransportationNetworks.First();

                // Set the initial viewPoint
                caliMap.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(_latitude, _longitude, _scale);

                // Update the map in use
                this.Map     = caliMap;
                _mapView.Map = Map;

                MapView.LocationDisplay.IsEnabled        = true;
                MapView.LocationDisplay.LocationChanged += OnLocationChanged;
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Error opening package");
        private async void OnDeleteAllMapAreasClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Show the map area deletion UI.
            DownloadNotificationText.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
            ProgressBar.IsIndeterminate         = true;
            BusyText.Text            = "Deleting downloaded map areas...";
            BusyIndicator.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            // If there is a map loaded, remove it.
            if (MyMapView.Map != null)
                // Clear the layers. This will ensure that their resources are freed.
                MyMapView.Map = null;

            // Ensure the map and related resources (for example, handles to geodatabases) are cleared.
            //    This is important on Windows where open files can't be deleted.

                // Find all downloaded offline areas from the sample folder.
                List <string> downloadedPackagePaths = Directory.GetDirectories(_offlineDataFolder).ToList();

                foreach (string packagePath in downloadedPackagePaths)
                    MobileMapPackage downloadedAreaPackage = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(packagePath);

                    if (!downloadedAreaPackage.Maps.Any())
                        // Delete temporary data folder from potential stray folders.
                        Directory.Delete(_offlineDataFolder, true);
                        // Unregister all geodatabases and delete the package.
                        await UnregisterAndRemoveMobileMapPackage(downloadedAreaPackage);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Report error accessing a resource.
                MessageDialog message = new MessageDialog(ex.Message, "Deleting map areas failed");
                await message.ShowAsync();
                // Reset the UI.
                DownloadNotificationText.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                MyMapView.Visibility             = Visibility.Collapsed;
                BusyIndicator.Visibility         = Visibility.Collapsed;
                PreplannedAreasList.SelectedItem = null;
        public async void Initialize()
            MobileMapPackage myMapPackage = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(@"..\..\..\..\SampleData\sample_maps.mmpk");

            // マップ ビューの持つ Map プロパティにモバイル マップ パッケージが持つマップを割り当てる
            MyMapView.Map = myMapPackage.Maps.First();
            // マップのレイヤーを取得してレイヤーの透過率を設定
            MyMapView.Map.OperationalLayers[0].Opacity = 0.5;
Esempio n. 13
        private async void OfflineMapTaskButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string pathToOutputPackage = @"C:\My Documents\Readiness\Trainings\Runtime 100.1\Demos\OfflineMap";
            // Create a mobile map package from the offline map
            MobileMapPackage offlineMapPackage = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(pathToOutputPackage);

            // Get the map from the package and set it to the MapView
            var map = offlineMapPackage.Maps.First();

            MyMapView.Map = map;
Esempio n. 14
        private async Task <MobileMapPackage> OpenMobileMapPackage(string path)
            // Open the map package.
            MobileMapPackage package = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(path);

            // Load the package.
            await package.LoadAsync();

            // Return the opened package.
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a MMPK map source.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">the MMPK file</param>
        /// <returns>the opened MMPK</returns>
        public async Task <MobileMapPackage> AddMMPKAsync(string fileName)
            List <Map>       maps = new List <Map>();
            MobileMapPackage mmpk = null;

            if (!this.HasLayerFileSource(fileName))
                LayerFileSource lfs = new LayerFileSource();
                lfs.SourceFile = fileName;
                mmpk = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(fileName);

                await mmpk.LoadAsync();

                foreach (Map aMap in mmpk.Maps)
                    var layerCollection = aMap.OperationalLayers.Reverse();
                    await aMap.LoadAsync();

                    Trace.WriteLine("Map = " + aMap.ToString());
                    foreach (var layer in layerCollection)
                        Layer lyr = layer.Clone();
                        lyr.IsVisible = layer.IsVisible;
                        //if (layer.Opacity == 1)
                        //    layer.Opacity = .55;
                        lyr.Opacity = layer.Opacity;
                        await lyr.LoadAsync();

                        if (lyr is FeatureLayer)
                            TesterLayer             testLayer    = new TesterLayer();
                            FeatureLayer            featLyr      = lyr as FeatureLayer;
                            GeodatabaseFeatureTable featureTable = featLyr.FeatureTable as GeodatabaseFeatureTable;
                            testLayer.FeatureTable = featureTable;
                            testLayer.FeatureLayer = featLyr;
                            ((FeatureLayer)lyr).LabelsEnabled        = true;
                            ((FeatureLayer)lyr).DefinitionExpression = ((FeatureLayer)layer).DefinitionExpression;
                        else if (lyr is GroupLayer)
                            SetupLayersUnderGroupLayer((GroupLayer)lyr, (GroupLayer)layer, lfs);


        private async void OpenPackage_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Create a mobile map package from an unpacked map package folder.
            MobileMapPackage offlineMapPackage = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(pathToOutputPackage);

            // Set the title from the package metadata to the UI

            // Get the map from the package and set it to the MapView
            var map = offlineMapPackage.Maps.First();

            MyMapView.Map = map;
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the MMPK from the location on disk
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The MMPKA sync.</returns>
        private async Task <MobileMapPackage> LoadMMPKAsync()
                var mmpk = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(Path.Combine(DownloadViewModel.GetDataFolder(), AppSettings.CurrentSettings.PortalItemName));

Esempio n. 18
        private async void CreateMMPKLayer()
            // Path to MMPK
            string sPath_mobile = parent.FullName + "\\MMPK\\NewZealand.mmpk";

            // Open MMPK asynchrously and store in map objects
            MobileMapPackage mmpk = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(sPath_mobile);

            _map1 = mmpk.Maps[0];
            _map2 = mmpk.Maps[1];

            // Add maps to the MapView
            MyMapView.Map = _map1;
            MyMapView.Map = _map2;
        private async void Initialize()
            // Get the path to the mobile map package
            string filepath = GetMmpkPath();

            // Open the map package
            MobileMapPackage myMapPackage = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(filepath);

            // Check that there is at least one map
            if (myMapPackage.Maps.Count > 0)
                // Display the first map in the package
                _myMapView.Map = myMapPackage.Maps.First();
Esempio n. 20
        private async void Initialize()
            // Get the path to the mobile map package.
            string filepath = DataManager.GetDataFolder("e1f3a7254cb845b09450f54937c16061", "Yellowstone.mmpk");

            // Open the map package.
            MobileMapPackage myMapPackage = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(filepath);

            // Check that there is at least one map.
            if (myMapPackage.Maps.Count > 0)
                // Display the first map in the package.
                _myMapView.Map = myMapPackage.Maps.First();
Esempio n. 21
        private async void SetMap()
                var localFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData);
                var path        = Directory.EnumerateFiles(localFolder, "*.mmpk").FirstOrDefault();
                if (path == null)
                    using (var fos = File.Create(Path.Combine(localFolder, "map.mmpk")))
                        using (var fis = this.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("MmpkTest.Yellowstone.mmpk"))
                    path = Directory.EnumerateFiles(localFolder, "*.mmpk").FirstOrDefault();
                if (path != null && File.Exists(path))
                    var mmpk = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(path);

                    TheMap.Map = mmpk.Maps.First();
                    Map        = TheMap.Map;
                    var stack = new StackLayout()
                        Margin = 40
                    stack.Children.Add(new Label()
                        Text = "Mobile Map Package not found. Please place an mmpk (any file name that ends in .mmpk) and restart this app."
                    this.Content = stack;
            catch (Exception e)
                var stack = new StackLayout()
                    Margin = 40
                stack.Children.Add(new Label()
                    Text = e.ToString()
                this.Content = stack;
        private async void OpenMMPK()
            var     filepath = mapClass.Filepath;
            Basemap heatBase = Basemap.CreateImageryWithLabels();

                // Load directly or unpack then load as needed by the map package.
                if (await MobileMapPackage.IsDirectReadSupportedAsync(filepath))
                    // Open the map package.
                    MobileMapPackage heatMap = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(filepath);

                    Map HeatVulnerabilityMap = heatMap.Maps.First();

                    // Check for map in .mmpk and give to corresponding views
                    if (heatMap.Maps.Count > 0)
                        HeatVuln.Map         = HeatVulnerabilityMap;
                        HeatVuln.Map.Basemap = heatBase;
                        HeatVuln.Map.OperationalLayers[0].IsVisible = false; // Avg Temp / Daily Heating
                        HeatVuln.Map.OperationalLayers[1].IsVisible = false; // Impervous Surfaces
                        HeatVuln.Map.OperationalLayers[2].IsVisible = false; // Tree Canopy
                        HeatVuln.Map.OperationalLayers[3].IsVisible = true;  // Heat Vulnerability
                        HeatVuln.Map.OperationalLayers[4].IsVisible = false; // Richmond Poverty
                    // Create a path for the unpacked package.
                    string unpackedPath = filepath + "unpacked";

                    // Unpack the package.
                    await MobileMapPackage.UnpackAsync(filepath, unpackedPath);

                    // Open the package.
                    MobileMapPackage package = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(unpackedPath);

                    // Load the package.
                    await package.LoadAsync();
            catch (Exception e)
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(e.ToString(), "Error");
Esempio n. 23
        public async void Initialize()
            MobileMapPackage myMapPackage = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(@"..\..\..\..\SampleData\sample_maps.mmpk");

            // マップ ビューの持つ Map プロパティにモバイル マップ パッケージが持つマップを割り当てる
            MyMapView.Map = myMapPackage.Maps.First();
            // 背景に ArcGIS Online の衛星画像サービスを表示する
            MyMapView.Map.Basemap = Basemap.CreateImagery();
            // マップのレイヤーを取得してレイヤーの透過率を設定
            MyMapView.Map.OperationalLayers[0].Opacity = 0.5;
            // マップのスケール範囲を設定
            MyMapView.Map.MinScale = 5000000;
            MyMapView.Map.MaxScale = 5000;

            // マップ ビューのタップイベント
            MyMapView.GeoViewTapped += MyMapView_GeoViewTapped;
        private async void OnDeleteAllMapAreasClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Show the deletion UI.
            _progressIndicator.UpdateMessageAndProgress("Deleting downloaded map areas", -1);

            // If there is a map loaded, remove it.
            if (_myMapView.Map != null)
                _myMapView.Map = null;

                // Find all downloaded offline areas from the sample folder.
                List <string> downloadedPackagePaths = Directory.GetDirectories(_offlineDataFolder).ToList();

                foreach (string packagePath in downloadedPackagePaths)
                    MobileMapPackage downloadedAreaPackage = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(packagePath);

                    if (!downloadedAreaPackage.Maps.Any())
                        // Delete temporary data folder from potential stray folders.
                        Directory.Delete(_offlineDataFolder, true);
                        // Unregister all geodatabases and delete the package.
                        await UnregisterAndRemoveMobileMapPackage(downloadedAreaPackage);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Report the error.
                UIAlertController alertController = UIAlertController.Create("Deleting map areas failed.", ex.Message, UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert);
                alertController.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("OK", UIAlertActionStyle.Default, null));
                PresentViewController(alertController, true, null);
                // Reset the UI.
        public async void init()

                MobileMapPackage offlineMapPackage = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync("C:/TEMPCD");

                // Get the map from the package and set it to the MapView
                var map = offlineMapPackage.Maps.First();
                Map = map;
            catch (Exception e)
                ArcGISPortal portal = await ArcGISPortal.CreateAsync();

                // Get a web map item using its ID.
                PortalItem webmapItem = await PortalItem.CreateAsync(portal, "a72f2553da664a41b5f00583f7780206");

                // Create a map from the web map item.
                _map = new Map(webmapItem);
                Map  = _map;
                // Create an OfflineMapTask from the map ...
                OfflineMapTask takeMapOfflineTask = await OfflineMapTask.CreateAsync(_map);

                // ... or a web map portal item.

                // Create the default parameters for the task, pass in the area of interest.
                GenerateOfflineMapParameters parameters = await takeMapOfflineTask.CreateDefaultGenerateOfflineMapParametersAsync(new Envelope(375474, 120000, 422020, 152000, new SpatialReference(26985)));

                // Create the job with the parameters and output location.
                var _generateOfflineMapJob = takeMapOfflineTask.GenerateOfflineMap(parameters, "C:/TEMPCD");

                // Handle the progress changed event for the job.
                // _generateOfflineMapJob.ProgressChanged += OfflineMapJob_ProgressChanged;

                // Await the job to generate geodatabases, export tile packages, and create the mobile map package.
                GenerateOfflineMapResult results = await _generateOfflineMapJob.GetResultAsync();

                Map = results.OfflineMap;
Esempio n. 26
        private async void Initialize()
            //Exercise 1: Create new Map with basemap and initial location
            myMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateNationalGeographic());
            //Exercise 1: Assign the map to the MapView
            mapView.Map = myMap;

            //Exercise 3: Add mobile map package to the map
            var mmpk = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(MMPK_PATH);

            if (mmpk.Maps.Count >= 0)
                myMap = mmpk.Maps[0];
                //Exercise 3: Mobile map package does not contain a basemap so must add one.
                myMap.Basemap = Basemap.CreateNationalGeographic();
                mapView.Map   = myMap;
Esempio n. 27
        internal static async Task <List <MapArea> > GetMapAreasAsync(string mapId)
            ArcGISPortal arcGISOnline = await ArcGISPortal.CreateAsync();

            var portalItem = await PortalItem.CreateAsync(arcGISOnline, mapId);

            var offlineTask = await OfflineMapTask.CreateAsync(portalItem);

            var mapAreas = await offlineTask.GetPreplannedMapAreasAsync();

            var model = new List <MapArea>();

            foreach (PreplannedMapArea mapArea in mapAreas)
                await mapArea.LoadAsync();

                PortalItem preplannedMapItem = mapArea.PortalItem;
                var        thumbnail         = await preplannedMapItem.Thumbnail.ToImageSourceAsync();

                var path = MapAreaManager.GetOfflineMapPath(preplannedMapItem.ItemId);
                var offlineMapPackage = default(MobileMapPackage);
                    offlineMapPackage = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(path);
                } catch (FileNotFoundException)
                    /* this is expected when the map has not been downloaded yet */

                model.Add(new MapArea()
                    Id            = preplannedMapItem.ItemId,
                    Title         = preplannedMapItem.Title,
                    Thumbnail     = thumbnail,
                    Snippet       = preplannedMapItem.Snippet,
                    Payload       = mapArea,
                    OfflineTask   = offlineTask,
                    IsDownloaded  = (offlineMapPackage != null),
                    IsDownloading = false

Esempio n. 28
        private async void OpenMapArea_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string areaId = ((Button)sender)?.Tag?.ToString();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(areaId))
                return; //TODO: Log this

            var area = this.ViewModel.MapAreasRaw.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == areaId);
            var path = MapAreaManager.GetOfflineMapPath(areaId);
            MobileMapPackage offlineMapPackage = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(path);

            var parameters = new MapParameters()
                Map = offlineMapPackage.Maps.FirstOrDefault()

            this.Frame.Navigate(typeof(MapViewer), parameters);
        protected override async void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)

            Item item = _mainVM.SelectedItem.Item;

                Map map;
                if (item is LocalItem localItem)
                    // This logic is quite brittle and only valid for MMPKs created as a result of
                    //   taking a map offline with this app.
                    string mmpkPath = localItem.Path;

                    var mmpk = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(mmpkPath);

                    // Get the first map.
                    map = mmpk.Maps.First();
                    map = new Map(_mainVM.SelectedItem.Item as PortalItem);

                await map.LoadAsync();

                if (map.LoadStatus != LoadStatus.Loaded)
                    throw new Exception("Map couldn't be loaded.");

                ViewModel.Initialize(map, _mainVM.SelectedItem);
            catch (Exception exception)
                await new MessageDialog("Couldn't load map.", "Error").ShowAsync();
        private async void Initialize()
            // Get the path to the mobile map package.
            string filepath = DataManager.GetDataFolder("e1f3a7254cb845b09450f54937c16061", "Yellowstone.mmpk");

                // Open the map package.
                MobileMapPackage myMapPackage = await MobileMapPackage.OpenAsync(filepath);

                // Load the package.
                await myMapPackage.LoadAsync();

                // Display the first map in the package.
                _myMapView.Map = myMapPackage.Maps.First();
            catch (Exception e)
                new UIAlertView("Error", e.ToString(), (IUIAlertViewDelegate)null, "OK", null).Show();