Esempio n. 1
        ///<summary>Add a sheet the the device check-in checklist.</summary>
        public static void CI_AddSheet(long patNum, long sheetNum)
            Patient pat = Patients.GetPat(patNum);

            if (pat == null)
            List <MobileAppDevice> listMads = MobileAppDevices.GetAll(patNum);

            if (listMads.IsNullOrEmpty())
            Sheet sheet = Sheets.GetOne(sheetNum);

            if (sheet == null)
            //See CI_AddSheet for input details.
            foreach (MobileAppDevice mad in listMads)
                SendPushBackground(PushType.CI_AddSheet, mad.MobileAppDeviceNum, listPrimaryKeys: new List <long>()
                    pat.PatNum, sheet.SheetNum
 ///<summary>Delete the Kiosk or MobileDevice.</summary>
 public void Delete()
     if (IsKiosk)
         TerminalActives.DeleteForCmptrSessionAndId(_computerKiosk.ComputerName, _computerKiosk.SessionId, processId: _computerKiosk.ProcessId);
Esempio n. 3
        private void butAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FormSheetPicker FormS = new FormSheetPicker();

            FormS.SheetType = SheetTypeEnum.PatientForm;
            if (FormS.DialogResult != DialogResult.OK)
            SheetDef sheetDef;
            Sheet    sheet = null;       //only useful if not Terminal
            bool     isPatUsingEClipboard = MobileAppDevices.PatientIsAlreadyUsingDevice(PatNum);

            for (int i = 0; i < FormS.SelectedSheetDefs.Count; i++)
                sheetDef = FormS.SelectedSheetDefs[i];
                if (FormS.TerminalSend && isPatUsingEClipboard && !sheetDef.HasMobileLayout)
                    if (!MsgBox.Show(MsgBoxButtons.YesNo, $"The patient is currently using an eClipboard to fill out forms, but the " +
                                     $"{sheetDef.Description} sheet does not have a mobile layout and cannot be used with eClipboard. " +
                                     $"If you add this form to the patient's list it will not be shown in eClipboard. Do you still want to add this form?"))
                sheet = SheetUtil.CreateSheet(sheetDef, PatNum);
                SheetParameter.SetParameter(sheet, "PatNum", PatNum);
                if (FormS.TerminalSend)
                    sheet.InternalNote   = "";                //because null not ok
                    sheet.ShowInTerminal = (byte)(Sheets.GetBiggestShowInTerminal(PatNum) + 1);
                    Sheets.SaveNewSheet(sheet);               //save each sheet.
                    //Push new sheet to eClipboard.
                    if (isPatUsingEClipboard && sheetDef.HasMobileLayout)
                        OpenDentBusiness.WebTypes.PushNotificationUtils.CI_AddSheet(sheet.PatNum, sheet.SheetNum);
            if (FormS.TerminalSend)
                //do not show a dialog now.  User will need to click the terminal button.
            else if (sheet != null)
                FormSheetFillEdit.ShowForm(sheet, FormSheetFillEdit_FormClosing);
Esempio n. 4
        public static void ShowKioskManagerIfNeeded(Appointment oldAppt, long newConfirmed)
            long clinicNum = PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled ? oldAppt.ClinicNum : 0;

            if (!MobileAppDevices.IsClinicSignedUpForEClipboard(clinicNum))
            //If they have eClipboard and want to pop up the kiosk on check-in, show the kiosk manager
            if (ClinicPrefs.GetBool(PrefName.EClipboardPopupKioskOnCheckIn, clinicNum) &&
                newConfirmed != oldAppt.Confirmed &&
                newConfirmed == PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.AppointmentTimeArrivedTrigger))
                FormTerminalManager formTM = new FormTerminalManager();
        ///<summary>Called when user clicks on use defaults for clinic, AuthorizeTab, clinicPicker.SelectedIndexChanged, and CheckEClipboardCreateMissingForms_Click.  It sets various areas enabled or disabled.  Doesn't change the checked values.</summary>
        private void SetUIEClipboardEnabled()
            //bool isClinicSignedUp=EClipboardDisplayAsEnabled();
            bool isClinicSignedUp = MobileAppDevices.IsClinicSignedUpForEClipboard(_clinicNumEClipboardTab);

            if (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled && _clinicNumEClipboardTab == 0)
                isClinicSignedUp = Clinics.GetForUserod(Security.CurUser).Any(x => MobileAppDevices.IsClinicSignedUpForEClipboard(x.ClinicNum));
            bool notUsingDefaults = _clinicNumEClipboardTab == 0 || !checkEClipboardUseDefaults.Checked;
            bool enableSheets     = checkEClipboardCreateMissingForms.Checked;

            checkEClipboardUseDefaults.Enabled = _clinicNumEClipboardTab != 0 && isClinicSignedUp && _eClipboardAllowEdit;
            groupEClipboardRules.Enabled       = isClinicSignedUp && _eClipboardAllowEdit && notUsingDefaults;
            groupEClipboardSheets.Enabled      = isClinicSignedUp && _eClipboardAllowEdit && notUsingDefaults && enableSheets;
            gridMobileAppDevices.Enabled       = isClinicSignedUp;
            labelEClipboardNotSignedUp.Visible = !isClinicSignedUp;
 ///<summary>Sets the PatNum for the selected Kiosk or MobileDevice.</summary>
 public void SetPatNum(long patNum)
     if (IsKiosk)
         TerminalActives.SetPatNum(_computerKiosk.TerminalActiveNum, patNum);
         Signalods.SetInvalid(InvalidType.Kiosk, KeyType.ProcessId, Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id);                  //signal the terminal manager to refresh its grid
         MobileAppDevices.SetPatNum(_mobileDevice.MobileAppDeviceNum, patNum);
         if (patNum > 0)
             OpenDentBusiness.WebTypes.PushNotificationUtils.CI_CheckinPatient(patNum, _mobileDevice.MobileAppDeviceNum);
        private void gridMobileAppDevices_CellClick(object sender, ODGridClickEventArgs e)
            int indexOfEnabledColumn;

            if (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled)
                indexOfEnabledColumn = 4;
                indexOfEnabledColumn = 3;

            if (e.Col != indexOfEnabledColumn)           //They did not select the right column.
            MobileAppDevice mobileAppDevice = gridMobileAppDevices.SelectedTag <MobileAppDevice>();

            //There is not a tag somehow.
            if (mobileAppDevice == null)
            if (mobileAppDevice.IsAllowed)
                if (!MsgBox.Show(MsgBoxButtons.YesNo, "This will immediately make the device unavailable to all other workstations. Continue?"))
            mobileAppDevice.IsAllowed = !mobileAppDevice.IsAllowed;          //Flip the bit.
            //Update the device because the signal processing of this form isn't friendly to keeping an in-memory list that syncs when the form closes
            OpenDentBusiness.WebTypes.PushNotificationUtils.CI_IsAllowedChanged(mobileAppDevice.MobileAppDeviceNum, mobileAppDevice.IsAllowed);
            FillGridMobileAppDevices();                 //Fill the grid to show the changes.
Esempio n. 8
        ///<summary>Remove a sheet from a device check-in checklist.</summary>
        public static void CI_RemoveSheet(long patNum, long sheetNum)
            Patient pat = Patients.GetPat(patNum);

            //Inentionally not getting the actual Sheet from the db here. It may have already been deleted, now time to get it off the device.
            if (pat == null)
            List <MobileAppDevice> listMads = MobileAppDevices.GetAll(patNum);

            if (listMads.IsNullOrEmpty())
            //See CI_RemoveSheet for input details.
            foreach (MobileAppDevice mad in listMads)
                SendPushBackground(PushType.CI_RemoveSheet, mad.MobileAppDeviceNum, listPrimaryKeys: new List <long>()
                    pat.PatNum, sheetNum
Esempio n. 9
        ///<summary>Only call this method from SendPushBackground() or SendPushAlert(). See summary of those methods for documentation.
        ///If runAsync==true then spawns a worker thread and makes the web call. This method is passive and returns void so no reason to wait for return.</summary>
        private static void SendPush(PushType pushType, bool isAlert, long mobileAppDeviceNum = 0, long clinicNum = 0, long userNum = 0,
                                     List <long> listPrimaryKeys = null, List <string> listTags = null, string alertTitle           = null, string alertMessage = null, bool runAsync = true)
            void execute()
                eServiceCode eService = eServiceCode.EClipboard;

                switch (pushType)
                case PushType.CI_CheckinPatient:
                case PushType.CI_AddSheet:
                case PushType.CI_RemoveSheet:
                case PushType.CI_GoToCheckin:
                case PushType.CI_NewEClipboardPrefs:
                case PushType.CI_IsAllowedChanged:
                case PushType.CI_TreatmentPlan:
                case PushType.CI_RemoveTreatmentPlan:
                    eService = eServiceCode.EClipboard;

                case PushType.ODM_NewTextMessage:
                case PushType.ODM_LogoutODUser:
                    eService = eServiceCode.MobileWeb;

                case PushType.None:
                    throw new Exception("Unsupported PushType: " + pushType.ToString());
                PushNotificationPayload payload = new PushNotificationPayload {
                    IsAlert      = isAlert,
                    AlertMessage = alertMessage ?? "",
                    AlertTitle   = alertTitle ?? "",
                    UserNum      = userNum,
                    PushNotificationActionJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new PushNotificationAction()
                        TypeOfPush      = pushType,
                        ListPrimaryKeys = listPrimaryKeys ?? new List <long>(),
                        ListTags        = listTags ?? new List <string>()
                                                                             new JsonSerializerSettings())

                if (mobileAppDeviceNum > 0)                //Send to one exact device.
                    MobileAppDevice mad = MobileAppDevices.GetOne(mobileAppDeviceNum);
                    if (mad == null)
                        throw new Exception("MobileAppDeviceNum not found: " + mobileAppDeviceNum.ToString());
                    payload.DeviceId  = mad.UniqueID;
                    payload.ClinicNum = mad.ClinicNum;
                    payload.ClinicNum = clinicNum;
                //Validate that this clinic is signed up for eClipboard if the push is related to eClipboard
                if (eService == eServiceCode.EClipboard && !MobileAppDevices.IsClinicSignedUpForEClipboard(payload.ClinicNum))
                    throw new Exception($"ClinicNum {payload.ClinicNum} is not signed up for eClipboard.");
                //Validate that this clinic is signed up for MobileWeb if the push is related to ODMobile
                else if (eService == eServiceCode.MobileWeb && !MobileAppDevices.IsClinicSignedUpForMobileWeb(payload.ClinicNum))
                    if (clinicNum > -1 || pushType != PushType.ODM_LogoutODUser)                  //Logout is allowed to be sent to non-specific clinicNum. All others are not.
                        throw new Exception($"ClinicNum {payload.ClinicNum} is not signed up for ODMobile.");
                string jsonPayload = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload, typeof(PushNotificationPayload), new JsonSerializerSettings());
                string result      = WebServiceMainHQProxy.GetWebServiceMainHQInstance().SendPushNotification(PayloadHelper.CreatePayload("", eService), jsonPayload);

                if (result.ToLower() != "success")
                    throw new Exception(result);

            ODThread th = new ODThread(new ODThread.WorkerDelegate((o) => { execute(); }));

            th.AddExceptionHandler((e) => {
                if (MockExceptionHandler != null)
                    Logger.WriteException(e, "PushNotifications");
            th.Name = "SendPush_" + pushType.ToString() + "_ClinicNum_" + clinicNum.ToString() + "_UserNum_" + userNum.ToString();
            if (MockExceptionHandler != null || !runAsync)            //Join back to main thread to cause this to be a blocking call. Unit tests will always block.
        ///<summary>Fills the big main grid.</summary>
        private void FillGridMobileAppDevices()
            gridMobileAppDevices.AddColumn("Device Name", 0);
            gridMobileAppDevices.AddColumn("Last Attempt", 0);
            gridMobileAppDevices.AddColumn("Last Login", 0);
            if (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled)
                gridMobileAppDevices.AddColumn("Clinic", 0);
            gridMobileAppDevices.ListGridColumns.Add(new GridColumn("Enabled", 50, HorizontalAlignment.Center));
            if (_eClipboardAllowEdit)
                gridMobileAppDevices.ListGridColumns.Add(new GridColumn("Delete", 45, HorizontalAlignment.Center));
            List <MobileAppDevice> listDevicesToShow = MobileAppDevices.GetForUser(Security.CurUser);

            if (_clinicNumEClipboardTab > 0)
                listDevicesToShow.RemoveAll(x => x.ClinicNum != _clinicNumEClipboardTab);
            foreach (MobileAppDevice device in listDevicesToShow)
                GridRow row = new GridRow();
                row.Cells.Add(device.DeviceName + "\r\n(" + device.UniqueID + ")");
                row.Cells.Add((device.LastAttempt.Year > 1880 ? device.LastAttempt.ToString() : ""));
                row.Cells.Add((device.LastLogin.Year > 1880 ? device.LastLogin.ToString() : ""));
                if (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled)
                    row.Cells.Add((device.ClinicNum == 0 ? Clinics.GetPracticeAsClinicZero() : Clinics.GetClinic(device.ClinicNum)).Abbr);
                row.Cells.Add((device.IsAllowed ? "X" : ""));
                if (_eClipboardAllowEdit)
                    #region Delete click handler
                    void DeleteClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
                        if (device.PatNum > 0)
                            MsgBox.Show("A patient is currently using this device. Please clear the patient from the device using the Kiosk Manager" +
                                        " or wait until the patient is no longer using the device.");
                        if (!MsgBox.Show(MsgBoxButtons.YesNo, "This will immediately remove the device from the database and all other workstations." +
                                         " Continue?"))

                    #endregion Delete click handler
                    GridCell cell = new GridCell("Delete");
                    cell.ColorBackG = Color.LightGray;
                    cell.ClickEvent = DeleteClick;
                row.Tag = device;
Esempio n. 11
        private void FillGrid()
            SheetDevice selected = new SheetDevice(new MobileAppDevice());          //just instantiate to something random that won't match any of our actual devices

            if (gridMain.GetSelectedIndex() > -1)
                selected = (SheetDevice)gridMain.ListGridRows[gridMain.GetSelectedIndex()].Tag;
            List <SheetDevice> listDevices = new List <SheetDevice>();

            foreach (TerminalActive kiosk in TerminalActives.Refresh())
                listDevices.Add(new SheetDevice(kiosk));
            List <MobileAppDevice> listMobileDevices = new List <MobileAppDevice>();

            if (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled)
                //Option "All" is selected and at least one clinic is signed up for the eClipboard feature
                if (contrClinicPicker.IsAllSelected && PrefC.GetString(PrefName.EClipboardClinicsSignedUp) != "")
                    listMobileDevices = MobileAppDevices.GetForUser(Security.CurUser).FindAll(x => x.IsAllowed);
                //A specific clinic is selected and that is signed up for the eClipboard feature
                else if (MobileAppDevices.IsClinicSignedUpForEClipboard(contrClinicPicker.SelectedClinicNum))
                    listMobileDevices = MobileAppDevices.GetForUser(Security.CurUser).FindAll(x => x.IsAllowed && x.ClinicNum == contrClinicPicker.SelectedClinicNum);
            //We aren't using clinics and the zero clinic is signed up
            else if (MobileAppDevices.IsClinicSignedUpForEClipboard(0))
                listMobileDevices = MobileAppDevices.GetForUser(Security.CurUser).FindAll(x => x.IsAllowed);
            //Add the clinics we decided on the the d
            foreach (MobileAppDevice device in listMobileDevices)
                listDevices.Add(new SheetDevice(device));
            int selectedIndex = -1;

            gridMain.AddColumn("Device Name", 150);
            gridMain.AddColumn("Session Name", 110);
            gridMain.AddColumn("Patient", 185);
            if (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled)
                gridMain.AddColumn("Clinic", 150);
            gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(new GridColumn("Action", 50)
                TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center
            if (_isSetupMode)
                gridMain.ListGridColumns.Add(new GridColumn("Delete", 50)
                    TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center
            foreach (SheetDevice device in listDevices)
                GridRow row = new GridRow();
                row.Tag = device;
                if (device.IsMobileAppDevice)
                    row.Cells.Add(new GridCell(device.Name + "\r\n(" + device.MobileDevice.UniqueID + ")"));
                    row.Cells.Add(new GridCell(device.Name));
                row.Cells.Add(new GridCell(device.SessionName));
                row.Cells.Add(new GridCell(device.PatName));
                if (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled)
                    row.Cells.Add(new GridCell(device.ClinicDesc));
                #region Load/Clear click handler
                void CellClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
                    if (device.PatNum == 0)                    //we are trying to load the patient
                        if (FormOpenDental.CurPatNum == 0)
                            MsgBox.Show(this, "There is currently no patient selected to send to the device. Select a patient in Open Dental " +
                                        "in order to continue.");
                        if (device.IsKiosk)                          //kiosk only
                            if (listSheets.Items.Count == 0)         //eClipboard will allow to continue to load here in case we just want to take a photo
                                MsgBox.Show(this, "There are no sheets to send to the computer or device for the current patient.");
                        else                           //eclipboard only
                            if (MobileAppDevices.PatientIsAlreadyUsingDevice(FormOpenDental.CurPatNum))
                                MsgBox.Show(this, "The patient you have selected is already using another device. Select a patient who is not currently " +
                                            "using a device in order to continue.");
                            Appointment apptForToday = Appointments.GetAppointmentsForPat(FormOpenDental.CurPatNum).FirstOrDefault(x => x.AptDateTime.Date == DateTime.Today.Date);
                            if (apptForToday == null)
                                MsgBox.Show(this, "The patient you have selected does not have an appointment today. Only patients with an " +
                                            "appointment on the same day can be sent to eClipboard.");
                            List <Sheet> listNonMobileSheets = listSheets.AllTags <Sheet>().FindAll(x => !x.HasMobileLayout);
                            if (listNonMobileSheets.Count > 0)
                                if (!MsgBox.Show(MsgBoxButtons.YesNo, "The following sheets that have been queued for this patient cannot be " +
                                                 $"loaded onto an eClipboard device because they do not have a mobile layout: \r\n" +
                                                 $"{string.Join(", ",listNonMobileSheets.Select(x => x.Description))}. \r\nDo you still wish to continue?"))
                            //They are in setup mode (not normal workflow) and there are no sheets for this patient. They have not run the rules to generate
                            //sheets as the patient has not been marked as arrived. When they push the patient to the device, they will not generate the sheets
                            //from there either. Ask them if they want to generate the sheets in this case.
                            if (_isSetupMode && listSheets.Items.Count == 0 && ClinicPrefs.GetBool(PrefName.EClipboardCreateMissingFormsOnCheckIn, apptForToday.ClinicNum))
                                bool generateSheets = MsgBox.Show(MsgBoxButtons.YesNo, "This patient has no forms to load. Would you like to generate the " +
                                                                  "forms based on the eClipboard rules?");
                                if (generateSheets)
                                    //We do not need to update the UI here. It will be updated at the end of this click method.
                    else                       //we are trying to clear the patient
                        if (!MsgBox.Show(this, true, "A patient is currently using the terminal.  If you continue, they will lose the information that is on their "
                                         + "screen.  Continue anyway?"))

                #endregion Load/Clear click handler
                GridCell cell = new GridCell(device.PatNum == 0?"Load":"Clear");
                cell.ColorBackG = Color.LightGray;
                cell.ClickEvent = CellClick;
                if (_isSetupMode)
                    #region Delete click handler
                    void DeleteClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
                        if (!MsgBox.Show(this, MsgBoxButtons.OKCancel, "A row should not be deleted unless it is showing erroneously and there really is " +
                                         "nothing running on the computer or device shown.  Continue anyway?"))

                    #endregion Delete click handler
                    cell            = new GridCell("Delete");
                    cell.ColorBackG = Color.LightGray;
                    cell.ClickEvent = DeleteClick;
                if (selected != null && device.Matches(selected))
                    selectedIndex = gridMain.ListGridRows.Count - 1;
            gridMain.SetSelected(selectedIndex, true);           //selectedIndex could be -1 if the selected term is not in the list, default to row 0