// Function from file: corpse.dm
        public void createCorpse(  )
            Mob_Living_Carbon_Human M = null;
            Obj_Item_Weapon_Card_Id W = null;
            dynamic jobdatum          = null;
            dynamic jobtype           = null;
            dynamic J = null;

            M           = new Mob_Living_Carbon_Human(this.loc);
            M.real_name = this.name;

            if (this.corpseuniform != null)
                M.equip_to_slot_or_del(Lang13.Call(this.corpseuniform, M), 14);

            if (this.corpsesuit != null)
                M.equip_to_slot_or_del(Lang13.Call(this.corpsesuit, M), 13);

            if (this.corpseshoes != null)
                M.equip_to_slot_or_del(Lang13.Call(this.corpseshoes, M), 12);

            if (this.corpsegloves != null)
                M.equip_to_slot_or_del(Lang13.Call(this.corpsegloves, M), 10);

            if (this.corpseradio != null)
                M.equip_to_slot_or_del(Lang13.Call(this.corpseradio, M), 8);

            if (this.corpseglasses != null)
                M.equip_to_slot_or_del(Lang13.Call(this.corpseglasses, M), 9);

            if (this.corpsemask != null)
                M.equip_to_slot_or_del(Lang13.Call(this.corpsemask, M), 2);

            if (this.corpsehelmet != null)
                M.equip_to_slot_or_del(Lang13.Call(this.corpsehelmet, M), 11);

            if (Lang13.Bool(this.corpsebelt))
                M.equip_to_slot_or_del(Lang13.Call(this.corpsebelt, M), 6);

            if (this.corpsepocket1 != null)
                M.equip_to_slot_or_del(Lang13.Call(this.corpsepocket1, M), 16);

            if (Lang13.Bool(this.corpsepocket2))
                M.equip_to_slot_or_del(Lang13.Call(this.corpsepocket2, M), 15);

            if (this.corpseback != null)
                M.equip_to_slot_or_del(Lang13.Call(this.corpseback, M), 1);

            if (this.corpseid)
                W = new Obj_Item_Weapon_Card_Id(M);

                foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(Lang13.GetTypes(typeof(Job))))
                    jobtype = _a;

                    J = Lang13.Call(jobtype);

                    if (J.title == this.corpseidaccess)
                        jobdatum = J;

                if (Lang13.Bool(this.corpseidicon))
                    W.icon_state = this.corpseidicon;

                if (Lang13.Bool(this.corpseidaccess))
                    if (Lang13.Bool(jobdatum))
                        W.access = ((Job)jobdatum).get_access();
                        W.access = new ByTable();

                if (Lang13.Bool(this.corpseidjob))
                    W.assignment = this.corpseidjob;
                W.registered_name = M.real_name;
                M.equip_to_slot_or_del(W, 7);
Esempio n. 2
        // Function from file: objective.dm
        public override int check_completion(  )
            double  captured_amount = 0;
            dynamic A = null;
            Mob_Living_Carbon_Human          M  = null;
            Mob_Living_Carbon_Monkey         M2 = null;
            Mob_Living_Carbon_Alien_Larva    M3 = null;
            Mob_Living_Carbon_Alien_Humanoid M4 = null;

            captured_amount = 0;
            A = Lang13.FindObj(typeof(Zone_Centcom_Holding));

            foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(A, typeof(Mob_Living_Carbon_Human)))
                M = _a;

                if (M.stat == 2)
                    captured_amount += 0.5;
                captured_amount += 1;

            foreach (dynamic _b in Lang13.Enumerate(A, typeof(Mob_Living_Carbon_Monkey)))
                M2 = _b;

                captured_amount += 0.1;

            foreach (dynamic _c in Lang13.Enumerate(A, typeof(Mob_Living_Carbon_Alien_Larva)))
                M3 = _c;

                if (M3.stat == 2)
                    captured_amount += 0.5;
                captured_amount += 1;

            foreach (dynamic _d in Lang13.Enumerate(A, typeof(Mob_Living_Carbon_Alien_Humanoid)))
                M4 = _d;

                if (M4 is Mob_Living_Carbon_Alien_Humanoid_Royal_Queen)
                    if (M4.stat == 2)
                        captured_amount += 1.5;
                        captured_amount += 3;

                if (M4.stat == 2)
                    captured_amount += 1;
                captured_amount += 2;

            if (captured_amount < Convert.ToDouble(this.target_amount))
Esempio n. 3
 // Function from file: weaponry.dm
 public override int suicide_act(Mob_Living_Carbon_Human user = null)
     user.visible_message(new Txt("<span class='suicide'>").item(user).str(" is inhaling the ").item(this.name).str("! It looks like ").he_she_it_they().str("'s trying to visit the astral plane.</span>").ToString());
Esempio n. 4
 // Function from file: tools.dm
 public override int suicide_act(Mob_Living_Carbon_Human user = null)
     user.visible_message(Rand13.Pick(new object [] { new Txt("<span class='suicide'>").item(user).str(" is stabbing the ").item(this.name).str(" into ").his_her_its_their().str(" temple! It looks like ").he_she_it_they().str("'s trying to commit suicide.</span>").ToString(), new Txt("<span class='suicide'>").item(user).str(" is stabbing the ").item(this.name).str(" into ").his_her_its_their().str(" heart! It looks like ").he_she_it_they().str("'s trying to commit suicide.</span>").ToString() }));
Esempio n. 5
		// Range: -1 Access: 0 Flags: ( 0, 4, 255 )
		public static Mob_Living_Carbon_Human create_space_ninja( dynamic spawn_loc = null ) {
			Mob_Living_Carbon_Human new_ninja = null;
			Preferences A = null;
			new_ninja = new Mob_Living_Carbon_Human( spawn_loc );
			A = new Preferences();
			A.real_name = "" + Rand13.pick( GlobalVars.ninja_titles ) + " " + Rand13.pick( GlobalVars.ninja_names );
			A.copy_to( new_ninja );
			return new_ninja;
Esempio n. 6
 // Function from file: RCD.dm
 public override int suicide_act(Mob_Living_Carbon_Human user = null)
     user.visible_message(new Txt("<span class='suicide'>").item(user).str(" sets the RCD to 'Wall' and points it down ").his_her_its_their().str(" throat! It looks like ").he_she_it_they().str("'s trying to commit suicide..</span>").ToString());
Esempio n. 7
        // Function from file: headcrab.dm
        public override dynamic sting_action(Mob user = null, Ent_Static target = null)
            Mind    M                 = null;
            ByTable organs            = null;
            Obj_Item_Organ_Internal I = null;
            Mob_Living_Carbon_Human H = null;
            Mob_Living_Silicon      S = null;
            dynamic turf              = null;
            Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Hostile_Headcrab crab = null;
            Obj_Item_Organ_Internal I2 = null;

            M      = user.mind;
            organs = user.getorganszone("head", true);

            foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(organs, typeof(Obj_Item_Organ_Internal)))
                I = _a;

                I.Remove(user, true);
            GlobalFuncs.explosion(GlobalFuncs.get_turf(user), 0, 0, 2, 0, null, null, null, true);

            foreach (dynamic _b in Lang13.Enumerate(Map13.FetchInRange(user, 2), typeof(Mob_Living_Carbon_Human)))
                H = _b;

                H.WriteMsg("<span class='userdanger'>You are blinded by a shower of blood!</span>");
                H.confused += 3;

            foreach (dynamic _c in Lang13.Enumerate(Map13.FetchInRange(user, 2), typeof(Mob_Living_Silicon)))
                S = _c;

                S.WriteMsg("<span class='userdanger'>Your sensors are disabled by a shower of blood!</span>");
            turf = GlobalFuncs.get_turf(user);
            Task13.Schedule(5, (Task13.Closure)(() => {
                crab = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Hostile_Headcrab(turf);

                foreach (dynamic _d in Lang13.Enumerate(organs, typeof(Obj_Item_Organ_Internal)))
                    I2 = _d;

                    I2.loc = crab;
                crab.origin = M;

                if (crab.origin != null)
                    crab.origin.active = true;
                    crab.WriteMsg("<span class='warning'>You burst out of the remains of your former body in a shower of gore!</span>");
            GlobalFuncs.feedback_add_details("changeling_powers", "LR");
Esempio n. 8
		// Range: -1 Access: 0 Flags: ( 0, 4, 255 )
		public static void sql_report_death( Mob_Living_Carbon_Human H = null ) {
			dynamic T = null;
			dynamic placeofdeath = null;
			dynamic podname = null;
			string sqlname = null;
			string sqlkey = null;
			string sqlpod = null;
			string sqlspecial = null;
			string sqljob = null;
			string laname = null;
			string lakey = null;
			string sqltime = null;
			string coord = null;
			DBQuery query = null;
			string err = null;
			if ( !GlobalVars.config.sql_enabled ) {
			if ( !( H != null ) ) {
			if ( !Lang13.Bool( ((dynamic)H).key ) || !Lang13.Bool( H.mind ) ) {
			T = ((dynamic)H).loc;
			placeofdeath = GlobalFuncs.get_area( T.loc );
			podname = placeofdeath.name;
			sqlname = GlobalFuncs.sanitizeSQL( H.real_name );
			sqlkey = GlobalFuncs.sanitizeSQL( ((dynamic)H).key );
			sqlpod = GlobalFuncs.sanitizeSQL( podname );
			sqlspecial = GlobalFuncs.sanitizeSQL( H.mind.special_role );
			sqljob = GlobalFuncs.sanitizeSQL( H.mind.assigned_role );
			if ( H.lastattacker != null ) {
				laname = GlobalFuncs.sanitizeSQL( H.lastattacker.real_name );
				lakey = GlobalFuncs.sanitizeSQL( ((dynamic)H.lastattacker).key );
			sqltime = String13.formatTime( Game13.realtime, "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" );
			coord = "" + ((dynamic)H).x + ", " + ((dynamic)H).y + ", " + ((dynamic)H).z;
			if ( !GlobalVars.dbcon.IsConnected() ) {
				GlobalFuncs.log_game( "SQL ERROR during death reporting. Failed to connect." );
			} else {
				query = GlobalVars.dbcon.NewQuery( "INSERT INTO " + GlobalFuncs.format_table_name( "death" ) + " (name, byondkey, job, special, pod, tod, laname, lakey, gender, bruteloss, fireloss, brainloss, oxyloss, coord) VALUES ('" + sqlname + "', '" + sqlkey + "', '" + sqljob + "', '" + sqlspecial + "', '" + sqlpod + "', '" + sqltime + "', '" + laname + "', '" + lakey + "', '" + ((dynamic)H).gender + "', " + H.getBruteLoss() + ", " + H.getFireLoss() + ", " + H.brainloss + ", " + H.getOxyLoss() + ", '" + coord + "')" );
				if ( !query.Execute() ) {
					err = query.ErrorMsg();
					GlobalFuncs.log_game( "SQL ERROR during death reporting. Error : [" + err + "]\n" );
Esempio n. 9
 // Function from file: misc.dm
 public override int suicide_act(Mob_Living_Carbon_Human user = null)
     user.visible_message(new Txt("<span class='suicide'>").item(user).str(" is strangling ").himself_herself_itself_themself().str(" with the ").item(this.name).str("! It looks like ").he_she_it_they().str("'s trying to commit suicide.</span>").ToString());
Esempio n. 10
        // Function from file: species_types.dm
        public override bool apply_damage(dynamic damage = null, dynamic damagetype = null, dynamic def_zone = null, double?blocked = null, Mob_Living_Carbon_Human H = null)
            damagetype = damagetype ?? "brute";

            bool _default = false;

            _default = base.apply_damage((object)(damage), (object)(damagetype), (object)(def_zone), blocked, H);
Esempio n. 11
 // Function from file: hydroitemdefines.dm
 public override int suicide_act(Mob_Living_Carbon_Human user = null)
     user.visible_message(new Txt("<span class='suicide'>").item(user).str(" is chopping at ").himself_herself_itself_themself().str(" with the ").item(this.name).str("! It looks like ").he_she_it_they().str("'s trying to commit suicide.</span>").ToString());
     GlobalFuncs.playsound(this.loc, "sound/weapons/bladeslice.ogg", 50, 1, -1);
 // Function from file: tools.dm
 public override int suicide_act(Mob_Living_Carbon_Human user = null)
     user.visible_message(new Txt("<span class='suicide'>").item(user).str(" is cutting at ").his_her_its_their().str(" arteries with the ").item(this.name).str("! It looks like ").he_she_it_they().str("'s trying to commit suicide.</span>").ToString());
     GlobalFuncs.playsound(this.loc, "sound/items/Wirecutter.ogg", 50, 1, -1);
 // Function from file: hydroitemdefines.dm
 public override int suicide_act(Mob_Living_Carbon_Human user = null)
     Map13.FetchViewers(null, user).WriteMsg(new Txt("<span class='suicide'>").item(user).str(" is huffing the ").item(this.name).str("! It looks like ").he_she_it_they().str("'s trying to commit suicide.</span>").ToString());
Esempio n. 14
 // Function from file: bags.dm
 public override int suicide_act(Mob_Living_Carbon_Human user = null)
     user.visible_message("<span class='suicide'>" + user + " puts the " + this.name + " over their head and starts chomping at the insides! Disgusting!</span>");
     GlobalFuncs.playsound(this.loc, "sound/items/eatfood.ogg", 50, 1, -1);
Esempio n. 15
 // Function from file: tables_racks.dm
 public override void attack_tk(Mob_Living_Carbon_Human user = null)
Esempio n. 16
		// Range: -1 Access: 0 Flags: ( 0, 4, 255 )
		public static void Broadcast_SimpleMessage( dynamic source = null, dynamic frequency = null, dynamic text = null, int? data = null, Mob_Living_Carbon_Human M = null, dynamic compression = null, dynamic level = null ) {
			Mob_Living_Carbon_Human H = null;
			dynamic connection = null;
			int display_freq = 0;
			ByTable receive = null;
			Ent_Item_Device_Radio_Intercom R = null;
			dynamic position = null;
			Ent_Item_Device_Radio R2 = null;
			dynamic position2 = null;
			dynamic syndicateconnection = null;
			Ent_Item_Device_Radio R3 = null;
			dynamic position3 = null;
			Ent_Item_Device_Radio R4 = null;
			Ent_Item_Device_Radio R5 = null;
			dynamic position4 = null;
			ByTable heard_normal = null;
			ByTable heard_garbled = null;
			ByTable heard_gibberish = null;
			dynamic R6 = null;
			string part_a = null;
			string freq_text = null;
			string part_b_extra = null;
			Ent_Item_Device_Radio_Headset radio = null;
			dynamic part_b = null;
			string part_c = null;
			string part_blackbox_b = null;
			string blackbox_msg = null;
			string rendered = null;
			dynamic R7 = null;
			string quotedmsg = null;
			string rendered2 = null;
			dynamic R8 = null;
			string quotedmsg2 = null;
			string rendered3 = null;
			dynamic R9 = null;
			if ( !( M != null ) ) {
				H = new Mob_Living_Carbon_Human();
				M = H;
			connection = GlobalVars.SSradio.return_frequency( frequency );
			display_freq = Lang13.Int( connection.frequency );
			receive = new ByTable();
			if ( data == 1 ) {
				R = null;
				foreach (dynamic _a in connection.devices["" + GlobalVars.RADIO_CHAT] ) {
					if ( !( _a is Ent_Item_Device_Radio_Intercom ) ) {
					R = _a;
					position = GlobalFuncs.get_turf( R );
					if ( Lang13.Bool( position ) && position.z == level ) {
						receive |= R.send_hear( display_freq, level );
			} else if ( data == 2 ) {
				R2 = null;
				foreach (dynamic _b in connection.devices["" + GlobalVars.RADIO_CHAT] ) {
					if ( !( _b is Ent_Item_Device_Radio ) ) {
					R2 = _b;
					if ( R2.subspace_transmission ) {
					position2 = GlobalFuncs.get_turf( R2 );
					if ( Lang13.Bool( position2 ) && position2.z == level ) {
						receive |= R2.send_hear( display_freq );
			} else if ( data == 3 ) {
				syndicateconnection = GlobalVars.SSradio.return_frequency( GlobalVars.SYND_FREQ );
				R3 = null;
				foreach (dynamic _c in syndicateconnection.devices["" + GlobalVars.RADIO_CHAT] ) {
					if ( !( _c is Ent_Item_Device_Radio ) ) {
					R3 = _c;
					position3 = GlobalFuncs.get_turf( R3 );
					if ( Lang13.Bool( position3 ) && position3.z == level ) {
						receive |= R3.send_hear( GlobalVars.SYND_FREQ );
			} else if ( data == 5 ) {
				R4 = null;
				foreach (dynamic _d in GlobalVars.all_radios["" + GlobalVars.RADIO_CHAT] ) {
					if ( !( _d is Ent_Item_Device_Radio ) ) {
					R4 = _d;
					if ( R4.centcom ) {
						receive |= R4.send_hear( GlobalVars.CENTCOM_FREQ );
			} else {
				R5 = null;
				foreach (dynamic _e in connection.devices["" + GlobalVars.RADIO_CHAT] ) {
					if ( !( _e is Ent_Item_Device_Radio ) ) {
					R5 = _e;
					position4 = GlobalFuncs.get_turf( R5 );
					if ( Lang13.Bool( position4 ) && position4.z == level ) {
						receive |= R5.send_hear( display_freq );
			heard_normal = new ByTable();
			heard_garbled = new ByTable();
			heard_gibberish = new ByTable();
			R6 = null;
			foreach (dynamic _f in receive ) {
				R6 = _f;
				if ( Lang13.Bool( R6.client ) && !Lang13.Bool( R6.client.prefs.chat_toggles & 32 ) ) {
				if ( Lang13.Double( compression ) > 0 ) {
					heard_gibberish += R6;
				if ( Lang13.Bool( R6.languages & M.languages ) ) {
					heard_normal += R6;
				} else {
					heard_garbled += R6;
			if ( heard_normal.Length != 0 || heard_garbled.Length != 0 || heard_gibberish.Length != 0 ) {
				part_a = "<span class='radio'><span class='name'>";
				freq_text = null;
				dynamic _g = display_freq; // Was a switch-case, sorry for the mess.
				if ( _g==1213 ) {
					freq_text = "#unkn";
				} else if ( _g==1353 ) {
					freq_text = "Command";
				} else if ( _g==1351 ) {
					freq_text = "Science";
				} else if ( _g==1355 ) {
					freq_text = "Medical";
				} else if ( _g==1357 ) {
					freq_text = "Engineering";
				} else if ( _g==1359 ) {
					freq_text = "Security";
				} else if ( _g==1349 ) {
					freq_text = "Service";
				} else if ( _g==1347 ) {
					freq_text = "Supply";
				} else if ( _g==1447 ) {
					freq_text = "AI Private";
				if ( !Lang13.Bool( freq_text ) ) {
					freq_text = GlobalFuncs.format_frequency( display_freq );
				part_b_extra = "";
				if ( data == 3 ) {
					part_b_extra = " <i>(Intercepted)</i>";
				radio = new Ent_Item_Device_Radio_Headset();
				part_b = ((dynamic)new Txt( /* Pruned args, no ctor exists. */ )).icon( radio ).str( "[" ).item( freq_text ).str( "]" ).item( part_b_extra ).str( "</b> <span class='message'>" );
				part_c = "</span></span>";
				if ( display_freq == GlobalVars.SYND_FREQ ) {
					part_a = "<span class='syndradio'><span class='name'>";
				} else if ( display_freq == GlobalVars.COMM_FREQ ) {
					part_a = "<span class='comradio'><span class='name'>";
				} else if ( display_freq == GlobalVars.SCI_FREQ ) {
					part_a = "<span class='sciradio'><span class='name'>";
				} else if ( display_freq == GlobalVars.MED_FREQ ) {
					part_a = "<span class='medradio'><span class='name'>";
				} else if ( display_freq == GlobalVars.ENG_FREQ ) {
					part_a = "<span class='engradio'><span class='name'>";
				} else if ( display_freq == GlobalVars.SEC_FREQ ) {
					part_a = "<span class='secradio'><span class='name'>";
				} else if ( display_freq == GlobalVars.SERV_FREQ ) {
					part_a = "<span class='servradio'><span class='name'>";
				} else if ( display_freq == GlobalVars.SUPP_FREQ ) {
					part_a = "<span class='suppradio'><span class='name'>";
				} else if ( display_freq == GlobalVars.CENTCOM_FREQ ) {
					part_a = "<span class='centcomradio'><span class='name'>";
				} else if ( display_freq == GlobalVars.AIPRIV_FREQ ) {
					part_a = "<span class='aiprivradio'><span class='name'>";
				part_blackbox_b = "</span><b> [" + freq_text + "]</b> <span class='message'>";
				blackbox_msg = "" + part_a + source + part_blackbox_b + "\"" + text + "\"" + part_c;
				if ( GlobalVars.blackbox is Ent_Machinery_BlackboxRecorder ) {
					dynamic _h = display_freq; // Was a switch-case, sorry for the mess.
					if ( _h==1459 ) {
						GlobalVars.blackbox.msg_common += blackbox_msg;
					} else if ( _h==1351 ) {
						GlobalVars.blackbox.msg_science += blackbox_msg;
					} else if ( _h==1353 ) {
						GlobalVars.blackbox.msg_command += blackbox_msg;
					} else if ( _h==1355 ) {
						GlobalVars.blackbox.msg_medical += blackbox_msg;
					} else if ( _h==1357 ) {
						GlobalVars.blackbox.msg_engineering += blackbox_msg;
					} else if ( _h==1359 ) {
						GlobalVars.blackbox.msg_security += blackbox_msg;
					} else if ( _h==1441 ) {
						GlobalVars.blackbox.msg_deathsquad += blackbox_msg;
					} else if ( _h==1213 ) {
						GlobalVars.blackbox.msg_syndicate += blackbox_msg;
					} else if ( _h==1349 ) {
						GlobalVars.blackbox.msg_service += blackbox_msg;
					} else if ( _h==1347 ) {
						GlobalVars.blackbox.msg_cargo += blackbox_msg;
					} else {
						GlobalVars.blackbox.messages += blackbox_msg;
				if ( heard_normal.Length != 0 ) {
					rendered = "" + part_a + source + part_b + "\"" + text + "\"" + part_c;
					R7 = null;
					foreach (dynamic _i in heard_normal ) {
						R7 = _i;
						((dynamic)R7).show_message( rendered, 2 );
				if ( heard_garbled.Length != 0 ) {
					quotedmsg = "\"" + GlobalFuncs.stars( text ) + "\"";
					rendered2 = "" + part_a + source + part_b + quotedmsg + part_c;
					R8 = null;
					foreach (dynamic _j in heard_garbled ) {
						R8 = _j;
						((dynamic)R8).show_message( rendered2, 2 );
				if ( heard_gibberish.Length != 0 ) {
					quotedmsg2 = "\"" + GlobalFuncs.Gibberish( text, compression + 50 ) + "\"";
					rendered3 = "" + part_a + GlobalFuncs.Gibberish( source, compression + 50 ) + part_b + quotedmsg2 + part_c;
					R9 = null;
					foreach (dynamic _k in heard_gibberish ) {
						R9 = _k;
						((dynamic)R9).show_message( rendered3, 2 );
        // Function from file: shadowling_abilities.dm
        public override bool cast(dynamic targets = null, dynamic thearea = null, dynamic user = null)
            thearea = thearea ?? Task13.User;

            Mob_Living_Carbon_Human target = null;
            int?progress = null;
            Obj_Item_Weapon_Implant_Loyalty L = null;


            if (!GlobalVars.ticker.mode.shadows.Contains(thearea.mind))

            if (thearea.dna.species.id != "shadowling")
                if (GlobalVars.ticker.mode.thralls.len >= 5)

            foreach (dynamic _c in Lang13.Enumerate(targets, typeof(Mob_Living_Carbon_Human)))
                target = _c;

                if (!(Map13.GetDistance(thearea, target) <= 1))
                    thearea.WriteMsg("<span class='warning'>You need to be closer to enthrall " + target + "!</span>");

                if (!Lang13.Bool(target.key) || !(target.mind != null))
                    thearea.WriteMsg("<span class='warning'>The target has no mind!</span>");

                if (target.stat != 0)
                    thearea.WriteMsg("<span class='warning'>The target must be conscious!</span>");

                if (GlobalFuncs.is_shadow_or_thrall(target))
                    thearea.WriteMsg("<span class='warning'>You can not enthrall allies!</span>");

                if (!(target is Mob_Living_Carbon_Human))
                    thearea.WriteMsg("<span class='warning'>You can only enthrall humans!</span>");

                if (this.enthralling)
                    thearea.WriteMsg("<span class='warning'>You are already enthralling!</span>");

                if (!(target.client != null))
                    thearea.WriteMsg("<span class='warning'>" + target + "'s mind is vacant of activity.</span>");
                this.enthralling = true;
                thearea.WriteMsg("<span class='danger'>This target is valid. You begin the enthralling...</span>");
                target.WriteMsg("<span class='userdanger'>" + thearea + " stares at you. You feel your head begin to pulse.</span>");
                progress = null;
                progress = 0;

                while ((progress ?? 0) <= 3)
                    switch ((int?)(progress))
                    case 1:
                        thearea.WriteMsg("<span class='notice'>You place your hands to " + target + "'s head...</span>");
                        ((Ent_Static)thearea).visible_message("<span class='warning'>" + thearea + " places their hands onto the sides of " + target + "'s head!</span>");

                    case 2:
                        thearea.WriteMsg("<span class='notice'>You begin preparing " + target + "'s mind as a blank slate...</span>");
                        ((Ent_Static)thearea).visible_message("<span class='warning'>" + thearea + "'s palms flare a bright red against " + target + "'s temples!</span>");
                        target.WriteMsg("<span class='danger'>A terrible red light floods your mind. You collapse as conscious thought is wiped away.</span>");

                        if (GlobalFuncs.isloyal(target))
                            thearea.WriteMsg("<span class='notice'>They are enslaved by Nanotrasen. You begin to shut down the nanobot implant - this will take some time.</span>");
                            ((Ent_Static)thearea).visible_message("<span class='warning'>" + thearea + " pauses, then dips their head in concentration!</span>");
                            target.WriteMsg("<span class='boldannounce'>You feel your loyalties begin to weaken!</span>");
                            thearea.WriteMsg("<span class='notice'>The nanobots composing the loyalty implant have been rendered inert. Now to continue.</span>");
                            ((Ent_Static)thearea).visible_message("<span class='warning'>" + thearea + " relaxes again.</span>");

                            foreach (dynamic _a in Lang13.Enumerate(target, typeof(Obj_Item_Weapon_Implant_Loyalty)))
                                L = _a;

                                if (L != null && Lang13.Bool(L.implanted))
                            target.WriteMsg("<span class='boldannounce'>Your unwavering loyalty to Nanotrasen unexpectedly falters, dims, dies.</span>");

                    case 3:
                        thearea.WriteMsg("<span class='notice'>You begin planting the tumor that will control the new thrall...</span>");
                        ((Ent_Static)thearea).visible_message("<span class='warning'>A strange energy passes from " + thearea + "'s hands into " + target + "'s head!</span>");
                        target.WriteMsg("<span class='boldannounce'>You feel your memories twisting, morphing. A sense of horror dominates your mind.</span>");

                    if (!GlobalFuncs.do_mob(thearea, target, 70))
                        thearea.WriteMsg("<span class='warning'>The enthralling has been interrupted - your target's mind returns to its previous state.</span>");
                        target.WriteMsg("<span class='userdanger'>You wrest yourself away from " + thearea + "'s hands and compose yourself</span>");
                        this.enthralling = false;
                this.enthralling = false;
                thearea.WriteMsg("<span class='shadowling'>You have enthralled <b>" + target.real_name + "</b>!</span>");
                target.visible_message("<span class='big'>" + target + " looks to have experienced a revelation!</span>", "<span class='warning'>False faces all d<b>ark not real not real not--</b></span>");
                target.mind.special_role = "thrall";
Esempio n. 18
		// Range: -1 Access: 0 Flags: ( 0, 4, 255 )
		public static Mob_Living wabbajack( dynamic M = null ) {
			dynamic Robot = null;
			Ent_Item W = null;
			Mob_Living new_mob = null;
			dynamic randomize = null;
			dynamic robot = null;
			Mob_Living D = null;
			Mob_Living Robot2 = null;
			Mob_Living Slime = null;
			dynamic beast = null;
			dynamic animal = null;
			Preferences A = null;
			Mob_Living H = null;
			ByTable all_species = null;
			dynamic speciestype = null;
			dynamic S = null;
			if ( M is Mob_Living ) {
				if ( M is Mob_Living && Lang13.Int( M.stat ) != 2 ) {
					if ( Lang13.Bool( M.notransform ) ) {
						return null;
					M.notransform = 1;
					M.canmove = 0;
					M.icon = null;
					M.invisibility = 101;
					if ( M is Mob_Living_Silicon_Robot ) {
						Robot = M;
						if ( Lang13.Bool( Robot.mmi ) ) {
							GlobalFuncs.qdel( Robot.mmi );
						((dynamic)Robot).notify_ai( 1 );
					} else {
						W = null;
						foreach (dynamic _a in M ) {
							if ( !( _a is Ent_Item ) ) {
							W = _a;
							if ( W is Ent_Item_Weapon_Implant ) {
								GlobalFuncs.qdel( W );
							((dynamic)W).layer = Temp13.initial( ((dynamic)W).layer );
							((dynamic)W).loc = M.loc;
							W.dropped( M );
					new_mob = null;
					randomize = Rand13.pick(new object [] { "monkey", "robot", "slime", "xeno", "humanoid", "animal" });
					dynamic _f = randomize; // Was a switch-case, sorry for the mess.
					if ( _f=="monkey" ) {
						new_mob = new Mob_Living_Carbon_Monkey( M.loc );
						new_mob.languages |= 1;
					} else if ( _f=="robot" ) {
						robot = Rand13.pick(new object [] { "cyborg", "syndiborg", "drone" });
						dynamic _b = robot; // Was a switch-case, sorry for the mess.
						if ( _b=="cyborg" ) {
							new_mob = new Mob_Living_Silicon_Robot( M.loc );
						} else if ( _b=="syndiborg" ) {
							new_mob = new Mob_Living_Silicon_Robot_Syndicate( M.loc );
						} else if ( _b=="drone" ) {
							new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Drone( M.loc );
							D = new_mob;
						if ( new_mob is Mob_Living_Silicon ) {
							((dynamic)new_mob).gender = M.gender;
							new_mob.invisibility = 0;
							new_mob.job = "Cyborg";
							Robot2 = new_mob;
							((dynamic)Robot2).mmi = new Ent_Item_Device_Mmi( new_mob );
							((dynamic)((dynamic)Robot2).mmi).transfer_identity( M );
						} else {
							new_mob.languages |= 1;
					} else if ( _f=="slime" ) {
						new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Slime( M.loc );
						if ( Rand13.percentChance( 50 ) ) {
							Slime = new_mob;
							((dynamic)Slime).is_adult = 1;
						new_mob.languages |= 1;
					} else if ( _f=="xeno" ) {
						if ( Rand13.percentChance( 50 ) ) {
							new_mob = new Mob_Living_Carbon_Alien_Humanoid_Hunter( M.loc );
						} else {
							new_mob = new Mob_Living_Carbon_Alien_Humanoid_Sentinel( M.loc );
						new_mob.languages |= 1;
					} else if ( _f=="animal" ) {
						if ( Rand13.percentChance( 50 ) ) {
							beast = Rand13.pick(new object [] { "carp", "bear", "mushroom", "statue", "bat", "goat", "killertomato", "spiderbase", "spiderhunter", "blobbernaut", "magicarp", "chaosmagicarp" });
							dynamic _c = beast; // Was a switch-case, sorry for the mess.
							if ( _c=="carp" ) {
								new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Hostile_Carp( M.loc );
							} else if ( _c=="bear" ) {
								new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Hostile_Bear( M.loc );
							} else if ( _c=="mushroom" ) {
								new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Hostile_Mushroom( M.loc );
							} else if ( _c=="statue" ) {
								new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Hostile_Statue( M.loc );
							} else if ( _c=="bat" ) {
								new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Hostile_Retaliate_Bat( M.loc );
							} else if ( _c=="goat" ) {
								new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Hostile_Retaliate_Goat( M.loc );
							} else if ( _c=="killertomato" ) {
								new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Hostile_Killertomato( M.loc );
							} else if ( _c=="spiderbase" ) {
								new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Hostile_Poison_GiantSpider( M.loc );
							} else if ( _c=="spiderhunter" ) {
								new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Hostile_Poison_GiantSpider_Hunter( M.loc );
							} else if ( _c=="blobbernaut" ) {
								new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Hostile_Blob_Blobbernaut( M.loc );
							} else if ( _c=="magicarp" ) {
								new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Hostile_Carp_Ranged( M.loc );
							} else if ( _c=="chaosmagicarp" ) {
								new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Hostile_Carp_Ranged_Chaos( M.loc );
						} else {
							animal = Rand13.pick(new object [] { "parrot", "corgi", "crab", "pug", "cat", "mouse", "chicken", "cow", "lizard", "chick", "fox", "butterfly" });
							dynamic _d = animal; // Was a switch-case, sorry for the mess.
							if ( _d=="parrot" ) {
								new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Parrot( M.loc );
							} else if ( _d=="corgi" ) {
								new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Pet_Dog_Corgi( M.loc );
							} else if ( _d=="crab" ) {
								new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Crab( M.loc );
							} else if ( _d=="pug" ) {
								new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Pet_Dog_Pug( M.loc );
							} else if ( _d=="cat" ) {
								new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Pet_Cat( M.loc );
							} else if ( _d=="mouse" ) {
								new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Mouse( M.loc );
							} else if ( _d=="chicken" ) {
								new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Chicken( M.loc );
							} else if ( _d=="cow" ) {
								new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Cow( M.loc );
							} else if ( _d=="lizard" ) {
								new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Lizard( M.loc );
							} else if ( _d=="fox" ) {
								new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Pet_Fox( M.loc );
							} else if ( _d=="butterfly" ) {
								new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Butterfly( M.loc );
							} else {
								new_mob = new Mob_Living_SimpleAnimal_Chick( M.loc );
						new_mob.languages |= 1;
					} else if ( _f=="humanoid" ) {
						new_mob = new Mob_Living_Carbon_Human( M.loc );
						A = new Preferences();
						new ByTable().set( 1, new_mob ).set( "icon_updates", 0 ).apply( A.GetType().GetMethod( "copy_to" ) );
						H = new_mob;
						if ( Rand13.percentChance( 50 ) ) {
							all_species = new ByTable();
							speciestype = null;
							foreach (dynamic _e in Lang13.get_all_types( typeof(Species) ) - typeof(Species) ) {
								speciestype = _e;
								S = Lang13.call( speciestype );
								if ( !Lang13.Bool( S.dangerous_existence ) ) {
									all_species += speciestype;
							new ByTable().set( 1, Rand13.pick( all_species ) ).set( "icon_update", 0 ).apply( H.GetType().GetMethod( "set_species" ) );
							H.real_name = ((dynamic)((dynamic)H).dna.species).random_name( ((dynamic)H).gender, 1 );
					} else {
						return null;
					new_mob.attack_log = M.attack_log;
					M.attack_log += "[" + GlobalFuncs.time_stamp() + "] <font color='orange'>" + M.real_name + " (" + M.ckey + ") became " + new_mob.real_name + ".</font>";
					new_mob.a_intent = "harm";
					if ( Lang13.Bool( M.mind ) ) {
						((dynamic)M.mind).transfer_to( new_mob );
					} else {
						((dynamic)new_mob).key = M.key;
					((dynamic)new_mob).write( "<B>Your form morphs into that of a " + randomize + ".</B>" );
					GlobalFuncs.qdel( M );
					return new_mob;
			return null;
Esempio n. 19
		// Function from file: implant.dm
		public virtual void trigger( string emote = null, Mob_Living_Carbon_Human source = null ) {
Esempio n. 20
		// Range: -1 Access: 0 Flags: ( 0, 4, 255 )
		public static Mob_Living_Carbon_Human makeBody( dynamic G_found = null ) {
			Mob_Living_Carbon_Human new_character = null;
			if ( !Lang13.Bool( G_found ) || !Lang13.Bool( G_found.key ) ) {
				return null;
			new_character = new Mob_Living_Carbon_Human( Rand13.pick( GlobalVars.latejoin ) );
			((Preferences)G_found.client.prefs).copy_to( new_character );
			((dynamic)new_character).key = G_found.key;
			return new_character;
Esempio n. 21
        // Function from file: departmentrevolt.dm
        public override bool start(  )
            dynamic tidecolor         = null;
            ByTable jobs_to_revolt    = null;
            dynamic nation            = null;
            ByTable citizens          = null;
            Mob_Living_Carbon_Human H = null;
            Mind    M       = null;
            dynamic job     = null;
            dynamic message = null;
            dynamic job2    = null;

            jobs_to_revolt = new ByTable();
            citizens       = new ByTable();
            tidecolor      = Rand13.Pick(new object [] { "grey", "white", "yellow", "purple", "brown", "whatevercolorrepresentstheservicepeople" });

            dynamic _a = tidecolor;             // Was a switch-case, sorry for the mess.

            if (_a == "grey")
                jobs_to_revolt = new ByTable(new object [] { "Assistant" });
                nation         = Rand13.Pick(new object [] { "Assa", "Mainte", "Tunnel", "Gris", "Grey", "Liath", "Grigio", "Ass", "Assi" });
            else if (_a == "white")
                jobs_to_revolt = new ByTable(new object [] { "Chief Medical Officer", "Medical Doctor", "Chemist", "Geneticist", "Virologist" });
                nation         = Rand13.Pick(new object [] { "Mede", "Healtha", "Recova", "Chemi", "Geneti", "Viro", "Psych" });
            else if (_a == "yellow")
                jobs_to_revolt = new ByTable(new object [] { "Chief Engineer", "Station Engineer", "Atmospheric Technician" });
                nation         = Rand13.Pick(new object [] { "Atomo", "Engino", "Power", "Teleco" });
            else if (_a == "purple")
                jobs_to_revolt = new ByTable(new object [] { "Research Director", "Scientist", "Roboticist" });
                nation         = Rand13.Pick(new object [] { "Sci", "Griffa", "Explosi", "Mecha", "Xeno" });
            else if (_a == "brown")
                jobs_to_revolt = new ByTable(new object [] { "Quartermaster", "Cargo Technician", "Shaft Miner" });
                nation         = Rand13.Pick(new object [] { "Cargo", "Guna", "Suppli", "Mule", "Crate", "Ore", "Mini", "Shaf" });
            else if (_a == "whatevercolorrepresentstheservicepeople")
                jobs_to_revolt = new ByTable(new object [] { "Bartender", "Cook", "Botanist", "Clown", "Mime", "Janitor", "Chaplain" });
                nation         = Rand13.Pick(new object [] { "Honka", "Boozo", "Fatu", "Danka", "Mimi", "Libra", "Jani", "Religi" });
            nation += Rand13.Pick(new object [] { "stan", "topia", "land", "nia", "ca", "tova", "dor", "ador", "tia", "sia", "ano", "tica", "tide", "cis", "marea", "co", "taoide", "slavia", "stotzka" });

            foreach (dynamic _c in Lang13.Enumerate(GlobalVars.mob_list, typeof(Mob_Living_Carbon_Human)))
                H = _c;

                if (H.mind != null)
                    M = H.mind;

                    if (Lang13.Bool(M.assigned_role) && !GlobalVars.ticker.mode.traitors.Contains(M))
                        foreach (dynamic _b in Lang13.Enumerate(jobs_to_revolt))
                            job = _b;

                            if (M.assigned_role == job)
                                M.special_role = "separatist";
                                H.attack_log.Add("[" + GlobalFuncs.time_stamp() + "] <font color='red'>Was made into a separatist, long live " + nation + "!</font>");
                                H.WriteMsg("<B>You are a separatist! " + nation + " forever! Protect the soverignty of your newfound land with your comrades in arms!</B>");

            if (citizens.len != 0)
                message = null;

                foreach (dynamic _d in Lang13.Enumerate(jobs_to_revolt))
                    job2 = _d;

                    message += "" + job2 + ",";
                GlobalFuncs.message_admins("The nation of " + nation + " has been formed. Affected jobs are " + message);