public async Task KeysAndValues_SupportsFixedLengthStructs()
            // Arrange
            var dummyOptions = new MixedStorageKVStoreOptions()
                LogDirectory      = _fixture.TempDirectory,
                LogFileNamePrefix = nameof(KeysAndValues_SupportsFixedLengthStructs),
                PageSizeBits      = 12,
                MemorySizeBits    = 13 // Limit to 8KB so we're testing both in-memory and disk-based operations
            var dummyStructInstance = new DummyFixedLengthStruct()
                // Populate with dummy values
                DummyByte  = byte.MaxValue,
                DummyShort = short.MaxValue,
                DummyLong  = long.MaxValue
            int numRecords = 10000;

            using var testSubject = new MixedStorageKVStore <DummyFixedLengthStruct, DummyFixedLengthStruct>(dummyOptions);

            // Act and assert

            // Insert
            Parallel.For(0, numRecords, key =>
                DummyFixedLengthStruct localDummyStructInstance = dummyStructInstance;
                localDummyStructInstance.DummyInt = key;
                testSubject.Upsert(localDummyStructInstance, localDummyStructInstance);

            // Read
            List <Task <(Status, DummyFixedLengthStruct)> > readTasks = new();

            for (int key = 0; key < numRecords; key++)
                DummyFixedLengthStruct localDummyStructInstance = dummyStructInstance;
                localDummyStructInstance.DummyInt = key;
                readTasks.Add(ReadAsync(localDummyStructInstance, testSubject));
            await Task.WhenAll(readTasks).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Verify
            for (int key = 0; key < numRecords; key++)
                (Status status, DummyFixedLengthStruct result) = readTasks[key].Result;
                Assert.Equal(Status.OK, status);
                DummyFixedLengthStruct localDummyStructInstance = dummyStructInstance;
                localDummyStructInstance.DummyInt = key;
                Assert.Equal(localDummyStructInstance, result);
        public async Task KeysAndValues_SupportsPrimitives()
            // Arrange
            var dummyOptions = new MixedStorageKVStoreOptions()
                LogDirectory      = _fixture.TempDirectory,
                LogFileNamePrefix = nameof(KeysAndValues_SupportsPrimitives),
                PageSizeBits      = 12,
                MemorySizeBits    = 13 // Limit to 8KB so we're testing both in-memory and disk-based operations
            const int dummyValue = 12345;
            const int numRecords = 10000;

            using var testSubject = new MixedStorageKVStore <int, int>(dummyOptions);

            // Act and assert
            Parallel.For(0, numRecords, key => testSubject.Upsert(key, dummyValue));
            await ReadAndVerifyValuesAsync(numRecords, testSubject, Status.OK, dummyValue).ConfigureAwait(false);
        public async Task KeysAndValues_SupportsObjects()
            // Arrange
            var dummyOptions = new MixedStorageKVStoreOptions()
                LogDirectory      = _fixture.TempDirectory,
                LogFileNamePrefix = nameof(KeysAndValues_SupportsObjects),
                PageSizeBits      = 12,
                MemorySizeBits    = 13 // Limit to 8KB so we're testing both in-memory and disk-based operations
            int numRecords = 10000;

            using var testSubject = new MixedStorageKVStore <string, string>(dummyOptions);

            // Act and assert

            // Insert
            Parallel.For(0, numRecords, key =>
                string keyAsString = key.ToString();
                testSubject.Upsert(keyAsString, keyAsString);

            // Read
            List <Task <(Status, string?)> > readTasks = new();

            for (int key = 0; key < numRecords; key++)
                readTasks.Add(ReadAsync(key.ToString(), testSubject));
            await Task.WhenAll(readTasks).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Verify
            Parallel.For(0, numRecords, key =>
                (Status status, string?result) = readTasks[key].Result;
                Assert.Equal(Status.OK, status);
                Assert.Equal(key.ToString(), result);
        public async Task UpsertReadAsyncDelete_AreThreadSafe()
            // Arrange
            var dummyOptions = new MixedStorageKVStoreOptions()
                LogDirectory      = _fixture.TempDirectory,
                LogFileNamePrefix = nameof(UpsertReadAsyncDelete_AreThreadSafe),
                PageSizeBits      = 12,
                MemorySizeBits    = 13 // Limit to 8KB so we're testing both in-memory and disk-based operations
            DummyClass dummyClassInstance = CreatePopulatedDummyClassInstance();
            int        numRecords         = 10000;

            //using var testSubject = new ObjLogMixedStorageKVStore<int, DummyClass>(dummyOptions);
            //using var testSubject = new MemoryMixedStorageKVStore<int, DummyClass>(dummyOptions);
            using var testSubject = new MixedStorageKVStore <int, DummyClass>(dummyOptions);

            // Act and assert

            // Insert
            Parallel.For(0, numRecords, key => testSubject.Upsert(key, dummyClassInstance));

            // Read
            await ReadAndVerifyValuesAsync(numRecords, testSubject, Status.OK, dummyClassInstance).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Update
            dummyClassInstance.DummyInt    = 20;
            dummyClassInstance.DummyString = "anotherDummyString";
            Parallel.For(0, numRecords, key => testSubject.Upsert(key, dummyClassInstance));

            // Verify updates
            await ReadAndVerifyValuesAsync(numRecords, testSubject, Status.OK, dummyClassInstance).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Delete
            Parallel.For(0, numRecords, key => testSubject.Delete(key));

            // Verify deletes
            await ReadAndVerifyValuesAsync(numRecords, testSubject, Status.NOTFOUND, null).ConfigureAwait(false);
        public async Task LogCompaction_SkippedIfSafeReadOnlyRegionIsLessThanThreshold()
            // Arrange
            var resultStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            ILogger <MixedStorageKVStore <int, DummyClass> > dummyLogger = CreateLogger <int, DummyClass>(resultStringBuilder, LogLevel.Trace);
            var logSettings = new LogSettings
                LogDevice = Devices.CreateLogDevice(Path.Combine(_fixture.TempDirectory, $"{nameof(LogCompaction_SkippedIfSafeReadOnlyRegionIsLessThanThreshold)}.log"),
                                                    deleteOnClose: true),
                PageSizeBits   = 12,
                MemorySizeBits = 13
            DummyClass dummyClassInstance = CreatePopulatedDummyClassInstance();
            int        dummyThreshold     = 100_000;
            var        dummyOptions       = new MixedStorageKVStoreOptions()
                TimeBetweenLogCompactionsMS        = 1,
                InitialLogCompactionThresholdBytes = 100_000
            int expectedResultMinLength = string.Format(Strings.LogTrace_SkippingLogCompaction, 0, dummyThreshold).Length;

            // Act
            using (var testSubject = new MixedStorageKVStore <int, DummyClass>(dummyOptions, dummyLogger)) // Start log compaction
                while (resultStringBuilder.Length <= expectedResultMinLength)
                    await Task.Delay(10).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Assert
            string result       = resultStringBuilder.ToString();
            int    numLines     = result.Split("\n", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length;
            string regexPattern = string.Format(Strings.LogTrace_SkippingLogCompaction, "0", dummyThreshold); // MixedStorageKVStore is empty

            Assert.Equal(numLines, Regex.Matches(result, regexPattern).Count);
        public void LogFiles_DeletedOnClose()
            // Arrange
            string directory    = Path.Combine(_fixture.TempDirectory, nameof(LogFiles_DeletedOnClose)); // Use a separate directory so the test is never affected by other tests
            var    dummyOptions = new MixedStorageKVStoreOptions()
                LogDirectory      = directory,
                LogFileNamePrefix = nameof(LogFiles_DeletedOnClose),
                PageSizeBits      = 9, // Minimum
                MemorySizeBits    = 10 // Minimum
            DummyClass dummyClassInstance = CreatePopulatedDummyClassInstance();
            int        numRecords         = 50; // Just enough to make sure log files are created. Segment size isn't exceeded (only 1 of each log file).
            var        testSubject        = new MixedStorageKVStore <int, DummyClass>(dummyOptions);

            Parallel.For(0, numRecords, key => testSubject.Upsert(key, dummyClassInstance));           // Creates log
            Assert.Single(Directory.EnumerateFiles(directory, $"{nameof(LogFiles_DeletedOnClose)}*")); // Log and object log

            // Act

            // Assert
            Assert.Empty(Directory.EnumerateFiles(directory)); // Logs deleted
        public async Task LogCompaction_OccursIfSafeReadOnlyRegionIsLargerThanThreshold()
            // Arrange
            var resultStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            ILogger <MixedStorageKVStore <int, DummyClass> > dummyLogger = CreateLogger <int, DummyClass>(resultStringBuilder, LogLevel.Trace);
            var logSettings = new LogSettings
                LogDevice = Devices.CreateLogDevice(Path.Combine(_fixture.TempDirectory, $"{nameof(LogCompaction_OccursIfSafeReadOnlyRegionIsLargerThanThreshold)}.log"),
                                                    deleteOnClose: true),
                PageSizeBits   = 12,
                MemorySizeBits = 13
            DummyClass dummyClassInstance = CreatePopulatedDummyClassInstance();
            var        dummyOptions       = new MixedStorageKVStoreOptions()
                TimeBetweenLogCompactionsMS        = 1,
                InitialLogCompactionThresholdBytes = 80_000
            // Create and populate faster KV store before passing it to MixedStorageKVStore, at which point the compaction loop starts.
            // For quicker tests, use thread local sessions.
            FasterKV <SpanByte, SpanByte>?dummyFasterKVStore = null;
            ThreadLocal <ClientSession <SpanByte, SpanByte, SpanByte, SpanByteAndMemory, Empty, SpanByteFunctions <Empty> > >?dummyThreadLocalSession = null;

                dummyFasterKVStore = new FasterKV <SpanByte, SpanByte>(1L << 20, logSettings);
                FasterKV <SpanByte, SpanByte> .ClientSessionBuilder <SpanByte, SpanByteAndMemory, Empty> dummyClientSessionBuilder = dummyFasterKVStore.For(new SpanByteFunctions <Empty>());
                dummyThreadLocalSession = new(() => dummyClientSessionBuilder.NewSession <SpanByteFunctions <Empty> >(), true);
                MessagePackSerializerOptions dummyMessagePackSerializerOptions = MessagePackSerializerOptions.Standard.WithCompression(MessagePackCompression.Lz4BlockArray);

                // Record size estimate:
                // - dummyClassInstance serialized and compressed = ~73 bytes
                // - int key serialized and compressed = ~3 bytes
                // - key length metadata = 4 bytes
                // - value length metadata = 4 bytes
                // - record header = 8 bytes
                // Total = ~92 bytes
                // n * 92 - 8192 > InitialLogCompactionThresholdBytes

                // Insert
                byte[] dummyValueBytes = MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(dummyClassInstance, dummyMessagePackSerializerOptions);
                Parallel.For(0, 500, key =>
                    byte[] dummyKeyBytes = MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(key, dummyMessagePackSerializerOptions);
                        // Upsert
                        fixed(byte *keyPointer   = dummyKeyBytes)
                        fixed(byte *valuePointer = dummyValueBytes)
                            var keySpanByte = SpanByte.FromPointer(keyPointer, dummyKeyBytes.Length);
                            var objSpanByte = SpanByte.FromPointer(valuePointer, dummyValueBytes.Length);
                            dummyThreadLocalSession.Value.Upsert(ref keySpanByte, ref objSpanByte);
                // Update so compaction does something. Can't update in insert loop or we'll get a bunch of in-place updates.
                dummyValueBytes = MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(dummyClassInstance, dummyMessagePackSerializerOptions);
                Parallel.For(0, 500, key =>
                    byte[] dummyKeyBytes = MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(key, dummyMessagePackSerializerOptions);
                        // Upsert
                        fixed(byte *keyPointer   = dummyKeyBytes)
                        fixed(byte *valuePointer = dummyValueBytes)
                            var keySpanByte = SpanByte.FromPointer(keyPointer, dummyKeyBytes.Length);
                            var objSpanByte = SpanByte.FromPointer(valuePointer, dummyValueBytes.Length);
                            dummyThreadLocalSession.Value.Upsert(ref keySpanByte, ref objSpanByte);
                if (dummyThreadLocalSession != null)
                    foreach (ClientSession <SpanByte, SpanByte, SpanByte, SpanByteAndMemory, Empty, SpanByteFunctions <Empty> > session in dummyThreadLocalSession.Values)
                        session.Dispose(); // Faster synchronously completes all pending operations, so we should not get exceptions if we're in the middle of log compaction

            // We compact 20% of the safe-readonly region of the log. Since we inserted then updated, compaction here means removal.
            // 90048 * 0.8 = 72038, ~72000 (missing 38 bytes likely has to do with the fact that we can't remove only part of a record).
            string expectedResultStart       = $"{LogLevel.Trace}: {string.Format(Strings.LogTrace_LogCompacted, 90048, 72000, 1)}";
            int    expectedResultStartLength = expectedResultStart.Length;

            // Act
            using (var testSubject = new MixedStorageKVStore <int, DummyClass>(dummyOptions, dummyLogger, dummyFasterKVStore)) // Start log compaction
                while (resultStringBuilder.Length <= expectedResultStartLength)
                    await Task.Delay(10).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Assert
            Assert.StartsWith(expectedResultStart, resultStringBuilder.ToString());
            // If compaction runs more than once, should be skipped after first compaction (< threshold behaviour verified in previous test)