Esempio n. 1
        private void OnVesselRecoveryProcessing(ProtoVessel data0, MissionRecoveryDialog data1, float data2)
            ScienceAIVesselModule mod = data0.vesselRef.GetComponent <ScienceAIVesselModule>();

            if (
                foreach (ProtoPartSnapshot part in data0.protoPartSnapshots)
                    if (part.persistentId == mod.partID)
                        foreach (ProtoPartModuleSnapshot partmodule in part.modules)
                            if (partmodule.moduleName == "ModuleScienceContainer")
                                ConfigNode node = partmodule.moduleValues;
                                foreach (ScienceAIData result in mod.results)
                                    node.AddNode("ScienceData", result.GetConfigNode());
Esempio n. 2
        public void vesselRecoveryProcessingEvent(ProtoVessel pvessel, MissionRecoveryDialog dialog, float recoveryFactor)
            BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("---------- vesselRecoveryProcessingEvent ------------");
            BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("recoveryFactor: {0:f3}", recoveryFactor);
            BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Vessel root missionID: {0}", BCUtils.GetVesselMissionID(pvessel));

            // Get a list of every missionID from the recovered parts
            List <uint> recovered_mission_ids =
                (from ppart in pvessel.protoPartSnapshots
                 select ppart.missionID).ToList();

            // Get a list of every unique part ID so we can match them up
            List <uint> recovered_part_ids =
                (from ppart in pvessel.protoPartSnapshots
                 select ppart.flightID).ToList();

            // Now lets get all of the launches that contain recovered parts
            List <BCLaunchData> recovered_launches =
                (from launch in
                 where recovered_mission_ids.Contains(launch.missionID)
                 select launch).ToList();

            // And finally we get the full list of every recovered part so we can flag them all as recovered
            var recoveredparts =
                from launch in recovered_launches
                from part in
                where recovered_part_ids.Contains(part.uid)
                select part;

            foreach (BCVesselPartData partdata in recoveredparts)
                BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Flagging part as recovered: {0} - {1}", partdata.partName, partdata.uid);
                partdata.status = BCVesselPartStatus.Recovered;

            BCRecoveryData recovery = new BCRecoveryData(true);


            recovery.partIDs        = recovered_part_ids;
            recovery.recoveryFactor = recoveryFactor;

            // Try to match this to the transaction
            BCTransactionData transaction =
                (from trans in
                 where trans.time == HighLogic.fetch.currentGame.UniversalTime &&
                 trans.reason == TransactionReasons.VesselRecovery
                 select trans).SingleOrDefault();

            if (transaction != null)
                BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Found matching transaction for this recovery: {0}",;
                recovery.transactionID =;
                transaction.dataID     =;

            BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("--------- /vesselRecoveryProcessingEvent ------------");
Esempio n. 3
		public void vesselRecoveryProcessingEvent(ProtoVessel pvessel, MissionRecoveryDialog dialog, float recoveryFactor)
			BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("---------- vesselRecoveryProcessingEvent ------------");
			BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("recoveryFactor: {0:f3}", recoveryFactor);
			BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Vessel root missionID: {0}", BCUtils.GetVesselMissionID(pvessel));

			// Get a list of every missionID from the recovered parts
			List<uint> recovered_mission_ids = 
				(from ppart in pvessel.protoPartSnapshots
				 select ppart.missionID).ToList();

			// Get a list of every unique part ID so we can match them up
			List<uint> recovered_part_ids = 
				(from ppart in pvessel.protoPartSnapshots
				 select ppart.flightID).ToList();

			// Now lets get all of the launches that contain recovered parts
			List<BCLaunchData> recovered_launches =
				(from launch in
				 where recovered_mission_ids.Contains(launch.missionID)
				 select launch).ToList();

			// And finally we get the full list of every recovered part so we can flag them all as recovered
			var recoveredparts =
				from launch in recovered_launches
				from part in
				where recovered_part_ids.Contains(part.uid)
				select part;
			foreach(BCVesselPartData partdata in recoveredparts)
				BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Flagging part as recovered: {0} - {1}", partdata.partName, partdata.uid);
				partdata.status = BCVesselPartStatus.Recovered;

            BCRecoveryData recovery = new BCRecoveryData(true);

			recovery.partIDs = recovered_part_ids;
			recovery.recoveryFactor = recoveryFactor;

            // Try to match this to the transaction
            BCTransactionData transaction =
                (from trans in
                 where trans.time == HighLogic.fetch.currentGame.UniversalTime
                 && trans.reason == TransactionReasons.VesselRecovery
                 select trans).SingleOrDefault();
            if (transaction != null)
                BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("Found matching transaction for this recovery: {0}",;
                recovery.transactionID =;
                transaction.dataID =;

			BeanCounter.LogFormatted_DebugOnly("--------- /vesselRecoveryProcessingEvent ------------");
Esempio n. 4
        void onVesselRecoveryProcessing(ProtoVessel vessel, MissionRecoveryDialog d, float f)
            double UT   = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime();
            var    crew = vessel.GetVesselCrew();

            foreach (var kerbal in crew)
                ExperienceTracker.instance.FinishAllTasks(kerbal, UT);
 internal void OnRecoveryProcessing(ProtoVessel data0, MissionRecoveryDialog data1, float data2)
     foreach (var launch in launches)
         if (data0.vesselID.ToString() == launch.shipID)
Esempio n. 6
        private void OnVesselRecoveryProcessing(ProtoVessel pv, MissionRecoveryDialog dlg, float idunno)
            List <MessageSystem.Message> messages = new List <MessageSystem.Message>();

            foreach (var group in pv.protoPartSnapshots.SelectMany(p => p.resources).GroupBy(r => r.resourceName))
                if (ColonizationResearchScenario.Instance.TryParseTieredResourceName(group.Key, out TieredResource tieredResource, out TechTier tier))
                    float amount  = (float)group.Sum(r => r.amount);
                    float repGain = tieredResource.GetReputationGain(tier, amount);
                    if (repGain > 0)
                        dlg.reputationEarned += repGain;
                        MessageSystem.Instance.AddMessage(new MessageSystem.Message(
                                                              "Shinies!", $"You get {repGain:N} reputation for selling {amount:N} {tier.DisplayName()} {tieredResource.DisplayName}.",
                                                              MessageSystemButton.MessageButtonColor.GREEN, MessageSystemButton.ButtonIcons.ACHIEVE));
        // recoveryFraction - percentage of funds added after recovery, based on distance from KSC
        public void onVesselRecoveryProcessing(ProtoVessel v, MissionRecoveryDialog dialog, float recoveryFraction)
            KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] onVesselRecoveryProcessing: x = " + recoveryFraction);
            KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] onVesselRecoveryProcessing: AddFunds = " + -dialog.fundsEarned);

            // deduct recovered funds
            Funding.Instance.AddFunds(-dialog.fundsEarned, TransactionReasons.VesselRecovery);

            // calculate distance
            // longest possible ground distance on Kerbin [km]
            //const double HALF_CIRCLE = 2 * Mathf.PI * 600 / 2;
            // distance from KSC [m]
            double distance = SpaceCenter.Instance.GreatCircleDistance(SpaceCenter.Instance.cb.GetRelSurfaceNVector(v.latitude, v.longitude));
            // KSC is supposedly 25 m^2 in size, so no more than 5 km can be considered free
            if (distance <= 5000.0)
                distance = 0.0f;
            KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] onVesselRecoveryProcessing: distance = " + distance + " m");

            // calculate recovery price
            // price of 1 metric tone per 1km
            const double recoveryRate = 100.0;
            double recoveryPrice = (double)vesselMass * (distance / 1000.0) * recoveryRate;

            // reset funds
            dialog.fundsEarned = 0.0;

            // show recovery GUI
            GUIRecovery wndRecovery = new GUIRecovery();
            wndRecovery.vesselMass = vesselMass;
            wndRecovery.vesselTitle = v.vesselName;
            wndRecovery.recoveryPrice = recoveryPrice;
            wndRecovery.recoveryDistance = Math.Ceiling(distance / 1000.0);
 public void onGUIRecoveryDialogSpawn(MissionRecoveryDialog dialog)
     KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] onGUIRecoveryDialogSpawn");
 void OnGUIRecoveryDialogSpawn(MissionRecoveryDialog dialog)
     m_UIHidden = true;
Esempio n. 10
        private void VesselRecoveryProcessing(ProtoVessel v, MissionRecoveryDialog mrDialog, float data)
            Debug.Log("[VR] - Vessel recovery processing");

            List <string> retirementChanges = new List <string>();
            List <string> inactivity        = new List <string>();

            double UT = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime();

            // normally we would use v.missionTime, but that doesn't seem to update
            // when you're not actually controlling the vessel
            double elapsedTime = UT - v.launchTime;

            // When flight duration was too short, mission training should not be set as expired.
            // This can happen when an on-the-pad failure occurs and the vessel is recovered.
            // We could perhaps override this if they're not actually in flight
            // (if the user didn't recover right from the pad I think this is a fair assumption)
            if (elapsedTime < settings.minFlightDurationSecondsForTrainingExpire)
                Debug.Log("[VR] - mission time too short for crew to be inactive (elapsed time was " + elapsedTime + ", settings set for " + settings.minFlightDurationSecondsForTrainingExpire + ")");

            foreach (ProtoCrewMember pcm in v.GetVesselCrew())
                Debug.Log("[VR] - Found ProtoCrewMember: " + pcm.displayName);

                bool hasSpace      = false;
                bool hasOrbit      = false;
                bool hasEVA        = false;
                bool hasEVAOther   = false;
                bool hasOther      = false;
                bool hasOrbitOther = false;
                bool hasLandOther  = false;
                int  curFlight     = pcm.careerLog.Last().flight;
                foreach (FlightLog.Entry e in pcm.careerLog.Entries)
                    if (e.type == "TRAINING_mission")
                        SetExpiration(, e, Planetarium.GetUniversalTime());

                    if (e.flight != curFlight)

                    bool isOther = false;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( && !=
                        isOther = hasOther = true;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.type))
                        switch (e.type)
                        case "Suborbit":
                            hasSpace = true;

                        case "Orbit":
                            if (isOther)
                                hasOrbitOther = true;
                                hasOrbit = true;

                        case "ExitVessel":
                            if (isOther)
                                hasEVAOther = true;
                                hasEVA = true;

                        case "Land":
                            if (isOther)
                                hasLandOther = true;

                double multiplier = 1d;
                double constant   = 0.5d;
                if (hasSpace)
                    multiplier += settings.recSpace.x;
                    constant   += settings.recSpace.y;
                if (hasOrbit)
                    multiplier += settings.recOrbit.x;
                    constant   += settings.recOrbit.y;
                if (hasOther)
                    multiplier += settings.recOtherBody.x;
                    constant   += settings.recOtherBody.y;
                if (hasOrbit && hasEVA)    // EVA should only count while in orbit, not when walking on Earth
                    multiplier += settings.recEVA.x;
                    constant   += settings.recEVA.y;
                if (hasEVAOther)
                    multiplier += settings.recEVAOther.x;
                    constant   += settings.recEVAOther.y;
                if (hasOrbitOther)
                    multiplier += settings.recOrbitOther.x;
                    constant   += settings.recOrbitOther.y;
                if (hasLandOther)
                    multiplier += settings.recLandOther.x;
                    constant   += settings.recLandOther.y;

                double retTime;
                if (kerbalRetireTimes.TryGetValue(, out retTime))
                    double offset = constant * 86400d * settings.retireOffsetBaseMult / (1 + Math.Pow(Math.Max(curFlight + settings.retireOffsetFlightNumOffset, 0d), settings.retireOffsetFlightNumPow)
                                                                                         * UtilMath.Lerp(settings.retireOffsetStupidMin, settings.retireOffsetStupidMax, pcm.stupidity));
                    if (offset > 0d)
                        retTime += offset;
                        kerbalRetireTimes[] = retTime;
                        retirementChanges.Add("\n" + + ", no earlier than " + KSPUtil.PrintDate(retTime, false));

                multiplier /= (ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities.GetFacilityLevel(SpaceCenterFacility.AstronautComplex) + 1d);

                double inactiveTime = elapsedTime * multiplier + constant * 86400d;
                pcm.SetInactive(inactiveTime, false);
                inactivity.Add("\n" + + ", until " + KSPUtil.PrintDate(inactiveTime + UT, true, false));
            if (inactivity.Count > 0)
                Debug.Log("[VR] - showing on leave message");

                string msgStr = "The following crew members will be on leave:";
                foreach (string s in inactivity)
                    msgStr += s;

                if (retirementEnabled && retirementChanges.Count > 0)
                    msgStr += "\n\nThe following retirement changes have occurred:";
                    foreach (string s in retirementChanges)
                        msgStr += s;

                PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog(new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f),
                                             new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f),
                                             "Crew Updates",
 void OnGUIRecoveryDialogSpawn(MissionRecoveryDialog dialog)
     m_UIHidden = true;
Esempio n. 12
 void OnGUIRecoveryDialogDespawn(MissionRecoveryDialog dialog)
     m_UIHidden = false;
 private void recoverySpawn(MissionRecoveryDialog d)
     overlay = true;
Esempio n. 14
        private void VesselRecoveryProcessing(ProtoVessel v, MissionRecoveryDialog mrDialog, float data)
            Debug.Log("[RP-0] - Vessel recovery processing");

            var retirementChanges = new List <string>();
            var inactivity        = new List <string>();

            double UT = KSPUtils.GetUT();

            // normally we would use v.missionTime, but that doesn't seem to update
            // when you're not actually controlling the vessel
            double elapsedTime = UT - v.launchTime;

            Debug.Log($"[RP-0] mission elapsedTime: {KSPUtil.PrintDateDeltaCompact(elapsedTime, true, true)}");

            // When flight duration was too short, mission training should not be set as expired.
            // This can happen when an on-the-pad failure occurs and the vessel is recovered.
            // We could perhaps override this if they're not actually in flight
            // (if the user didn't recover right from the pad I think this is a fair assumption)
            if (elapsedTime < Settings.minFlightDurationSecondsForTrainingExpire)
                Debug.Log($"[RP-0] - mission time too short for crew to be inactive (elapsed time was {elapsedTime}, settings set for {Settings.minFlightDurationSecondsForTrainingExpire})");

            var validStatuses = new List <string>
                FlightLog.EntryType.Flight.ToString(), Situation_FlightHigh, FlightLog.EntryType.Suborbit.ToString(),
                FlightLog.EntryType.Orbit.ToString(), FlightLog.EntryType.ExitVessel.ToString(),
                FlightLog.EntryType.Land.ToString(), FlightLog.EntryType.Flyby.ToString()

            foreach (ProtoCrewMember pcm in v.GetVesselCrew())
                Debug.Log("[RP-0] - Found ProtoCrewMember: " + pcm.displayName);

                var    allFlightsDict = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                int    curFlight      = pcm.careerLog.Last().flight;
                double inactivityMult = 0;
                double retirementMult = 0;

                foreach (FlightLog.Entry e in pcm.careerLog.Entries)
                    if (e.type == "Nationality")
                    if (e.type == TrainingType_Mission)
                        SetExpiration(, e, KSPUtils.GetUT());

                    if (validStatuses.Contains(e.type))
                        int situationCount;
                        var key = $"{}-{e.type}";
                        if (allFlightsDict.ContainsKey(key))
                            situationCount      = allFlightsDict[key];
                            allFlightsDict[key] = ++situationCount;
                            situationCount = 1;
                            allFlightsDict.Add(key, situationCount);

                        if (e.flight != curFlight)

                        if (TryGetBestSituationMatch(, e.type, "Retire", out double situationMult))
                            double countMult = 1 + Math.Pow(situationCount - 1, Settings.retireOffsetFlightNumPow);
                            retirementMult += situationMult / countMult;

                        if (TryGetBestSituationMatch(, e.type, "Inactive", out double inactivMult))
                            inactivityMult += inactivMult;

                Debug.Log("[RP-0]  retirementMult: " + retirementMult);
                Debug.Log("[RP-0]  inactivityMult: " + inactivityMult);

                double acMult = ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities.GetFacilityLevel(SpaceCenterFacility.AstronautComplex) + 1;
                Debug.Log("[RP-0]  AC multiplier: " + acMult);

                if (KerbalRetireTimes.TryGetValue(, out double retTime))
                    double stupidityPenalty = UtilMath.Lerp(Settings.retireOffsetStupidMin, Settings.retireOffsetStupidMax, pcm.stupidity);
                    Debug.Log($"[RP-0]  stupidityPenalty for {pcm.stupidity}: {stupidityPenalty}");
                    double retireOffset = retirementMult * 86400 * Settings.retireOffsetBaseMult / stupidityPenalty;

                    if (retireOffset > 0)
                        KerbalRetireIncreases.TryGetValue(, out double retIncreaseTotal);
                        retIncreaseTotal += retireOffset;
                        if (retIncreaseTotal > Settings.retireIncreaseCap)
                            // Cap the total retirement increase at a specific number of years
                            retireOffset    -= retIncreaseTotal - Settings.retireIncreaseCap;
                            retIncreaseTotal = Settings.retireIncreaseCap;
                        KerbalRetireIncreases[] = retIncreaseTotal;

                        string sRetireOffset = KSPUtil.PrintDateDelta(retireOffset, false, false);
                        Debug.Log("[RP-0] retire date increased by: " + sRetireOffset);

                        retTime += retireOffset;
                        KerbalRetireTimes[] = retTime;
                        retirementChanges.Add($"\n{}, +{sRetireOffset}, no earlier than {KSPUtil.PrintDate(retTime, false)}");

                inactivityMult = Math.Max(1, inactivityMult);
                double elapsedTimeDays  = elapsedTime / 86400;
                double inactiveTimeDays = Math.Pow(Math.Max(Settings.inactivityMinFlightDurationDays, elapsedTimeDays), Settings.inactivityFlightDurationExponent) *
                                          Math.Min(Settings.inactivityMaxSituationMult, inactivityMult) / acMult;
                double inactiveTime = inactiveTimeDays * 86400;
                Debug.Log("[RP-0] inactive for: " + KSPUtil.PrintDateDeltaCompact(inactiveTime, true, false));

                pcm.SetInactive(inactiveTime, false);
                inactivity.Add($"\n{}, until {KSPUtil.PrintDate(inactiveTime + UT, true, false)}");

            if (inactivity.Count > 0)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.Append("The following crew members will be on leave:");
                foreach (string s in inactivity)

                if (RetirementEnabled && retirementChanges.Count > 0)
                    sb.Append("\n\nThe following retirement changes have occurred:");
                    foreach (string s in retirementChanges)

                PopupDialog.SpawnPopupDialog(new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f),
                                             new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f),
                                             "Crew Updates",
 private void recoveryDeSpawn(MissionRecoveryDialog d)
     overlay = false;
Esempio n. 16
		void VesselRecoveryProcessing(ProtoVessel v, MissionRecoveryDialog dialog, float score)
			// note:
			// this function accumulate science stored in drives on recovery,
			// and visualize the data in the recovery dialog window

			// do nothing if science system is disabled, or in sandbox mode
			if (!Features.Science || HighLogic.CurrentGame.Mode == Game.Modes.SANDBOX) return;

			// get the drive data from DB
			uint root_id = v.protoPartSnapshots[v.rootIndex].flightID;
			if (!DB.vessels.ContainsKey(root_id)) return;
			Drive drive = DB.vessels[root_id].drive;

			// for each file in the drive
			foreach (var p in drive.files)
				// shortcuts
				string filename = p.Key;
				File file = p.Value;

				// de-buffer partially transmitted data
				file.size += file.buff;
				file.buff = 0.0;

				// get subject
				ScienceSubject subject = ResearchAndDevelopment.GetSubjectByID(filename);

				// credit science
				double credits = Science.Credit(filename, file.size, false, v);

				// create science widged
				ScienceSubjectWidget widged = ScienceSubjectWidget.Create
				  subject,            // subject
				  (float)file.size,   // data gathered
				  (float)credits,     // science points
				  dialog              // recovery dialog

				// add widget to dialog

				// add science credits to total
				dialog.scienceEarned += (float)credits;

			// for each sample in the drive
			// for each file in the drive
			foreach (var p in drive.samples)
				// shortcuts
				string filename = p.Key;
				Sample sample = p.Value;

				// get subject
				ScienceSubject subject = ResearchAndDevelopment.GetSubjectByID(filename);

				// credit science
				double credits = Science.Credit(filename, sample.size, false, v);

				// create science widged
				ScienceSubjectWidget widged = ScienceSubjectWidget.Create
				  subject,            // subject
				  (float)sample.size, // data gathered
				  (float)credits,     // science points
				  dialog              // recovery dialog

				// add widget to dialog

				// add science credits to total
				dialog.scienceEarned += (float)credits;
        void OnVesselRecoveryProcessing(ProtoVessel vessel, MissionRecoveryDialog recoveryDialog, float blah)
            print("Vessel Name(ISRecoverable:float): " + vessel.vesselName + "(" + vessel.vesselRef.IsRecoverable + ":" + blah + ")");
            print("Recovery Dialog: " + string.Join(" |\r\n ",
                recoveryDialog.GetType().GetMembers(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).Select(m=>  m.MemberType+": "+ m.ReflectedType + " "+ m.Name).ToArray()));


            //  public void handleRecoveryProcessing(ProtoVessel pv, MissionRecoveryDialog d, float f) {
            //  foreach (JMPScienceSubject s in scienceData.Keys) {
            //      float sci = ResearchAndDevelopment.GetScienceValue(scienceData[s], s.subject);
            //      ResearchAndDevelopment.Instance.SubmitScienceData(scienceData[s], s.subject);
            //      d.AddDataWidget(new MissionRecoveryDialog.ScienceSubjectWidget(s.subject, scienceData[s], sci));
            //  }
            //  scienceData.Clear();
            //  capacityUsed = 0;
            //  part.RequestResource("DataStorage", -capacity);
            //  GameEvents.onVesselRecoveryProcessing.Remove(handleRecoveryProcessing);
            //  }

            // Figured it out, I have to call ResearchAndDevelopment.GetSubjectByID() during recovery processing to get the ScienceSubject to do stuff to.

            //  ProtoVessel => ProtoPartSnapshot => ProtoPartModuleSnapshot => ConfigNode = ProtoPartModuleSnapshot.moduleValues => ConfigNode.GetValue("nameOfYourField")

            //     public void onVesselRecovered(ProtoVessel vessel)
            //    {
            //    List<ProtoPartSnapshot> partList = vessel.protoPartSnapshots;
            //    foreach (ProtoPartSnapshot a in partList)
            //    {
            //        List<ProtoPartModuleSnapshot> modules = a.modules;
            //        foreach (ProtoPartModuleSnapshot module in modules)
            //        {

            //            if (module.moduleName == "DeepFreezer")
            //            {
            //                ConfigNode node = module.moduleValues;
            //                string FrozenCrew = node.GetValue("FrozenCrew");
            //                ThawFrozenCrew(FrozenCrew);
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
            //public void ThawFrozenCrew(String FrozenCrew)
            //    List<String> StoredCrew = FrozenCrew.Split(',').ToList();
            //    foreach (string frozenkerbal in StoredCrew)
            //    {
            //        foreach (ProtoCrewMember kerbal in HighLogic.CurrentGame.CrewRoster.Crew) //There's probably a more efficient way to find Protocrewmember from the CrewRoster
            //        {
            //            if ( == frozenkerbal)
            //            {
            //                kerbal.rosterStatus = ProtoCrewMember.RosterStatus.Available;
            //                ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage( + " was found in and thawed out.", 5.0f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER);
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }

            //            void RecoveryProcessingCallback(ProtoVessel pv, MissionRecoveryDialog dlg, float recovery)
            //   float repEarned = dlg.reputationEarned;
            //   float sciEarned = dlg.scienceEarned;
            //   double fundsEarned = dlg.fundsEarned;
            //   Debug.Log("[Recovery Timer] Rep: " + repEarned);
            //   Debug.Log("[Recovery Timer] Sci: " + sciEarned);
            //   Debug.Log("[Recovery Timer] Funds: " + fundsEarned);

            //   double currentUniversalTime = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime();
            //   Debug.Log("[Recovery Timer] Time of recovery: " + currentUniversalTime);
Esempio n. 18
        // recoveryFraction - percentage of funds added after recovery, based on distance from KSC
        public void onVesselRecoveryProcessing(ProtoVessel v, MissionRecoveryDialog dialog, float recoveryFraction)
            KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] onVesselRecoveryProcessing");

            if (saveVesselLater != null)
                saveVesselLater = null;

            Vessel recoveredVessel = null;
            try {
                recoveredVessel = Utils.getVesselByGuid(v.vesselID);
            catch (Exception e)
                KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] Exception on trying to find vessel" + e.Message);

            if (recoveredVessel == null)
                KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] onVesselRecoveryProcessing: vessel not found..");

                // try by guid from game

            // deduct recovered funds
                if (HighLogic.CurrentGame.Mode == Game.Modes.CAREER)
                    Funding.Instance.AddFunds(-dialog.fundsEarned, TransactionReasons.VesselRecovery);
            catch (Exception e)
                KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] Exception on deducting funds " + e.Message);
            // calculate distance
            // longest possible ground distance on Kerbin [km]
            //const double HALF_CIRCLE = 2 * Mathf.PI * 600 / 2;
            // distance from KSC [m]
            double distance = 0.0;
            try {
                distance = SpaceCenter.Instance.GreatCircleDistance(SpaceCenter.Instance.cb.GetRelSurfaceNVector(v.latitude, v.longitude));
            catch (Exception e)
                KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] Exception on calculating distance" + e.Message);
            // KSC is supposedly 25 m^2 in size, so no more than 5 km can be considered free
            if (distance <= 5000.0)
                distance = 0.0f;
            KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] distance calculated: " + distance);

            // calculate recovery price
            // price of 1 metric tone per 1km
            const double recoveryRate = 100.0;
            double recoveryPrice = 1000.0 + (double)recoveredVessel.GetTotalMass() * (distance / 1000.0) * recoveryRate;

            KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] recoveryPrice calculated: " + recoveryPrice);

            // reset funds
            dialog.fundsEarned = 0.0;

            // show recovery GUI
            KSP_rusty.wndRecovery.vesselMass = recoveredVessel.GetTotalMass();
            KSP_rusty.wndRecovery.vesselTitle = recoveredVessel.vesselName;
            KSP_rusty.wndRecovery.recoveryPrice = recoveryPrice;
            KSP_rusty.wndRecovery.recoveryDistance = Math.Ceiling(distance / 1000.0);

            KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] wndRecovery shown");

            /// RECOVER VESSEL
            KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] Trying to recover. Guid: " + v.vesselID.ToString().Replace("-", ""));
            ConfigNode recoveredVesselConfigNode = Utils.getVesselConfigByGuidFromGame(v.vesselID);
            if (recoveredVesselConfigNode == null)
                KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] recoveredVesselConfigNode is empty");

            // adjust data
            /// ADJUST VESSEL NODE
            // get values
            string name = recoveredVesselConfigNode.GetValue("name");
            if (name == null) name = "";
            // set values
            recoveredVesselConfigNode.SetValue("type", "VAB");
            recoveredVesselConfigNode.SetValue("ship", name, true);
            recoveredVesselConfigNode.SetValue("description", "", true);
            // remove values
            recoveredVesselConfigNode.RemoveValues(new string[] {"pid", "name", "sit", "landed", "landedAt",
                    "splashed", "met", "lct", "lat", "lon", "alt", "hgt", "nrm", "rot", "CoM", "stg", "prst",
                    "ref", "ctrl", "cPch", "cHdg", "cMod", "root"});

            // cycle proto part snapshots
            // gather needed information and internal values
            KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] We have " + v.protoPartSnapshots.Count + " part snapshots");
            ConfigNode[] configParts = recoveredVesselConfigNode.GetNodes("PART");
            KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] And we have " + (configParts.GetUpperBound(0)+1) + " parts");

            int pid = 0;
            Vector3 rootPos =;

            foreach (ProtoPartSnapshot snapshot in v.protoPartSnapshots)
                KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] SNAP " + snapshot.partName + "_" + snapshot.craftID);
                if (configParts[pid] == null)
                    KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] Mathing not found. id: " + pid);
                KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] PART " + configParts[pid].GetValue("name") + "_" + configParts[pid].GetValue("cid"));
                configParts[pid].SetValue("pos", configParts[pid].GetValue("position"));

                // get values
                string name_Part = configParts[pid].GetValue("name");
                string name_partName = "Part";
                if (name_Part == "strutConnector" || name_Part == "fuelLine")
                    name_partName = "CompoundPart";
                string cid = configParts[pid].GetValue("cid");
                if (cid != null) name_Part = name_Part + "_" + cid;

                // remove some values
                //configParts[pid].RemoveValues(new string[] { "launchID", "parent", "position", "rotation", "mirror", "symMethod", "cid", "uid", "mid", "name" });

                // get staging (probably) values
                int istg = int.Parse(configParts[pid].GetValue("istg"));
                int dstg = int.Parse(configParts[pid].GetValue("dstg"));
                int sqor = int.Parse(configParts[pid].GetValue("sqor"));
                int sepI = int.Parse(configParts[pid].GetValue("sepI"));
                int sidx = int.Parse(configParts[pid].GetValue("sidx"));
                int attm = int.Parse(configParts[pid].GetValue("attm"));

                // something else
                int sym = 0;
                    sym = int.Parse(configParts[pid].GetValue("sym"));
                catch (Exception e)
                    sym = 0;

                // attachments
                string[] attcfg = configParts[pid].GetValues("attN");
                string[] srfAttcfg = configParts[pid].GetValues("srfN");

                // remove some more values
                /*configParts[pid].RemoveValues(new string[] { "istg", "dstg", "sqor", "sepI", "sidx", "attm", "srfN", "attN", "mass", "temp", "expt", "state" ,
                                                             "connected" , "attached" , "flag" , "rTrf", "modCost", "crew" });

                // poof!

                // move the part, so that when it appears, appears not on the ground of VAB/SPH
                snapshot.position += new Vector3d(1.0, 14.0, 0.0);

                // root position to offset all other parts
                if (pid == 0)
                    rootPos = snapshot.position;

                // set values
                configParts[pid].SetValue("part", name_Part, true);
                configParts[pid].SetValue("partName", name_partName, true);

                // how to get attPos?
                // Should be ok for now to give it's value to attPos0 and keep attPos a zero
                Vector3d attPos =;
                Vector3d attPos0 = snapshot.position - rootPos; // - attPos

                // basic part position in assembly
                configParts[pid].SetValue("pos", Utils.Vector3dToString(snapshot.position), true);
                // moved offset by offset gizmo
                configParts[pid].SetValue("attPos", "0,0,0", true);
                // this.attPos0 = this.pos - root.pos;
                configParts[pid].SetValue("attPos0", Utils.Vector3dToString(attPos0), true);

                configParts[pid].SetValue("rot", Utils.QuaternionToString(snapshot.rotation), true);
                configParts[pid].SetValue("attRot", Utils.QuaternionToString(snapshot.rotation), true);    // not sure
                configParts[pid].SetValue("attRot0", "0,0,0,1", true);                      // not sure

                configParts[pid].SetValue("mir", Utils.Vector3ToString(snapshot.mirror), true);
                configParts[pid].SetValue("symMethod", ""+snapshot.symMethod, true);

                // add some previuosly removed values
                configParts[pid].SetValue("istg", istg.ToString(), true);
                configParts[pid].SetValue("dstg", dstg.ToString(), true);
                configParts[pid].SetValue("sqor", sqor.ToString(), true);
                configParts[pid].SetValue("sepI", sepI.ToString(), true);
                configParts[pid].SetValue("sidx", sidx.ToString(), true);
                configParts[pid].SetValue("attm", attm.ToString(), true);

                configParts[pid].SetValue("modCost", "0", true);
                configParts[pid].SetValue("modMass", "0", true);
                configParts[pid].SetValue("modSize", "(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)", true);

                // add attachments
                KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] adding attN attachments");
                foreach (string attN in attcfg)
                    // find if attachment is not negative (unused)
                    string tmp = attN.Replace(" ", "");
                    string[] attN_spl = tmp.Split(',');

                    int attachId = int.Parse(attN_spl[1]);
                    if (attachId == -1) continue;

                    // get the attachment position: bottom, top, etc..
                    tmp = attN_spl[0];    // we will use this tmp var to add value to confignode
                    // generate the unique part identifier
                    if (attachId > configParts.GetUpperBound(0)) return;

                    string partId = "";
                    // if the target parts wasn't yet iterated, use original values
                    if (attachId > pid) {
                        partId = configParts[attachId].GetValue("name") + "_";
                        partId += configParts[attachId].GetValue("cid");
                    // of the target target was already iterated, use the new value
                    } else {
                        partId = configParts[attachId].GetValue("part");
                    // add to this configNode
                    configParts[pid].AddValue("attN", tmp + "," + partId);

                // add sym
                KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] Got sym: " + sym);
                if (sym > 0 && sym <= configParts.GetUpperBound(0))
                    string partId = "";
                    // if the target parts wasn't yet iterated, use original values
                    if (sym > pid)
                        partId = configParts[sym].GetValue("name") + "_";
                        partId += configParts[sym].GetValue("cid");
                        // of the target target was already iterated, use the new value
                        partId = configParts[sym].GetValue("part");
                    // add to this configNode
                    KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] Adding sym: " + sym);
                    configParts[pid].AddValue("sym", partId);

                // add surface attachments
                KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] adding srfN attachments");
                foreach (string srfN in srfAttcfg)
                    // find if attachment is not negative (unused)
                    string tmp = srfN.Replace(" ", "");
                    string[] srfN_spl = tmp.Split(',');

                    int attachId = int.Parse(srfN_spl[1]);
                    if (attachId == -1) continue;

                    // get the attachment position: bottom, top, etc..
                    tmp = srfN_spl[0];    // we will use this tmp var to add value to confignode
                    // generate the unique part identifier
                    if (attachId > configParts.GetUpperBound(0)) return;

                    string partId = "";
                    // if the target parts wasn't yet iterated, use original values
                    if (attachId > pid)
                        partId = configParts[attachId].GetValue("name") + "_";
                        partId += configParts[attachId].GetValue("cid");
                        // of the target target was already iterated, use the new value
                        partId = configParts[attachId].GetValue("part");
                    // add to this configNode
                    configParts[pid].AddValue("srfN", tmp + "," + partId);

                // tell your daddy 'hello'
                if (configParts[snapshot.parentIdx] != null && pid != snapshot.parentIdx)
                    KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] adding link");
                    configParts[snapshot.parentIdx].AddValue("link", snapshot.partName + "_" + snapshot.craftID);

                // add sym links. nope.. "sym" is just "sym" in config.
                if (snapshot.symLinks != null)
                    KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] adding symlinks");
                    foreach (ProtoPartSnapshot child in snapshot.symLinks)
                        configParts[pid].AddValue("sym", child.partName + "_" + child.craftID);
                 * */



            KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] recovered ship added to inventory");

            recoveredVessel = null;

            if (recoveredVesselConfigNode == null)
                KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] recoveredVesselConfigNode is empty");
                // ADJUST PART NODES
                ConfigNode[] partNodes = recoveredVesselConfigNode.GetNodes("PART");
                if (partNodes != null)
                    KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] adjusting parts");
                    foreach (ConfigNode partNode in partNodes)
                        // get values
                        string name_Part = partNode.GetValue("name");
                        string cid = partNode.GetValue("cid");
                        if (cid != null) name_Part = name_Part + "_" + cid;
                        string mir = partNode.GetValue("mirror");
                        string position = partNode.GetValue("position");

                        // set values
                        partNode.SetValue("part", name_Part, true);
                        partNode.SetValue("partName", "Part", true);
                        partNode.SetValue("mir", mir, true);
                        partNode.SetValue("pos", position, true);

                        partNode.SetValue("attPos0", position, true);

                        // remove values
                        recoveredVesselConfigNode.RemoveValues(new string[] {"name", "cid", "uid", "mid"});

                KerbalGUIManager.print("[rusty] recovered ship added to inventory");

            recoveredVessel = null;*/
 private void recoveryDeSpawn(MissionRecoveryDialog d)
     overlay = false;
Esempio n. 20
        void VesselRecoveryProcessing(ProtoVessel v, MissionRecoveryDialog dialog, float score)
            // note:
            // this function accumulate science stored in drives on recovery,
            // and visualize the data in the recovery dialog window

            // do nothing if science system is disabled, or in sandbox mode
            if (!Features.Science || HighLogic.CurrentGame.Mode == Game.Modes.SANDBOX)

            var vesselID = Lib.VesselID(v);

            // get the drive data from DB
            if (!DB.vessels.ContainsKey(vesselID))

            foreach (Drive drive in Drive.GetDrives(v))
                // for each file in the drive
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, File> p in drive.files)
                    // shortcuts
                    string filename = p.Key;
                    File   file     = p.Value;

                    // de-buffer partially transmitted data
                    file.size += file.buff;
                    file.buff  = 0.0;

                    // get subject
                    ScienceSubject subject = ResearchAndDevelopment.GetSubjectByID(filename);

                    // credit science
                    float credits = Science.Credit(filename, file.size, false, v);

                    // create science widged
                    ScienceSubjectWidget widged = ScienceSubjectWidget.Create
                        subject,                              // subject
                        (float)file.size,                     // data gathered
                        credits,                              // science points
                        dialog                                // recovery dialog

                    // add widget to dialog

                    // add science credits to total
                    dialog.scienceEarned += (float)credits;

                // for each sample in the drive
                // for each file in the drive
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Sample> p in drive.samples)
                    // shortcuts
                    string filename = p.Key;
                    Sample sample   = p.Value;

                    // get subject
                    ScienceSubject subject = ResearchAndDevelopment.GetSubjectByID(filename);

                    // credit science
                    float credits = Science.Credit(filename, sample.size, false, v);

                    // create science widged
                    ScienceSubjectWidget widged = ScienceSubjectWidget.Create
                        subject,                              // subject
                        (float)sample.size,                   // data gathered
                        credits,                              // science points
                        dialog                                // recovery dialog

                    // add widget to dialog

                    // add science credits to total
                    dialog.scienceEarned += (float)credits;
Esempio n. 21
 void onVesselRecoveryProcessing(ProtoVessel vessel, MissionRecoveryDialog d, float f)
     Debug.Log (String.Format ("[KS Exp] {0}: {1} {2} {3}",
                               "onVesselRecoveryProcessing", vessel, d, f));
 void OnProcessRecovery(ProtoVessel vessel, MissionRecoveryDialog dialog, float fFloat)
     dRecoveryValue = dialog.fundsEarned;
 void OnProcessRecovery(ProtoVessel vessel, MissionRecoveryDialog dialog, float fFloat)
     if (!disableRemoteRecovery)
         if (MiscUtils.CareerStrategyEnabled(HighLogic.CurrentGame))
             if (DebugMode) Debug.Log("KK: OnProcessRecovery");
             if (vessel == null) return;
             if (dialog == null) return;
             if (DebugMode) Debug.Log("KK: OnProcessRecovery");
             dRecoveryValue = dialog.fundsEarned;
 private void recoverySpawn(MissionRecoveryDialog d)
     overlay = true;