Esempio n. 1
        public static void Miscmenu()
            MiscMenu = VMenu.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("Credits to Fluxy:");
            MiscMenu.Add("GapcloseE", new CheckBox("Gapclose E"));
            MiscMenu.Add("AntiRengar", new CheckBox("Anti Rengar"));
            MiscMenu.Add("AntiPanth", new CheckBox("Anti Pantheon"));
            MiscMenu.Add("fpsdrop", new CheckBox("Anti Fps Drop", false));
            MiscMenu.Add("InterruptE", new CheckBox("Interrupt Spells using E?"));
            MiscMenu.Add("LowLifeE", new CheckBox("Low Life E", false));
            MiscMenu.Add("dangerLevel", new ComboBox("Interrupt E Dangerlevel ", 2, "Low", "Medium", "High"));
            MiscMenu.Add("skinhack", new CheckBox("Activate Skin hack"));
            MiscMenu.Add("skinId", new ComboBox("Skin Hack", 0, "Default", "Vindicator", "Aristocrat", "Dragonslayer", "Heartseeker", "SKT T1", "Arclight", "Vayne Chroma Green", "Vayne Chroma Red", "Vayne Chroma Grey"));
            MiscMenu.Add("autolvl", new CheckBox("Activate Auto level"));
            MiscMenu.Add("autolvls", new ComboBox("Level Mode", 0, "Max W", "Max Q(my style)"));
            MiscMenu.Add("autobuy", new CheckBox("Autobuy Starters"));
            MiscMenu.Add("autobuyt", new CheckBox("Autobuy Trinkets", false));
            switch (MiscMenu["autolvls"].Cast <ComboBox>().CurrentValue)
            case 0:
                Variables.AbilitySequence = new[] { 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1, 4, 1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3 };

            case 1:
                Variables.AbilitySequence = new[] { 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3 };
Esempio n. 2
                static Misc()
                    // Initialize the menu values
                    _fleeE = MiscMenu.Add("fleeE", new CheckBox("Use E when you press the orbwalker key to flee ?"));
                    _stunR = MiscMenu.Add("stunUlt", new CheckBox("Use R when target has some kind of CC (Ex: Stun)?"));
                    _gapE  = MiscMenu.Add("gapE", new CheckBox("Use E to safety when an enemy use a gapcloser spell on you ?"));
                    MiscMenu.AddLabel("Auto Tear Stack Settings");
                    _tearAutoStack      = MiscMenu.Add("tearstackbox", new CheckBox("Use spells to auto stack tear ?"));
                    _minManaToAutoStack = MiscMenu.Add("manaAutoStack",
                                                       new Slider("It will only autostack if mana is greater than ({0}).", 90, 1));

                    MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Settings");
                    _minKsR = MiscMenu.Add("ksminR", new Slider("It will only cast R if the enemie is not in ({0}).", 600, 300, 2000));
                    _maxKsR = MiscMenu.Add("ksmaxR", new Slider("It will only cast R if the enemie is in ({0}).", 1500, 300, 30000));
                    MiscMenu.AddLabel("KS Settings");
                    _ksR          = MiscMenu.Add("ksR", new CheckBox("Use R to KillSteal ?"));
                    _minHealthKsR = MiscMenu.Add("kshealthR",
                                                 new Slider(
                                                     "Overkill R, it will cast the ultimate only if the target`s health is greater than ({0}).",
                                                     150, 0, 650));

                    MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Jungle Steal");
                    _jugSteal = MiscMenu.Add("jungleSteal", new CheckBox("JungleSteal using R ?"));
                    _jugStealBlue   = MiscMenu.Add("junglestealBlue", new CheckBox("JungleSteal Blue ?"));
                    _jugStealRed    = MiscMenu.Add("junglestealRed", new CheckBox("JungleSteal Red ?"));
                    _jugStealDragon = MiscMenu.Add("junglestealDrag", new CheckBox("JungleSteal Dragon ?"));
                    _jugStealBaron  = MiscMenu.Add("junglestealBaron", new CheckBox("JungleSteal Baron ?"));
Esempio n. 3
 static Humanizer()
     _MinDelay = MiscMenu.Add("minDelay", new Slider("最小延迟", 10, 0, 200));
     _MaxDelay = MiscMenu.Add("maxDelay", new Slider("最大延迟", 75, 0, 250));
     _Humanize = MiscMenu.Add("humanize", new CheckBox("开启", false));
Esempio n. 4
 static Misc()
     // Initialize the menu values
     MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Ek Ayarlar");
     _interruptSpell     = MiscMenu.Add("interruptX", new CheckBox("interrupt Büyüleri için E Kullan"));
     _antiGapCloserSpell = MiscMenu.Add("gapcloserX", new CheckBox("antigapcloser Büyüleri için E Kullan"));
Esempio n. 5
 public static void Initialize()
     MiscMenu = MainMenu.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
     MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Misc Options");
     _qAfterAa  = MiscMenu.Add("Misc.QAfterAA", new CheckBox("Use Q after AA", false));
     _debugMode = MiscMenu.Add("Misc.DebugMode", new CheckBox("Debug Mode", false));
Esempio n. 6
 public static void Initialize()
     MiscMenu = MainMenu.AddSubMenu("Ek", "Misc");
     MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Ek Ayarlar");
     _interruptR = MiscMenu.Add("Misc.InterruptR", new CheckBox("Interrupt büyüleri için Otomatik R"));
     _debugMode  = MiscMenu.Add("Misc.DebugMode", new CheckBox("Sıfırla Modu", false));
Esempio n. 7
        public static void Load()
            menuIni = MainMenu.AddMenu("Ekko", "Ekko");
            menuIni.AddGroupLabel("Welcome to the Worst Ekko addon!");

            UltMenu = menuIni.AddSubMenu("Ultimate");
            UltMenu.AddGroupLabel("Ultimate Settings");
            UltMenu.Add("Rsave", new CheckBox("Use R Saver", false));
            UltMenu.Add("Rsaveh", new Slider("R Saver Health", 15, 0, 100));
            UltMenu.Add("RAoe", new CheckBox("Auto R AoE"));
            UltMenu.Add("RAoeh", new Slider("R AoE Hit", 3, 1, 5));
            UltMenu.Add("REscape", new CheckBox("R Escape"));
            UltMenu.Add("REscapeh", new Slider("R Escape On Health", 10, 1, 100));

            ComboMenu = menuIni.AddSubMenu("Combo");
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings");
            ComboMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            ComboMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W No Prediction", false));
            ComboMenu.Add("Wpred", new CheckBox("Use W With Prediction"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Whit", new Slider("W On Hit X Enemies", 1, 1, 5));
            ComboMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Emode", new ComboBox("E Mode", 0, "To Target", "To Mouse"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Rk", new CheckBox("Use R On Killable"));
            ComboMenu.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            ComboMenu.Add("Rhit", new Slider("Use R Hit", 2, 1, 5));

            HarassMenu = menuIni.AddSubMenu("Harass");
            HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Settings");
            HarassMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            HarassMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W", false));
            HarassMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E"));

            LaneMenu = menuIni.AddSubMenu("Lane Clear");
            LaneMenu.AddGroupLabel("LaneClear Settings");
            LaneMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            LaneMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E"));

            JungleMenu = menuIni.AddSubMenu("Jungle Clear");
            JungleMenu.AddGroupLabel("JungleClear Settings");
            JungleMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            JungleMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E"));

            MiscMenu = menuIni.AddSubMenu("Misc");
            MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Misc Settings");
            MiscMenu.Add("Qstacks", new CheckBox("Auto Q On Enemy with 2 Stacks"));

            ManaMenu = menuIni.AddSubMenu("Mana Manager");
            ManaMenu.Add("harassmana", new Slider("Harass Mana %", 75, 0, 100));
            ManaMenu.AddGroupLabel("Lane Clear");
            ManaMenu.Add("lanemana", new Slider("Lane Clear Mana %", 60, 0, 100));

            DrawMenu = menuIni.AddSubMenu("Drawings");
            DrawMenu.AddGroupLabel("Drawing Settings");
            DrawMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Draw Q"));
            DrawMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Draw W"));
            DrawMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Draw E"));
            DrawMenu.Add("R", new CheckBox("Draw R"));
            DrawMenu.Add("debug", new CheckBox("debug", false));
Esempio n. 8
        public static void Miscmenu()
            MiscMenu = YMenu.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            MiscMenu.Add("StackQ", new CheckBox("Stack Q"));
            MiscMenu.Add("InterruptQ", new CheckBox("Use Q3 to Interrupt"));
            MiscMenu.Add("noEturret", new CheckBox("Dont Jump Turret"));
            MiscMenu.AddLabel("1: Q 2: E");
            MiscMenu.Add("autolvl", new CheckBox("Activate Auto level"));
            MiscMenu.Add("autolvls", new Slider("Level Mode", 1, 1, 2));
            switch (MiscMenu["autolvls"].Cast <Slider>().CurrentValue)
            case 1:
                Variables.abilitySequence = new[] { 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 3, 1, 3, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2 };

            case 2:
                Variables.abilitySequence = new[] { 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2 };
            var skin = MiscMenu.Add("sID", new Slider("Skin", 0, 0, 2));
            var sID  = new[] { "Classic", "High-Noon Yasuo", "Project Yasuo" };

            skin.DisplayName = sID[skin.CurrentValue];

            skin.OnValueChange +=
                delegate(ValueBase <int> sender, ValueBase <int> .ValueChangeArgs changeArgs)
                sender.DisplayName = sID[changeArgs.NewValue];
Esempio n. 9
                static Misc()
                    // Initialize the menu values
                    _fleeE = MiscMenu.Add("fleeE", new CheckBox("按逃跑按键时使用E逃跑 ?"));
                    _stunR = MiscMenu.Add("stunUlt", new CheckBox("对无法移动敌方单位使用R (比如: 晕眩)?"));
                    _gapE  = MiscMenu.Add("gapE", new CheckBox("敌方英雄突击时智能E至安全地点 ?"));
                    _tearAutoStack      = MiscMenu.Add("tearstackbox", new CheckBox("使用技能叠加女神 ?"));
                    _minManaToAutoStack = MiscMenu.Add("manaAutoStack",
                                                       new Slider("蓝量高于({0})时才使用自动叠加女神.", 90, 1));

                    MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("R 设置");
                    _minKsR = MiscMenu.Add("ksminR", new Slider("当敌人在({0})最小范围内才使用R.", 600, 300, 2000));
                    _maxKsR = MiscMenu.Add("ksmaxR", new Slider("当敌人在({0})最大范围内才使用R.", 1500, 300, 30000));
                    _ksR          = MiscMenu.Add("ksR", new CheckBox("使用R抢头 ?"));
                    _minHealthKsR = MiscMenu.Add("kshealthR",
                                                 new Slider(
                                                     150, 0, 650));

                    _jugSteal = MiscMenu.Add("jungleSteal", new CheckBox("使用R偷野 ?"));
                    _jugStealBlue   = MiscMenu.Add("junglestealBlue", new CheckBox("使用R偷蓝 ?"));
                    _jugStealRed    = MiscMenu.Add("junglestealRed", new CheckBox("使用R偷红 ?"));
                    _jugStealDragon = MiscMenu.Add("junglestealDrag", new CheckBox("使用R偷龙 ?"));
                    _jugStealBaron  = MiscMenu.Add("junglestealBaron", new CheckBox("使用R偷男爵 ?"));
Esempio n. 10
        public Other()
            : base()
            ModeMenu = PluginMenu.AddSubMenu("Modes", "Modes");
            ModeMenu.Add("Qcombo", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            ModeMenu.Add("Wcombo", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            ModeMenu.Add("Ecombo", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            ModeMenu.Add("Rcombo", new CheckBox("Use R"));

            MiscMenu = PluginMenu.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Key Binds");
            MiscMenu.Add("Special", new KeyBind("Special", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'A'));
            MiscMenu.Add("Insec", new KeyBind("Insec", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'G'));
            MiscMenu.Add("FlashInsec", new CheckBox("->Use Flash Insec"));

            MiscMenu.Add("Gapcloser", new CheckBox("Gapcloser"));
            MiscMenu.Add("Interrupt", new CheckBox("Interrupt"));

            MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Kill Steal");
            MiscMenu.Add("Eks", new CheckBox("E Killsteal"));

            DrawMenu = PluginMenu.AddSubMenu("Drawing", "Drawing");
            DrawMenu.AddGroupLabel("Ability Ranges");
            DrawMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Draw Q"));
            DrawMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Draw W"));
            DrawMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Draw E"));
            DrawMenu.Add("R", new CheckBox("Draw R"));

            Gapcloser.OnGapcloser            += OnGapCloser;
            Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += OnInterruptableSpell;
Esempio n. 11
 static Misc()
     // Initialize the menu values
     _interruptSpell     = MiscMenu.Add("interruptX", new CheckBox("Use E to interrupt spells"));
     _antiGapCloserSpell = MiscMenu.Add("gapcloserX", new CheckBox("Use E to antigapcloser spells"));
Esempio n. 12
 public static void Initialize()
     MiscMenu = MainMenu.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
     MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Misc Options");
     _interruptR = MiscMenu.Add("Misc.InterruptR", new CheckBox("Auto R to Interrupt Spells"));
     _debugMode  = MiscMenu.Add("Misc.DebugMode", new CheckBox("Debug Mode", false));
Esempio n. 13
 static Humanizer()
     _MinDelay = MiscMenu.Add("minDelay", new Slider("Minimum Delay", 10, 0, 200));
     _MaxDelay = MiscMenu.Add("maxDelay", new Slider("Maximum Delay", 75, 0, 250));
     _Humanize = MiscMenu.Add("humanize", new CheckBox("Humanize", false));
Esempio n. 14
        public static void Initialize()
            FarofakidsNautilusMenu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Farofakids Nautilus", "Farofakids-Nautilus");
            FarofakidsNautilusMenu.AddGroupLabel("Farofakids Nautilus");
            FarofakidsNautilusMenu.Add("URFMODE", new CheckBox("URF MODE: EVER W AND E"));

            // Combo Menu
            ComboMenu = FarofakidsNautilusMenu.AddSubMenu("Combo Features", "ComboFeatures");
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Features");
            ComboMenu.Add("UseQCombo", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            ComboMenu.Add("UseWCombo", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            ComboMenu.Add("UseECombo", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            ComboMenu.Add("UseRCombo", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            if (EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Count > 0)
                ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Q Settings: Use ON:");
                var addedChamps = new List <string>();
                foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Where(enemy => !addedChamps.Contains(enemy.ChampionName)))
                    ComboMenu.Add("UseQ_On" + enemy.ChampionName, new CheckBox(string.Format("{0} ({1})", enemy.ChampionName, enemy.Name)));
            if (EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Count > 0)
                ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Settings: Use ON:");
                var addedChamps = new List <string>();
                foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Where(enemy => !addedChamps.Contains(enemy.ChampionName)))
                    ComboMenu.Add("UseR_On" + enemy.ChampionName, new CheckBox(string.Format("{0} ({1})", enemy.ChampionName, enemy.Name)));

            // Harass Menu
            HarassMenu = FarofakidsNautilusMenu.AddSubMenu("Harass Features", "HarassFeatures");
            HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Features");
            HarassMenu.Add("UseQHarass", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            HarassMenu.Add("UseWHarass", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            HarassMenu.Add("UseEHarass", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            HarassMenu.Add("HarassMana", new Slider("Mana Limiter at Mana %", 40));

            // Drawing Menu
            DrawingMenu = FarofakidsNautilusMenu.AddSubMenu("Drawing Features", "DrawingFeatures");
            DrawingMenu.AddGroupLabel("Drawing Features");
            DrawingMenu.Add("QRange", new CheckBox("Q range", false));
            DrawingMenu.Add("WRange", new CheckBox("W range", false));
            DrawingMenu.Add("ERange", new CheckBox("E range", false));
            DrawingMenu.Add("RRange", new CheckBox("R range", false));

            // Setting Menu
            MiscMenu = FarofakidsNautilusMenu.AddSubMenu("Settings", "Settings");
            MiscMenu.Add("InterruptSpells", new CheckBox("Interrupt spells"));
Esempio n. 15
 private static void Miscmenu()
     MiscMenu = VMenu.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
     MiscMenu.Add("KSQ", new CheckBox("KillSteal Q"));
     MiscMenu.Add("KSE", new CheckBox("KillSteal E"));
     MiscMenu.Add("KSR", new CheckBox("KillSteal R"));
Esempio n. 16
 private static void Miscmenu()
     MiscMenu = VMenu.AddSubMenu("Kill Çalma ", "Misc");
     MiscMenu.Add("KSQ", new CheckBox("Q ile KillÇal"));
     MiscMenu.Add("KSE", new CheckBox("E ile KillÇal"));
     MiscMenu.Add("KSR", new CheckBox("R ile KillÇal"));
Esempio n. 17
 public static void Initialize()
     MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Kill Çalma");
     _e      = MiscMenu.Add("KillSteal.E", new CheckBox("Kullan E"));
     _r      = MiscMenu.Add("KillSteal.R", new CheckBox("Kullan R"));
     _ignite = MiscMenu.Add("KillSteal.Ignite", new CheckBox("Kullan Tutuştur"));
     _smite  = MiscMenu.Add("KillSteal.Smite", new CheckBox("Kullan Çarp"));
Esempio n. 18
 public static void Initialize()
     MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Kill Steal");
     _e      = MiscMenu.Add("KillSteal.E", new CheckBox("Use E"));
     _r      = MiscMenu.Add("KillSteal.R", new CheckBox("Use R"));
     _ignite = MiscMenu.Add("KillSteal.Ignite", new CheckBox("Use Ignite"));
     _smite  = MiscMenu.Add("KillSteal.Smite", new CheckBox("Use Smite"));
Esempio n. 19
 static Misc()
     // Initialize the menu values
     _interruptSpell     = MiscMenu.Add("interruptX", new CheckBox("Use X to interrupt spells ?"));
     _antiGapCloserSpell = MiscMenu.Add("gapcloserX", new CheckBox("Use X to antigapcloser spells ?"));
     _miscMana           = MiscMenu.Add("miscMana", new Slider("Min mana to use gapcloser/interrupt spells ?", 20));
Esempio n. 20
        private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args)
            if (Player.Instance.Hero != Champion.Jinx)

            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("UB Zinx", "UBZinx");
            Menu.AddGroupLabel("UB Zinx");
            Menu.AddLabel("Made by UB");

            ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo", "ComboZinx");
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings");
            ComboMenu.Add("useQCombo", new CheckBox("Dùng Q"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useQSplash", new CheckBox("Đổi Q trong combo"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useWCombo", new CheckBox("Dùng W"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useECombo", new CheckBox("Dùng E"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useRCombo", new CheckBox("Dùng R"));

            HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass", "HarassZinx");
            HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Cài đặt Cấu máu");
            HarassMenu.Add("useQHarass", new CheckBox("Dùng Q"));
            HarassMenu.Add("useWHarass", new CheckBox("Dùng W"));

            FarmMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Farm", "FarmZinx");
            FarmMenu.AddGroupLabel("Farm Settings");
            FarmMenu.Add("useQFarm", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            FarmMenu.Add("disableRocketsWC", new CheckBox("Không dùng tên lửa (Chỉ dùng súng nhỏ)", false));
            FarmMenu.AddLabel("Last Hit");
            FarmMenu.Add("disableRocketsLH", new CheckBox("Không dùng tên lửa"));

            MiscMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc", "MiscMenuZinx");
            MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Misc Settings");
            MiscMenu.Add("gapcloser", new CheckBox("Dùng E để chống Gapcloser"));
            MiscMenu.Add("interruptor", new CheckBox("Interruptor E"));
            MiscMenu.Add("CCE", new CheckBox("E trên CC của đồng minh"));

            KillStealMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("KillSteal", "KillStealZinx");
            KillStealMenu.Add("useQKS", new CheckBox("Dùng Rocket để KS"));
            KillStealMenu.Add("useWKS", new CheckBox("Dùng W để KS"));
            KillStealMenu.Add("useRKS", new CheckBox("Dùng R để KS"));

            DrawMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Drawing Settings");
            DrawMenu.AddGroupLabel("Drawing Settings");
            DrawMenu.Add("drawRange", new CheckBox("Draw Tầm tấn công của súng khác", false));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawW", new CheckBox("Draw W", false));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawE", new CheckBox("Draw E", false));

            Game.OnTick                      += Game_OnTick;
            Gapcloser.OnGapcloser            += Events.Gapcloser_OnGapCloser;
            Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += Interrupter_OnInterruptableSpell;
            Drawing.OnDraw                   += Drawing_OnDraw;
Esempio n. 21
        public Jayce()
            : base()
            Qcharge = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 1650, SkillShotType.Linear, 25, 1600, 70);
            Q       = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.Q, 600);
            W       = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W, 285);
            E       = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.E, 240);
            Q2      = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 1030, SkillShotType.Linear, 25, 1200, 70)
                MinimumHitChance = HitChance.High,
            W2 = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W);
            E2 = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 650, SkillShotType.Circular, 1, int.MaxValue, 120);
            R  = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.R);

            ModeMenu = PluginMenu.AddSubMenu("Modes", "Modes");
            ModeMenu.Add("Qcombo", new CheckBox("Kullan Q Çekic"));
            ModeMenu.Add("Q2combo", new CheckBox("Kullan Q Top"));
            ModeMenu.Add("Wcombo", new CheckBox("Kullan W Çekic"));
            ModeMenu.Add("W2combo", new CheckBox("Kullan W Top"));
            ModeMenu.Add("Ecombo", new CheckBox("Kullan E Çekic"));
            ModeMenu.Add("QEcombo", new CheckBox("Kullan QE Top"));
            ModeMenu.Add("Rcombo", new CheckBox("Formu Değiştir(R)"));

            ModeMenu.Add("Q2harass", new CheckBox("Kullan Q Top"));
            ModeMenu.Add("W2harass", new CheckBox("Kullan W Top"));
            ModeMenu.Add("QEharass", new CheckBox("Kullan QE Top"));

            MiscMenu = PluginMenu.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Key Binds");
            MiscMenu.Add("Quickscope", new KeyBind("Quickscope", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'A'));
            MiscMenu.Add("Insec", new KeyBind("Insec", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'G'));
            MiscMenu.Add("FlashInsec", new CheckBox("->Flash insec"));

            MiscMenu.Add("Gapcloser", new CheckBox("Kullan E  Gapcloser"));
            MiscMenu.Add("Interrupt", new CheckBox("Kullan E  Interrupt"));
            MiscMenu.Add("GateMode", new ComboBox("QE Mode", 0, "Vertical Fast", "Horizontal Fast", "Horizontal Slow"));
            MiscMenu.Add("GateDistance", new Slider("E mesafesi", 60, 60, 100));

            MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Kill Steal");
            MiscMenu.Add("QEks", new CheckBox("QE Killçalma"));

            DrawMenu = PluginMenu.AddSubMenu("Drawing", "Drawing");
            DrawMenu.AddGroupLabel("Büyü Menzilleri");
            DrawMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Göster Q Çekic"));
            DrawMenu.Add("Q2", new CheckBox("Göster Q Top"));
            DrawMenu.Add("Qcharge", new CheckBox("Göster QE Top"));

            DrawMenu.Add("Drawcds", new CheckBox("Göster Bekleme Süreleri"));

            Gapcloser.OnGapcloser            += OnGapCloser;
            Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += OnInterruptableSpell;
Esempio n. 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the menu
 /// </summary>
 public override void InitializeMenu()
     FirstMenuName = "Name of the addon";
     //There are a bunch of examples on how to create checkboxes and sliders really easy
     //Obs: You can use the MenuIds(Preset) or Ints as a uniqueID
     ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("-:Combo Spells:-");
     ComboMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use Q", MenuIds.ComboUseQ);
     ComboMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use W", MenuIds.ComboUseW);
     ComboMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use E", MenuIds.ComboUseE);
     ComboMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use R", 8);
     HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("-:Harass Spells:-");
     HarassMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use Q", MenuIds.HarassUseQ);
     HarassMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use W", MenuIds.HarassUseW);
     HarassMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use E", MenuIds.HarassUseE);
     HarassMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use R", MenuIds.HarassUseR);
     HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("-:Harass Settings:-");
     HarassMenu.CreateSlider("It will use harass spells only if mana is greater than ({0}%)", MenuIds.HarassMana);
     HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("-:AutoHarass Spells:-");
     HarassMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use Q", MenuIds.AutoHarassUseQ);
     HarassMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use W", MenuIds.AutoHarassUseW);
     HarassMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use E", MenuIds.AutoHarassUseE);
     HarassMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use R", MenuIds.AutoHarassUseR);
     HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("-:AutoHarass Settings:-");
     HarassMenu.CreateSlider("It will use harass spells only if mana is greater than ({0}%)", MenuIds.AutoHarassMana);
     LaneClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("-:Laneclear Spells:-");
     LaneClearMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use Q", 9);
     LaneClearMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use W", 10);
     LaneClearMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use E", 11);
     LaneClearMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use R", 12);
     LaneClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("-:Laneclear Settings:-");
     LaneClearMenu.CreateSlider("It will use laneclear spells only if mana is greater than ({0}%)", 30);
     LastHitMenu.AddGroupLabel("-:Lasthit Spells:-");
     LastHitMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use Q", 13);
     LastHitMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use W", 14);
     LastHitMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use E", 15);
     LastHitMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use R", 16);
     LastHitMenu.AddGroupLabel("-:Lasthit Settings:-");
     LastHitMenu.CreateSlider("It will use lasthit spells only if mana is greater than ({0}%)", 30);
     FleeMenu.AddGroupLabel("-:Flee Spells:-");
     FleeMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use Q", MenuIds.FleeUseQ);
     FleeMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use W", MenuIds.FleeUseW);
     FleeMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use E", MenuIds.FleeUseE);
     FleeMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use R", MenuIds.FleeUseR);
     FleeMenu.AddGroupLabel("-:Flee Settings:-");
     FleeMenu.CreateSlider("It will use flee spells only if mana is greater than ({0}%)", 30);
     MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("-:Misc Spells:-");
     MiscMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use X on gapclosers spells", MenuIds.MiscUseGapcloser);
     MiscMenu.CreateCheckBox("- Use X on interruptables spells", MenuIds.MiscUseInterrupt);
     MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("-:Misc Settings:-");
     MiscMenu.CreateSlider("It will use misc spells only if mana is greater than ({0}%)", 30);
Esempio n. 23
                static Misc()

                    _AutoQGapCloser     = MiscMenu.Add("AutoQGapCloser", new CheckBox("Auto Q-Stun On Gapcloser"));
                    _AutoQInterruptible = MiscMenu.Add("AutoQInterruptible", new CheckBox("Auto Q-Stun On Interruptible"));
                    _AutoRObjectives    = MiscMenu.Add("AutoRObjectives", new CheckBox("Auto Ult Steal Objectives"));
                    _REnemiesHit        = MiscMenu.Add("REnemiesHit", new Slider("Min Enemies Hit With Ult", 1, 1, EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Count));
Esempio n. 24
                static Misc()
                    _QCollision         = MiscMenu.Add("QCollision", new Slider("QCollision: Always Q At Enemy", 0, 0, 1));
                    _ChangeNames        = MiscMenu.Add("ChangeNames", new CheckBox("Change Hero Names (Experimental)", false));
                    _AutoWGapCloser     = MiscMenu.Add("AutoWGapCloser", new CheckBox("Auto Root On Gapcloser"));
                    _AutoWInterruptible = MiscMenu.Add("AutoWInterruptible", new CheckBox("Auto Root On Interruptible"));

                    _QCollision.OnValueChange += delegate(ValueBase <int> sender, ValueBase <int> .ValueChangeArgs args)
                        switch (args.NewValue)
                        case 0:
                            _QCollision.DisplayName = "QCollision: Always Q At Enemy";

                        case 1:
                            _QCollision.DisplayName = "QCollision: Only Q If No Collision";
                    _ChangeNames.OnValueChange += delegate(ValueBase <bool> sender, ValueBase <bool> .ValueChangeArgs args)
                        if (args.NewValue == false)
                            foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies)
                                enemy.Name =
                                        EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.OrderBy(x => x.NetworkId)
                            foreach (var ally in EntityManager.Heroes.Allies)
                                ally.Name =
                                        EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.OrderBy(x => x.NetworkId)
                            foreach (var enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies)
                                enemy.Name = "Combo Me Pls";
                            foreach (var ally in EntityManager.Heroes.Allies)
                                ally.Name = "Don't Let Me KS";
                            Player.Instance.Name = "Best Rice EB";
 private static void Miscmenu()
     MiscMenu = VMenu.AddSubMenu("Çeşitli", "Misc");
     MiscMenu.Add("GapcloseQ", new CheckBox("Gapclose Q"));
     MiscMenu.Add("GapcloseE", new CheckBox("Gapclose E"));
     MiscMenu.Add("InterruptE", new CheckBox("E kesintisi"));
     MiscMenu.Add("LowLifeE", new CheckBox("Az canlı hedefe E", false));
     MiscMenu.Add("LowLifeES", new Slider("Adamın canı kaç iken E atılsın öldürmek için. =>", 20));
Esempio n. 26
 private static void Miscmenu()
     MiscMenu = VMenu.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
     MiscMenu.Add("GapcloseQ", new CheckBox("Gapclose Q"));
     MiscMenu.Add("GapcloseE", new CheckBox("Gapclose E"));
     MiscMenu.Add("InterruptE", new CheckBox("Interrupt E"));
     MiscMenu.Add("LowLifeE", new CheckBox("Low Life E", false));
     MiscMenu.Add("LowLifeES", new Slider("Low Life E if =>", 20));
Esempio n. 27
 static Misc()
     // Initialize the menu values
     _interruptSpell = MiscMenu.Add("interruptQ", new CheckBox("Use Q to interrupt spells ?"));
     _antiGapCloserSpell = MiscMenu.Add("gapcloserE", new CheckBox("Use E to antigapcloser spells ?"));
     MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("W Settings");
     _WHealSlider = MiscMenu.Add("wHealmisc", new Slider("Switch W to heal when healt is less than ({0})", 35));
     _WDamageSlider = MiscMenu.Add("wDmgmisc", new Slider("Switch W to damage when healt is greater than ({0})", 75));
Esempio n. 28
 static Misc()
     // Initialize the menu values
     _interruptSpell     = MiscMenu.Add("interruptE", new CheckBox("Use E to interrupt spells ?"));
     _antiGapCloserSpell = MiscMenu.Add("gapcloserE", new CheckBox("Use E to antigapcloser spells ?"));
     _miscMana           = MiscMenu.Add("miscMana", new Slider("Min mana to use gapcloser/interrupt spells ?", 20));
     MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("KillSteal Settings");
     _QWKillsteal = MiscMenu.Add("QWkillsteal", new CheckBox("Use Q+W to KS ?"));
     _ksMana      = MiscMenu.Add("miscMana", new Slider("Min mana to use KillSteal spells ?", 10));
Esempio n. 29
                static Misc()

                    _AutoEGapCloser     = MiscMenu.Add("AutoEGapCloser", new CheckBox("Auto Q-Stun On Gapcloser"));
                    _AutoEInterruptible = MiscMenu.Add(
                        new CheckBox("Auto Q-Stun On Interruptible"));

                    _AutoQ2Enemy = MiscMenu.Add("AutoQ2Enemy", new CheckBox("Auto Q2 Before Enemy Walks Out"));
Esempio n. 30
 static Misc()
     // Initialize the menu values
     _interruptSpell     = MiscMenu.Add("interruptQE", new CheckBox("Use QE to interrupt spells ?"));
     _antiGapCloserSpell = MiscMenu.Add("gapcloserQE", new CheckBox("Use QE to antigapcloser spells ?"));
     _miscMana           = MiscMenu.Add("miscMana", new Slider("Min mana to use gapcloser/interrupt spells ?", 20));
     MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("R KS Settings");
     _useRToKS  = MiscMenu.Add("useRtoKS", new CheckBox("Use R to kill steal ?"));
     _overKillR = MiscMenu.Add("overkillR", new Slider("Target`s health must be greater than ({0}) to use R.", 150, 1, 800));